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VoS II - signup

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#1 gothador_sephidroth

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Posted 27 November 2005 - 19:42

Since MrP seems to have gone MIA, I'll go ahead and run a second Vampire of Stratos game. I'm assuming that most people are already familiar with it now, so I'm not repeating the entire rules as the first game.

Anyone not already familiar with it can see the first game in the thread at http://forum.gothador.com/viewtopic.php?t=20469

This is the signup thread for a new game, in a week or two once we know who's playing I'll get the game started!

#2 gothador_kareena

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Posted 27 November 2005 - 19:51

I want to play :)

#3 nukleardog



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Posted 27 November 2005 - 20:12

Same here.

#4 mamori



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Posted 27 November 2005 - 20:43

count me in :wink:

#5 gothador_snap

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Posted 27 November 2005 - 21:57

Me too!

#6 gothador_sephidroth

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Posted 27 November 2005 - 22:06

Oh - I should also mention that, while in any game there will always be several people that get no special role, I am doing some research on websites for the original Mafia and Werewolf games that this was based off of to come up with more ideas for possible special roles, so that if there is a large number of people who sign up at least about half the people will be more than just a normal human ...




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Posted 27 November 2005 - 22:13

*jumps into Seph's arms...* count me in....

but u still grounded....

#8 gothador_ayla

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Posted 27 November 2005 - 22:29

Sure. I'll play then.

#9 gothador_jimmymac

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Posted 27 November 2005 - 22:35

i'm interested! :P

#10 gothador_darkdragon8

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Posted 27 November 2005 - 23:11

Sign me up! :)

#11 gothador_tomtom

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 00:15

Don't you dare leave me out!

#12 gothador_kareena

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 00:25

Don't you dare leave me out!

:shock: Who would ever leave the extra loud "ghost" out????

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ah the memories... Do that ghost thing again..for me? :wink:

#13 gothador_aero

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 00:56

sorry mod could you delete this....

#14 gothador_aero

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 00:57

OOOOooo i would like in too....

#15 gothador_sephidroth

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 01:03

While exactly which special roles are or are not used will depend on the total number of players in the game, here are some of the ideas I am currently considering using ...

Priest - has the power to resurrect one other player during the game. Unlike the witch doctor's healing potion, this choice does not have to be made immediately when the person dies, instead he can choose to bring back to life any non-vamp (vamps turn to dust on death and leave no corpse to be resurrected) who has already died, at any point later in the game. If the person resurrected had a special role, he keeps it, although he does not get to re-use one-shot abilities. For example, a resurrected seer could keep sensing a new person each night, but a resurrected warlord has already 'used-up' his special kill-someone-on-death power, so if he was later killed again he would not get to pick another target.

Elf - the elf cannot be killed by the Vampires - if they pick him as their target for that night, they simply cannot find him because of his cloak ability! He can still be killed by any of the other normal methods - lynching, warlord, etc ...

Cowboys - two (or possibly more) of the villagers are the ones that go out to manage the herds each day. No other special powers, but since they work together to handle the cattle, they will know right from the start that each other is innocent, and thus can attempt to work together to figure out who the vampires are.

Player Killer - a very nasty role, this person is not on the side of either the vampires or the villagers. Each night, he picks his own target, seperate from the vampires, and that person dies as well (unless protected by the angel or saved by the witch doctor's healing potion). His goal, and only way to win, is to be the last man standing, with everyone else (villagers and vampires) having been killed off. In order for the vampires or villagers to win, they must kill the PKr as well.

Tainted - this is a "secret" role, in that the player doesn't know he has it! He has no special powers, and believes himself to be just another ordinary villager (and is on the villager's side). But, if he is sensed by the seer, he will appear to be a vampire!

Martyr - whenever someone else is killed, the martyr can choose to save that person, by sacrificing himself instead. Although he would be dead after that, if used at the right time, he may end up saving someone with a more crucial role, such as the seer or angel.

Mystic - a less powerful version of the seer. Like the seer, he also picks someone to watch that night, however instead of being told that target's role, he is only told whether or not that person has a special role, or is a just normal villager with no powers of any kind.

Doppleganger - each night, the doppleganger picks a target whose power he copies. He then has to pick a second target, to use that power on - without knowing what power it is that he has! If he copies a vampire, then his second target is eaten; if he copies the angel, then the second target is protected, etc. The effects last throughout the night and the following day, until he picks a new set of targets the following night. If he survives to the end, he can be part of either winning team (either villagers or vampires) depending on who he is currently copying.

Guardian - each day, the guardian picks one other villager to keep safe - by locking that person up in his own home! The person protected cannot be lynched, killed by the warlord or assassin, etc. He still gets to vote in that days lynching, but cannot contribute any other comments! In other words, for the duration of that day, the only thing he can say is "I vote for player-x" as he shouts from the window, and cannot contribute to the debate in any other manner. This effect lasts only from sunrise to sunset, and so will not protect him from the vampires or other nighttime affects. Similar to the angel, the guardian cannot lock himself up, and cannot pick the same person two days in a row.

The following roles are one originally suggested by MrP, that I may include as well ..

Necromancer - The necromancer knows how to speak with the dead. Each time someone dies, he will be told their roles. He is also allowed to communicate with them (so dieing is no longer "end of game" ). The necromancer starts out as one of the good guys, but if he gets converted he keeps his powers. The necromancer dies when touched by holy water.

The Assassin - Currently the warlord. Warlord gets a new role

The Warlord - The warlord can once, during daytime kill someone. In public. For all to see. Without dieing himself. After killing the villagers will be wary - so he will be unable to repeat this (iow: he will be a normal human afterwards).

The Apostate - The apostate is the one who summoned the cloud. The apostate is the one who invited the vampires in. The apostate in other words is a villager - but on the side of the vampires. Blame jealousy in a town with an angel, witch doctor etc.
Each night the the apostate can curse someone. That someone will then be unable to use their special power (if any and excluding the vampires) for the duration of both night and day.
A seers attempt to sense a cursed person will fail (so "cursing" a vampire is not necessarily a bad idea ) The apostate is not affected by holy water.
Note that at the start of the game, the vampires and the apostate do not know who each other are - even though the apostate is one of the bad guys. If the vampires attempt to make him their victim however, they will see the special amulet he used to summon them, and thus they will learn who each other are. They will not eat him (although they do not get to pick another target for the night). Similarly, if they attempt to convert him, they will learn who he is and thus can keep their conversion attempt to use on a different target later.

#16 gothador_kareena

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 01:20

Nice researching! I like most of your ideas, the new roles will make the game even more interesting.

The only one I don't like is the Doppleganger; I just have an uneasy feeling about this role. It seems very complicated, other than that I don't really have a good reason- I just don't like it. :P

If you include it; I'm still game though; can't wait to play! :D




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Posted 28 November 2005 - 01:22

Me likes them babe...come on!! sign up ppl!!!

#18 gothador_sephidroth

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 01:25

Nice researching! I like most of your ideas, the new roles will make the game even more interesting.

The only one I don't like is the Doppleganger; I just have an uneasy feeling about this role. It seems very complicated, other than that I don't really have a good reason- I just don't like it. :P

Right now, all the new ideas are just that - ideas. Which one(s) get included in the actual game has still not been determined, and I'm more than happy to hear people's opinions of these ones, or any other new ones they think of. My main purpose in coming up with these is that if most (or all) of the people who played the first game sign up again, plus the new people who have enjoyed reading the other game but missed out on signing up for it - we could end up with quite a large number of people! And as I said, a good chunk of people will end up with no special role, any game will be like that, but if we end up with 20+ people then a few more special roles are going to be needed as well. So let me know what you think of these, which ones you like, which ones you don't ...

#19 gothador_butters

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 02:10

I'm in.

#20 gothador_maxie

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 03:36

Nothing better to do.....I'm in

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