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Member Since 15 Sep 2014
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#952053 Event token vendors are to stay

Posted by Savanc on 28 October 2015 - 14:31

Every time an event finishes some people will have event tokens left in their backpack. Whether it is because they didn't watch the time and were too late to trade them at the vendor, had trouble logging in or whatever other reason.
That doesn't really matter; people have event tokens left and no way of spending them because the event vendor disappears. But what is so bad about being able to spend candy canes (winter event ends in January) in February? Or spending Doubloons (summer event tokens) in October?
I suggest that the event token vendors stay permanently in Eldevin.


And I think the best way is if they get a building somewhere in EC (plenty of room still) to house them.
During events they always stay at the Eldevin City Central Square, but no need for that if their event isn't up. So a building should do fine.

So far we have 5 events (Winter, Valentines, Easter, Summer and Halloween), and some room on the calender for extra events. So a building that can house around 10 people should do quite well. wink.png

#929511 Rebalance End Game Loot/Quests

Posted by HappyDays on 22 April 2015 - 09:50


4 great drops + relics (+ weekly cores and bag)

5 people

4-8 mins


These are the main things being run at end game. Right now ICC is way ahead in terms of reward for time. Sure it needs a bit more effort/tactics to do it well. But it is very profitable if you are lucky enough to be in a team that can happily grind there for hours.


Coming from one of the lucky ones who gets to run it most days I think there should be a reduction in what it gives out. I think ICC should be changed to 5 drops but defined instead of absolutes, and keep the flakes/horsey in there. At the same time, the weekly reward has been nerfed to the extreme, that needs a look at too.


Not only would that not over-saturate the large gem market with players grinding ICC it would also drive prices back up for those running RG/BT and give them a bit more coin for their efforts.


All that being said. I am happy for it to stay the same, and I will continue to benefit from ICC :) and build my gems :)


how long has it been opened...... and now a thread. The people who got ICC and grinded it made out like bandits so the only people that suffer are the late adopters with the nerfs. The people who grinded it are minted and sorted. Now lets nerf it for the people that follow :rolleyes:  . How noble of you to be so concerned about them.


It is a situation of leave it as it is, the people who benefited ......... well ...... benefited and the late adopters are the ones who are back handed because they were late to the party.  So they should earn less because the people before now have their fill. Reminds me of all those times people called for nerfs as they were hardcore grinding solo dungeons as they were calling for nerfs...... who benefited from that again ..... hmmmmmm.

#926675 More sap

Posted by Fizban on 02 April 2015 - 21:45

do daily forestry quests, you'll soon have a glut of sap ;)

#906304 report button in world chat

Posted by aliadnan12 on 02 December 2014 - 11:53

a report button is very much needed in world chat like in FS .


main reason is because due to the increase in number of players , some of the players get very personal and start using abusive words badly and then they just dont stop .


i killed someone in TA and was gonna return the resources but that guy immediately started telling me to "Go away" in world chat repeatedly in capital letters again and again and what could i do about this , best was to ignore him though i wanted to report him i couldnt ... so this button would be very nice.

#920577 TA Idea

Posted by Fizban on 19 February 2015 - 13:31

The problem I see with this is if pvp is more encourages what's that do for the lower level players? nothing. An area that should be good for all levels becomes only good when you finally reach the end game.


If the focus wanted to be more on pvp then I think it should restrict the levels. I mean really, what part of the pvp aspect is good about a level 45 killing a level ~20? There's no good pvp with that, it's only for the resources for those people.

Or the gatherers could gather outside of TA :)

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