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Spine Chomper Attack!

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#1 BigGrim


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Posted 10 June 2016 - 15:09

Hi all!
A wretched rattling of teeth on Spines heralds the return of the voracious Spine Chompers! 
Blue Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Blue Spine Chomper lives underground in remote locations, awaiting its prey. As it senses the tremors above the ground, it bursts its head above ground, stripping the victim of its flesh, keeping the spine as a trophy.
Level: 5+
Venom Spine Chomper (Legendary)
This rather vile Chomper is very fast, propelling itself along on to heavily muscled legs. Once it catchs you, it envelopes you with it's poisonous tongue and will swallow you whole before coughing your spine out to add to its collection!
Recommended Level : 56+
Red Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Red Spine Chomper, like its blue cousin, keeps the spine of it's prey as a trophy. However its mouth acts almost sawmill like in the process, with you being the tree.
Level: 150+
Green Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Green Spine Chomper, when idle, appears like any other mushroom. However as its victim approaches, it spouts blazing green fur and proceeds to consume its prey whole. With no remorse.
Level: 275+
Clockwork Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Clockwork Spine Chomper is a creature from an inventors fevered nightmares! Some strange fellow was enraptured with the Spine Chompers as a species and sought to replicate them artificially. This Clockwork Spine Chomper is the result. What the Inventor did not expect was the level of success he would achieve! The Clockwork Spine Chomper powered up and immediately ate its creator! It has created more Clockwork Spines as it has eaten its way through anything it catches, meaning there is a small horde of these mechanical monsters on the loose!
Level: 525+
Dawn Spine Chomper (Legendary)
Dawn Spine Chomper is a Chomper that decided it liked to hunt first thing in the morning, when prey tends to be a bit fuzzy headed and potentially easy meat. Why its appearance has begun to mimic a cockerel is anyones guess.
Recommended Level : 750+
Sludge Spine Chomper (Legendary)
Yet another of the frankly odd Chomper species, the Sludge Spine Chomper makes its home in swampy areas. One would have thought the thick mass of fur that covers a Spine Chompers body would make Swamps an unlikely place to find such a creature but once again, the Chomper finds a way to put it's surroundings to good use. The sludge in the swamp coats the Chomper making it hard to see as well as making it's thick coat even thicker and considerably more foul. It has learned to use it's disgusting fur to trap any weapons it's prey may be wielding and disarm them before devouring them messily.
Level: 950+
Electro Spine Chomper (Legendary)
Electro Spine Chompers are energetic and excitable creatures that are electrically charged from within. The air around the Electro hums with static and hair stands on end. The Electro generates massive amounts of electric lightning that it can spit from its mouth in order to fry potential enemies, some Electro's have even learned direct the lightning using their tongues!
Recommended Level : 1310+
Dark Depths Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Dark Depths Spine Chomper is a peculiar new strain of these beasts. It does not have the shaggy pelt of other Chompers, instead having a rough shark-like hide. This allows these aquatic creatures zero drag in water, making these dangerous predators even more fearsome.
Level: 1880+
Feathered Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Feathered Spine Chomper is somewhat like the Dawn Spine Chomper in that it is an avian offshoot of the species. This feathered fiend is flightless but has huge leg muscles and is known to be exceptionally fast. It still has the trademark maw full of fangs and the desire to collect the spines of those it devours!
Level: 2575+
This event will be available until 16:00 hours Server time on Monday the 13th of June.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

#2 Josh1404



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Posted 10 June 2016 - 15:20

Thanks for the event. Doesn't interest me personally but will some others I am sure.


These events keep coming eh grim?


Anything else interesting upcoming?


:P :D :P

Edited by Josh1404, 10 June 2016 - 15:20.

#3 cucullainn



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Posted 10 June 2016 - 16:34

Oh yeah! Awesome! Thanks Grim :-)

#4 Spirit



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Posted 12 June 2016 - 03:36

I have to say the description of the Clockwork Spine chomper is my favourite of them all. Too bad I'm still quite new to FS but maybe some day I'll tackle those higher level ones. :)

9izzGSr.png Feb. 27th 2015 - First level 45 :)




#5 Pardoux



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Posted 13 June 2016 - 18:53

Shouldn't they have gone again now ? ;)

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#6 tharzill



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Posted 13 June 2016 - 19:16

I have to say the description of the Clockwork Spine chomper is my favourite of them all. Too bad I'm still quite new to FS but maybe some day I'll tackle those higher level ones. :)

Stick with it and you'll get there!  :)


On topic: Thanks BG! 

#7 hades8840



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Posted 13 June 2016 - 19:20

wasnt these ment to be gone today is another wave coming?

#8 Egami



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Posted 13 June 2016 - 23:40

Shouldn't they have gone again now ? ;)


Shouldn't they have gone again now ? ;)


Indeed, but maybe they are really nasty this round and have tied up HCS.


wasnt these ment to be gone today is another wave coming?


I wonder. 


Thanks for the event HCS... had no time to think about it, but still cool.

#9 BigGrim


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Posted 14 June 2016 - 09:45

Hi there everyone.
The monstrous Spine Chompers have once again been driven from the land! The voracious monsters will return!
We hope you all enjoyed the event!
~ The Fallen Sword Team.

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