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Member Since 22 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2024 16:44

#1005097 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by PointyHair on 09 September 2021 - 03:34

I never really understood why there are low level pots in the loyalty section, I just assume
that the cows know how many get bought and therefore they must be worth it to someone for
some reason.

I'm all for these upgrades. As Lou mentioned, now that the DC's have been nerfed there is no
issue introducing higher level Distils. I think the people saying that it's "game breaking"
are probably just resisting change. Same for the levelling pots. I think it will be great to
finally have things worth buying from the loyalty section. Again, the cows probably are fully
aware of how many tokens people are sitting on. I think Allegiance Tokens should be
a big deal and you should get really useful things for your commitment.

Levellers with large stam banks have been crying out for higher level doublers for years.
Not only will they reduce the time we spend hunting, they will reduce load on the servers.

I agree that the Arterial Strike one is a bit odd. It's usefulness is such an edge case. But
it would mitigate against 2% miss if you are not suicide hunting. Given the current lack of
gold I imagine that more people are collecting gold from their hunts. There are AS pots
floating around from the caves if memory serves so clearly someone is using them.
Theoretically it might enable multi-hit setups. You'd still use the same number of swings,
just less combats. Not sure you could pull that off for an entire hunt though and who wants
to be changing gear midway through a hunt? If multi-hitting becomes viable it would also
reduce load on the servers. Anyway I don't consider this "game breaking", just adding

I think it's fair to say that the arena needs some love. No doubt the cows have that in hand
for the future. I wouldn't expect these changes to have too much effect on arena pot sales.
They are expensive enough that most people are going to have to think twice before using
them. There can't be that many players that can splurge on these type of pots with impunity.

I have the impression from recent updates that the cows are trying to make levelling
harder. It's entirely possible that at some point in the future we might need these pots.

#1004946 Fallen Sword Update 3.4 Live!

Posted by PointyHair on 29 August 2021 - 07:34

FSH is updated for new PvP ranges and Dark Curse.

#1004515 Arena Update & Bug Fixes.

Posted by PointyHair on 17 July 2021 - 23:57

What do you mean AM is no longer instant? It's possible to kill faster than AM can activate itself?



“Creature does not exist or was killed by another player.” But, it’s actually still there. I noticed this as well smashing 1,2,3,r too quickly for DQs.


ya this^

#1004511 Arena Update & Bug Fixes.

Posted by PointyHair on 17 July 2021 - 20:13

I suspect it has something to do with load or latency on the database due to the caching layer, similar to why we get timeouts when the ladder resets and why AM is no longer instant.

#1004480 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by PointyHair on 12 July 2021 - 13:58

The group stats page has been wrong ever since this change, both App and browser.

#1004281 Arena Update & Bug Fixes.

Posted by PointyHair on 26 June 2021 - 09:36

  • Log History Filter buttons now work correctly.

When I click on "log" I assume I am seeing the "All" filter, it has all the notification types. If I then click on ">" to move to page 2 the embedded URL has "&type=Array" hard coded in it, this looks like a bug. This leads to page 2 of the notifications filter which should be "&type=0". So paging doesn't work properly.


The "All" button has "&type=-1" hardcoded, this also appears to be a bug. Either the server needs to handle -1 or the button should not have a "type" at all.


The reason I found this was because I was missing some notifications and I thought it was a bug in FSH to begin with.

I need to know if this is going to be fixed in the coming week or if I should write a fix into FSH?

#1004269 FSH 15.24.2 Build - Lazy Loading

Posted by PointyHair on 25 June 2021 - 19:55

PvP Opt-in on Ladder Page #185 - (insaner6)

Lusterless with a little help from me. There is a new option in prefs:


Which gives:


#1004013 Possible Relic Alterations

Posted by PointyHair on 10 June 2021 - 10:41

The vocal minority getting their way again is it? What "feedback" are you supposedly responding to?

"my tiny disorganised guild should get the same perks as the larger/older guilds that have worked hard for years to get where they are!"

As far as I can tell, you are saying that instead of working hard on teamwork and building something together, players can just whine until they get what they want. oh wait...

This is going to cause huge problems for the quiet majority. If you are going to make fundamental changes to game balance like this then we will need a way to relinquish our relics.

#1003922 UFSG Missing Items

Posted by PointyHair on 28 May 2021 - 15:35

and set enhancements please ;)

#1003811 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.7)

Posted by PointyHair on 07 May 2021 - 15:02

HUD is out of sync

Restarting in x seconds


Can you stop this from happening so often please?

#1003174 Composing Update (v3.0.0)

Posted by PointyHair on 22 March 2021 - 19:19


Ummm.....entire game is broken down!!  Cant even recall from guild members backpacks....


Client requires an update


That's an FSH function. Vast swathes of FSH are broken at this point. You might want to consider turning it off.

#1002974 FSH 15.24.2 Build - Lazy Loading

Posted by PointyHair on 17 February 2021 - 16:09

Hotkeys for killing champs #184 - (Pardoux)


Lusterless has very kindly contributed code to enable killing champions with hot keys.

In order to activate the functionality you need to hold down Ctrl-Shift.

#1001632 FSH 15.24.2 Build - Lazy Loading

Posted by PointyHair on 01 October 2020 - 15:08

documentation is here



It hasn't been updated in a very long time. Most of it should hold up though I think.

#1000682 New Content! 4,401 - 4,450!

Posted by PointyHair on 22 June 2020 - 07:22

Any chance of getting the Guide updated please?

#1000673 Small change on buffs appearance (Visual)

Posted by PointyHair on 20 June 2020 - 10:36

new pref



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