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Member Since 05 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active Jun 05 2018 08:05

#987962 Player Suggestions

Posted by Anakiro on 07 December 2017 - 11:21

One of the more important things I think you can improve on is getting information out to us about what is coming and when to expect it. Broad generalizations like, "Invaders are coming, more information later this month." is pointless.


Hi there. I absolutely understand where you're coming from. When a developer announces a new feature everyone really wants to know how it'll impact their experience. Unfortunately game development, especially on a title like ONE, can be very fluid. Sometimes things change with very little notice, so the information I could have given you a fortnight ago about Invaders may not be true when they're released. The same is also true about release dates, we know what our goals are internally but if we tell everyone and then we miss that deadline it disappoints people.


Essentially it comes down to the fact that we want to be certain that what we're telling you guys is accurate. We know it can be frustrating, especially if it's a feature you're excited for or want to know about. What we can say is that we are planning to release more details about Invaders next week and it should be a pretty comprehensive breakdown, so please hang in there!

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