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Member Since 12 Apr 2019
Offline Last Active Apr 29 2019 09:53

#996478 New Earth: how does "Assist ally" technically work?

Posted by OneFluffyBunny on 12 April 2019 - 18:02

What determins how much help someone receives when an ally hits the "assist ally" button? Low power player shave a few second off, while higher can shave hours. So clearly power is a factor, but what is the ratio? Is there a minimum amount of help someone can give? Is it a percent multiplied by a factor of their power? Anyone have any clue? Any Devs want to brag about the cool equation for helping people? I've been super curious about this for some time now, and would greatly appreciate some light shed on the mechanic.

#990351 Alliance assist broken

Posted by souldeeper on 23 February 2018 - 16:20

4 days have passed and the problem still exists. sad.png
I even extend the error even though I can not receive any help...

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