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Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

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#221 TSDaedalus



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Posted 05 August 2015 - 18:09

You cant delete a post lol.


The reason being that people are complaining about Titan League pitting EoC with non EoC is that it makes it so much easier for EoC. As to whether or not they should have an advantage is up for debate (from your posts I think youre saying they should).


PvP has never been something thats level based, to be competitive you needed to have the "know how" of the mechanics to do well. This is what attracts people to play of all levels. If a player wants to be gratified for their Xp we already have the Top 250 players list, we dont need Titan League to remind us whos on it. Makes no sense for a level 500 player to have to gain 2000+ levels (which could take years as EoC is always growing and tons of FSP) just to have a fair footing in one aspect of the game. This is not the case for any part of this game (Titan Hunting, GvG, SE hunting, Arena). Leveling just gives you more access to Titans, SE and Arenas but will not make you any more competitive than a level 600 player who understands those game-play elements. Titan League should atleast be the same if they want to keep it running.


It seems a lot of player only know to slap on a Hunting set and grind monsters, not even understanding how buffs + stats work.  To hunt you buff up, drink pots and crush monsters with your max stam- to play seasons you buff up, drink pots and crush players with your max stam. Hopefully we can keep PvP something that requires strategy instead of mindless grinding with Seasons.

Good to know!


I don't expect a level 500 to have to gain 2000+ levels... but, in order to be competitive at the TOP level, they might need to gain 1000 levels. I don't think it'll be difficult for people even level 1300 to be able to stay in the top 75 consistently. I guess my point is, to me, PvP is all about player strength. If you want to win more, get stronger.


The buff-pots-crush method might work after a point, but at least initially (for me) there was a LOT to learn about PvP. The transition from leveling to PvP required me to do a lot of learning about different equipment combos including the difference between armor setups and defense setups, different groups of buffs than I had ever used before (and for different reasons), timing on when to attack, how to attack vs. how to defend, who to attack and who not to attack, when it's important to use a pot vs. just using a 175 buff, and a whole ton of other stuff. The cool part is that I will have to reevaluate at least a little when I level to a point where I have access to new viable equipment setups. I will have to decide how to use the rewards from the seeding season, as well as when to use them.


Do I want to jump right back in immediately in hopes of getting more rewards? Do I want to level a little and come back? There are a huge number of decisions to be made. It's like being at an amusement park and Seasons is a new ride that just opened up, replacing an old ride that some people liked and some didn't. Titan League? Must be at least 48" tall to ride.


I really like how dynamic things are in FS right now. Things aren't static at the moment. I think my reaction to the changes is in part based on that I like change in general. It's more interesting to me when things are always changing and I don't get freaked out easily. I'm wondering if the reaction by some people isn't based on what the current changes are, but just that things are changing at all. I dunno.

Edited by TSDaedalus, 05 August 2015 - 18:14.

#222 matt2269f



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Posted 05 August 2015 - 18:22

i want to give props to the "old school' bounty hunters and pvprs - for those that still live and play with morality guidelines - but the problem is u guys are a minority now with the new generation playing by their new rules 

#223 tief


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Posted 05 August 2015 - 18:33

the old one was the best this new one i hate more then the last one.

#224 maxdragon



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Posted 05 August 2015 - 19:12

Clock - you and several others did pvp honorably but it just takes a few bad apples to ruin the game for those that don't. If all pvprs played like you, we wouldn't have such distaste by a large part of the non pvp community. im sure you have had brushes with some of the bad apples or some that behave in gray areas. The old game rules allowed this to happen. Those are the folks you should blame or at least try to get changes that would discourage that type of behavior. I speak from experience as I was hit constantly by a player way back when I had no resources to protect myself. Never said a word and it wasn't for prestige or gold as I was hit constantly while I was in that players level range. Seems I'm not the only one with that type of negative experience.

you kept giving "excuses" against the "ladder" which did not make sense, even your last attempt was not against the ladder system but against the REWARDS, which I told you again did not make sense


when all things fail then there is always the "bully" card, this has worked wonders in the last 1,5 years, pvp updates were watering down pvp even more because of this


last time the "bully" card, you can call it the JOKER was used it almost destroyed pvp 6 months ago, the topic called BLOOD was created to remove xp loss from the game, majority was against it, many who were against it were "muted" and if it was not for hoofmaster stopping this nonesense, then it would have gone through

the BLOOD topic was driven because of "bully", the mighty JOKER card


during this time I lost 2 friends, after hoofmaster stopped this nonsense, I tried to get them back to the game but they refused and told me that it was only a matter of time before they try it again, sadly I lost 2 good friends and they were right


if xp loss was really the problem then the arena and gvg would have a very high activity but that is not the case but they are still insisting that xp loss is the cause, to me it does not make sense


rewards are the reason why the pvp season is that active, the rewards are too powerful, with such EPIC powerful rewards it is no wonder that there is activity

if the same rewards were given to the arena, gvg, ladder then you would have gotten more activity there too


I am tired of saying and repeating the obvious thing:

what has "value" and makes profit draws participation to the ladder, that is how every aspect of the game works, be it arena, gvg, pvp, titan hunting, SE hunting, ...


for me the pvp season is an excellent idea for a GLOBAL EVENT (pvp)

#225 yotwehc



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Posted 05 August 2015 - 19:52

you kept giving "excuses" against the "ladder" which did not make sense, even your last attempt was not against the ladder system but against the REWARDS, which I told you again did not make sense

when all things fail then there is always the "bully" card, this has worked wonders in the last 1,5 years, pvp updates were watering down pvp even more because of this

last time the "bully" card, you can call it the JOKER was used it almost destroyed pvp 6 months ago, the topic called BLOOD was created to remove xp loss from the game, majority was against it, many who were against it were "muted" and if it was not for hoofmaster stopping this nonesense, then it would have gone through
the BLOOD topic was driven because of "bully", the mighty JOKER card

during this time I lost 2 friends, after hoofmaster stopped this nonsense, I tried to get them back to the game but they refused and told me that it was only a matter of time before they try it again, sadly I lost 2 good friends and they were right

if xp loss was really the problem then the arena and gvg would have a very high activity but that is not the case but they are still insisting that xp loss is the cause, to me it does not make sense

rewards are the reason why the pvp season is that active, the rewards are too powerful, with such EPIC powerful rewards it is no wonder that there is activity
if the same rewards were given to the arena, gvg, ladder then you would have gotten more activity there too

I am tired of saying and repeating the obvious thing:
what has "value" and makes profit draws participation to the ladder, that is how every aspect of the game works, be it arena, gvg, pvp, titan hunting, SE hunting, ...

for me the pvp season is an excellent idea for a GLOBAL EVENT (pvp)

All I said was it was unsustainable. Come up with a better idea. Funny you say the high activity in seasons was because of the rewards. If I remember correctly, I don't think the rewards were announced until after the event. I would say the high activity was due to the newness and testing of it but I guess we can agree to disagree.

#226 hittokiri



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Posted 05 August 2015 - 20:17

All I said was it was unsustainable. Come up with a better idea. Funny you say the high activity in seasons was because of the rewards. If I remember correctly, I don't think the rewards were announced until after the event. I would say the high activity was due to the newness and testing of it but I guess we can agree to disagree.

everybody knew the pvp season would have new rewards, if I had known that the rewards would be that overpowered I would have joined the season despite me hating it, only to get the big rewards


what happened yotwehc, you kept saying multiple times //// watch as my pvp protection disappears tonight multiple times in the forum and hit in the pvp season //// I kept saying that you would not do it and like always you only like to talk


why do not you join the pvp season you try to desperately defend?


your Protection: 120d 9h 4m 27s

#227 yotwehc



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Posted 05 August 2015 - 22:22

everybody knew the pvp season would have new rewards, if I had known that the rewards would be that overpowered I would have joined the season despite me hating it, only to get the big rewards

what happened yotwehc, you kept saying multiple times //// watch as my pvp protection disappears tonight multiple times in the forum and hit in the pvp season //// I kept saying that you would not do it and like always you only like to talk

why do not you join the pvp season you try to desperately defend?

your Protection: 120d 9h 4m 27s

Lol. You must pick and choose what you read. You need to stalk better. I have follow up posts where I said I am going to sit out because the rules keep changing. Are things stable now? No. The rules may or may not change again. You should see my ticket to HCS requesting removal of xp protection but it's against the rules to share that info. Regardless I'm glad I waited.

I agree with you. Had I known the rewards were going to be that good, I would have tried for crystal as well. Let's see what the poll brings.

Edited by yotwehc, 05 August 2015 - 22:24.

#228 spyders



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Posted 05 August 2015 - 23:19


#229 callmeabc



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Posted 05 August 2015 - 23:34

The more I look at the current version of PvP the more I like it. Instead of separating the leigues they have come up with an elegant solution : allow the players skill to level to have more weight than their level. Naturally the leagues will have a level scheme to them but someone good enough will be able to hit the higher levels will be able to do so and advance.

Avatar upgrade - http://forums.hunted...showtopic=55576

GvG tracking ideas -

In the advisor - http://forums.hunted...showtopic=55250

In a building - http://forums.hunted...showtopic=53004


#230 Leos3000



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Posted 06 August 2015 - 00:11

I think reverting back to the old system completely is a step in the wrong direction.. There are some fixes needed with the new, and incorporating some of the old that can be done to make the majority happy.


1st The Bounty Board:


A mixture of the 2 systems would work best and keep it the most active


-Keep the current system that automatically posts hits from the League hitting. (This is the incurred risk people keep saying is missing) If you hit in league you will lose XP on the bounty board, and the more often you hit the more you will be posted. This also keeps the Bounty Board more active


-For non league hits people should be able to place these bounties themselves, but similar to how the posting system works now.

>Can post a minimum loss bounty for 30k gold (this should be the new minimum since it is around break even for ticket cost for the hunter)

>Can increase the loss amount on the bounty just like the current system (Every 100k extra added to the bounty increases the loss by .1 to a Max of 2x loss)


2nd League Play


I think the main fix after all the recent changes is the division of levels (The ladder was way too divided do not go to that extreme)


-Have 2 separate leagues based on level No more than 2 to have as much people against one another as possible, but still have some chance.


> League 1 (or w/e you want to call it) would be from level 100-999

> League 2 (or w/e you want to call it) would be from level 1000-EOC


-By having 2 leagues the amount in Titan should be cut in 1/2 to 50

-Bottom 20 in Titan get removed, and Top 20 overall in the other leagues replace them

-Also with the level separation People should be able to hit anyone in their "league" with in 2 divisions (Crystal can hit Silver, Gold- Bronze, and so on) Titan is still separated out, but all in Titan can still hit each other (once a Hour like it currently is of course)


I think these adjustments will help the community as a whole adjust and thrive with the new PVP.

Edited by Leos3000, 06 August 2015 - 00:12.

#231 Pythia



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Posted 06 August 2015 - 01:23

I like the new stuff, I hope the poll results are to keep it.


If you revert to the old, will you still give the option of opting out of it?

#232 yotekiller



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Posted 06 August 2015 - 01:31

I like the new stuff, I hope the poll results are to keep it.


If you revert to the old, will you still give the option of opting out of it?

What exactly do you like about it?  You aren't participating in Seasons, you don't have any gold on your bounty, you haven't cleared any bounties and you have protection for another 27 days.  It looks like the opt-out is the only thing you've actually participated in so how can you possibly make an informed decision about whether or not the new system is a good one, much less advocate for keeping it?

Screenshot everything!

#233 onray24



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Posted 06 August 2015 - 01:51

seeing how this is a new or trying to be new face on a broken part of the game why not do it like the arena your levs dont count for squat how about new gear sets for only pvp seasons worthless anyplace else . win or get in to the top u get to up grade sounds kinda like a gold and point sink  a

Edited by onray24, 06 August 2015 - 01:52.

#234 Pythia



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Posted 06 August 2015 - 01:54

That's what I like about it.


In all the time that I have been playing this game, I have been knocked this way and that, lost gold and experience, that is until I put up the protection to keep my experience.


I do not grow as I have, because I don't hunt as I did.  I miss hunting and exploring.  I miss it a lot.


I get rid of gold nearly as fast as I get it. Buying potions is interesting.

#235 yotekiller



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Posted 06 August 2015 - 02:13

That's what I like about it.


In all the time that I have been playing this game, I have been knocked this way and that, lost gold and experience, that is until I put up the protection to keep my experience.


I do not grow as I have, because I don't hunt as I did.  I miss hunting and exploring.  I miss it a lot.


I get rid of gold nearly as fast as I get it. Buying potions is interesting.

Your statements show a complete lack of understanding regarding pvp.  Both old and new systems allow you to be attacked in open pvp for gold and xp loss.  Protection only protects your gold in both old and new systems.  Old ladder was opt-in and new seasons is opt-in.  So I ask you again, what is it that you like so much about the new system (that you have not participated in) that you want to keep it instead reverting back to the old system?

Screenshot everything!

#236 Pythia



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Posted 06 August 2015 - 02:26

It is not a total lack of understanding as much as it is a dislike of it.


PvP protection only protects experience, gold was dropped and some players left, as some have left with this change.


I did not have either gold protection in what small form it existed and I did not have PvP experience  protection because I could not afford it until recently.


This new Seasons gave the  original option to opt out. Then if you want to play it is opt in. I opted out, I have no intention of opting in unless the admin make it so, at some point.


If that happens then I'll roll with it and see what I need to find to play my way, not someone elses way.


Therefor I like this better than I did the other one.


I like things that let people play the way they have the most fun. :)

#237 clock96



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Posted 06 August 2015 - 02:41

That's what I like about it.
In all the time that I have been playing this game, I have been knocked this way and that, lost gold and experience, that is until I put up the protection to keep my experience.
I do not grow as I have, because I don't hunt as I did.  I miss hunting and exploring.  I miss it a lot.
I get rid of gold nearly as fast as I get it. Buying potions is interesting.

This is exactly what I was talkibg about, you haven't ever tried either the new or old system and all you care about is protecting your gold and XP, so you should give your poll vote as I don't mind or whatever the third choice was


#238 bloody18



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Posted 06 August 2015 - 03:05

seeing how this is a new or trying to be new face on a broken part of the game why not do it like the arena your levs dont count for squat how about new gear sets for only pvp seasons worthless anyplace else . win or get in to the top u get to up grade sounds kinda like a gold and point sink  a

If im reading this right... I like this idea. One playing in the seasons could select which level they want to battle, like arena  ( and still be sent  a random opponents , again like arena ) .. Seems like this is a good option. Maybe give rating points accordingly ( your level vs opponents level) Might prevent tanking as well. 85% or more of my hits have been for 1 point! Good idea onray ( and if others suggested it )

#239 yotwehc



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Posted 06 August 2015 - 03:27

Your statements show a complete lack of understanding regarding pvp.  Both old and new systems allow you to be attacked in open pvp for gold and xp loss.  Protection only protects your gold in both old and new systems.  Old ladder was opt-in and new seasons is opt-in.  So I ask you again, what is it that you like so much about the new system (that you have not participated in) that you want to keep it instead reverting back to the old system?

Be completely open about this... Depending on the auto listing function and how adding gold to bounties work, the attacker is going to feel pain when listed. Attacking for token amounts of gold is not worth the damage taken since there is no more soft clears by friends. The "victim" would have to carry a good amount of gold to make it worth an attackers while.


Although the new system isn't perfect, it is better than what we had before where a few controlled the BB to the point that some no longer bother putting up bounties. Can you honestly say that the new system is "worse" for non pvpr's? If all else reverts back, I hope at least the BB changes remain. When HCS implemented the new BB, was there a huge outcry? Only by the non whiners. The original release of seasons however woke everyone up and I think we can all agree that was a disaster... not the new BB but original seasons...

#240 Soldier302


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Posted 06 August 2015 - 06:04

I think reverting back to the old system completely is a step in the wrong direction.. There are some fixes needed with the new, and incorporating some of the old that can be done to make the majority happy.


1st The Bounty Board:


A mixture of the 2 systems would work best and keep it the most active


-Keep the current system that automatically posts hits from the League hitting. (This is the incurred risk people keep saying is missing) If you hit in league you will lose XP on the bounty board, and the more often you hit the more you will be posted. This also keeps the Bounty Board more active


-For non league hits people should be able to place these bounties themselves, but similar to how the posting system works now.

>Can post a minimum loss bounty for 30k gold (this should be the new minimum since it is around break even for ticket cost for the hunter)

>Can increase the loss amount on the bounty just like the current system (Every 100k extra added to the bounty increases the loss by .1 to a Max of 2x loss)


2nd League Play


I think the main fix after all the recent changes is the division of levels (The ladder was way too divided do not go to that extreme)


-Have 2 separate leagues based on level No more than 2 to have as much people against one another as possible, but still have some chance.


> League 1 (or w/e you want to call it) would be from level 100-999

> League 2 (or w/e you want to call it) would be from level 1000-EOC


-By having 2 leagues the amount in Titan should be cut in 1/2 to 50

-Bottom 20 in Titan get removed, and Top 20 overall in the other leagues replace them

-Also with the level separation People should be able to hit anyone in their "league" with in 2 divisions (Crystal can hit Silver, Gold- Bronze, and so on) Titan is still separated out, but all in Titan can still hit each other (once a Hour like it currently is of course)


I think these adjustments will help the community as a whole adjust and thrive with the new PVP.


I think this is a great idea! as im having a ton of trouble in the league and getting stuck against EOC players that i dont stand a chance against...

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