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Member Since 20 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2016 03:20

#851740 Web Content Pack

Posted by Shylark57 on 26 February 2014 - 02:48

Just got that same thing as above..... But I did get the pack downloaded when it came out...

#882953 Make all dungeons solo-able :)

Posted by zargon on 30 July 2014 - 21:55

Already been suggested and they are working on it. I do not think the level 45 dungeons should be soloable though. I think they should only open up Odhar Scar for now and try to market the game better to bring in more people. I think it would resolve the issue if the population were doubled.


A marketing campain should take the place of all non emergency updates for the next month. This way we stabalize the environment while bringing in people who would not be joining just to see server crashs, game errors, or major bugs.


This product is already good enough to market it as is. More people equals more revenue to fund better the updates. When peeople disagree with the game being marketed now claiming that it's unfinshed, I always say that it will always be unfinished. That's how it is with any mmo. My question back would be to those people "why are you still here playing if it's not finished". I say to them "because it's already a very good game".


Let's get the word out more and bring people in here and limit the amount of solo dungeons as the end goal in upper levels is to have people play mmo (which is group play)

#878632 Advice For Anyone Considering Pure Builds

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 12 July 2014 - 15:12

There are so many suggestions on how to balance this game.  (I'm not really sure who the devs are listening to, it's not me, lol.)  Here are my two cents, for what it's worth.  Which is probably not even two cents.  But anyway...


Hybrid builds with their hybrid weapons will soon take over the world.  Pure builds won't stand a chance. I cannot go into specifics, but a hybrid player only sacrificed 2.5% haste to gain 20 defense in melee, ranged and mage, 23% block, 5% accuracy, 5% crit, 2.5k-ish healing power, 25 dps and 800 armor.  They also added righteous defense to their rotation, almost tripling their survivability while gaining in everything except for haste, which is a minimal loss.  


Can your build compete with this?  Mine cannot, even with fabled weapons with supreme plus gems, potions and buffs.  This person didn't even have gems, didn't have any buffs and NEVER fell below 90% life during the whole arena testing battle.  When the hybrid weapons come out, that person's build will become that much stronger because instead of melee stat on sword, it will have mage stats, so they will lose zero per cent haste and will sacrifice absolutely NOTHING for that much benefit.


Pure classes as we know them, will be complete crap.  What does HCS have to say about this?  They don't care as it was "never their intention to focus on pure builds."  


My advice to you is to rethink your builds.  It's too late for me as I have already invested way too much into my gems.  My only chance to compete with the hybrids is to raise a hybrid myself.  


(This is in no way asking for nerfs or buffs, etc.  It's only to raise awareness to new players that might think pure classes will benefit them in some way.)  




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