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Can we revisit smasher ticks for normal pvp

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#61 BadPenny



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Posted 19 August 2020 - 22:44

it's called PvP Prestige because it is gained only by attacking.  This thread is starting to devolve into something that I don't believe was the OP's intention.  Anyone can obtain it, just by doing the odd PvP DQ.  It's nothing more than a 10% XP buff for leveling, and if you go to the attack player page, all the details are there.  It does what it's supposed to as Hoof intended.  


The only correlation to Prestige and the inclusion of Smasher ticks for normal PvP is the OP's proposed time restrictions to insure nobody gets slammed by on over-exuberant troll.  


I don't see why this may be a problem, but I'm just an old lady, what do I know?

Just one old lady's opinion




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#62 BadPenny



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Posted 19 August 2020 - 22:54

thanks to p and active, it has already been established that an opt out in pvp ladder exists. cheapest form cost 200,000 gold.

i'm suggesting to formalize the process.

your "counter argument" offers little to the conversation.

i'm deeply deeply disappointed.

This is where I think you are confused.... Opting into the ladder, or opting out of it, has no cost and is totally different from normal PvP.    200K is the cost for PvP protection, which protects your XP from NORMAL PvP attacks, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the ladder except that some may abuse that option simply to get Smasher ticks via the ladder then opt out without waiting for a ladder reset.  
This topic has no bearing on the ladder whatsoever.  
I'm beginning to believe I'm just beating my head against a brick wall here.  Or somebody just is so rigid in their beliefs they don't want to listen to reason. 

Afraid not. PvP Is part of the game. Has been since the beginning. Want to protect your XP? Use PvP Protection. PvP is not gonna be opt out.
~ Grim

It's already been stated that changes to PvP or PvP Protection that deter from the current policies won't happen

Just one old lady's opinion




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#63 Pardoux



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Posted 20 August 2020 - 04:04

thanks to p and active, it has already been established that an opt out in pvp ladder exists. cheapest form cost 200,000 gold.

i'm suggesting to formalize the process.

your "counter argument" offers little to the conversation.

i'm deeply deeply disappointed.


Do you actually read what is said or just interpret it to fit your argument ?

The PvP LADDER is entirely optional - see image below



You check the box, you're opted into the ladder, you UNcheck the box and you're removed from the ladder (at the next reset). That checkmark you make or remove from the box is not 200K, it's not 100K, it's NADA, ZERO, FREE 


Regular in-game PvP is where you can purchase (limited) PvP protection 

As I've said, and as Penny has said they are 2 seperate aspects of the game.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#64 michael65



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Posted 20 August 2020 - 08:34

Many moons ago when the smasher medal was shiny and new, you could gain ticks any time you sent another player an invitation to the pvpers ball, this of course only after you used the proper 100 stamina of postage to send the invite.  Over time, those who did not dance clashed with those of the dance and a great and mighty fight thus began.
( stuff removed )
Well, after this much time had passed it was time for the cows to answer the cries of the rhythmless players by taking smasher ticks out of the equation except for hits on the bounty boards and hits on the ladder. I was hoping to see it come back to the random hits.         
 I, once again, would like to see 100 stamina hits off the ladder and off the boards, count towards the smasher medals. Not every hit, but only the hit every 3 days that also gives pvp prestige should count as a smasher tick provided 100 stamina was used.


I'm interested in knowing your reasoning for this?


You mean log into the ladder, take a mega pot, smash away with impunity 'cos you know that, unless someone flukes or takes a similar potion, you're safe and then, when the pot expires, buys PvP Protection to opt yourself out again before a reset ?

quote 1 was edited to include pvp prestige in response to quote 2 which included pvp prestige in an edit. so much for original intention. a thread unravels.

quote 3 puts forth existance of informal pvp ladder opt out between resets. this is different from opt out at reset.

#65 activeh1



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Posted 20 August 2020 - 08:49

yea this was about normal 100 stam counting towards medal ,all this other rubbish is just that rubbish


the pvp prest came later and should be left as it is


all the rest is just hot air and rubbish ,if i opt outa ladder thats my choice ,my 200k so why do you all care what i do ?

Edited by activeh1, 20 August 2020 - 08:54.


#66 BadPenny



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Posted 20 August 2020 - 11:01

yea this was about normal 100 stam counting towards medal ,all this other rubbish is just that rubbish


the pvp prest came later and should be left as it is


all the rest is just hot air and rubbish ,if i opt outa ladder thats my choice ,my 200k so why do you all care what i do ?

Some see it as an exploit, others get confused about the whole thing.  I think it's a petty childish way around things, but, if the cows think it's fine, like you said, it's your 200k...  


Me, I don't care one way or the other about it, it's your 200K to do with as you see fit, and your choice whether to apply common sense scruples to a game or not.


But I am concerned about the guy who appeared to have gotten confused, thinking you HAVE to pay that 200K just to get off the ladder. 


Regardless, the entire thing strays from the Snowman's intention, which was to make some changes to NORMAL PvP.  


*drops mike*

Edited by BadPenny, 20 August 2020 - 11:03.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#67 Maehdros



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Posted 20 August 2020 - 13:29

yea this was about normal 100 stam counting towards medal ,all this other rubbish is just that rubbish

the pvp prest came later and should be left as it is

all the rest is just hot air and rubbish ,if i opt outa ladder thats my choice ,my 200k so why do you all care what i do ?

I'm honestly curious, why is it you opt out of the ladder frequently? I could make assumptions but I'd rather hear from you.

Personally I would just stay in and get even more dominance ticks, and /or smasher ticks ( if that is what is desired)

Edited by Maehdros, 20 August 2020 - 13:30.

#68 Undjuvion



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Posted 20 August 2020 - 16:36

i think i fully and undoubtedly understand the mind of a leveller after reading this thread, a control freak, power hungry, will ruin anything in the name of it.....




edit: for many years i spoke on behalf of "levellers" due to the victimization they seemed to convey, its clear that if you leave a game for petty reasons such as u arent in control it is indeed a mental issue, the game should not be tarnished by it, im just glad my mind is in a better place, ty tho!

Edited by Undjuvion, 20 August 2020 - 16:50.

#69 wil72



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Posted 20 August 2020 - 18:47

 "so much for original intention. a thread unravels".



I've been following this "thread" closely. As personally I am in favour of moonfrost's suggestion. And I have yet to see/read what your credible argument against it is. Are you trying to "unravel" this thread with utter nonsense?


Can I ask what your original intention was? As I have no clue. Are you against normal 100 stam hits providing a tick towards the Smasher Medal and when doing this smash also receiving 10 prestige? Do you think it should be one or the other but not both? And if so why?


Do you want to level in Fallen Sword without any consequence? Is that what you think "all" levellers want? And if there is consequence, which is a 100 stam PvP hit, that is why you think so many levellers will leave the game? Let's put it this way. If you want to level with no consequence why not just add up numbers on a calculator.


Personally, I would go further than moonfrost's suggestion so I've taken the liberty of adding to it. I know you like lists so I've added one for you.


  • normal 100 stam hits provide a tick towards Smasher medal. Only applies once in every 3 day period like PvP Prestige.
  • The amount of Prestige you receive for a PvP win should equate to stam used. So a 100 stam hit that wins should get 100 Prestige.
  • Prestige should also be given to a succesful defense using the mechanics of no. 2
  • The introduction of a PvP themed Global Event.
  • Increase the level ranges for PvP attacks.


How'd you like em apples?


Oh, while we are asking, any chance you can remove the GvG cap moo brothers and sisters? Silly question I know but I just don't like it.




Edited by wil72, 20 August 2020 - 19:22.

#70 BadPenny



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Posted 20 August 2020 - 19:50

I've been following this "thread" closely. As personally I am in favour of moonfrost's suggestion. And I have yet to see/read what your credible argument against it is. Are you trying to "unravel" this thread with utter nonsense?


Can I ask what your original intention was? As I have no clue. Are you against normal 100 stam hits providing a tick towards the Smasher Medal and when doing this smash also receiving 10 prestige? Do you think it should be one or the other but not both? And if so why?


Do you want to level in Fallen Sword without any consequence? Is that what you think "all" levellers want? And if there is consequence, which is a 100 stam PvP hit, that is why you think so many levellers will leave the game? Let's put it this way. If you want to level with no consequence why not just add up numbers on a calculator.


Personally, I would go further than moonfrost's suggestion so I've taken the liberty of adding to it. I know you like lists so I've added one for you.


  • normal 100 stam hits provide a tick towards Smasher medal. Only applies once in every 3 day period like PvP Prestige.
  • The amount of Prestige you receive for a PvP win should equate to stam used. So a 100 stam hit that wins should get 100 Prestige.
  • Prestige should also be given to a succesful defense using the mechanics of no. 2
  • The introduction of a PvP themed Global Event.
  • Increase the level ranges for PvP attacks.


How'd you like em apples?


Oh, while we are asking, any chance you can remove the GvG cap moo brothers and sisters? Silly question I know but I just don't like it.





Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#71 michael65



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Posted 20 August 2020 - 21:09

yea this was about normal 100 stam counting towards medal ,all this other rubbish is just that rubbish

the pvp prest came later and should be left as it is

all the rest is just hot air and rubbish ,if i opt outa ladder thats my choice ,my 200k so why do you all care what i do ?


i call it smoke, but for the most part yeah. (the "hot air and rubbish" could be applied to my post also, context is unclear. better that way.)

thanks active for your contribution to this thread so far.

( edit:

to add to confusion there is prestigious brew level 10 pvp prestige 120 min.

as to many of the posts not commented on, they show the great divide between pvpers and the decent honest good levellers. )

( 2nd edit:
pls note, prestigious brew is a pvp ladder reward ( requires pvp ladder tokens to purchase ) and is bound ( not tradable ). 10 pvp prestige gives 10% xp gain for leveling for duration. granted, it is cool, but what reason does it exist ? )

Edited by michael65, 27 August 2020 - 15:06.

#72 activeh1



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Posted 22 August 2020 - 00:57

i think i fully and undoubtedly understand the mind of a leveller after reading this thread, a control freak, power hungry, will ruin anything in the name of it.....




juvi dont tell me its taken this long for you to get to that conclusion


#73 moonfrost



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Posted 22 August 2020 - 06:16

I've been following this "thread" closely. As personally I am in favour of moonfrost's suggestion. And I have yet to see/read what your credible argument against it is. Are you trying to "unravel" this thread with utter nonsense?


Can I ask what your original intention was? As I have no clue. Are you against normal 100 stam hits providing a tick towards the Smasher Medal and when doing this smash also receiving 10 prestige? Do you think it should be one or the other but not both? And if so why?


Do you want to level in Fallen Sword without any consequence? Is that what you think "all" levellers want? And if there is consequence, which is a 100 stam PvP hit, that is why you think so many levellers will leave the game? Let's put it this way. If you want to level with no consequence why not just add up numbers on a calculator.


Personally, I would go further than moonfrost's suggestion so I've taken the liberty of adding to it. I know you like lists so I've added one for you.


  • normal 100 stam hits provide a tick towards Smasher medal. Only applies once in every 3 day period like PvP Prestige.
  • The amount of Prestige you receive for a PvP win should equate to stam used. So a 100 stam hit that wins should get 100 Prestige.
  • Prestige should also be given to a succesful defense using the mechanics of no. 2
  • The introduction of a PvP themed Global Event.
  • Increase the level ranges for PvP attacks.


How'd you like em apples?


Oh, while we are asking, any chance you can remove the GvG cap moo brothers and sisters? Silly question I know but I just don't like it.




I can live with these suggestions. Luis has been stating for years now how it would be nice to tie "pvp" prestige to the amount of stamina used. And yes, the idea of gaining prestige on a successful defense is also a nice touch.


As far as pvpers suddenly going after people as a result of these ideas..its the same idea as its always been on how to avoid it for the most part. Fly under the radar and keep minimal gold onhand. The less attention you draw to yourself, the less attacks you'll see coming.  But if you decide you want to brag and show off your bridge, the more pvpers are going to see that and think that they see a few gold coins glistening in the bathroom/shower that you have in that dark corner under the bridge. And then Shrek finds himself homeless again.

#74 wil72



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Posted 22 August 2020 - 19:56

* removed as yet again utter nonsense

as to many of the posts not commented on, they show the great divide between pvpers and the decent honest good levellers. )

Your last comment has remained. As I want to bring attention to it and the fact it would suggest ONLY levellers are "decent, honest and good". This again is utter nonsense! And to suggest such a thing is quite ridiculous. It is this very attitude that causes such division in the game when there really should be none at all. The mechanics of the game allow PvP. BigGrim has stated in this thread no less that Fallen Sword is a PvP game, from it's very inception, and went further to say there would never be an option to "opt out" of Player v Player attacks.


Now I understand, and i hope it's clear to others too, why you convoluted this thread with "smoke" as your last comment makes it quite clear what you think of PvP and those that participate in it.


Like Moonfrost says there is a way to minimise the risk of PvP attacks. And I for one have always found that ethos to be true. I would suggest you take on board those teachings mate.


Normal 100 stam hits gain a tick towards Smasher Medal. That would be a yes from me.




Edited by wil72, 22 August 2020 - 21:08.

#75 BadPenny



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Posted 22 August 2020 - 22:06

Your last comment has remained. As I want to bring attention to it and the fact it would suggest ONLY levellers are "decent, honest and good". This again is utter nonsense! And to suggest such a thing is quite ridiculous. It is this very attitude that causes such division in the game when there really should be none at all. The mechanics of the game allow PvP. BigGrim has stated in this thread no less that Fallen Sword is a PvP game, from it's very inception, and went further to say there would never be an option to "opt out" of Player v Player attacks.


Now I understand, and i hope it's clear to others too, why you convoluted this thread with "smoke" as your last comment makes it quite clear what you think of PvP and those that participate in it.


Like Moonfrost says there is a way to minimise the risk of PvP attacks. And I for one have always found that ethos to be true. I would suggest you take on board those teachings mate.


Normal 100 stam hits gain a tick towards Smasher Medal. That would be a yes from me.




Couldn't have said anything more eloquently myself


Just one old lady's opinion




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#76 michael65



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Posted 22 August 2020 - 22:34

i think i fully and undoubtedly understand the mind of a leveller after reading this thread, a control freak, power hungry, will ruin anything in the name of it.....
edit: for many years i spoke on behalf of "levellers" due to the victimization they seemed to convey, its clear that if you leave a game for petty reasons such as u arent in control it is indeed a mental issue, the game should not be tarnished by it, im just glad my mind is in a better place, ty tho!

phrasing is different, but replace "levellers" with "pvpers" and one of my arguments in this thread is replicated.

since the saying: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

thanks makes my day, still helping levellers !

#77 BadPenny



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Posted 22 August 2020 - 22:41

phrasing is different, but replace "levellers" with "pvpers" and one of my arguments in this thread is replicated.

since the saying: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

thanks makes my day, still helping levellers !

Those of us that play the whole game feel that the entire PvPer's vs Levelers debate is a long dead horse that should be laid to rest.  In my unadulterated opinion, my story is my story and your story is yours.  Write your story and let me write mine.  Nothing more than that, nothing less. 


You've already made it very clear that your stance is a biased one, without even looking at the other side of things.  Well, thanks for reminding me that I'm a horrible person because I make a Prestige run when I remember, or that I do every PvP DQ, or that if I find somebody in range with a big chunk of gold I will try to relieve them of it.  I guess Hoof made the game with a design flaw that allows me to do this.... I'm such an evil little thing just because I play the game as it was intended, aren't I?

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#78 Tilley10



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Posted 22 August 2020 - 22:51

This thread went from a constructive story with strong arguments to an absolute train wreck with no substance or purpose. I applaud Moon with such creativity, needs to be recognized.

I would highly encourage the admins to weigh in on the original post with the original intent. Should be considered as it may liven up a few areas of the game that are lacking (Bounty Board, random hits, hitting for medal, prestige hits, etc). Otherwise, lock this thread as it is not productive to FS or the original poster.

#79 michael65



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Posted 22 August 2020 - 23:28

I've been following this "thread" closely. As personally I am in favour of moonfrost's suggestion. And I have yet to see/read what your credible argument against it is. Are you trying to "unravel" this thread with utter nonsense?
Can I ask what your original intention was? As I have no clue. Are you against normal 100 stam hits providing a tick towards the Smasher Medal and when doing this smash also receiving 10 prestige? Do you think it should be one or the other but not both? And if so why?
Do you want to level in Fallen Sword without any consequence? Is that what you think "all" levellers want? And if there is consequence, which is a 100 stam PvP hit, that is why you think so many levellers will leave the game? Let's put it this way. If you want to level with no consequence why not just add up numbers on a calculator.
Personally, I would go further than moonfrost's suggestion so I've taken the liberty of adding to it. I know you like lists so I've added one for you.

  • normal 100 stam hits provide a tick towards Smasher medal. Only applies once in every 3 day period like PvP Prestige.
  • The amount of Prestige you receive for a PvP win should equate to stam used. So a 100 stam hit that wins should get 100 Prestige.
  • Prestige should also be given to a succesful defense using the mechanics of no. 2
  • The introduction of a PvP themed Global Event.
  • Increase the level ranges for PvP attacks.
How'd you like em apples?
Oh, while we are asking, any chance you can remove the GvG cap moo brothers and sisters? Silly question I know but I just don't like it.

my intention was to state an opinion: good bad or indifferent. minus infinity

i was not the first to unravel the thread ( i.e. change direction ).

if one thought i was in favor 100 stam hit normal pvp for smasher medal with pvp prestige, would the questions be raised?

as to pvp events, it has been established pvp events do not work.

two other points have already been mentioned ad nauseum.

two others are new, thanks for your contribution to further unraveling the thread.

as to "decent honest good levelers" comment: if i have 2 coins and i said that one coin is shiny, does that mean the other coin is dull, just as shiny, or shinier? therefore the response is an inference.

#80 michael65



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Posted 22 August 2020 - 23:32

This thread went from a constructive story with strong arguments to an absolute train wreck with no substance or purpose. I applaud Moon with such creativity, needs to be recognized.
I would highly encourage the admins to weigh in on the original post with the original intent. Should be considered as it may liven up a few areas of the game that are lacking (Bounty Board, random hits, hitting for medal, prestige hits, etc). Otherwise, lock this thread as it is not productive to FS or the original poster.

its not that bad, is it?

edit:i learned things, this thread can't be that bad.

Edited by michael65, 22 August 2020 - 23:36.

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