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Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

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#241 jinks



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Posted 12 March 2014 - 10:37



While you're improving the auto-fragment thing, is there any chance you can add a tweak to the composing feature?  

When we make a potion for the Guild, we cannot send them to players, and in the Guild Report section, each potion shows as Composing Potion.  I make a ton of pots for the Guild, so might have up to 30 in my bp at any one time, I name them all after the person they are for, it can take time to go through 30 pots to find the one they're looking for.

Either being able to send them to the person, and/or having them show in the Report page the name of the potion, rather than simply Composing Potion, will save on any issues or hassle.


#242 Necra



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Posted 12 March 2014 - 11:23

GvG needs attention - simple moves can improve it so very much, and I see no harm in trying something that isn't a complete alteration of GvG as we know it now. 


How do you start - quarterly resets.  Every 3 months reset top rated list.  Why; because the top is stagnant, and upcoming guilds so far from getting close - it's downright discouraging.  


Reward the top at each reset; nothing fancy - just a little boost of RP to the tops - further increases incentive to compete.  GvGers are very proud, and little incentive is needed imo. 


                1st - 300 RP

                2nd- 200 RP

                3rd- 150 RP

                4th & 5th - 100 RP

                6th-10th- 75 RP

                11th-25th- 50 RP


Don't go introducing more gear to be made with RP - want to include some updated buff packs that are with the times = great (buff packs that support the fields from which the currency to buy them is spawned would be an amazing revelation - titan hunting + GvG friendly packs) - but don't overdo it on the rewards. 


New guild medals in same light of ones recently introduced to recognize outstanding achievement on guild scale would be nice perk too..they can in themseves do something small like the current "
Guild Achievements " do - can represent few different catagories - top dogs, top 5, etc. 


I think this is good base idea to try.  There is no harm that can come of it in my opinion.  I believe it will create a new buzz in game; and many would be shocked at what doing a little can bring to a dying field. 


Thanks for reading; feedback, suggestions, etc ~ Rye

hmm..."Quartly GVG Compitetions" ...... nice.   reset the gvg rankings? im sry i disagree. guilds painstakingly faught to get there they should stay there.   adding another aspect to GVG system like the pvp ladder, etc... . is probily a much needed and long awaited aspect.    as for the break down of how it works and the rewards that another topic for dession and debate/ braing storming.       RP.... Gear.... potions.... components.... the list of options are huge its a matter of player demand/needs or guild demand/needs.



New Medals  love them still waiting to see "Most Wanted" medal for being poste on the BB xxxx amount of times  :lol: .     a animated medal for winning the Quartly compitions on guild page would be nice - guild team work accomplishment medals. a player can be declrated only so much......   start declarating the guild for its position in FS.    





p.s.  umm dev's .......where is the bloody spell check on this thing.........  :(

#243 WWWolf

  • United States of America

Posted 12 March 2014 - 19:30

Why let guildmates wear guild crystal offline?  That is illogical to me.  They're a target for a random PvP'er who just wants to break crystal because you allow that.  I know ages ago when I bought - my -  1st crystal set a guy just hit me every hour to break it - it happens, it's annoying, but I learned my lesson and I don't wear crystal offline, or if I do I assume the risk and if it were by some chance guild crystal then I'd be replacing it.

There's always other items to wear other than guild crystal offline.  If a player really wants to wear crystal offline, let them buy their own.

I rarely see people in guild crystal offline unless they're the GF and you know that person probably donated it and will replace it.

I agree completely.  However, it does happen from time to time that someone forgets to switch their gear after a hunt.


Fortunately, crystal prices have gone down considerably but many small and young guilds (where this is most likely to happen) are least likely to be able to replace crystal easily.  But again, the fault lies with the one who forgot to change the gear...

#244 WWWolf

  • United States of America

Posted 12 March 2014 - 19:34



While you're improving the auto-fragment thing, is there any chance you can add a tweak to the composing feature?  

When we make a potion for the Guild, we cannot send them to players, and in the Guild Report section, each potion shows as Composing Potion.  I make a ton of pots for the Guild, so might have up to 30 in my bp at any one time, I name them all after the person they are for, it can take time to go through 30 pots to find the one they're looking for.

Either being able to send them to the person, and/or having them show in the Report page the name of the potion, rather than simply Composing Potion, will save on any issues or hassle.



I keep asking about this but never get any kind of answer.  Hoofmaster promised the ability to send composed pots to guildmates back in September but this apparently got overlooked when implementing the Composing features.

#245 Hoofmaster


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 23:51


I keep asking about this but never get any kind of answer.  Hoofmaster promised the ability to send composed pots to guildmates back in September but this apparently got overlooked when implementing the Composing features.


It is something we are still planning to add :)


We're going to do our best to get a couple of the Roadmap improvements implemented next week :)

#246 DomCorvis



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Posted 13 March 2014 - 13:40

How about some useful tips on the world page? nothing major but stuff like


Use AL for a chance at 2x experience


Use Lib for increased xp while hunting







Of course there would be an option to turn this off in preferences for seasoned players.....Should be an easy bit to add to the game BUT could help new players out a LOT. (i know when i started years and years ago i hunted my first 50 levels with no buffs. simply because i had no idea what they did or how to get them.)



*edit- Also what about the ability to pay into instant finish for composing...instead of having to hold insane amounts of gold(19 million for the highest potion ive made so far) why not allow us to simply make "payments". say i have a potion that takes 4,000,000 gold to instant finish and i steal 400,000 gold from someone, I could then put that 400,000 gold towards reducing the time by 10%....wouldnt hurt the game any(besides possibly taking away juicy gold targets for other PvP'rs like myself)

Edited by DomCorvis, 13 March 2014 - 14:06.


#247 markaaron


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Posted 13 March 2014 - 13:43

hmm..."Quartly GVG Compitetions" ...... nice. reset the gvg rankings? im sry i disagree. guilds painstakingly faught to get there they should stay there. adding another aspect to GVG system like the pvp ladder, etc... . is probily a much needed and long awaited aspect. as for the break down of how it works and the rewards that another topic for dession and debate/ braing storming. RP.... Gear.... potions.... components.... the list of options are huge its a matter of player demand/needs or guild demand/needs.

New Medals love them still waiting to see "Most Wanted" medal for being poste on the BB xxxx amount of times :lol: . a animated medal for winning the Quartly compitions on guild page would be nice - guild team work accomplishment medals. a player can be declrated only so much...... start declarating the guild for its position in FS.

p.s. umm dev's .......where is the bloody spell check on this thing......... :(

I really like the idea rye has proposed. It would encourage guilds to actively participate in gvg and would Also allow newer guilds a chance to get into it with our having guilds with really high rating just sitting there.

Also a new idea for rp use aside from more potions ( which I love the idea of) I think it would be good to implement a guild bank gold boost for x amount of rp. This would help the guilds with less members to be able to afford their structures and upgrade them with out killing the guild bank each time they wish to upgrade.

#248 Ryebred



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Posted 13 March 2014 - 15:23

hmm..."Quartly GVG Compitetions" ...... nice.   reset the gvg rankings? im sry i disagree. guilds painstakingly faught to get there they should stay there.   adding another aspect to GVG system like the pvp ladder, etc... . is probily a much needed and long awaited aspect.    as for the break down of how it works and the rewards that another topic for dession and debate/ braing storming.       RP.... Gear.... potions.... components.... the list of options are huge its a matter of player demand/needs or guild demand/needs.



New Medals  love them still waiting to see "Most Wanted" medal for being poste on the BB xxxx amount of times  :lol: .     a animated medal for winning the Quartly compitions on guild page would be nice - guild team work accomplishment medals. a player can be declrated only so much......   start declarating the guild for its position in FS.    





p.s.  umm dev's .......where is the bloody spell check on this thing.........  :(

Many guilds achieved the bulk of rating they have when a conflict win could result in +50 rating..in the new system it is nearly impossible to gain ground once you get to a point - So I agree to disagree - a reset of the rankings is the most important aspect of my idea.  Keeps the best proving they are the best - allows everyone to start from  level playing field - eliminates non active guilds from rankings..which if you look at current ladder there are more dead guilds then alive ones represented. 

#249 WWWolf

  • United States of America

Posted 13 March 2014 - 19:57

Many guilds achieved the bulk of rating they have when a conflict win could result in +50 rating..in the new system it is nearly impossible to gain ground once you get to a point - So I agree to disagree - a reset of the rankings is the most important aspect of my idea.  Keeps the best proving they are the best - allows everyone to start from  level playing field - eliminates non active guilds from rankings..which if you look at current ladder there are more dead guilds then alive ones represented. 

How about every time it resets, if your guild is in the top 10 (just throwing a number out there because I honestly don't know how many guilds will be actively competing for the top) your guild gets points towards an achievement or additional GvG stat to show how often your guild is on top.  This could possibly even be tiered so that the #1 guild gets more points than #2 and so on.


That way, all the work your guild did to get to the top doesn't just go away.

#250 realking


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Posted 14 March 2014 - 09:05

I would like to see the gvg conflicts with better rewards , such as Ryebred has mentioned on post 163 , It sounds like a good idea to me and could be more incentive for more guilds being more competitive ...


Please take another look at what he suggest , as i find it a good deal better than current conflict rewards and challenges ;





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Posted 06 March 2014 - 14:15

GvG needs attention - simple moves can improve it so very much, and I see no harm in trying something that isn't a complete alteration of GvG as we know it now. 


How do you start - quarterly resets.  Every 3 months reset top rated list.  Why; because the top is stagnant, and upcoming guilds so far from getting close - it's downright discouraging.  


Reward the top at each reset; nothing fancy - just a little boost of RP to the tops - further increases incentive to compete.  GvGers are very proud, and little incentive is needed imo. 


                1st - 300 RP

                2nd- 200 RP

                3rd- 150 RP

                4th & 5th - 100 RP

                6th-10th- 75 RP

                11th-25th- 50 RP


Don't go introducing more gear to be made with RP - want to include some updated buff packs that are with the times = great (buff packs that support the fields from which the currency to buy them is spawned would be an amazing revelation - titan hunting + GvG friendly packs) - but don't overdo it on the rewards. 


New guild medals in same light of ones recently introduced to recognize outstanding achievement on guild scale would be nice perk too..they can in themseves do something small like the current "
Guild Achievements " do - can represent few different catagories - top dogs, top 5, etc. 


I think this is good base idea to try.  There is no harm that can come of it in my opinion.  I believe it will create a new buzz in game; and many would be shocked at what doing a little can bring to a dying field. 


Thanks for reading; feedback, suggestions, etc ~ Rye

#251 Hoofmaster


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 13:08

Another 4 implemented from the list :)


Next we're working on improving guild chat and we're also going to be working on making new players exempt from Guild Conflicts as we feel this should be a higher priority than it currently is on the list.

#252 Subject



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Posted 18 March 2014 - 13:19

Spring global coming soon hoof.? Or is that classified information ;p

#253 kimbo



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Posted 18 March 2014 - 14:24

I've been playing for 4 yrs. now and ( maybe) counting and see a lot of new innovations being implemented along the  course of this game and for me that's a positive indication that BG and Company and HCS in general are doing thier share to make this game enjoyable and exciting and of course to the FS community who shared thier individual ideas to make this game as it is right now. Bottom line is, when there's something NEW, thrill and excitement follows !!!

#254 Subject



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Posted 18 March 2014 - 17:36

Excellent work with the Auto Frag setup! Cheers!!

#255 raizau


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 17:41



Thanks for these updates, specially on quest book. Can I just ask for you to check this quest:


The Land Despoiled 1 Springtime Forest (Outer Grove)


It still shows as normal quest and I think its seasonal, but I might be wrong.


Also a third option will be good, we might like to see All, Normal and Seasonal, this way we need to be clicking in both options to check whats started, active and completed for normal and seasonal.



Edited by raizau, 18 March 2014 - 17:45.

#256 ady9


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 22:45

hey  can u guy put a medal  for the lpayers that attack for gold  ????

#257 Tastria



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Posted 18 March 2014 - 22:54

It's interesting watching the implementation,  and even if it's not quite in order, the "to do" list is getting shorter! 

#258 raizau


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 16:09




I wonder if its expected a change in auto-fragment to allow us to still get quest items and resources?


I tried and also asked others and if we set auto for common, rare and uniques to be fragmented we can't get quest items and resources and have to go and set the auto to off to get those drops.



#259 Subject



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Posted 19 March 2014 - 16:18

Was the idea for " hiding" inactive players from Top Rated List a Yes or No? Just wondering cause there are quite a few...

#260 yodamus



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Posted 19 March 2014 - 17:38




I wonder if its expected a change in auto-fragment to allow us to still get quest items and resources?


I tried and also asked others and if we set auto for common, rare and uniques to be fragmented we can't get quest items and resources and have to go and set the auto to off to get those drops.



+1..i have had that probelm..needs to be fixed...

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