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Member Since 20 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2017 03:40

#845209 My Ideas by ChelseaBrick

Posted by gomaki on 30 January 2014 - 17:41

Maybe if you guys started selling those screen shots of movies you're doing you could afford one. 

#845207 My Ideas by ChelseaBrick

Posted by Neon on 30 January 2014 - 17:39

If you think she can't afford your mom and dads bought bluppity you have no idea of the real world :)


#841952 Level 40 Crafted Staff

Posted by slipknot84 on 17 January 2014 - 19:46

dat blooberry curse

#840594 Fixing Assassins (Spires and Medium armor)

Posted by ernzor on 14 January 2014 - 08:50

Just trying to get assassins fixed up since we have been nerfed and there has been talk of fixing problems but havent seen much since.


Frozen Spires

Since the nerf on Frozen Spires assassins have had no effective way of AoE attacking and are at a disadvantage to other classes in this area. I can only comment on PvE as I havent tried PvP but I hear from those that do PvP it is a huge nerf there too.


Before the nerf I will freely admit it was overpowered, but I think yhou went too far in turning it down. Can we find a middle ground somewhere, also if the problem is with other classes using it, limit it to dual wielding and that will stop 50% other classes using it.


I do not know what the exact numbers should be, just that it needs to be changed. Others have mentioned numbers in other threads and if they sound good I agree! But please complete the change you said you were going to make on them.


Medium Armor

Also, there has always been more incentive for most assassins to choose to wear heavy armor and coming from a purely "that is not right" point of view, this should be changed too. I know people can choose to be assassins and wear heavy armor, but typically assassins would be in lighter medium armor. Keep the +melee for heavy armor and even more if they multi class. But for someone to wear med armor the +Crit bonus is just not sufficient. There should be a dodge enhancement or something similar.



#840623 Fixing Assassins (Spires and Medium armor)

Posted by huhbum on 14 January 2014 - 11:46

Wholeheartedly agree on improving Spires since the nerf, but just by how much is a tricky balance point. I should point out that a fully talented Lethal Concoction is, while not very flashy and certainly hard to use for solo play, a very, very serviceable AoE skill and should not be underestimated due to its unique mechanics.


As to Medium armor, while it appears at first glance that Heavy armor is far and away the superior choice, Medium armor is actually very useful.


For starters, consider the crit synergy with Blood Thirst - Hunger for Blood. Extra stacks means a faster ramp-up to the Assassins' most powerful skills pre-50.


Also, while 18% melee attack power from heavy armor is very good in scaling with bleed effects, the 12% crit bonus from medium armor is actually a reasonable DPS increase(roughly 6% averaged out over time) for skills that have the ability to crit.


Another factor to consider when choosing medium armor is the potential for 12% melee and ranged haste from four points in Dexterous talent at the top of the Ranger tree. While melee haste is not prioritized as much for Assassins, it can come in handy for some builds(especially if attempting to stack high amounts of haste to keep skills like Swift Stride - Phantom and Blind - Shock Trauma nearly always up without having to rely on Soul Fire).


One thing I could see improving crit synergy with Assassins is perhaps introducing more crit synergy talents similar to Hunger for Blood, to place a further emphasis on crits deeper in the tree. Crit damage modifier talents could be in the discussion, but those types of modifiers tend to inflate damage numbers very quickly, which may be something to avoid for balance purposes.

#841654 Level 40 Crafted Staff

Posted by ernzor on 17 January 2014 - 03:27

Its ok, you can say I am the better crafter ;)

#841626 Level 40 Crafted Staff

Posted by Blooberry on 17 January 2014 - 02:02

It has come to my attention that the description when crafting the level 40 Jungle Staff shows that it would be crafted with a single socket. Not going to mention names, but the first staff I had obtained was exactly that. A different person has obtained a 2 socket Jungle Staff, which really annoyed me considering there is no information saying that it was possible. I believe if it's possible to obtain a 2nd socket, it should be stated. That's just my opinion. Here are 2 pictures of my first and second crafted staff. (Btw this is my first post, sorry if things don't show up properly :P)



#835400 PvP Balance and Attribute Balance (assessed problems and remedies)

Posted by Neon on 28 December 2013 - 22:57

During the past few weeks myself and a few others have noticed and followed up many imbalances throughout pvp and attributes. We have kept any biased opinions away from the changes that we've seen the best for the following talents, abilities and attributes.


Any posts in this thread are advised to be constructive and justified, we're trying to suggest the best possible fixes that will balance pvp fairly. This thread is not based on level, this is purely based on class, attributes and talents.


What will be addressed in this thread?


- Class balance (melee is not a viable choice for pvp)

- Talent balances

- Ability balances

- Attribute balances to make some attributes a more viable choice (for both pvp and pve situations)


Class balance


As of now melee is not a viable choice in a pvp game. Despite the only class we've had time to asses, which is assassin this also applies to warriors and templars when looking at their talent trees.


This screenshot shows a team that includes Jack (40 mage), Blue (40 Ranger) and Elaes (40 Ranger) against myself (40 assassin), Dan (40 assassin) and Popa (40 Hybrid build, assassin tree)



There is no way for melee to approach a ranged class without getting 1-2 shot or perma silenced (which I will go into).


Class balance in pvp fix


Add a -30% global damage reduction while in the pvp battlegrounds and trappers atoll (if possible make this a pvp only debuff, meaning if you want to attack creatures on trappers this doesn't effect the pve side of combat). This damage reduction should allow melee classes to reach their targets without being 1-2 shot in the process. 


Talent balance




Jolt, this ability is the only ranged ability melee classes have whilst being a global ability with talents for each melee class.


Warrior - 5jy109.jpg

Assassin - 10qc3me.jpg

Templar - 11sdsm0.jpg


As you can see with all 3 screenshots the warriors talent is hugely buffed up compared to the assassin and templar, not only does it require 1 point but the assassin which requires 2 points even lacks an extra second and the extra damage that the warrior has. 


Jolt is a very useful and required ability for any melee class in pvp, this is either used for silencing the target when despair isn't available or used as a kill finisher for any class that tries to make a runner.


Jolt balances (fix)


There are a few different approaches that could be taken here, the ones we/I thought up are either:


- Change the assassin and Templar trees to match the warriors talent, so basically have this as a "shared talent". However if this is chosen a player must only be allowed to have 1 jolt talent, otherwise this would be very OP if a player decided to play a hybrid build with 1 point in each jolt.


The more versatile and "better" suggestion.


- Remove the extra silence duration for assassin and add 50% damage and snares for 1 second (1 point). 100% extra damage and snares for 2 seconds (2 points).


Change the templar talent to 5% damage reduction for 5 seconds (1 point) and 10% damage reduction for 10 seconds (2 points), while keeping the current max ranged on it.


Change the warrior talent so there is no silence duration increase. Instead add 15% armor reduction for 5 seconds, keep the current extra damage that is applied when the talent is taken.


Soulfire (End-tree talent)




Soulfire's lifesteal would be slightly more useful for an assassin rather than just an "ability" reset if the life steal healed of bleed damage.

Right now in a pve situation an assassin will heal maybe near 1k hp tops when going full out dps with damage modifiers. In a pvp situation you'll pop this ability and get maybe a 100-300hp heal.

Rangers and mages have their distance and heals, warriors and templar have their defense and modifiers, allow assassin their lifesteal.


Bleeds take up so much of the assassins damage and assassins rely allot on bleeds to get the Job done, while this would be a little change it would be noticeable.


This wouldn't make a significant difference in pve situations. It's not like healing 10% life off a bleeds doing 25-45 damage per second for a limited amount of time will make assassin invisible. 


Soulfire fix


Allow lifesteal to heal off bleed damage.


Ability balance


Despair (AOE Silence)




This ability is an "all-class" 100 gold level 25 ability that will be affordable, easily obtained and used by every class. 

As of now I'd say this is the most overpowered ability with all of the advantages that come with it to different classes and builds.


Jack (40 mage) is able to perma silence players with his current build, his mix of haste, the abilities cooldown and limited restrictions makes this possible.


This ability needs to be tuned down.


Despair (Silence) fix


To fix silence and the abuse of despair which can also be used in tandem with jolt the following should be added/changed:


- Add a global "silence immunity" much like stun immunity, infact copy stun immunity here. This is a top priority add (in our opinion). 


Ignite (Single target burst)




Ignite is currently the most powerful ability in the game.

With the current 2 talents added this ability has a huge instant 300% spell dps on the target, with a 15 second base cooldown this is extremely OP. Mages will already have high haste, and with the assassin buff they could decide to (but it may not be the most effective method) hit this ability, kite for a few seconds repeat.


Comparing this to an assassin talent which can be used roughly around the same level of this ability with the talents "Lobotomize". Lobotomize has a base damage of 150% and with 6 blood-stacks is raised to 270% weapon damage, the stacks are not easy to raise in pvp. Especially on moving targets.


Ignite fix


To balance ignite I suggest lowering the base Damage to 150%, that was the mage will still have a 200% burst with 2 talent points.

Increasing the cooldown to 30 seconds would also be good.






There is no doubt that cauterize is a must have ability for any mage/prophet, even other classes may take this as it can heal a nice small chunk of health.


The ability is basically like having an extra huge HP pot for mages/prophets in pvp. 

There is no need for such an overpowered ability in pvp/pve.


Cauterize fix


Make cauterize a PvE only ability (best option if possible).




Nerf Cauterize to a global 300% spell healing






This was bought to my attention by "Blue" (level 40 ranger who has done more pvp than any of us during release).


This bleed is almost tripled in damage compared to any other target bleed in the game.

With the talent Envenom is raised to 84% damage and 5 seconds, leaving a 5 second gap (not factoring in haste) when Envenom will be down on a target.


Because ranger can easily evade targets, popping an Envenom and running off can take some targets to 50% hp.


Enveom fix


Nerf Enveom to a base 40% damage per second, without the talent this will still be a 120% damage bleed with a short cooldown.

#840054 PvP Balance and Attribute Balance (assessed problems and remedies)

Posted by Mongo on 12 January 2014 - 15:30

I tried PvP today as a warrior with Blue, Qao, Zombie and Neon (for some part of it)

Blue and Zombie could pretty much kill the entire team by themselves whereas Qao, Neon and myself had difficulties getting to the enemy team rangers and mages due to their ability to kite so easily (I know that is what they are designed for but still)

Without the use of Adrenaline rush or Eclipse the melee classes have no hope of getting anywhere near rangers/mages of the other team (unless a ranger or mage on our team stuns or slows them so we can catch them).

The difference between classes is too great, the ranger/mage ability to kite needs to be toned down or the melee classes need more gap closers and base ranged/magic resistance.

Mongo did warn Dillias  :D

#840519 Making General Loot Worth Something

Posted by Bryn on 14 January 2014 - 00:35

Of all the trash, my favorite is the old boot. :)

#840283 Making General Loot Worth Something

Posted by Mongo on 13 January 2014 - 13:09

Most players ignore general loot 100% of the time (I think).


Maybe we use it to purchase something, to make it more appealing to loot? nothing drastic....


So 25 plague rags would become a "pile of plague rags" which we could then use at a special vendor.


Maybe one pile could buy us 1 prestige, artisan or valor point? :ph34r:

#840223 Show how item/pet look before purchasing/equip

Posted by Mom on 13 January 2014 - 06:05



I think it could be a good idea to make a window that show how a certain item would look on you or a pet look like before purchasing from shop or just equip an item that you got as loot or a friend gave you. 


Would be useful before making a purchase to know if it will really suit your vanity set colors or style.


What you guys think?

#838749 PvP Balance and Attribute Balance (assessed problems and remedies)

Posted by Hiddie on 09 January 2014 - 06:52

Now now. Be nice.


y u do dis Dillias. We as pvp players are trying to be serious in this topic.

#839554 Terenul Rosu - Balsaur Bug

Posted by Sage on 10 January 2014 - 21:47

Hope it gets fixed soon, tis the weekend.  I want revenge for all my deaths. :D

#839208 Terenul Rosu - Balsaur Bug

Posted by Sage on 10 January 2014 - 06:28

Balsaur has gone absolutely nuts for rangers.  He attacks all rangers on sight now with or without agro even if you are far away from him and others are attacking him.  Definite HUGE change since the update.  Balsaur is bugged big time when it concerns rangers.

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