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Legendary Event!

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#1 BigGrim


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Posted 06 February 2018 - 17:48

Hi all,

The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!

Aughisky (Legendary)

The Ech Ooshkya are a race of evil creatures that dwell in swamps and lakes. They are able to change shape to appear human in order to lure their prey to their death, only transforming into the terrifying water horses they are when it's to late. Aughisky is one of the most powerful of its kind and its hunger for human flesh has caused it to wander far from its home lake of Achdoo in the search of fresh prey...

Recommended Level : 20+

Dragon Lord Abraxas (Legendary)

Legends tell of the power of the Dragon Lords of old and how many fell to the dark powers during the battle of Gunzwall. Abraxas was one such Lord, seduced by the dark powers of the Shadow Lord and his forbidden sorcery. Lord Abraxas is now no longer human, a being of hate and darkness he and his Dragon, Sixthor, travel the world bringing a swift and fiery death to the champions of good in the name of his evil Master.

Recommended Level : 125+

Kronor the Hunt Master (Legendary)

Kronor the Hunt Master is a creature described in the myths of the local peoples. However it turns out that the hunt master is all to real and has become bored with hunting game and has now begun to target the locals for sport. If he is allowed to continue in his twisted hunt then he will decimate the local community for sure so he must be stopped quickly.

Recommended Level : 225+

Chariot of Fire (Legendary)

The mythical Chariot of Fire is the vehicle of destruction, that a once mighty sun deity rides. Legend has it that the deity that rides the Chariot of Fire was once one of the most powerful of gods, but was overthrown, cursed and cast down from the pantheon of gods. Now once every 1000 years he sallies forth to wreak fiery death on the lands he once watched over.

Recommended Level : 350+

Fallen Anteros (Legendary)

Anteros was once a creature who would fly around, spreading Love and Goodwill. However, with the coming of the vile Burzzthak, he too has been corrupted. Now, with his newly barbed arrows, he is spreading Hate and Mistrust everywhere he flies! Do you have the Fortitude to stop this twisted innocent?

Recommended Level : 590+

King Nimis the Blob (Legendary)

King Nimis was always was an unpopular leader, seen as a tyrant by many. As his greed for food grew his people begun to starve. The populace were unable to deal with the problem and desperately sought outside help. This help came in the form of a kind Witch who cursed the king and his gluttonous ways. The curse turned the King slowly into a monstrous fat creature known as the Blob that could never stop eating. The King was quickly overthrown and kicked out the kingdom. Blob now wanders the lands feeding on anything he comes across...

Recommended Level : 900+

The Mad Mathemagician (Legendary)

The Mad Mathemagician was a renowned scholar, relentless in his pursuit of knowledge. He summoned a demon so he could learn about the Shroud, but was driven mad in his attempts to communicate with it in the universal language of mathematics. He now spends his days calculating ways to defeat the forces of Light and multiplying the forces of the Shadowlord!

Designed by : kalish

Recommended Level : 1279+

Carbonated Champion (Legendary)

Sales were falling and the advertising parchments failed. Something radical was required to rekindle the fortunes of the Leisurely Libations group. A travelling Sorcerer offered his aid, naming no price. Suspicious but desperate, the group agreed. The next batch of their carbonated drink sold out with all following batches doing the same! Greatly pleased, the group thought nothing of it until, at a promotional faire the sorcerer appeared, chanting. Those who'd tried the new Libation twisted and transformed into rampaging beasts, skin the color of LLs product! Now these poor unfortunates must be put down!

Designed by : Uncola

Recommended Level : 1780+

Shanaraq (Legendary)

Shanaraq is a grotesque creature that rose from the nearby swamps looking for warm flesh and hot blood to quench it's hunger! This strange, slithering creature is remarkably fast on land and is an utter nightmare if you are unfortunate enough meet it in the waters of his home.

Recommended Level : 2075+

Abominus Rex (Legendary)

The gargantuan horror known as Abominus Rex appeared without warning, tearing through any who appeared before it. Who created this undead monstrosity is not known (and given the unpredictable nature of Abominus Rex itself, likely never will be), all that is known is the beast's unnatural vitality means it shrugs off many wounds and is all but immune to certain attacks. It's thick hide protects it and any attacks that get through are as likely to glance off hardened bone as they are to do damage.

Abominus Rex must be stopped!

Recommended Level : 2400+

The Sky Hunter (Legendary)

The Sky Hunter is a hunter of superlative skill! Wielding all manner of weapons from the back of his flying lion, Nubica, he tracks and captures or kills his quarry, depending on the threat of the prey. His favoured weapon is his Sky Hunter Sword, a fine blade of exquisite craft.

Designed by : leos3000

Recommended Level : 3000+

Druugkiel The Annihilator (Legendary)

Far from Erildath, there is a dead land that goes by the name of Scorn. This land was ravaged by war and famine and is uninhabitable. But, there is one creature that lives there, the dreaded Druugkiel. Massive in stature, and brutal in nature, Druugkiel is profoundly savage. This monstrosity moves from realm to realm devouring all Chompers as it survives off their life-force.

Chompers are an unsustainable food source for Druugkiel, so it always searches far away realms for more life energy. Recently, there has been whispers that Druugkiel is on the hunt for a more, accessible, food source. As Druugkiel approaches Erildath, we must prepare for the coming onslaught of destruction, malice and pain. To Arms! To Victory!

Designed by : iceman66

Recommended Level : 3550+

These creatures shall be available until 15:00 on Friday the 9th of February 2018.


~ The Fallen Sword team.

#2 hades8840



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Posted 06 February 2018 - 17:51

Unexpected cheers grim lol notice your avoiding certain LE lol


two new ones?

Edited by hades8840, 06 February 2018 - 17:53.

#3 Josh1404



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Posted 06 February 2018 - 18:06

Thanks for the event.


Didn't expect a new LE at 1,780. Nice to see something new below EOC for once. :)

#4 voragivis


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Posted 06 February 2018 - 18:16

nice event guys!!!

can someone post 1780lvl new set please :) and like josh said already nice to see something new behind 3000lvl ;)

#5 BigGrim


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Posted 06 February 2018 - 18:20

Unexpected cheers grim lol notice your avoiding certain LE lol

Which one are you waiting on?

two new ones?


~ Grim

#6 hades8840



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Posted 06 February 2018 - 18:45

Which one are you waiting on?

~ Grim

all the ones for the wards would be nice you did the upgrade then only ever released the Host for decay runes...now i have said bet they go to the back of the list lol

#7 duktayp



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Posted 06 February 2018 - 19:07

1644572fd02e8d99aad76c8fa6c9b3dbfbc3.jpg Garcon! a bucket; for messieur Creosote!

#8 Josh1404



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Posted 06 February 2018 - 22:02

Level 1,780 set is a Shield and Amulet combination.


Consists of High Defense and Mid Damage.


No idea on temporal shift.


Edit >> Seen the set on a player and can confirm a set bonus of +10 temporal shift.

Edited by Josh1404, 06 February 2018 - 23:14.

#9 C4RPY



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Posted 07 February 2018 - 11:50

Great to see a couple New LE's as already mentioned. Thanks for the Event.


I was thinking we must be due a Crystal Event sometime soon though, can't remember the last one, the previous few have all been LE's unless I missed something. I can't be the only one running low on Crystal Frags ? 



#10 BigGrim


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 12:31

Chompers were last out at the end of August last year.

~ Grim

#11 cucullainn



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Posted 07 February 2018 - 15:24

Great to see a couple New LE's as already mentioned. Thanks for the Event.

I was thinking we must be due a Crystal Event sometime soon though, can't remember the last one, the previous few have all been LE's unless I missed something. I can't be the only one running low on Crystal Frags ?


I have 19,608 Crystal Frags. But I am only Lv 18 Composing :P

#12 C4RPY



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Posted 07 February 2018 - 15:38

Chompers were last out at the end of August last year.

~ Grim


Ah ok, thanks..  :)


I forget, do we just get one Crystal/Chomper Event per year or do we see them more often.. ? 

#13 BigGrim


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 15:51

Well, they're basically three waves of CHompers since there's so many of the blighters now. They usually take up just over a whole week.

They usually appear twice a year or so.

~ Grim

#14 cucullainn



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Posted 07 February 2018 - 17:37

all the ones for the wards would be nice you did the upgrade then only ever released the Host for decay runes...now i have said bet they go to the back of the list lol

Actually they should be coming out soon possibly before the end of the month. One would hope??? Other than the Host. The rest were all released last February. Although being par for the course. I remember for the first few years after I started playing. We only got Legendary events once a year if we were lucky.

Then up until just recently over the last couple years. We were having global events almost twice a month. The most active I'm seeing FS in a while. Only then everybody started complaining that they didn't have enough stamina, and thought that maybe the global events should be spaced out more. I wouldn't mind, perhaps if they filled in the events with more Legendary events. I mean with all the creatures that have been added to the game. Plus the different recipes and such. There should be enough to keep a variety of creatures out. So that you're not seeing very many repeats. I'm not suggesting that FS should have the same LEs out more than a few times a year. But if they were on... Let us say a rotating shift. Where they were out twice a year but at varying times. I suspect more players may be happy

#15 BigGrim


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 17:42

I already keep them rotating. I keep notes on when each creature was last released.

~ Grim

#16 cucullainn



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Posted 07 February 2018 - 21:17

I already keep them rotating. I keep notes on when each creature was last released.

~ Grim

Yes. Only what would happen if something, heaven forbid? If something happens to you? Does Hoof or someone take your place? I am not necessarily saying they should be completely automated.

And yes I'm sure that you keep very clear and concise records of the ones you release when you release them. But it's not difficult for any of us to look at the forums to try to figure out when they may have last been released. I'm going back to what the other player said about the ones needed for the tier 5 Ward. And from what I can see from the forums. Is that the other ones needed to get items from for the recipes to make the WW Other than the Host LE. Were last out in February 2017. If I'm incorrect about that perhaps you could show me a link to the thread that shows when they were last released ;) ;)

#17 hades8840



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Posted 07 February 2018 - 22:35

Yes. Only what would happen if something, heaven forbid? If something happens to you? Does Hoof or someone take your place? I am not necessarily saying they should be completely automated.

And yes I'm sure that you keep very clear and concise records of the ones you release when you release them. But it's not difficult for any of us to look at the forums to try to figure out when they may have last been released. I'm going back to what the other player said about the ones needed for the tier 5 Ward. And from what I can see from the forums. Is that the other ones needed to get items from for the recipes to make the WW Other than the Host LE. Were last out in February 2017. If I'm incorrect about that perhaps you could show me a link to the thread that shows when they were last released ;) ;)

some of them were out in june of last year others in march

#18 cucullainn



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Posted 08 February 2018 - 04:10

some of them were out in june of last year others in march

Going back to look again. Sorry, I see from the formuns that Tevaer the Guardian, the Frost Dragon, and Bishamon Terror from the Deep were in the Realms in June for the Double Experience Event. I didn't catch that earlier :(

If any of them were out after that. They must have been in the Caves. Because I don't see any other post

Edited by cucullainn, 08 February 2018 - 04:14.

#19 hades8840



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Posted 08 February 2018 - 06:19

Going back to look again. Sorry, I see from the formuns that Tevaer the Guardian, the Frost Dragon, and Bishamon Terror from the Deep were in the Realms in June for the Double Experience Event. I didn't catch that earlier :(

If any of them were out after that. They must have been in the Caves. Because I don't see any other post

they havent as far as i can see

#20 hades8840



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Posted 09 February 2018 - 12:54

wonder if this gets renewed today for over the weekend must be enough le now to back to back for a couple months

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