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#989684 Thieves in the Night Global(GE Idea)

Posted by mary4ever on 26 January 2018 - 02:22

New GLOBAL EVENT, like everything so far except .....


I'm reckoning just one LE per item of the set.

IF you really want to add one LE per item then please go with these following LEs:

  • Zachorzi the Plagued (Legendary). Level 20
  • Leghra Deathspinner Queen (Legendary). Level 40
  • Minotaur of the Lost (Legendary). Level 100
  • Ursa the Great Bear (Legendary). Level 325
  • Seal of Fire (Legendary). Level 1000
  • (IF BigGrim wants he can add new LEs like these after some time)

what's so important about those LEs is that ALL of these Legendaries are always available !!!

  • Everyone can hunt them !!!
  • LEs are always available at any time !!!
  • greatly benefits lower lvl  "poor" players with few BPs !!!
  • more supply for the Community !!!

IMO Global Events & rewards should easily be accessable & achieveable to EVERYONE !!!


Example: current Global Event min kills are calculated so that EVERYONE, even new players without any upgrades can qualify so this New Global Event should not be otherwise !!!


IF the LE items are from LE Events then it does not take a genius to figure out that those with large BPs (which are by far the minority of FS players) will be the ones supplying the whole community => most will not be able to invent their sets => less people will participate in the next Global Events :(


I'd rather fill out the rest with components from things like the herbs that are in-game constantly (like the Hefflewart) or (Game) creatures like the Goobernoob Bird. Give them some added value again.

great because those "herbs" are are always available !!!


  • Everyone can hunt them !!!
  • LEs are always available at any time !!!
  • greatly benefits lower lvl  "poor" players with few BPs !!!
  • more supply for the Community !!!

#989091 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ HAPPY NEW YEAR ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Posted by mary4ever on 01 January 2018 - 00:37

:) hope everyone had a great christmas & HAPPY NEW YEAR :)


smile.png thanks so much HCS for the events, especially the pleasant surprise => the "Seasonal Titan Event" which finally allows EVERYONE to join :)



to "lighten up" the mood, here is a joke a friend said in chat :P

"You the bomb!" "No you the bomb!"
A compliment in America, an argument in the middle east.

#983601 What's your favorite foods?

Posted by mary4ever on 06 August 2017 - 03:29


made it today when friends came over, I used aubergines instead of beans, was freaking delicous biggrin.png




prepared it at home before heading over to my parents to heat it up in the oven, used Kebab Meat Strips instead of Sausages, **** delicous :)


keep them coming, have a lot of free time now ;) 

#982693 ♥ GXP in Guild Advisor = GXP ♥

Posted by mary4ever on 16 July 2017 - 13:53

of course they can if the guild is amenable. Have a roster, perhaps, that player X and Y can hunt this new seasonal, and then next time, player A and B can.


Or, just make it that Player A and Player B get the drop from the next seasonal, regardless of who actually kills it and then, for the next seasonal, Player C and Player D get the drop etc etc etc.

quoted some several posts


let's go with your idea pardoux, I will take my guild as an EXAMPLE:

the lvl 1750 Colossal Glittering Snowball is dropped from a Seasonal Titan, atm my guild has over 66 players who are over lvl 1750, can wear it, can hunt the Seasonal Titan, ......

obviously everyone would want the 1750 rune !!!

(following pardouxs suggestion)

let's assume my guild manages to get 2 secures, no, let's be generous & say my guild manages to get 3 secures per Seasonal Event !!!

let's "assume" everyone will accept without fighting that each year 3 players will get the rune

let's "assume" everyone will even accept the order when he / she will get their rune

let's "assume" everyone will accept without fighting who is able to titan hunt each year

after all those "assumptions" & "everything works out perfectly" it will take 22 years for everyone to get their rune, 22 years LOL !!!


you know very well that your suggestion simply does not really work (nobody in his right mind would wait years, even 22 years for an epic) & that is why the vast majority of players, especially in "big / top" guilds simply go offline / inactive during the Titan Events & IMHO Events should NOT exclude anyone, everyone should be able to participate which my suggestion enables to those who want to smile.png !!!


in this thread post here => https://forums.hunte...e=2#entry982412

you said that your guild mates leaves to create a guild of his own and secures them that way, you are already in a very small guild & if even a guild mate leaves & on top of that secures Seasonal Titans then it only "reinforces" leos next post:


No matter what you suggest to get more people involved in larger guilds its pretty evident that the players in smaller guilds do not want the extra competition and want to continue to get their easy drops after a few days. Simply because there are not enough titan hunting guilds as a whole to have large competition for the whole events.

why else would a player leave his already very small guild to solo hunt Seasonal Titans if there is "no" / "hardly any" competiton, does not make sense + your guild mate is not the only one, I know a couple of friends who leave their already very small guild for the Seasonal Titan Events !!!

EVERYONE who has hunted the Seasonal Titans in the last 3 years (especially last year) fully knows that there is "hardly any" competition just after a few hours after the Event starts, this is no secret + can be easily verified by HCS from their "data logs" / end !!!

#982690 ♥ GXP in Guild Advisor = GXP ♥

Posted by mary4ever on 16 July 2017 - 12:03

Sorry Mary, but to me this seems like an effort to try and sneak the "tkp going to the player, not the guild" idea in via the backdoor, and I am pretty sure the cows will see it the same way. Not that I disagree with that idea, but I do with this.

hi kit :)


my suggestion is to "match the GXP shown on the Guild Advisor to the GXP on guild page"

please code it that the "GXP seen in the Guild Advisor" = "current GXP on guild page" !!!

you seem to be talking about those "1-man-guilds" / small guilds which have been Titan Hunting for YEARS, this is nothing new & if you check out most players guild size who are against my idea you will notice that they are either "1-man-guilds" / small guilds who would have to put more "effort" due to more Player activity / competition !!!


again, I am not suggesting something "new" (that players are able to leave their guild in order to Titan Hunt which was impossible before due to game mechanics, its already possible, my suggestion just enables a lot more players to be able to do the SAME too => increase Player activity => more competition => good for the game in general since more players can participate in the Titan Event :)


what for instance, should stop me from jumping outta the guild, clear the bounties on guild member, only to join again? (I'd love to do that, mind you :wub: )

again, ALL I am suggesting is this:

please code it that the "GXP seen in the Guild Advisor" = "current GXP on guild page" !!!

you can already do this NOW, in this "current system" so my suggestion did NOT create it at all, its already there !!!

infact PvPers have reported this (incl. me a few times years ago but nothing done so far, BigGrim can verify this)


How about players who left a guild before this takes place would that info still be there? 

That would be interesting to see.

I will tell you how the Guild Advisor has been working since it was implemented (this has NOTHING to do with my suggestion)

I will take your character as an EXAMPLE because you were in my guild before:


you are NOT in my guild anymore so when I look at the Guild Advisor I obviously do not see anything related to you !!!

you are currently in the guild "Problem 6" & when you look at your Guild Advisor you will see the same amount of GXP (69 bil) as shown at your guild page (69 bil) !!!

NOW let's assume you return to your previous guild:

the amount of GXP on your guild page would be ZERO BUT your Guild Advisor would show the amount of GXP you had BEFORE you left !!!


hope that answers your question & again, what I explained to you had ZERO to do with my suggestion, I only explained how the Guild Advisor works regarding GXP !!!

please feel free to ask if you have any more questions :)


answer this

I leave my guild to hunt seasons titans, after the event ends I get back to my guild

after coming back is my gxp the same before I left my guild?

well you already answered your question in your next posts yourself BUT here we go ....

with my suggestion YES, your GXP you worked for years on (FSPs / donations / .......) will not be lost since my suggestion is to automatically tie / match the GXP shown in the Guild Advisor to the GXP shown on the guild page !!!


if you are not in your guild (where you hunted & earned the GXP) then obviously your guild will get ZERO GXP !!!


for some players more player competition is a bad thing and are against marys idea


how can more player competition be a bad thing?

it's a matter of perspective:

for those who do not want to put more effort or any competition then they will obviously not agree with my suggestion

for those who were unable to hunt a single Seasonal Titan during the Titan Event BUT will NOW be able to finally take part in an Event will agree with my suggestion


either way I do not blame them at all & not everyone has the same viewpoint !!!


I understood that she wanted the latter too but where did you read that the gxp stays the same at every guild?

the guild advisor is not the same at every guild

obviously the Guild Advisor is NOT the same at every guild !!!

you get GXP in the guild you hunted in !!!

#982604 ♥ GXP in Guild Advisor = GXP ♥

Posted by mary4ever on 15 July 2017 - 10:51



please code it that the "GXP seen in the Guild Advisor" = "current GXP on guild page" !!!


this will allow the many players who are in "top / big" guilds to leave their guild for the duration of the Titan Event (=Seasonal Event) without losing any of the GXP they have been contributing over the years !!! :)

some of us have spent thousands of FSPs to contribute to GXP, some of us have donated thousands of $$ to contribute to GXP, ......


INFO: the Guild Advisor always stores the TOTAL info (gxp, groups created, skills cast, .....) EVEN if the player left & returned to the guild !!! The Players Info in the Guild Advisor is NEVER lost, EVEN if they leave their guild, it is still there !!!



  • "EVERYONE" can partake in the Event
  • Huge increase in Competition
  • Increased Player activity (more online players like in every Event)
  • the coding should only take a few minutes TOP (since HCS only needs to make the "GXP" value automatically match the value of the "GXP of the Guild Advisor" !!!


  • NON I can think of but please feel free to post if you know one that will negatively affect all players !!!


again, this thread is about =>

please code it that the "GXP seen in the Guild Advisor" = "current GXP on guild page" !!!


again, PLEASE FIX BUGS !!! (I have reported many myself, some over a year ago)

please feel free to discuss / agree / disagree + most importantly give a REASON WHY !!!


as usual please keep it civil & ignore trolls whose aim is just to start a fight / get the topic closed, THANKS

#982411 "Titan Event"

Posted by mary4ever on 10 July 2017 - 09:43

this thread is NOT about Coding developement

this thread is NOT about the mobile app or which platform titan hunting is best designed for !!!

this thread is NOT about whether the earth is flat or not !?!


this thread is about only Seasonal Titans TKP to be Player based !!!


anything else is OFF-Topic & will only derail this topic so please if you want to talk about OFF-Topics then please do so in another thread !!!


please stick to the topic, thanks

#982410 "Titan Event"

Posted by mary4ever on 10 July 2017 - 09:24

All that will accomplish is putting certain guilds back in titan dominance again - and that's not good for the game.

not sure why you are talking about guilds dominance in titan hunting when I clearly posted BOLD in my OP


Make only Seasonal Titans TKP be awarded to the Player, NOT to the GUILD !!! “Free-for-All”

+ EVEN maxdragon, epicpiety & kitobas told you that the Seasonal TKP go to the Player & NOT to the guild !!!



So, IF you change it to individual player TKP as opposed to Guild TKP (something I'm pretty sure has been suggested before and knocked on the head by BG), then how does cool-down work ?


Heck, I'd be more on-board with this idea if it only applied to NON-Seasonal ones, but for seasonals ? - nope, NO vote here.

actually what you just suggested (to make normal titans [=NON-Seasonal] TKP player based) has been RIGHTFULLY shot down by HCS !!!


your idea to make NON-Seasonals TKP player based would lead to certain guilds titan dominance because:

  • a guild only needs to have few fast hunters (a handful) to dominate & control the price !!!
  • as we know NON-Seasonal Titans spawn after (many) hours, even days UNLIKE Seasonal Titans who spawn almost after the hour or very shortly !!!
  • slow hunters would be at a gread disadvantage agaist them !!!
  • .........

as you can see making NON-Seasonal Titans TKP player based would be a very bad idea !!!



So, IF you change it to individual player TKP as opposed to Guild TKP, then how does cool-down work ?

ALL Examples are with a Titan that has 6000 TKP !!!



guild 1 sends 3 hunters (a1, a2, a3)

guild 2 sends 1 hunter (b1)

Titan gets defeated

a1 got 1000 kills

a2 got 1500 kills

a3 got 1500 kills

b1 got 2000 kills

=> NON of them got more than 50% of the TKP (<3000 kills)

=> NON got the secure, everyone will be awarded with TKP & NON get on Cooldown !!!



guild 1 sends 3 hunters (a1, a2, a3)

Titan gets defeated

a1 got 1500 kills

a2 got 1000 kills

a3 got 3500 kills

=> a3 got more than 50% of the TKP (<3000 kills) => a3 secured & gets the epic & gets on Cooldown !!!

=> a1 & a2 get TKP & NOT on Cooldown !!!



guild 1 sends 3 hunters (a1, a2, a3)

Titan gets defeated

a1 got 1500 kills

a2 got 2500 kills

a3 got 2000 kills

=> NON of them got more than 50% of the TKP (<3000 kills) EVENTHOUGH all 3 hunters were from the same guild BUT TKP is PLAYER based, NOT GUILD based !!!

=> NON got the secure, everyone will be awarded with TKP & NON get on Cooldown !!!


I hope this explains it smile.png



Make only Seasonal Titans TKP be awarded to the Player, NOT to the GUILD !!! “Free-for-All”

it is Everyone VS Everyone !!!


it does NOT matter if a guild sends 10 hunters because these 10 hunters will be hunting against each other !!!



this very good idea mary4ever and will letting me staying in game for titan event because I can titan hunting :)

now what we having in seasonal titan I and many player going offline for titan event because we not can hunting seasonal titan, this very sad

me and many I know stay offline during Seasonal Events too since we hardly have any chance to hunt them (for me less than 2% chance)


I hoping hoofmaster will coming and reading this, this only needing little coding and can doing for next titan event for all players can having doing titan hunting :)

totally agree !!!

I think we have 3-4 Titan Events per year, that's about 2 months of time me & many players stay offline since we hardly have any chance / are "automatically" excluded from these Titan Events !!!

BUT with this suggestion it would get many players (incl. me) to actively login for these 2 months (instead of staying offline) to participate in the Titan Events !!! smile.png


& before someone mentions that Titans are meant to be hunted in a group / team then sorry that's not the case anymore at all in a long time, EVERYONE who has titan hunted in the last 3 years knows that the vast majority are SOLO secures, especially the Seasonal Titans !!!


btw you do not even need to be in a guild to Titan Hunt at all !!!

2-3 years ago a guildless player proved that & he got 7 secures !!!

incase you did not know if you are NOT in a guild then you will not get any Cooldown !!!

#982382 "Titan Event"

Posted by mary4ever on 09 July 2017 - 07:56


I am not going to write a very long post (like I usually do), will just jump write into it BUT 1st ……

So let’s start …..

Make only Seasonal Titans TKP be awarded to the Player, NOT to the GUILD !!! “Free-for-All”

Titan Event last for about 2 weeks, I am in a “big” guild & over 98% of my members are automatically excluded because we can only get 2 secures per titan every year !!!


  • EVERYONE can partake in the Event
  • Huge increase in Competition
  • Increased Player activity (more online players like in every Event which does NOT exclude any players)
  • Big guilds will NOT have any advantage in numbers over small guilds
  • Small guilds will have the SAME chance as big guilds since Seasonal TKP will be contributed to the player & NOT to the guild


  • Less profit for Only "1 man guilds" !!!

As I have mentioned a couple times before in forum, I am in a big guild & in the last 3 years I managed to only hunt the Mirka Titan ONCE & that was because of 2 "coincidences" which are:

  • I was online when the Seasonal Titans were 1st released
  • for some "odd" reason 5 Mirka Titans were realesed at the same time

if it were not for these 2 "coincidences" then I would not have been able to hunt a single Seasonal Titan in the last 3 years due to being in a big guild !!!


IMO Events should NOT exclude any players, EVERYONE should be able to partake like in any Event so far (Globals, LEs, Caves, XP, ….) EVEN the PvP Event (Seasons) lets you hit guild mates !!!


Currently me & everyone who is in an “average – big “ guild hardly have any chance to participate in the Titan Event at all !!! :(


This thread is about SEASONAL Titans, NOT normal Titans which spawn all year & can be “theoretically” secured 52 times per year by a guild UNLIKE Seasonal Titans (=only 2 secures per year) !!!


again, PLEASE FIX BUGS !!! (I have reported many myself, some over a year ago)

please feel free to discuss / agree / disagree + most importantly give a REASON WHY !!!


as usual please keep it civil & ignore trolls whose aim is just to start a fight / get the topic closed, THANKS

#979608 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by mary4ever on 16 April 2017 - 14:23

PvP isn't just used as a way to 'punish' players.

do not even bother to reply when they post nonsense like this, they will just come up with all kind of ridiculous excuses (most either does not make any sense or just contradict themselves) to keep their WIN-Buttons !!!


at this point I would not be surprised if they started saying that all PvPers are evil in RL, PvP should be removed from the game, want a new PvP system, PvPers are just bullies, ....... or even claim that the earth is flat tongue.png


like I keep saying over & over again:

@hoof: you do not have to listen to anything I or anyone says, since you are an admin & have access to see things "behind the scenes", you can observe how players use OP composing almost as a "WIN - button" on the (PvP Ladder, BB, GvG, relic battles) & "wiping out" any players who are not using OP composing themselves !!! access player logs, see for yourself the frag amount some players have (millions of frags to create TONS of EPIC OP Composing skills), the person you should trust the most should be yourself, trust what you see / observe smile.png


since some are so confident in asking for a game poll then let's do it BUT 1st let's even the odds:

PvPers are now facing opponents with 2-3 times higher stats than they used to battle so it is only fair if the levelers face the same consequences !!!

ALL creatures stats from lvl 1 - EOC will be 2-3 times higher than they used to be !!!


afterall since PvPers have to face stats 2-3 times higher then levelers should be too, that's only "fair" for both parties to face the same consequences & the same "excuses" you guys keep saying to the PvPers that they "decided to limit themselves by not composing", "it is a challenge", bla bla bla ..... should of course apply to the levelers too !!!


then let's have a game poll & NONE of you should have a problem with that if you truly believe in your posts that defend OP pots !!!


The ladder is all about who can afford the highest level pots/buffs and who can run them the longest. There is no skill involved. The current situation with buffs is beyond obvious there.

There lies the problem. Our knowledge means squat against the OP pots. No skill required anymore, just access to the right potions.

that's unfortunately a fact which hopefully hoof will fix ASAP !!!

#979607 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by mary4ever on 16 April 2017 - 13:38

Isn't the specific injury to players the fact, in your opinion, that certain areas of the game are now unchallenging and ridiculous due to, dare I say it, recently introduced overpowered pots.

try it out & you will see it for yourself (castable buffs VS OP Composing)

it's usually a 1-sided battle when one party uses OP Composing & the other does not !!!


 If this truly were the case then each and every player would have the same complaint. I'm sorry mate but I just don't think this runs true.

we ALL do not think alike, have the same complaints, are PvPers, ..... so your statement is NOT true !!! besides this statement does NOT even apply to you & the others who are defending OP Composing since you all have different reasons (resources put into leveling, believing it is challenging beating a player with weaker stats, want to keep WIN-Button, need them for their hunt, need them to SE / Titan Hunt, .......)


but seriously now wil, do you really believe that OP pots (552) against castable buffs (175) are a challenge???

I mean who in his right mind would even suggest that it is a challenge for a lvl 552 to beat a lvl 175 player tongue.png

#979605 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by mary4ever on 16 April 2017 - 13:06

So what I meant is this. 

Lets say at current stat increasing buff levels, setup 1 is the only setup you need to win for 300 player levels. Now lets say we place a buff level cap of 225 on stat increasing buffs.  Setup 1 now only lets you win for 100 levels. So even though we reduced the buff levels there is still only one setup that allows you to win over certain player levels. So it's not really buff levels that is the issue. The issue is that nothing else beats setup 1.  This can be solved by a better variety of stats on gear.

Now I did say that buffs could be tweaked to balance them out between themselves. If that allows the gear to obtain this variety then great. This doesn't mean lowering them to castable levels.

YES YES YES that's it !!!

in your EXAMPLE you had to cap (reduce) the OP skill levels to 225 so that 1 setup let's you win for 100 levels (from previously letting you win for 300 levels), is that right until now?

after the cap of OP skills to lvl 225 you say it can be solved by a " better variety of stats on gear "

I just want to make sure I understand what you mean before replying :

do you mean with that players need to change setups OR that HCS needs to create new stats on sets OR perhaps anything else?


Your issue however is castable buffs competing against "OP Pots"

castable buffs will never be able to compete against OP pots !!! never have & never will unless the level of castable buffs come "close" to them BUT even then that will negatively affect other game styles like arena, potion sellers, ...... (pots, ...) !!!

IF I (use castable buffs) then I am NOT suicidal to face someone using OP Composing fully knowing it will be a 1-sided battle & that my only chance of winning would be to mainly count on "LUCK" skills activating in my favour !!!

I usually face someone with OP Composing with about the same level of skills to be able to compete, otherwise it is a 1-sided slaughter !!!

Your example limits one player by only using castable buffs. You could say the same thing about two players using the same setup, but one player uses 175 buffs and the other player chooses to use level 50 buffs. End result is the same so then should we nerf castable buffs because someone only wants to use level 50 buffs? But players wouldn't limit themselves to level 50 buffs right? So why are they doing it with level 175 buffs then?

1st of all, nobody freely "chooses" to use lower skill levels, they would at least try to match their opponents skill level if possible !!!

have you ever wondered why the PvP Ladder Bands had exactly a 50 level interval?

it was not just because of the gears (so gear stat differences are as minimal as possible) BUT the most important factor was because of the SAME skill LEVEL those PvP Ladder Participants could cast on themselves !!!

you might remember that the PvP Ladder Bands were like this:

    - 49 => castable lvl cap at 100
50 - 99 => castable lvl cap at 105
100 - 149 => castable lvl cap at 110
150 - 199 => castable lvl cap at 115
200 - 249 => castable lvl cap at 120
250 - 299 => castable lvl cap at 125

INFO: each 50 levels your character advances, you will be able to allocate an additional 5 skill levels (=increase your castable cab lvl by +5 until a MAX of 150 which will be reached at Character lvl 500 !!!

as you can see in ALL PvP Ladder Bands the Participants have the same skill cap levels !!!


What happens when both players use the same level buffs, does one player dominate or do they both have the same chance to win?

if both of them use the SAME LEVEL BUFFS then obviously the player with the "better" PvP knowledge has the better chance !!! (PvP with buffs lvl 175 is NEVER a 100% guarantee & that is the "beauty" of it)

in ALL my years I have NEVER encountered any setup I could not beat with both of us using buffs lvl 175 !!!

there is NO setup that let's you beat every setup if both players use buffs lvl 175 !!! EVERY setup can be beaten if both players use buffs lvl 175 !!! <= most if not all PvPers will tell you the same too BUT that does NOT apply to OP Composing !!!


Obviously a misinterpret/miscommunication on what I meant by the word effort. By no means was it meant to diminish anything that pvpers have done or the amount of effort they have put into it.


The example you gave is exactly what I mean. One player went through the effort of using/maintaining a higher level of buffs while the other chooses to only use castable buffs. So again why did this player choose to limit themself and what happens when players are using the same level of buffs?

why are you & the others who "defend" OP Composing claiming that players who do NOT use OP Composing are "limiting themselves"????

Composing is NOT the "norm", the "norm" is castable buffs which ALL players have that they automatically get as they level up (NOT like Composing) + EVERY player can cast buffs on himself & other players at any given time (NOT like Composing) + the Buff Market is cheap & available for EVERYONE to use (NOT like Composing) !!!


you guys seem to have forgotten that Composing is an "addition", like the Arena, Scavenging, ...... !!!

I have NEVER had any trouble in PvP (PvP Ladder, normal PvP, GvG, ......) by NOT playing the Arena, Scavenging, Titan Hunting, SE Hunting, ....... !!!

the ONLY exception is Composing which FORCED me to start composing so that I could be able to compete in PvP again like I used to do BEFORE OP Composing, just ridiculous sad.png

I would have NEVER started leveling up Composing if it was not so that I could compete in PvP again, kinda sad .....

sorry if it takes me longer to reply, really enjoying having a decent conversation with you, currently spending Easter with the family :)


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Happy Easter everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

#979517 This AGAIN....

Posted by mary4ever on 14 April 2017 - 10:18

I have noticed I usually get this ERROR: " Failed to connect: Master Database [] " from after the server reset until about 06:00 ST !!!

they appear at random times during this intervals & last very shortly

(hope this might somehow help)

#979516 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by mary4ever on 14 April 2017 - 09:59

Thanks, I understood Melons post just fine. I even said that some buffs could be tweaked a bit to balance them out between themselves. Only needing one setup to win suggests the stats on setups available need to be varied a bit more as stat increasing buffs only compound an issue that is already there.

do you mind explaining in DETAIL what you mean? maybe with an EXAMPLE & a possible Sollution?

I think once you start talking about it in detail you will realize that it is a skill issue !!!


for EXAMPLE: if I & my opponent use the SAME PvP setup (same forge / craft) with the only exception that I use OP pots & he / she uses only castable buffs then his / her chances to win are almost NONE !!! EVENTHOUGH we are using the same PvP setup => thus further proving it is a SKILL ISSUE !!!


it has ALWAYS been a "SKILL - ISSUE", if you remember at the "early stage of the game" when people rushed to level in order to get castable 175 buffs !!! EVERYONE back then (regardless of being a PvPer or NON-PvPer would tell you that the skill level matters a LOT !!!


Maybe you didn't understand what I was saying. It was about the players who feel castable buffs should be able to compete with composing buffs. Not about buffs being an issue themselves.

castable buffs hardly stand a chance against OP Composing as castable buffs hardly stand a chance against EPIC Pots !!!

that is the main point of this thread => It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.


I fail to see how being required to match another players efforts to beat them is an issue.

please let's not start talking about "efforts" to simply justify anything regardless of the "effects" it causes !!!

if you wanna talk about EFFORTS then what about the PvP Efforts????

what about the YEARS of PvP Efforts, the resources (FSPs, Gold, Stamina, lost XP, lost Levels, Time, .....) they put BEFORE OP Composing was released & **** it up for them???

I have put a LOT more "effort" into PvP than into Composing, PvP has cost me X times more than Composing & I know many PvPers were it applies too !!!

the "efforts" PvPers have put over the years hardly mattered AFTER OP Composing !!!

how do you think these PvPers felt after engaging OP Composed players in PvP & to find out that their years of PvP efforts hardly matter & they hardly stand a chance?

many PvPers went complaining into the forum (incl me) but unfortunately we know what happened if you posted any negativity about OP Composing :(

some either quit the game, left PvP or just like me started to level up Composing in order to be able to compete in PvP !!!


there are many things to add to the PvP efforts that the Composing efforts can not even come close to BUT like I said before let's not start talking about "efforts" here because you will lose the "fight" before it even starts .....


when years of PvP "efforts" pale in comparison to the Composing "efforts" in relation to PvP (PvP Ladder, GvG, ......) then something has to be wrong !!!


& finally: acknowledging ones "efforts (Composing efforts) while disregarding the others "efforts" (years of PvP efforts) is just wrong / ..... !!!


the only honest arguement I heard so far to keep OP Composing was: I have put a lot of effort into Composing so it should stay !!!

BUT even that only honest arguement does not hold a candle when PvPers talk about their years of PvP efforts !!!


afterall this is about PvP !!!


This is PvP


@hoof: you do not have to listen to anything I or anyone says, since you are an admin & have access to see things "behind the scenes", you can observe how players use OP composing almost as a "WIN - button" on the (PvP Ladder, BB, GvG, relic battles) & "wiping out" any players who are not using OP composing themselves !!! access player logs, see for yourself the frag amount some players have (millions of frags to create TONS of EPIC OP Composing skills), the person you should trust the most should be yourself, trust what you see / observe smile.png

I really hope you will do this to see for yourself what is really going on & if you do then I am confident you will "unfortunately" know how OP Composing has affected PvP (PvP Ladder, GvG, .....)

#979515 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by mary4ever on 14 April 2017 - 05:02

Wyld Titan. If you can 1 hit it without luck buffs kicking in, you are amazing.




"a picture says more than a thousand words"


*had to unblock shortly to reply*



Necrosis is a chance, "Luck" buff...  :D

why would you point towards the "Necrosis" SKILL that is a "luck" buff + has ZERO impact if it activates or not on the Titan?


BEFORE the 1,2,3,4,R (rolfstoping with OP pots) players would actually check out each mobs profile before attacking to know if they had enough attack / damage / ...... !!!

if you had bothered to check the Wyld Mari (Titan) profile BEFORE posting here (like I did in order to answer yotwehcs question) you would have known that the Titan was already "Undead" & that you would NOT need "Necrosis" at all !!!


Necrosis =>   +0.1% per point chance that the creature you are fighting will be turned into an 'Undead' creature at the start of combat. (PvE Only)

since the creature is already Undead, Necrosis will be "useless" (you can not turn an already "Undead" to "Undead" :P)


if you have not already noticed the "answer" was obviously HOLY FLAME !!!

Holy Flame => +0.2% extra damage vs. undead per point.


before you ask, Holy Flame is NOT a "luck" buff & yes, you can easily 1-Hit-Kill the highest lvl Titan (many have already done so) & yes HolyFlame lvl 500 is way OP (DOUBLES your damage at only lvl 500, distilled even more) !!!


if you still "somehow" believe it can not be done then PM me ingame & I will gladly help you or just ask anyone who has hunted it before


ps: if you use OP composing + castable buffs + the Valaraths Egg then at your level you can get 750k+ damage (the Titan "only" has 365k HP so you will NOT even need a wither pot LOL, that just further proves how OP pots have become :wacko:

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