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Update v2.70

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#281 kstbhs



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Posted 19 April 2015 - 12:08

We'll take a look at the map issues early next week and get them resolved :)

Hope it works. But even if you can't correct just put an option in preferences to switch back to older style of maps,which were not so fast but at least didn't provide error messages.

#282 shindrak



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Posted 19 April 2015 - 16:13

Hope it works. But even if you can't correct just put an option in preferences to switch back to older style of maps,which were not so fast but at least didn't provide error messages.

you can switch to classic map already :)  look under the map you will see "Classic map" button


but titans dont show on it

Edited by shindrak, 19 April 2015 - 16:14.

#283 kstbhs



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Posted 19 April 2015 - 16:22

but titans dont show on it

Thats the problem.

By old map i mean how it was before the last few updates.

#284 bilops



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Posted 19 April 2015 - 17:33

Thats the problem.

By old map i mean how it was before the last few updates.

one of the main reasons why the cows released the new map was because of the many scripts being used on the old map (classic map)


I am against any titans showing on the old map, keep them showing only on the new map

Edited by bilops, 19 April 2015 - 17:34.

#285 kstbhs



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Posted 19 April 2015 - 17:52

one of the main reasons why the cows released the new map was because of the many scripts being used on the old map (classic map)


I am against any titans showing on the old map, keep them showing only on the new map

Then at least remove the causes of lag or just turn it way back it was before the update.

The way it is now there are just too many errors and it takes immense time to just load the action menu.

#286 Jinan


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Posted 20 April 2015 - 19:37

Just tried some titan hunting, and what I noticed was everything is fixed except for one small issue, the action list keeps spinning after reaching the target square and stops after 3-5 secs.

#287 ShadowMarc


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Posted 21 April 2015 - 03:05

Grim does reckoning affect titan doubler if so that should get fixed

#288 Windbattle



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Posted 24 April 2015 - 02:44

Grim does reckoning affect titan doubler if so that should get fixed


Reckoning should never effect any doubler buff that I'm aware of, including Global Booster, Doubler, Titan Doubler, and Quest Hunter

#289 Windbattle



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Posted 24 April 2015 - 02:48

Could we get a description of the potion only buffs? its been a long time since new buff ideas were discussed and a refresher before they are released would be awesome, = )


139_sm.gifWarcry +0.1% per point increase in group member stats while active (excludes the group leader).


 Thoughts: Could be fun for relic capturing, perhaps relic defending if potion duration lasted 2-3 hours.


132_sm.gifTrendy +0.01% per skill level added to your attack, defence, armor, HP and damage for each piece of equipped gear that is common.
Thoughts: Buff is probably not going to be used, unless increased to 0.1 or 0.2% per point.
143_sm.gifPerfection 0.01% chance per point of a craftable item being crafted perfect when invented.
Thoughts: I've wanted this buff for a long time, but 0.03-0.05% per point would be more realistic.
144_sm.gifDeft Hands 0.1% chance per point of doubling the effects of the Thievery enhancement. Master Thief is not affected by this skill.
Thoughts: Pvpers are going to love this but how often does Thievery actually kick in?
140_sm.gifImmobilise Titan +0.1% per point chance for titan not to move when defeated in combat
Thoughts: Completely NOT needed with Titan Doubler in effect. Also, Teleport should NOT work on titan maps ... I would change Immoblilise Titan to Titan Slayer with 0.05% per point reduction to all titan stats instead.

Edited by Windbattle, 24 April 2015 - 02:57.

#290 kstbhs



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Posted 24 April 2015 - 10:12


144_sm.gifDeft Hands 0.1% chance per point of doubling the effects of the Thievery enhancement. Master Thief is not affected by this skill.
Thoughts: Pvpers are going to love this but how often does Thievery actually kick in?

Thievery always takes effect in PvP.

#291 Windbattle



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Posted 24 April 2015 - 14:44

cool, never really hit for gold much so wasn't sure. but its an enhancement .. why would it have 100% chance activation? makes no sense.

#292 shindrak



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Posted 24 April 2015 - 15:17

Moving on map laggy again ? 1-2 sec to move 1 square

#293 xxlooperxx



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Posted 24 April 2015 - 18:45

cool, never really hit for gold much so wasn't sure. but its an enhancement .. why would it have 100% chance activation? makes no sense.

Its similar to Elite Hunter, Sustain, and Fury Caster.. They're always in affect. It just increases the gold gained from a successful attack. 


#294 Maury Bund

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Posted 26 April 2015 - 01:36

RE: Deft Hands

Some may think this is going to be a popular skill for the PvP sects of the game, but I have a feeling it won't work out as well as hoped. 


Successful gold hits all are all over the place. I've asked in my guild and scoured the forum looking to see if anyone has figured out what it actually adds. No where and no one has provided that information that I can find and unfortunately HCS will not divulge any of the statistics on enhancements, even after all this time.


My guess is that it adds .1% per point to what you would steal. I also postulate that when you do make a PvP hit that a RNG between 10-30% is rolled before Thievery or Gloat is added. The Thievery addition is not an extra 10% over the 10-30%, but actually multiplied to the 10-30%. As I've sometimes barely stolen 10% with 140 Thievery and Gloat running, I can't believe that Thievery is a significant addition. Gloat tends to affect gold loss more than Thievery. If my theory is correct, then it will be x % chance (most likely 10% as a lvl 100 potion) to steal an additional 1-3 % total gold from a target for those with Thieves Guild structure under lvl 3. Absolutely nothing to cheer about.


The skill has not been put into play yet, so there is still time to change what it does. I hope that HCS can consider one of these 2 changes:

  • Instead of chance to double Thievery enhancement and not effect MT, make it a chance to double the chance of Master Thief and not add to Thievery
  • Make it a chance on a successful gold hit that all gold lost is stolen, giving players a chance to not be affected by the HCS tax as it scatters on the ground and to the wind

If HCS makes no change to the skill and my hypothesis is correct, then please change the name of the skill from Deft Hands to Daft Hands, as one would have to be crazy to continue to keep trying to make gold hits in an ever increasing policy against PvP.


If anyone actually knows the true effectiveness of Thievery and can correct what I have put here, please speak up. 

#295 Kbyte



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Posted 26 April 2015 - 02:41

It says Defy Hand do not affect MT (so the chance the MT kick is the same as if hitting without that buff), and only thievery enhancement has it effect doubled.





I'm not sure but it looks like thievery enhancement add 1% to gold lost from target every 10 points on it, so with thievery 140 you make the target lose 1.14 times the gold he would lose if you had thievery 0. [with thievery 100 you make the target lose 1.1 times what he would lose if you were thievery 0] => not taking in consideration gloat (because it varies a lot)




As most players hitting for gold get at least thivery 100 => 1.1 so even with thivery 140 => 1.14 don't make much difference [that if I'm right] [again not taking gloat into consideration]




An buff that would double thievery enhancement effectiveness wouldn't make much difference that way, let's say if you have thievery 100  and you got 110k in an gold hit with defy handy and IF that buff kicks you would had got 120k instead <= really not an big difference (an since it is an chance buff it may not kick many times [a lot of time it won't activate*])




Would only worth risking getting that chance buff if the amount of extra gold you would gain [you expect to get on that gold hit] if it kicks is equal or higher than the chance it activates (let's say level 100=> 10% chance => which is 0.1 multiplier) X gold spent to get that potion. => if not that you'd gain more if you don't spend gold buying that potion. [unless if you are an lucky person and want to try it and manage to make it kick getting enought extra gold to at least cover the gold spent buying that potion]

Edited by Kbyte, 26 April 2015 - 03:15.

#296 robyx


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Posted 02 May 2015 - 15:28

Ok, I waited some days before writing here, and in these days I tried Titan' hunting solo and with a friend.


I’d like to talk to the Cows only about this aspect of the game (I level only twice a year, I don’t like pvp or arena, but I like to sit down in front of my monitor and “waste” my stamina with a kraka/graga/kraga …  :)  )

Titan hunting, because of all the "titan movement" and "you cannot move" messages,  became  an agony! I don't know if every player suffers my same problems, if it's something related to my slow connection, to my geographical/server area, or to something else, but when I try to hunt a Titan, after  5 minutes, I have two options:


Option A I quit, cursing the game because of lag/messages

Option B  I keep hunting, cursing the game for lag/messages

Option B leads to two sub-options:

Option B1  (*)  I secure the Titan (happened 2 times, Monday and Wednesday), and then I curse the game because of the frustrating experience

Option B2 Someone else begin to hunt the Titan, the messages and lag increase, and I return back to option A or B.

As you can see,  lot of cursing in my free time, lately ....


(*) please note that in my FS “career” option B1 happened few times; I usually hunt what I find available, I don’t wait all the day for a Titan to hunt… ;)



-              You can ask the community about the "teleport" skill, and then 4 days later implement a skill that is more and more disruptive (hey, what about  a “coffee break potion” with Titan Doubler1000? I'd like to try to secure a titan in 5 minutes…..  :D  )

-              You can implement a green dotted line to show the route... but I don't know what to do with it, if every 3 tiles I am stopped by irritating messages  (and, to be honest, I used the keys in my last Titans; the line that changes if my mouse pointer is on the map, really annoys me)

-              Stopping with “S”? Really? I stop every 3 seconds without pressing “S” ….


The real problems are others ….


May I ask you if you have ever tried to hunt a Titan outside your LAN, like us poor normal players? Maybe do it with an adsl connection  … just to try the “mystical” experience of seeing your pin in 5:5 while you still are in 1:1, or arriving over a titan  without finding it, because actually you are 5 tiles far away.


In conclusion: I think that you should suspend titan hunting, rethink it, and only when all these problems are solved, load it back in the game. 

Hope this post was considered as a constructive criticism and not end in itself, by a player who hunted a lot of Titans in the past, and hope to hunt again in the future.

If all what I said is happening only to me, please don’t consider my post.  I’ll quit hunting … slowly ... It won’t be a great loss for the game community …





Nothing changed in the last 2 weeks .... still the same errors ...

Is there a chance to have a fix in the future? Or an option to revert to the  "laggy maps" (pre-version 2.70)? It's sad ... but I'd prefer 2 seconds lag rather than hundreds of messages and stops during the hunt ... :(

#297 Maury Bund

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Posted 20 May 2015 - 13:59

Still have not seen these potions yet. Guessing they will be out before a possible 2xp event? If you are going to make any of them inventable, please make Immobilize Titan and Perfection that way. Also, do not create any new items for them, but try to incorporate some of the existing stuff to give it new life, like


There is an SE in each Scavaging Cave. While the items may be broken down for frags, the Resources are pretty worthless as no one really needs a Steamwork Cuirass these days.


Ursa and Zachorzi are  always out. One item from them might make it interesting.


Or just take some of the other items available all year and put them to another use, like it used to be in the old days

Edited by maurybund, 20 May 2015 - 13:59.

#298 EpicPiety



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Posted 20 May 2015 - 23:48

Teleports fine on Titans...To be honest it helps the slow hunters and brings greater equality on the field...immobilize titan will also have the same effect. It will be harder for someone who's fast to solo against a slow guild. If anyone wants to argue on how they aren't needed, they should also argue about removing titan CD.

Edited by Intimidation, 20 May 2015 - 23:50.

#299 Ringhal



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Posted 21 May 2015 - 15:49

Is there anyone that's against these Titan buffs that isn't a fast titan hunter or in a top Titan hunting guild? In other words, is there a slow hunter with dial-up internet speeds that thinks these buffs are bad?


I don't hunt titans, so I really don't care about these buffs, but I'd use Teleport for questing and maybe levellng.

#300 EpicPiety



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Posted 21 May 2015 - 17:21

Is there anyone that's against these Titan buffs that isn't a fast titan hunter or in a top Titan hunting guild? In other words, is there a slow hunter with dial-up internet speeds that thinks these buffs are bad?


I don't hunt titans, so I really don't care about these buffs, but I'd use Teleport for questing and maybe levellng.

I'm pretty fast and i'm all for them...They really have no super benefit to me...But i like the idea of them and what they are attempting to do.

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