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#968721 Possible improvement for daily quests

Posted by Morgwyn on 13 September 2016 - 10:35

BG, I think he is trying to say that it makes no sense to offer a DQ to a level 179 player that requires killing a level 300+ critter. Same like needing to kill a titan when being only level 25 when being level 50. He is suggesting that such quest are being filtered out.

It would make no sense not filtering if the point of the DQ is to give us something extra to do. And sure, there is no biggy in skipping a DQ every now and then, but if we feel we need to skip them to often, then what is the point of the DQ?


Not arguing here, just trying to clarify teeboyz point, cause I do feel it has some merrit. 

#968663 Game Update 2.9 - Daily Quests!

Posted by Morgwyn on 12 September 2016 - 13:14

I thought Titan Doubler was implemented to speed up Titan Hunting, thus lowering their HP faster. Result of that is that TKP gain went up as a counter effect.

With that reasoning, it would not be strange if it would count during a DQ. Not saying that it should, but it could.  :P

#968601 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Morgwyn on 10 September 2016 - 21:31

Just a few questions before I spent more thought on it. Why should there an option to skip? Why pvp if you are not prepared to loose? What skill is involved then if you can skip the hard ones?

Just pay 50K until a Win Button presents itself by the system?

Wouldn't this whole proposed event then just not depend on who can spent most time behind their computer to get the most points?

#968508 Game Update 2.9 - Daily Quests!

Posted by Morgwyn on 09 September 2016 - 21:25

Thanks for clearing that up Hoof, thus, the goal is to increase activity.


Some thoughts then:

Say a quest needs 100 stamina to complete, and the reward is 50, wouldn't that mean less activity in the long run? In other words, shouldn't the effort vs reward at least break even? 

If the goal is to create more activity it would actually be better to reward it a tiny bit more than the effort? More stamina left over after the daily, will in fact increase activity once the daily is done.

Not talking big rewards here, let that be clear.


And thanks again for taking the time to answer my direct question in my previous post!

#968462 Possible improvement for daily quests

Posted by Morgwyn on 09 September 2016 - 15:49

Not entirely true. You get another tick to the medal. This might not seem like much until you remember that medals impact the Pride buff.

Yes you can skip them.


Sorry, I have never used the pride buff, nor see I any use for it, my potions are lasting long enough already.

Most new players/small stam bank players do not have use for the pride buff, as the potions they use last long enough to burn their amount of stamina.


Instead of quoting a small line from me and take it out of context, I'd much rather have the question answered.

What is HCS intend with the dailies?

Is it meant to be a stam sink, or play encouragement? If it is the first, then I think you made an awful bad decision, you can use the stam sink concept for the competitive dailies that were to be implemented later on.

#968362 Possible improvement for daily quests

Posted by Morgwyn on 08 September 2016 - 20:23

Sorry for the double post but didn't see this comment before my first. When has anyone done a quest and 'broke even"? It should cost you something to go for a reward you want. Yeah, sometimes the rewards are worth the cost, sometimes they are laughable. You get to chose which works for you, which is how the daily quests are set up. Now we're asking for it to cost nothing to get the reward?  There should be a cost, whatever it happens to be. The daily quests are an addition to the game, to give people another avenue of how to spend their time and stam. Not some freebie give away done by the cows to keep us logged in.  Pvp, arena, ladder, bh'ing, titans, composing, hunting, etc are all part of someones normal game play. The daily quests are just another thing for us to decide whether we want to participate in or not.


If it costs you 100 stamina to complete, and you gain 50 stamina once you have done it, then technically there is no reward. ;)


Among others I spent a lot of time on this forum to promote the daily quests, because I feel they are imperative to keep new players, which is what this game desperately needs. You are not going to keep those players by presenting daily quests that do not reward.


Sure we can skip them if we do not like them. But that was not the point! The dailies were not meant as a stam sink! They were meant to encourage players to keep logging on!

#968351 List of sites giving away Booster Pack promo codes...

Posted by Morgwyn on 08 September 2016 - 19:15

I hope HCS decides to give all new players a booster pack by default be it at level 1 or as a bonus at level 100.

I have been searching quite thouroughly and I do not think there are any left out there. And I did not limit myself to google. :)

#968350 Possible improvement for daily quests

Posted by Morgwyn on 08 September 2016 - 19:09

If your post is a slight at me then let me reply.


Firstly, I wish that players be informed before spouting guff all over the forums.


As for struggling with the game at low levels, nope, I have to say I have never struggled with the "game" no matter what level. I did/do struggle with some of the eejits playing it though.


Secondly, you do realise that increasing the reward would further alienate those that may or may not struggle to complete the daily quests? We, as so called, high level players can complete these quests at a whim it appears, therefore increasing the rewards would benefit high level players the most. Not sure that is fair, do you?


And lastly, none of the Daily Quests are mandatory, must be done, on pain of death, as far as I can see. You can choose which ones to do. If you feel a quest is more trouble than it is worth then don't do it. Simple choice mate.






I think you can imagine any player be it high or low that sees a daily quest, feels some urge in wanting to complete it.

So, sure they are not mandatory, but many will feel an urge to do them.


As for the reward, I personally feel you should break even at least. It is something aside of your regular activities, an extra thing to keep you logged on a bit longer, and to keep you logging in each day. It should not hamper/get in the way of your usual gameplay.


But to come back at teeboyzz point about titans, the lower levels do not have that many titans to kill, a player below 60 does not have any, thus I hope those do not get that quest. As for players above level 100, they can probably kill the elemental titan, but if you done the quest to get the air jav, then how much fun is that, for the others you at least get some TKP. Plus At level 100... you still have to be lucky one has spawned in your play time frame so you can do the quest.

#968261 Zorgrom vs Shroud IV

Posted by Morgwyn on 07 September 2016 - 14:41

No. From 1800+. The new creatures are not in the Guide yet.

Are you sure BG? 

Zorgrom Back Stabba (Legendary) - Level 1650+ is not in the Guide either.

#968139 Game Update 2.9 - Daily Quests!

Posted by Morgwyn on 05 September 2016 - 07:49

If everyone got back the stamina they used to do the Daily. Why have them do it at all. Why not just give them a Medal for just clicking on the button.

I was under the impression that these were going to be added as something extra.

A lot of you are looking for something to replace or in exchange of what you can normally do. This is not it. The rewards are exactly what they need to be.

If you want to be rewarded for really doing something. Don't do the Daily Quest.

Wait for the Daily Events.

I mean, seriously you all want everything handed to you. What's the point of even playing anymore


When this idea was suggested by the community, there was a different idea behind the rewards. Just small things to help you further, and encourage playing. It was not suggested for an extra medal and not for an event system. Those are things HCS added to it.

Simply said, if you need to do a daily that costs 100 stamina, and you get 80 back, then it is not helping you, if you get back 120, then it does help. 

Getting a bit more out of it helps activity/gameplay, while getting less will actually do the opposite!

Many will skip dailies now if it will hamper them achieving their goals, while instead it should be helping them. (at least a tiny bit, no big rewards).

Not everybody is interested in pointless medals.

#967767 Training dummy

Posted by Morgwyn on 31 August 2016 - 07:17

Could be fun, but it I think you either have to have level ranges, or the critter should auto adjust it stats for the level of the person hitting it. 

#967766 Daily Quest Rewards

Posted by Morgwyn on 31 August 2016 - 07:12

Neh, to me this does not make sense, reward vs effort should be equal for all players. 

Besides, even if something like this would happen, it would be far easier to reward fsp for the dailies.

#967575 Daily Events

Posted by Morgwyn on 27 August 2016 - 17:43

I'm loving all this speculation about what if THIS, or what if THAT ?


Perhaps Hoof has more smarts than we're giving him credit for ? - Perhaps the Daily Events / Quests will use no more stamina that a rookie player can regenerate in 24 hrs ?


All that said (above), players have a CHOICE to upgrade their base stamina - it doesn't always need to be paying real money for it - and, let's be honest, why should (trying to think of a suitable example here) the dole bludger (who's happy to sit on his ass and get something for nothing, without ever having to work for it) get the same "quality of life" as someone who's busted their gut to better themselves ?


Agreed on at a 100%, though I do want to make a few comments here. Those that have upgraded already have advantages in many other parts of the game. Not saying they should not have an advantage here, but as I have expressed many times before, this game needs fresh blood. If new players have a chance in these competitive daily quests there is more chance of them sticking around. 

#967512 Daily Events

Posted by Morgwyn on 25 August 2016 - 20:18

I am just going to repeat myself that the most important thing about daily events, is having something to do every day. And I am refering to the non-competitive part here. That part is way more important for the game than the competitive part.  

The competitive part has a big chance of seeing the same players (rotating) in the top list in a certain time frame. It will be interesting to see how HCS will solve that. But as I said, the other part is far more interesting as it helps tying players to the game - if implemented correctly.

#966134 Daily Events

Posted by Morgwyn on 23 July 2016 - 21:05

maintaining eoc players is just as important as maintaining new players


daily quests maintain new and old players


daily events would maintain older players 


daily quests easy rewards for easy tasks


daily events great rewards for hard tasks and big comittment and investment



i'd rather have the small stam bank players not participate in the events so they can upgrade and build up their character so that they can effectively participate in the events rather than rushing them into events where they stand no chance


If the rewards of the dailies are chosen well, newbies can build up by doing them, that is the whole point.

But I guess your last remark proves my point. You want an unfair system for the elite, where I like to see something for all of us, but especially something that motivates new players to stick around. If you cannot see that is the biggest issue in this game, then there is no point in discussing this further between the two of us.


But going further on fairness, an EOC player with 40K stam, does also not stand a chance against an EOC player with 80K stam. And again, also in this case, it just takes a few to dominate the others. Daily events in a concept are great, but not if it cannot be made fair for all. 

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