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PvP Seasons Rewards. Thoughts and desires please.

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#241 Bluetail



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Posted 01 August 2015 - 11:04

The biggest issue I had with PvP Seasons was staying buffed up all the time due to the zero cool down on hits that can keep coming and coming and coming. consider some limits on it.

(I might have messed up the quoting but it was said somewhere in response)



We've discussed this and discarded it. Such would have an overall negative impact on the Seasons and the Bounty Board. This is why I'm looking at 12 to 24 hour duration on these reward potions.
Possible Solution:


Only limit the number of Crystal Tier hits per daily skip reset (to 50 hits or so). Deflects and Skips do not count towards the total.


What this does:


Putting a limit on Titan hits would be pointless since its ELO based, the bounty activity we experienced prior will remain present once those same Crystal players are moved to Titan and will continue to compete to stay in top 75. Crystal is effectively the top tier a player can reach if its their first opt in and can therefore be seen as the ceiling. After opt in most players tried to go for Crystal tier and then hold out as long as possible (I think it takes 2500-5000 stamina in wins to get there, could be wrong).


If hits were limited it would encourage more defending while offline (because you cant easily make up a loss if hits are limited). Naturally players who cant defend offline in Crystal will be sent further down to Gold tier where they can subsequently be hit infinitely from Gold to Wood and have to climb back up with more bountyable attacks. This limits last minute sniping to 50 crystal hits, promotes offline protection (buffs + offline set vs stam gear), plus still allows the majority of hits to be limitless (still allowing for lots of bounties posted) between the Titan tier (which will be just as active as Crystal was last Season) and from Gold thru Wood.


I feel that this will greatly decrease the farming we experienced last season, which was really only prominent in Crystal tier. This will give players a better chance to scare of farmers who will have to be more careful who they spend their hits on since recouping from a loss will mean so much more now than before. Heavy farming really only occurred in Crystal among all the other tiers (I was farmed in all tiers and saw a huge decline in hits once in Silver, where Crystal players could not hit me). By encouraging defence in this way players will feel some degree of ownership as to whether they were knocked out of Crystal or not instead of blaming a broken system. This will definitely bring back a good chunk of the players who opted out after being discouraged from being the victim of farming, ect. 


Please consider what Ive mentioned here, I dont think limiting Crystal attacks is still off the table. Doing so will definitly make the system more fair and wont cause a dip in bounties, especially once Titan tier is populated by players. If you do not change this 90% of players will be taking the sniping approach, just phasing out those with low banks from competitively competing. Perhaps run it as a pilot this time just as durability and Xp loss was last round.


One more suggestion:


Maybe one more thing I would like to bring up- limit the amount of hits a player can perform on a specific player to something like 10. A player 300 level above me can keep skipping until he finds me 300 levels below him and keep hitting as long as he has the gold to skip. Every loss costs me 50 stamina, at a point I was hit 60+ times by the same player all within 3-4 minutes of eachother. That one player cost me 3000 stamina, thats over a days worth with stam gear on. Imagine 5 players doing so throughout the day. If you limit hits on a specific player, a single player could make me lose at most 500 stamina (as long as there are five or more people in each range, which there should be given how large they are, this should not pose a huge problem when players need to find targets). If I was to lose to 5 players 10 times each daily that would cost me 2500 stamina which seems like a fair maximum (keep in mind more than 5 players will hit you daily). Either doing this or reducing the amount of levels a player can target someone below them- I think 300 isnt quite fair if I am pushed back when I cant defend my spot. I think 100 levels above me is fair for defence (really ranges should expand based on players levels, not the tier they are in). So that would make my range for finding a target +300 (or whatever the formula is currently) to -100 levels. 400 levels of targets should be plenty. This is just a suggestion to further prevent farming.


Something to keep in mind:


One more thing to consider, bounties will probably drop in number from last time even if you keep the system as is. The overall hype has surely died down, especially after having the reward spoilers shown. Further most bounty posts were from players adding gold on your head last round- not much was being stolen since most were not foolish enough to leave large sums laying around. I dont think players will be too keen on dropping even more gold (or allies stamina to clear a bounty, since the gold rewards are 98% of the time not enticing for the risk involved) just to deter farmers from farming them. The end break down is basically less  than 200 players above Wood, 400 players left in Wood (most likely those who did not participate but chose not to opt out), the rest of the player base would be those uninterested in the Seasons formatting as is who opted out.

Edited by Blue Tail, 01 August 2015 - 11:42.

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#242 yotekiller



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Posted 01 August 2015 - 11:12

Okay... just got back from vacation and have had less than 24 hours to play around. I'm 100% sure that all of this has been mentioned through out the multiple threads, but democracy demands my input.


I was just theoretically auto-bountied on some hits where players were able to add gold. 


I noticed that the option to bounty was NOT added to those "bounty hunters" that hit me. I find this odd, since it means free hits.


Question: I withdrew gold from my bank to make sure they would get into the 20k mix. Is that what we have to do? 


Ie, make sure they get 20k gold to get into the auto-bounty system?


If not, I only see people hitting for zero reason with no harm to them. I want bounty hunters to pay hardcore. 


Though I still need to work at the new "system", the BB is a huge joke. 


MY REQUEST: When HCS actually figures out what it is doing, they should post clear cut info. I was on vacation for example and there is zero info on how PvP works now in the regular game. Not exactly a plus for new players and definitely a negative for us 8+ years. 


I'm happy to work for HCS to solve all these serious issues with player dissatisfaction. Pm me in game and we'll talk. 

Players can add gold to your bounty up to 48 hours after your attack on them but the system decides when to actually place the bounty.  For me, it seems to know when I am logging off for the night and places my bounty 40 minutes later......lol  Bounty hunters can't be bountied anymore regardless of how much gold you lose on it but they do lose XP on failed attacks.

Screenshot everything!

#243 mrenemroio


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Posted 01 August 2015 - 11:49

first time posting on a forum and im not completely familiar with pvp aspects as this was my first time participating
but shouldn't the bounties be posted when the reward is at least 2k gold + so you can atleast break even on the cost
of a ticket?

Can those of us who participated in the "seeding" get a medal? Kinda like a beta testers medal or something.

#244 Bluetail



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Posted 01 August 2015 - 12:20

Shouldn't the bounties be posted when the reward is at least 2k gold + so you can atleast break even on the cost
of a ticket?


Probably not the best place to post this, but if HCS tweaked it so that the minimum total bounty before auto posting was atleast 30k (300k gold stolen or 30k added), they would remedy this. At these rates you should break even in ticket cost which would make more sense since it shouldnt cost you to complete bounties (disregarding losses + deflects). Any bit more than 30k min total bounty would give you a little incentive for your 50 stamina, but it would be nowhere near profitable for your stamina unless they made it around 300k total bounty before posting. Thats fifteen times what it is now which I highly doubt will happen anytime soon since it would take a long time to build up and just leave the board dead.


To put profit in perspective if I was bountied on the old system I would have a reward of 90k for a min of 100 stamina (900 gold per stamina not including tickets to accept). Taking bounties around your level were a good profit. Now I can be bountied for a reward as low as 20k per 750 stamina (27 gold per stamina not including tickets per hit) which no bounty hunter, at any level, can profit off.


Also I made this thread to help those who need advice with PvP, its not fully done yet but gives some good core advice.






In this thread some players mentioned wanting new skills. I think its not a bad idea so I'll propose a few.


Salty Wounds 200: 0.2% chance per point to remove a buff from your opponent upon a victory defending a PvP attack.


Corrosive 200: 0.05% chance per point to reduce opponents current Armour Stat by 5% every turn (PvP Only)


Blind 200: 0.1% chance per point to reduce opponents current Defence Stat by 5% every turn (PvP Only)


Fertile 200: 0.2% chance per point to prevent the skill Wither from activating.


Confusion 200: 0.1% chance per point that opponent hits themselves for 25% of their their total damage, does not activate if you initiated the attack (PvP Only)


Guts 200: +0.025% increase to all stats per point, when attacking someone with Cloak, only activates if you initiated the attack.


Flurry 200: 0.025% chance per point to perform two hits in a row (PvP Only).


Blind and Corrosive work as such: If it activates against me and my stat is 1000, that stat is reduced by 50 (5%). The following turn my stat is now 950 and is yet again reduced this time by 47.5 (5% at the start of the turn) to 903 and so on. Like Poison but for Armour and Defence. These numbers can be played around with before release. I kept  the chance on Corrode lower than on Blind because I think it is more impactful on Armour sets than Defence sets which are already chipped by DC, ect.


Salty Wounds has the percent chance of Spell Breaker + Spell Leached combined. Just make sure the skill icon is a picture of a baby crying :P


Fertile is similar to Ageless and along the lines of a Dispel Curse counterpart for Armour setups. Since Wither 350+ is pretty available (and 100% activation is possible with Wither 450), having those two buffs would be good to counter it, since Dark Curse is not as powerful as Wither percent wise


No real need for Confusion, its more along the lines of a better version of Stun (really old buff) merged with Reflection. Good for Armour setups but good for Defence just as much since it can counter high Entrench sets. 


Guts is to make people think twice before popping Cloak. It seems for some people, Cloak is their only real defence from getting smashed, ect. Its really easy to keep Cloak on and not get hit. Yes you are able to hide your stats but now it may give your opponent a slight edge. It also rewards players with the guts to gamble on attacking someone with Cloak.


Flurry is essentially the same as Force Shield and Stun but could work well with Corrosive and Blind if they are ever implemented.


Some of these are pretty relevant for Seasons, ect. I think these are more fresh in terms of buffs since most buffs essentially do the same things (add stats/ transfer). The similarities between these and current buffs shouldnt making coding impossible. I can come up with more but no use unless they catch anyones eyes. These might be good to add in the AH special Section.

Edited by Blue Tail, 01 August 2015 - 17:55.

Insanity is when the sobbing slowly turns into laughter...

#245 Algoa



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Posted 01 August 2015 - 17:56

I say just the satisfaction of being able to test the system out is reward enough. The medal ticks and the community pulling together to use their stamina collectively is more than enough reward for all of us. We don't want potions or any type of rewards for this, thats like getting a prize for going to disneyworld.

i myself am fond of this idea, make it about guild pride, since getting and staying buffed is a guild effort i also suggest some sort of guild achievement, (based on number of members ranked in certain leauges) perhaps that rewards a guild structure that boosts pvp enhancement or 2? something thats not too easy to get


i like the idea of a bit of pvp/stam gear to offset the high stam cost to pvp now aswell, but would like to see it bound if it happens..... STRICTLY NO TRANSFERING POSSIBLE, lets prevent this from being a money maker if you have a rediculous stam bank, this would alos lower the amount of stam needed by eliminating the ability to profit from blowing 100k stam, pvp has always been about the pride of beating another player not some NPC, if you want to profit from it then do gold hits IMO


On a seperate note, thank you for transfering the dominance medal instead of retiring it, i worked quite hard for that and like that i can continue to advance that medal instead of it being stuck where it is !!!! KUDOS THERE


#246 Algoa



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Posted 01 August 2015 - 18:37

PS, potions seem to be the direction your leaning in BG, if this is the case id like to see them not overlapping with composing potions AT ALL!!!!! completely different potions then the ones you can compose, thus making all the hard work/time/gold/FSP that has been spent in this area still valid


EXAMPLE: longer duration, less powerfull, or uncomposable buff

Edited by Algoa, 01 August 2015 - 18:39.


#247 wil72



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Posted 01 August 2015 - 20:03

Here's a reward/desire for pvp seasons.........time zones! Please acknowledge them. It will not be truly pvp until you do. Ok, a form of pvp.





#248 Saxon



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Posted 01 August 2015 - 23:01

Probably not the best place to post this, but if HCS tweaked it so that the minimum total bounty before auto posting was atleast 30k (300k gold stolen or 30k added), they would remedy this. At these rates you should break even in ticket cost which would make more sense since it shouldnt cost you to complete bounties (disregarding losses + deflects). Any bit more than 30k min total bounty would give you a little incentive for your 50 stamina, but it would be nowhere near profitable for your stamina unless they made it around 300k total bounty before posting. Thats fifteen times what it is now which I highly doubt will happen anytime soon since it would take a long time to build up and just leave the board dead.


To put profit in perspective if I was bountied on the old system I would have a reward of 90k for a min of 100 stamina (900 gold per stamina not including tickets to accept). Taking bounties around your level were a good profit. Now I can be bountied for a reward as low as 20k per 750 stamina (27 gold per stamina not including tickets per hit) which no bounty hunter, at any level, can profit off.


Also I made this thread to help those who need advice with PvP, its not fully done yet but gives some good core advice.






In this thread some players mentioned wanting new skills. I think its not a bad idea so I'll propose a few.


Salty Wounds 200: 0.2% chance per point to remove a buff from your opponent upon a victory defending a PvP attack.


Corrosive 200: 0.05% chance per point to reduce opponents current Armour Stat by 5% every turn (PvP Only)


Blind 200: 0.1% chance per point to reduce opponents current Defence Stat by 5% every turn (PvP Only)


Fertile 200: 0.2% chance per point to prevent the skill Wither from activating.


Confusion 200: 0.1% chance per point that opponent hits themselves for 25% of their their total damage, does not activate if you initiated the attack (PvP Only)


Guts 200: +0.025% increase to all stats per point, when attacking someone with Cloak, only activates if you initiated the attack.


Flurry 200: 0.025% chance per point to perform two hits in a row (PvP Only).


Blind and Corrosive work as such: If it activates against me and my stat is 1000, that stat is reduced by 50 (5%). The following turn my stat is now 950 and is yet again reduced this time by 47.5 (5% at the start of the turn) to 903 and so on. Like Poison but for Armour and Defence. These numbers can be played around with before release. I kept  the chance on Corrode lower than on Blind because I think it is more impactful on Armour sets than Defence sets which are already chipped by DC, ect.


Salty Wounds has the percent chance of Spell Breaker + Spell Leached combined. Just make sure the skill icon is a picture of a baby crying :P


Fertile is similar to Ageless and along the lines of a Dispel Curse counterpart for Armour setups. Since Wither 350+ is pretty available (and 100% activation is possible with Wither 450), having those two buffs would be good to counter it, since Dark Curse is not as powerful as Wither percent wise


No real need for Confusion, its more along the lines of a better version of Stun (really old buff) merged with Reflection. Good for Armour setups but good for Defence just as much since it can counter high Entrench sets. 


Guts is to make people think twice before popping Cloak. It seems for some people, Cloak is their only real defence from getting smashed, ect. Its really easy to keep Cloak on and not get hit. Yes you are able to hide your stats but now it may give your opponent a slight edge. It also rewards players with the guts to gamble on attacking someone with Cloak.


Flurry is essentially the same as Force Shield and Stun but could work well with Corrosive and Blind if they are ever implemented.


Some of these are pretty relevant for Seasons, ect. I think these are more fresh in terms of buffs since most buffs essentially do the same things (add stats/ transfer). The similarities between these and current buffs shouldnt making coding impossible. I can come up with more but no use unless they catch anyones eyes. These might be good to add in the AH special Section.


Good suggestions, but please not Salty Wounds, Loosing buffs is terrible. The amount of hit being done, its impossible to check every combat to see what is lost.

#249 sweetlou



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Posted 01 August 2015 - 23:52




This is the funniest thing I've ever seen in this forum!! Well done :)


PS "Make it rain!"

Edited by sweetlou, 01 August 2015 - 23:54.

[Signature removed]


“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#250 RED



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Posted 02 August 2015 - 00:22

I haven`t read everything here but to get everyone to go  for this, leveling pots need to be one of the choices>>>i think a 750 cons/lib pot would put the icing on the cake for all..... 

#251 Belaric



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Posted 02 August 2015 - 03:00

Very fast, I'm on a clock.


How about a form of Prestige that allows players to alter their base stats for X hours?


In seasons this could be very crucial to defending, if you can alter base damage, armor, etc, to confuse your opponent?


My suggestion - prestige to alter base stats by +/- 300 for a limited time.






I also think winning titan season could get character resets for free, or skill resets also. things with significant FSP value that are hard to get and limited to your character only. Seems fair for winning such a tournament. 



Good-bye and hello, as always.

#252 Slave25000


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Posted 02 August 2015 - 21:29

So will the rewards come before the start of season 1? And please don't be a troll BigGrim and give them to us like 1 hour before xD. Or atleast announce them so we can calculate and plan our moves ahead. Also will there be a hit cap or rank advancement cap per day?


Cos loads of people have a problem with the thing that me and some other did which is wait until the last hour then let loose everything. I honestly dont know how they didnt see that coming lmao. So yeah can you announce whether there'll be some sort of cap or not? cos right now:


He who laughs last laughs longest


EDIT: (or she)


Achievement Unlocked: Gender Equality

Edited by Slave25000, 02 August 2015 - 21:30.

#253 feralnoob



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Posted 03 August 2015 - 00:48

Lets all stop whining and work to get this system up and going in the right direction.. Old Ladder was good at start but they didnt upgrade the rewards. I did get bored of it as like most of us did for that reason only.. I played old Ladder the same way I play new league but new League gives me more to hit when Im online. I use to wait hour now I wait no longer than 5 mins to hit same player. 

#254 maxdragon



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Posted 03 August 2015 - 08:42

Lets all stop whining and work to get this system up and going in the right direction.. Old Ladder was good at start but they didnt upgrade the rewards. I did get bored of it as like most of us did for that reason only.. I played old Ladder the same way I play new league but new League gives me more to hit when Im online. I use to wait hour now I wait no longer than 5 mins to hit same player. 

you said it yourself, "Old Ladder was good at start but they didnt upgrade the rewards."
there are others like me and they are not just a few who do not want the new system
some of us were only doing pvp and some leveling, now that the pvp part has been taken from us, we are now fighting for the part we were playing for all this years, this is not whining like you said, this is fighting for a system we believe in
they did not only replace the ladder, they changed everything about pvp
when I was playing a very active ladder years ago I spent 3-5k stamina every reset (24h - 48h)
in the new system players are spending 30k-50k stamina in few hours, that is 10 times more stamina for only a few hours
you said "I use to wait hour now I wait no longer than 5 mins to hit same player."
that means you can hit an offline player 12 times every hour (until he comes back) and increase your ranking gap, in the old system (ladder) you could hit him 1 time every hour and he could take back his ranking with less stamina and less attacks
the new system that you seem to like (which is no problem, everyone has his opinion) is inferior to the old system
the new system is only a stam eating / wasting system
they wanted to create a system to only hit online players who can defend themselves, switch setups and buff up but this system clearly is the opposite, you were even able at first to hit inactives, now you can farm offline players who are not buffed many times, the same player can be farmed dozens of time in minutes
for me not only is the ladder superior than the new system, the ladder lets you pick your stamina (10 - 100), bounty board was superior too, you pick your stamina
that being said, me and others will keep fighting for a better pvp system until we are forced to leave the game
I like the game and want to stay

#255 bigchaos



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Posted 03 August 2015 - 15:40

I have a question what is this seasonal trophy in my mailbox? It says quest and bound and I am guessing is this for some kind of potential gear and where do I get the recipe at.  :huh:


Thanks hcs if you can explain what those items are for and where do I find what I need to make gear or how to use these items. Thanks.  ;)

#256 TSDaedalus



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Posted 03 August 2015 - 16:03

I have a question what is this seasonal trophy in my mailbox? It says quest and bound and I am guessing is this for some kind of potential gear and where do I get the recipe at.  :huh:


Thanks hcs if you can explain what those items are for and where do I find what I need to make gear or how to use these items. Thanks.  ;)


#257 BigGrim


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Posted 03 August 2015 - 16:05

I have a question what is this seasonal trophy in my mailbox? It says quest and bound and I am guessing is this for some kind of potential gear and where do I get the recipe at.  huh.png

These will be used to build new gear. New recipes will appear in a new shop at the Colosseum of Gurgriss.

#258 Leos3000



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Posted 03 August 2015 - 17:47

Have you determined what the rewards are for the titan league? Would be nice to know before it finishes, and avoid the confusion we just had with the 1st go around.

#259 TSDaedalus



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Posted 03 August 2015 - 22:57

Hey Grim, check the Sanctuary stats in the chests. Looks like Crystal gets level 300 while Gold gets 325. Haven't seen lower than that.

#260 Tolden



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Posted 04 August 2015 - 02:10

no rewards for bronze?



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