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Visual Kei

Member Since 09 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active May 29 2015 22:42

#839291 Terenul Rosu - Balsaur Bug

Posted by Sage on 10 January 2014 - 13:29

Future build??? How soon will that be please?  There is NO WAY a ranger can even attempt to enter Balsaur without instant death after being chased around the entire area over and over and over while the rest of the team tries to regain control of him.   Deaths are costly not only to the ranger but to the rest of the team who rely on each member of group to help bring down this beast.  This needs fixed now not in some 'future build'.  *shakes head*

#839150 Need an optional setting for item inspection

Posted by Nature on 10 January 2014 - 02:10

I'm cool with the idea of letting your equipment and the general item stat hang out and such, but i wish there's more.

An inspection on/off setting: which will give ones option whether he/she want to let other people inspect them or not, or at least a pop up window ask the player for permission ( to avoid being harassed by the pop up window you can only inspect the same person once in 5 mins that way will stop people from abusing the pop up window.)


hide the gem and bonus stat. I mean like everyone knows the item from crafting or in shop. so there no need to hide the general stat. but what makes an item unique from another is what gem you put in. and the random stat bonus. wheres the fun of letting everyone knows what you have? it would be more fun to keep each other guessing and ask questions (I really hope HC will make an update about in-game equipment. whats the fun when your level 40 items are the same as everyone else?) and everyone's stats r equally match?  what can make a certain player who put more time and effort into the game stand out more??

And please do not make inspect talent/stat option in the near future. this will only discourage in-game player to player communication. whats the fun of inspecting someone to find out the answer when u can have a conversation and share knowledge?

that's just my point of view. feel free to leave comment about yours.

#839234 Unpullable Crackers

Posted by livingtarget on 10 January 2014 - 09:34

This should be unintentional we will have a look at fixing this.

#838736 [Superthread] Eldevin Guilds - Features

Posted by Tiffy on 09 January 2014 - 05:16

I'd like to use this thread to discuss some things that I personally would want to find in a Guild system, including activities to do with your guild, guild interactivity, and guild features; as well as guild interface expectations that you have.



  • General Information: The Guild Interface should definitely contain a member roster, guild name, "Leave Guild" button, a small area where a tiny message can be posted (many guilds will use this to post a message of the day, or their voip/forum information). If we end up doing a Guild System with a Guild Level system it should display the Guild Level and an XP bar for the guild.
  • Management Tools: It should be easy for the Guild Leader and respective authority positions in the guild to manage the guild. This means that first and foremost, the Guild Leader needs to be able to set rankings and permissions. This includes things like guild bank access (deposit/withdraw), and kick/invite access, and access to change other (lower ranking) permissions. Obviously it should be easy for the people with the proper authority to kick people from the guild, meaning a right click over someones name in the Member Roster would pull up the option to "Whisper/Kick/Invite to Party". The Guild Leader or qualifying ranked members should be able to edit the area for the tiny message. Additionally, if we have things like Guild Battles and such, there needs to be sufficient management tools to initiate and disengage them.
    • Something that many games tend to forget when they create a Guild System that utilizes Guild Banks is a proper documentation system for withdraws/deposits; and the ability to set different levels of permissions for withdraws/deposits. This would be important to have in my opinion, should we utilize a Guild Bank system.
  • Member Roster: I would love to see a member roster that is both intuitive and tidy. It should list several bits of information about each member, and you should be able to sort the list in descending or ascending order for each of these criteria. It would perhaps also be useful to have either scroll-over text for additional details about each member that is useful, but would clutter up the interface too much (an alternative to this is the check-box system for what you want displayed in the interface, with a scrolling sidebar).
    • Some of the important criteria include: Online/Offline, Character Name, Nickname*, Guild Ranking**, Character Level, Talent***.
      • *Nickname: This is a special assignable name that the guild leader may give to each member, almost like a notepad. For instance if the user CowMagel33t has 40 tailoring and is willing to make tailored items for the guild, the guild leader might tag him with the nickname "Guild Tailor".
      • **Guild Ranking: These can be present universal rankings decided by Hunted Cow, or for extra customization ability, you can allow the Guild Leader to create a set number of rankings themselves. Essentially this is your stereotypical "Guild Leader", "Captain", "Lieutenant", "Recruit", etc. The ability to customize your guild ranking names could even be sold via the Cash Shop, or be unlocked at a certain guild level.
      • ***Talent: It can list the talent of the person by using a small icon that corresponds to the 6 talent trees available - the shield, the axe, the mask, the paw, the fire, and the sun - If talent privacy is a concern it could just display the icon for the tree you have the most points invested into, otherwise I think it would be very neat to display an icon for each of the trees that a user has invested into, starting with the one that you have the most points in and descending from there; and if you scroll over each individual icon it tells you how many points are invested in that tree.
    • Some of the more debatable information that might be found on the scroll over menu could include: Date Last Active*, Date Joined**, Guild Experience Earned***, Money Donated****, Location*****. I'm sure there are many more!
      • *Date Last Active: When did the user last log in on this character?
      • **Date Joined: When did the user join the guild?
      • ***Guild Experience Earned: If we utilize a Guild Level system that has members contribute something that earns exp in one way shape or form, it'd be fun to see who contributes the most/least. Some guilds might even impose monthly experience contribution requirements. It could be all time or time-based (this week/month/year).
      • ****Money Donated: In the same realm as Guild Experience Earned, this would show the total amount of money donated by the user. It could be all time or time-based (this week/month/year).
      • *****Location: I have played a few games that will list the current region or map that the guild member is on. This can be highly useful, but not necessary.

Guild Levels:

  • Games that utilize a Guild Level system give guilds a common goal to work towards that improves the guild. Sometimes the Guild Level will provide increased member capacity, or unlock various features such as Guild Banks, Guild Housing, Guild Logos, and Guild Apparel, such as capes.
    • There are quite a few different takes on Guild Level Systems. The most basic system normally just involves unlocking guild levels through purchase (X Gold for Level 1, X Gold for Level 2, etc). I don't like these systems as they don't really add anything to the concept of being a Guild at all; they just add an additional monetary goal for you to reach.
      • My personal favorite type of guild level system normally involves an activity that can be done specifically only for the purpose of guild leveling, such as a battle arena where you fight players or monsters as a guild, or add points to your guild experience by giving some sort of item to the Guild Experience NPC.
    • Personally I'd like to see a system that incorporates and appeals to all of the major activities you can do in Eldevin. My concept for a Guild Leveling system would be an NPC that accepts special items that can only be found once you have joined a guild. These items will be found while gathering via your gathering professions, crafting via your crafting professions, killing monsters, and via some form of PvP/GvG mini-game; there could also be an item for dungeons. I'd prefer to have the items be incorporated into the lore, and for it to make sense that you'd get the items from each specific activity. Unfortunately I don't know enough about the lore of Eldevin yet! So for the sake of the suggestion, we'll call them Guild Tokens for now.
      • For example, when you are Prospecting and gathering coal, you will have a random chance as you partake in this activity to receive a "Guild Token - Gathering". This would be worth X experience points, or you would need X of them to level up the Guild. The item might really be called like... "Raw Orb Shard" to tie into the whole Orb theme in the lore. PvP might result in "Bloodied Orb Shard", crafting might result in "Splintered Orb Shard", killing monsters might result in "Pillaged Orb Shard", and dungeons might result in "Cryptic Orb Shard".
      • One of the reasons that I like this system is that even after a guild has reached maximum level, we could create a mini-game that expands upon the Guild System that requires these items for control of realms or some other "contest" system. Essentially there would be an NPC that collects these items and doing so adds points to your guild total for the contest. At the end of each cycle of the contest, the guild with the most points wins. This could mean control of a territory, or something similar. If we wanted to make the system truly fun, you could allow guilds to place these items into other guilds "chests", resulting in REMOVING points instead of adding them.

I hope to continue adding to this, and hopefully we'll have some constructive conversation on what your ideas for the Guild features are! Please pardon the dust as I expand upon it ^^

Reserved for future use ^_^

#836492 Equalize supporter and non-supporter vendor prices.

Posted by huhbum on 01 January 2014 - 11:37

Recently we discovered that the Supporter gold buff applies to loot sold to vendors as well, and not just collected money from monsters and quests. While it makes sense that Supporters should receive substantial in-game bonuses, the disparity of vendor prices seems like an overwhelming benefit.


Screenshot of non-supporter vendor price:




(Supporter price of same item to be added by Guthix)


Please consider making vendor prices offered for loot uniform for all players. As it stands, this disparity cripples non-supporters, especially at higher levels.

Attached Thumbnails

  • eld5.png

#834642 New Emotes - Middle Finger

Posted by Sage on 25 December 2013 - 13:06

Definitely DO NOT support this... Isn't there enough bad will among players?  I don't support perpetuating ill will.

#831674 Prophet centric suggestions

Posted by Bryn on 16 December 2013 - 23:55

When running instances, I have a couple of suggestions that would really be nice to have:


1.  Brightly highlight the name tag of the group member that is currently in focus.  The past couple of days I think I have select a group member only to find that it didn't take :(


2.  Allow Spacebar to be used to cycle through group members (eliminating clicks that don't take).


3.  Put a small icon next to name tag when redeemed is still active.


4.  Put a small numeric icon next to name tag when member has 1 or more negative effects.

#830931 Zirconia (boot only gem) invalid in level 25 light boots

Posted by Loaf on 15 December 2013 - 02:50



Tried socketing both cracked and jagged, but niether worked.

#829222 Ability to buff others when not in group - opening up buff trading

Posted by Mongo on 11 December 2013 - 13:34

As it is now, we can already get buffed by other players but we have to go through the process of creating group, buffing, leaving.


I think it would be nice if we could buff other players just by clicking on their character, the same as we can do now, with healing.


This could also promote interaction between players and allow the start of buff trading, for example I could post in chat "looking for Focus buff, paying 1 Gold"


If this were added to the game, I think the unwritten rule between us players should always be "pay before buff" (unless its friends) as Mana costs nothing, so it would be pointless not to buff someone after they pay.


We can already do this in the game, but why not make it easier and part of everyday play? it could be fun!  :)




Posted by Crofil on 07 December 2013 - 06:21

travel to Nidaros there is a mine there you can mine in i'm pretty sure it's quiet enough to mine it

#826234 Growing epidemic

Posted by Cygnus on 06 December 2013 - 16:34

One situation that can cause what you're mentioning is if you don't have the Staff of Redemption somewhere in your inventory while on these stages. 

Without the staff you would kill Bruce or Kathy instead of curing them, which triggers a respawn... but you haven't yet advanced the quest stage. So what happens next is you restart it from the stage opening conversation and then have to fight them again, the cycle would continually repeat. This sounds similar what you describe, not certain.

I'll make the quest stages output a message so that if you kill Bruce or Kathy without the staff it'll tell you the problem. If you destroyed the staff Archmage Rufan usually offers to replace it.

#825583 Clicking on group member portraits

Posted by Zshmaendal on 05 December 2013 - 14:08

I agree that this has been an issue. Being able to adjust party frames (i.e., to make them larger and easier to click on) would be awesome, too.

#823836 Chat problems, and improvements

Posted by Neon on 01 December 2013 - 15:37

I was going to post this in bug reports, but it's not really a bug it just needs improving.


The world chat/whispers can be really confusing, I'd suggest allowing the option to hide whispers from world chat, or changing the color of them.


It also seems that a whisper can change 'appearance'. For example in the screenshot shown, one looks like a basic whisper/world chat text and the other has the orange group symbol next to it.



#823035 [Partially Implemented] Potion bar lockdown + Suggestion

Posted by Neon on 29 November 2013 - 16:18

When I'm in a tight combat situation I tend to use very fast clicks, this can result in me accidentally removing my potion from the bar, or dragging them on screen. Could we please have the option to "lock" the bar like we can with the abilities?


Also regarding the old belt system where you could unlock more slots, could we have the option to unlock more slots on the current bar maybe via Eldevin points or as a reward from achievements or such?



#822858 Vault bug

Posted by sdcrichy on 28 November 2013 - 20:48

not sure if this is when dunk could be in combat, i've had it where you can not enter back in while your group are still fighting inside. you have to wait for them to finishing fighting first before you can enter back in. next time tell him to top fighting till you come back in.

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