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Member Since 15 Sep 2014
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#920430 TA Idea

Posted by Steve1973 on 18 February 2015 - 21:11

I personally like the idea, but, Could a potion like this just encourage more players to take their chance with TA and possibly lead to more moaning. At the moment people moan when they lose, I am guessing only about 50%ish of their gathers stuff. I think after a week or so the a potion, will they then moan if they lose just 5%. Ontop of that, there will still be moans from those who either feel the potion price is too high, or moans from those who haven't bought the potion that there is still pvping taking part on the island.


Rant time ;)


Everyday, there are loads of moans about people killing and being killed on TA. There is a warning when players enter TA, that they must click accept before entering, so they can't say they were unaware it is a pvp island.

Several other nonpvper players even point out to the ones who moan it is a pvp island and what this means, but from then on these nonpvpers get referred to in the same regard as the players who were actually doing the pvping.


I think the present set up is already favoured to the gatherer enough.

For the large part, they can gather freely and get stacks of 999, then occasionaly a high lvl pvp player will turn up and start killing. If one or two people are killed by a single pvper, there is a large yellow post and an audible warning (i forget what the words are) to give all the other players notice to leave the island so the majority get away with all their goods anyway. For those that are killed, they only lose, I am not sure of the percentages but I undertsand it to be around 50% give or take. This means, even though they lost, they still walk away with half their proceeds, plus the plaer who die do not have to pay for any repairs to their armour or weapons.

Considering they could have lost everything and also been forced to pay for repairs, I think it is a pretty cushy deal for gatherers.


Unfortunately, with a game like this, unless the pvp and pve parts of the game are completely seperated, I feel there will always be people moaning no matter what is done, as some players are not willing to take responsibility for their own personal actions by entering a pvp island and then moaning about being killed.

Rant over :)

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