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Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active May 19 2023 01:22

#952456 Missing Pets/Mounts from Halloween event.

Posted by Anakiro on 02 November 2015 - 09:12

So I've just doubled checked these for you guys. Grey Wolf, Red Spook and Unicorn drop from the Argent Wolf. Their drop rates do look lower than the others though, so just keep killing him!
As per the patch notes, Rhinotaur is not available yet. We just added him while we were adding the Demon Rhinotaur, but it isn't available yet.

#952462 Missing Pets/Mounts from Halloween event.

Posted by Mojawk on 02 November 2015 - 11:09

We're going to push a hot-fix live later today, we'll be upping the drop rates of the new items available from the Wolf.

#952136 Friend amount

Posted by Zorg on 29 October 2015 - 09:22

If you're going to do shower your bug reports in cute comments, I'm going to reply by way of cute limericks.


There once was a bot called Aroo,

He liked to merge records for you,

One day in the grind,

He fell far behind,

But soon he will work his way through. biggrin.png

#947241 Hide alt from top list

Posted by drdoom123 on 31 August 2015 - 19:34

make it so when your about to log in it theres an option where you can go in without people seeing i get the same, doom can you tank icc doom heal asv blah blah blah 

#942281 Locations of Woodland Spirits

Posted by Vidazar on 30 July 2015 - 10:23

I created a map for those unsure where the locations in the list are, or want the exact location. I take no credit for finding the locations, only for making the map.



#938967 New Achievement: What a Glorious Day

Posted by Mojawk on 15 July 2015 - 17:19

Lol, will see what we can do!

#938527 Weapon Vanity

Posted by l3fty on 10 July 2015 - 10:42

This was something we initially wanted to do, but the system wasn't set up to handle it. I think the issue was that you'd have one weapon vanity slot which could take any weapon vanity, so the logic of when-or-if item visuals and animations would be overridden was a bit complex.


Excuses aside, it would give us another level of customisation and event items :D

#937685 Pure Talents (level 50 end of tree talent)

Posted by HuMoR on 01 July 2015 - 01:26

I'd agree as long as those examples listed above don't go live lol...no offense,but those are legit the worst ever haha XD

double haem,double bb XD they can just be removed,and the hybs can remove it even quicker lol,not much incentive aye ;)
double mael,that will cause more deaths in the game where wars cant pot in between all the damn spinning due to not being able to walk out of it or end it early/

for mages...a better end tree talent would be  a new attack altogether,that would be able to be cast on an enemy to reduce their defense or reduce their attack.
Rangers a new end talent as well would be better as a new attack entirely,that could be similar to the mages plasma,but when being attacked it causes you to drop your movement speed while being damaged 2% per attack while up 15 seconds plasma max,and a decently slow cd.
Wars,idk id imagine a new move where they can teleport would be good,but the problem with this is,it would make them too OP so I dont think that to be an amazing idea...maybe a temporary boost to dmg or new ability to slow enemy? like a global AOE where if the enemy is 20m away they are slowed by 25% if 15 away maybe 15% if 5m maybe 5%.
Prophets..hard to say,maybe a crit boost to heals on all friendly teammates that are below 70% life if speced all the way,90%
Templars 5/10/15% more threat gen or dmg boost
sins....could care less,let someone who enjoys the class give an opinion on it,

#932328 Friend's List Bug

Posted by Cygnus on 13 May 2015 - 10:43

It's not remembering the scroll position when the list refreshes in any way at current.

This should get fixed with the next patch.

#909939 There's a reason Eldevin isn't very popular......

Posted by Fizban on 16 December 2014 - 21:12

Started reading this topic then thought to myself 'why do peeps join this game then try to make it like another game' simple answer, go play another game, THIS IS ELDEVIN, not Runescape, nor WoW, but Eldevin :P

#909949 Suggestion for future new areas

Posted by ZeusIV on 16 December 2014 - 21:48


but then we'd have people running around speaking latin american and saying "malo" over and over again. Oh wait a minute...


#908363 Noctis Tower Obelisks

Posted by ZeusIV on 10 December 2014 - 19:50

I am sure you have a plan for these pretty things but  they would make a great place to put some obelisks to save all the running around before you do ascended dungeons :)




If they are really important maybe the pillars around these pretty things could be replaced by obelisks?

#903836 Smarter PvP Matchmaking

Posted by Kijjum on 23 November 2014 - 15:41

Honestly they should just nerf everyone. It would be more fun with longer battles and having to think about what you're going to use instead of stun, snare, hit, next guy. It's boring. It really is. Then with the team matchmaking and unbalanced classes it just sucks even worse. I forget where but I think it was in some PvP forum someone said HCS doesn't plan on Eldevin being a PvP based game. If that is true then there is no point in playing the game :P just a more mature Club Penguin.

#901682 Bring back group PvP!

Posted by Mongo on 17 November 2014 - 22:07

Please bring this back, chucking a a level 10 in with a bunch of uber geared 45's is not a good way to introduce them to PvP and it makes most of the matches we get to play in, a joke.


Group PvP please! If you can not fix all balance and randomness problems, then at least let us attempt to fix them ourselves, by making our own group match ups.

#898899 Trees Need Attention

Posted by Brioche on 08 November 2014 - 01:03

Actually, I wish this would happen as well when I get too close to a wall... Instead of that annoying zoom-in.

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