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Member Since 28 May 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 13 2023 14:54

#997400 100 FSP avatar contest!!!

Posted by SlntScream on 13 June 2019 - 19:27


#989607 Anyone remember me? / Some words of encouragement

Posted by grunty07 on 23 January 2018 - 04:59

Hey y'all! It's been 7-8 years since I've been on this forum and I happened to remember it while having a conversation with someone, so I decided to check back on it!


Around 2009-2010, I was pretty active on here as grunty07. At least looking back at old threads that somehow still exist, a lot of people knew me haha. Not sure if any of you from back then are still on here, but if you are, hi!


I decided to make this post to say that this forum was my first exposure to graphic design and truly a huge stepping stone in my life. I was a lil kid back when I was on here, and I taught myself Photoshop because of this forum. I'm almost done with college now. My parents pushed me to pursue a career in science for several years, but now I've realized that one of my passions has always been graphic design. Since I left this forum, I've been designing things at school like apparel, banners, logos, Snapchat geotags, etc. Last summer I designed a ton of things for clients while interning with a startup. I started out designing things for fun, and now I've gotten the opportunity to design as a potential career.


I honestly have only this forum to credit for sparking my interest in design. To everyone here, especially if any of you were here when I was, thanks for being part of the community! Don't be afraid to cultivate your interests. Keep creating! Life can happen in the wildest ways.


- grunty

#985040 GGT - Grand Graphics Tournament - ROUND FOUR! <3 Deadline 6PM Sunday...

Posted by RedFinn on 12 September 2017 - 18:35

There was one that stood out, pretty much struggled to find anything else to vote :( but i did. I expected more, based on previous rounds

#984661 GGT - Grand Graphics Tournament - ROUND ONE! <3 Deadline 6pm Monday A...

Posted by Something Vulgar on 30 August 2017 - 03:34

We should auction the pieces off to whoever wants them at the end of the round, add it to the pot :)
Round 1 auction and what not

#984603 GGT - Grand Graphics Tournament - ROUND TWO! <3 Deadline 10pm SUNDAY...

Posted by Shadow19231 on 28 August 2017 - 19:19

Hey guys, Loving this competition. I don't really have any technical input to pass along to the artists, but i wanted to say great work to all of them!

#984625 GGT - Grand Graphics Tournament - ROUND TWO! <3 Deadline 10pm SUNDAY...

Posted by Josh1404 on 29 August 2017 - 07:33

My first choice is signature #3. From the overall finish of the sig, it seems to have a great deal of quality to my eye. From everything to the text to the well-chosen lighting. 


My second choice is signature #1. That speaks to me. That is my style of art captured. Dark and gruesome. Love it but it doesn't feel as much as a quality finish as my first choice thus it is my second.


My third choice is signature #4. Overall quality is lesser than my first two choices but I like the chosen words written on the piece. That's enough to get my third choice.


Again apologies for the lack of decent feedback. I am no artist unlike you people so it's tougher for me to explain why I like art over other art. :P


Can't wait for round #3. :)

#982262 Hello :) *Free graphics*

Posted by DomCorvis on 04 July 2017 - 03:09

Omg thank you so much LP!!!

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