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#1 livingtarget


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Posted 10 May 2013 - 11:38

Hi all,


I've noticed some feedback about some people getting stuck in places and wonder how many of you have experienced bits where you either got stuck or struggled.


Examples from the top of my head:

  • People getting stuck at the basic magic tutorial, learning spells
  • People struggle to find shops/repair/selling
  • Dragging and dropping (have improved this based on feedback for phase 2 of the beta)


Here's some of the things I would like to know more about from the testers:

  • What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this
  • Did you get stuck anywhere?
  • How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?
  • What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)
  • How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?


Things we are not able to do much about currently:

  • Viewing angle, the game was never designed to support first person view and we are unlikely to implement it or give you more camera control until we implement hardware acceleration (Graphics Card).
  • Right click menus, the game was implemented from the ground up to use them. We can potentially let you use a modifier + left click to execute the default options (i.e.: Drink/Eat/Use/Equip/Sell).


Please keep feature suggestions to a minimum, rather focus on problems related to usability.


If possible state how much experience you have with similar games/other Massive Multiplayer Games.

#2 Neon



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Posted 10 May 2013 - 12:12

  • What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this

Hmm I didn't really have any trouble when I first started, some things were a little confusing and took some thought but that went after about reaching level 15 In-Game (After I had learnt how to play by the basics).

  • Did you get stuck anywhere?

I didn't get "stuck in the terrain" if that's what you mean. But as for "Stuck with the content" I did have stages on quests where I didn't know where to go due to the markers, I think for most of them I reported it in a ticket though.

  • How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?

It was fine. It gave me the very basic knowledge needed to start and wasn't too long so I did listen to it all :P.

  • What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)

They were great, however as for the profession "tutorials" I found myself missing a lot of them just because of their locations, some I couldn't figure out how to get too and the others were too far apart.

  • How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?

I've had no trouble with the game since day 2 (day 1 learning and progressing). The only thing I could say that was slightly confusing was quest markers which mislead me a few times.


My experience - I have been playing a handful of different MMORPGS for around 7 years.


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#3 Loaf



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Posted 10 May 2013 - 13:29

  • What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this?

Actually reading the quest text was hard because I've become accustomed to poorly written dialogues and heavy map guidance from other MMOs.  The single-quest limit on the tracker became frustrating as I was constantly trying to cycle through my quests to see what was nearby.  When I slowed down the clicks a bit and actually read the acceptance dialogues, I realized all the necessary info was presented in a concise and entertaining manner.

  • Did you get stuck anywhere?

My initial playthrough I was stuck not being able to join my friends in the Valley dungeon at level 25 because I only joined the Arcane Sanctum.  There appeared to be a mission to "help out the army" but talking to the mage inside barracks wasn't enough to get me beyond the locked door and into the dungeon.  Next playthrough I knew better and completed both Army and Sanctum paths simultaneously (which also eliminated much of the need to grind mobs between levels).


Took me a month to find the skinning trainer hidden in Mythos.  The apprentice trainers provide the majority of profession experience, yet I really only effectively utilized them on my second playthrough because I knew their various locations and what resources were sought ahead of time.  Once I figured out where they were located, their "!" on the minimap constantly became a nuisance when seeking out new quests.

  • How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?

The weapon-throw was still just as entertaining on a second play-through.  Hard to recall much else besides the guy getting eaten just after the player rescues him, but overall the void realm tutorial made a good first impression while introducing me to the basics.

  • What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)

I like the choice presented with the Basic combat quests.  It gave me the sense of "choosing my own adventure" while reassuring that I had the opportunity to experience each combat style later, if desired.


The City Tour is nice in that the player finds multiple side-quests while looping around and I like that gentle guidance while everything is still unfamiliar.


Would like to see an intro to the relic vendors in extended tutorial if possible.  Lost count how many times  players asked where to use relics (and I remember asking that myself after farming boondocks a few times).  Othalo Market relic vendor and the Champion's Hall/ Hall of Life in Eldevin City would be helpful to point out.  The vendors located in The Barren Trail were the only ones I noticed.

  • How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?

The extra bank vault not accepting inventory containers (large backpack) was unclear until clarified on the forums.  Also, could use tips explaining the premium shop.  People seemed really happy when introducing them to using sacks for gathering.


MMO experience


If you have a spare minute, please rate Eldevin at mmorpg.com

#4 grimnok



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Posted 10 May 2013 - 15:02

Hi all,


I've noticed some feedback about some people getting stuck in places and wonder how many of you have experienced bits where you either got stuck or struggled.


Examples from the top of my head:

  • People getting stuck at the basic magic tutorial, learning spells
  • People struggle to find shops/repair/selling
  • Dragging and dropping (have improved this based on feedback for phase 2 of the beta)


Here's some of the things I would like to know more about from the testers:

  • What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this
  • Did you get stuck anywhere?
  • How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?
  • What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)
  • How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?


Things we are not able to do much about currently:

  • Viewing angle, the game was never designed to support first person view and we are unlikely to implement it or give you more camera control until we implement hardware acceleration (Graphics Card).
  • Right click menus, the game was implemented from the ground up to use them. We can potentially let you use a modifier + left click to execute the default options (i.e.: Drink/Eat/Use/Equip/Sell).


Please keep feature suggestions to a minimum, rather focus on problems related to usability.


If possible state how much experience you have with similar games/other Massive Multiplayer Games.


First starting, I got stuck opening doors, because they were not accessible at the default camera angle.


I also got 'stuck', not noticing/realizing E could target things, and was targeting with the mouse.


Regarding movement, it is not clear that you can move by clicking on the minimap to select destinations.


It is not in any way clear, that the belt locations have keyboard shortcuts. I realize now they are Ctrl + #, but they would be better as single keys (e.g. F1, at least on Windows).


I've not played similar 3D MMO's before. I've played a fair amount of console 3D RPGs.

#5 ernzor



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Posted 10 May 2013 - 22:33

  • What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this?

Everythin seemed pretty straight forward to me, the only things that frustrated me a bit at the beginning were the camera tilt being on the wrong buttons (now fixed so that is not a problem) and the mini map not rotating with me. Now that I have been playign with it though, when you added the option to  have the mini map rotate it felt wierd as I was used to the static one. So I left it static, to me it now seems much better left like that, but glad you have the option there now for others.

  • Did you get stuck anywhere?

On my first play through as an assassin build when I messed up some stats some of the inital realms at my level were a bit hard and I died quite a bit before evening out those stats at later levels.


Also the whole plagued line (mainly army in this case) could do with either a single handed blade or bow option. Same with the Nidaros arena (playing through there at the min level required with a ranger was almost impossible).

  • How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?

Fine. Good basic instruction to the game.

  • What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)
They worked fine, although I noticed on my second play through after reset, I was just clicking through options and as I wanted to try out a ranger build I missclicked and ended up with the melee fights gear. Could there be an option to go back and say "I would like to change and then SWAP the gear they give you? I know you end up doing all of them, but for something to focus on after moving through these quests, at the starting stage of the game a new player may want to have something that they feel they can use for a bit longer at least.
  • How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?

They were fine, but I ended up turning them off. Guess they worked as I learned what they wanted to teach me!


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#6 Noeni



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Posted 10 May 2013 - 23:05

First starting, I got stuck opening doors, because they were not accessible at the default camera angle.


I also got 'stuck', not noticing/realizing E could target things, and was targeting with the mouse.


Regarding movement, it is not clear that you can move by clicking on the minimap to select destinations.


It is not in any way clear, that the belt locations have keyboard shortcuts. I realize now they are Ctrl + #, but they would be better as single keys (e.g. F1, at least on Windows).


I've not played similar 3D MMO's before. I've played a fair amount of console 3D RPGs.

I had  the same problem as Grimmnok , and picking up the bow at the archers quest I didn't progress in that quest It would be great if by clicking on a bow and arrow on the ground would make it appear in ur hand would be nice and after hooting the bulls eye or target it desappear. right click pick up left click it desappears. .Othelos quest was a problem as I read in the above it's fixed..1+ :) what was not clear also was in the captain quest I ran like forever to find the captain and to find the places and shop were very difficult.the little map at the right was kinda of helpfull it showed  me where I was but to get out was not clear a path leading out and into the next destination by mousing over a path would make it easier  to find your way around. I share the same opinion as Grimmnok.clearer instructions will make it a lot easier to follow.  and indication as one move around on the map would be helpfull .Tooltip was great.and helpfull.


#7 Roy


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Posted 11 May 2013 - 01:43

What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this
Nothing at the start, since played similar games before. 
Did you get stuck anywhere
Not atm, but I am still lvl 19 so probabily will in the future.
How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?
Interesting, specially the monster part.
What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)
The extend tutorial are good, but may be a little confuse to players new to mmo. If you guys plan on getting that game on facebook, what means a lot of "100% noobs" playing that game, I sugest more tutorials, taking it very slow, like 100-200 steps during the basic tutorials, prepare very well the players (and make is skipable for veteran players).
I am saying that because I did introduce a lot of friends (and even my wife) to games alike, some way more easy than Eldevin, but since they had no past experience with mmorpg it was a really hard job, a lot of patience was necessary, because since it was an "unknow area" for them, they would give up very easily.
I am just saying it because I would love to have a game with a lot of players, and I know for sure that people totally new to mmorpg will enjoy this game more than me, because for them everything is new, for me and other veterans not really, I Like the game of course, but I am way more interested in the game having a good community.
*Would be a nice idea have some employers new to mmorpgs, even 100% new to games to game to point outthe difficult for new players or even pay some people totally new to games to play and try to understand their difficults and by that make tutorials to solve their problems.
At least that is my opnion, no matter how good of a game you make, if you don't have a good foundation it will colapse.
How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?
Well, my last statement said all about it
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#8 Sai



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Posted 11 May 2013 - 20:16

* What was hard to pick up when you first started playing?

I picked up the game fairly quick, initially the lack of open world boundaries such as being able to go from Othalo directly to lv20 areas south of Eldevin got me killed a few times while I was exploring but that was more me learning my way around than actual difficulty. 

Also no difference in monster name or mini map dot color made it interesting to figure out what was and wasn't aggressive. 


* Did you get stuck anywhere?

I did get stuck a few times. I didn't know I needed to do both Army and Mage council quests simultaneously to proceed into the lv25 areas. I got stuck playing catch-up for a few hours when I hit lv25 while friends went through the lv25 dungeons without me. 


I was also slightly inconvenienced during the plague quests and anything that involved them because my favored class was ranger so all my attribute points and skills were ranged and not mage/melee which the weapons you need to used are based. This may also cause an issue because to proceed through the game you need to use both mage and melee weapons to do the major quest lines, though in the future it will cost money to change your stats. Literally making the quest line "pay to win".


 --Something that hasn't happened yet but may have with some recent changes that have been made to the game. 

Inability to proceed through some quests due to the need for crafted/gathered materials. There is currently nothing in the game informing you of the importance of the non-combat skills, most people will go right to combat lacking the understanding that the other skills are necessary support skills to the basic game questing.



How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?

I found it quick and very entertaining, if not even emotionally scarring when the guy was eaten and spat out. Though I do think maybe some of the extended tutorial quests should be added to the void and forced upon you, such as how to learn a spell from the scrolls, and targeting different monsters in a group with the keys/right click.


Maybe even add a few extra things such as how attributes and skill trees work. I found myself asking others how they work from experience rather than anything I learned from the game itself. 

*What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)


I think they should be added to the void tutorial, and the quests themselves changed so they just reward you with basic gear instead of teaching you the skill itself. 


How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?


I used them for a bit but I ended up turning them off. 


-Game experience

FF11--7yrs, Runescape--9 years, Dungeon Defenders--2 years Pc/Ps3 (developer sponsored community event host for Dungeon Defenders Ps3 for a year.)  Many of the Nexon games, usually for only a month or so each. I'm also a Legacy player of FF14 1.0 and Beta tester of FF14 ARR. 

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#9 ernzor



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Posted 11 May 2013 - 20:57


I was also slightly inconvenienced during the plague quests and anything that involved them because my favored class was ranger so all my attribute points and skills were ranged and not mage/melee which the weapons you need to used are based. This may also cause an issue because to proceed through the game you need to use both mage and melee weapons to do the major quest lines, though in the future it will cost money to change your stats. Literally making the quest line "pay to win".


You can (or at least I did) just have the special weapons in your pack to complete the questlines, but I agree it would be nice to have both a bow and a 1 handed blade for the plagued line.

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#10 Zukira



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Posted 12 May 2013 - 00:41

I didn't struggle with it, but I did end up coaching a few people through the first bit with learning a spell, then going in the abilities menu to find it and adding it to the hotkeys toolbar.  The one that I had thought to ask said this wasn't their normal type of game to play so thinking most who struggle at these startup steps are also new to this sort of design even if they play mmorpgs 


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#11 Othimos



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Posted 12 May 2013 - 16:05

    What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this...

when i first started playing what i found hard washaving to first learn the spell  then having to  drag and drop new spells into place.



  Did you get stuck anywhere?  Yes, when clicking on quests that where available to see but not to do as they were to high a level for me and no quest marker showed up at first it got confusing and i wandered around looking for quest starting places



How was the tutorial (void realm) for you? too short. you should have a couple of fights .. show things like opening inventory, using mana etc ..see below.


  What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic) ... these should all be placed in the tutorial in the void .. get a little world going .. survivors have set up shop as for some reason they are unable to pass back through the void like you can


  How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough? Quests need sorting so it states more clearly levels needed to do it in quest book, quest marker could do with brightening  and made slightly larger..also ALL quest of your current character level and below that you can do should be able to be seen on the mini map, so when you open it up and move the arrow pointer around you can see quests you have missed and where to go to find new ones.

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#12 xrxr1



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Posted 13 May 2013 - 10:08

   What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this...

Didn't really have any issues when first started - if I did , I just revisited the tutorials.



 Did you get stuck anywhere?  

Got stuck on one quest couldn't find a particular item , however i then moved camera angle and found it.



How was the tutorial (void realm) for you? 

Found my way through no problems.


  What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic) ...   As stated they give you the basic idea of the skills and how to use them.


  How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough? I found them clear enough , revisited once that I can remember and havent used them since.


Have not got a lot of gaming experience - basically FS and Eldevin. Both totally different  but each enjoyable in their own ways.

Ranger - levels  -Alchemy 49 . Foraging 49 . Skinning 49 . Leatherworking 49 . Cooking 49 .  Forestry 49 . Cooking 49. Prospecting 49 .  Weaponsmithing 49 .  Farming 49. Fishing 49 . Crystal Cutting 49. Jewelry 49. Tailoring 49.   Armor smithing 49.


Done all the hard yards  - Crafted and Gathered everything myself in Beta version and currently as well..

#13 Quillian


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 15:13

I've found it very easy to get into so far.


My only issue has been getting used to the quest log, it didn't click for me early on and I missed a couple of quests that I've since  managed to sweep up. Perhaps an extra little tutorial regarding the quest log, not so much on how it works, more a suggestion to dive in and mess about with it as it made sense once I'd taken that extra time.


Void realm-great, no problems here,


Loving Othalo so far, I'm level 6 and trying out some initial crafting quests and delving a little deeper into gathering, most enjoyable.


Are there targetting hotkeys for groupmates? Found it a little hard healing in a group, though the party HP bars were not updating and this contributed to my confusion.


Basic melee,ranged and magic tutorial was fine, though I was throwing fireballs before I realised I could use my ranged attack key to fire 0 mana bolts, I think that was my fault for not reading properly though.


Tooltips have been very useful, and everything seems quite logical and straightforward so far.


Just remembered-maybe a little extra blurb about inventory and using extra bags.(discard does not empty the bag's contents into inventory, it throws them away hehe- I am dense).


Very enjoyable so far, mighty fine work.

#14 thickenergy



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Posted 29 May 2013 - 23:58

The game has been pretty easy to pick up so far and part of that is due to sticking to general MMORPG conventions. The tutorials do a good job of showing you the basics. They're short and engaging enough to get you on your way without being frustrating or boring. The tooltips seemed plenty clear to me.


The initial Void Realm tutorial gave me that mixture of eagerness and worry you get when trying something new that you're unfamiliar with but are pretty sure you're going to have fun regardless. Got the same feeling with the dragon war flashback scenario. Good stuff all around.


What I could use some more of is some general knowledge/tips dealing with attributes, attribute point allocation, and all those figures in the statistics window. It's hard to commit to assigning attribute points when you have no baselines with which to compare. Are there any limits on assigning attribute points per level? Is there a maximum for attribute scores that cannot be exceeded?  Is there a minimum for an attribute score below which I might as well not even assign points to that attribute? I know that eventually the player base will have come up with all sorts of wisdom regarding these and similar questions, but some pointers for new players, that can be accessed from the game UI, would be wonderful. Even if it's just a link to the relevant area of the game forums so that newbies can see what experienced players have to say.


There are a few quests, like the one that gives you a Homestone for Eldevin, that I completely missed for the first few levels. Even though I passed by the NPC for that quest multiple times, due to the short view distance I never even saw her until I was around level 8 or 9. Not sure what, if anything, can or should be done about issues like that. I wouldn't have found Sabine for the A Study In Blood quest had I not just been clicking on all the doors in the city as I traveled. But I think a quest that you have to find is a lot different than one you repeatedly miss despite the NPC being in the open next to a city gate.


I know the following aren't things you're likely to change or even alter, but I'll get them off my chest anyway. :) The hardest parts of the game to get used to for me, by far, were mouse movement and the viewing angle. These are two of the main reasons I've only ever been an infrequent player of Runescape and haven't revisited a few other games with a similar setup. Fortunately for me, Eldevin has other qualities that keep me playing. I've mostly made peace with the mouse movement (other than trying to click-target and running towards the enemy instead far too often >.< ). But even, say, five fewer degrees on the viewing angle would go a long way to helping me not feel like I'm staring at the top of my character's head all of the time. It does make me wonder why we're even given a choice of faces in character creation since about all I can see is the bridge of my dude's nose. Just to be clear, I'm not asking for a first person view, just a more acute angle to the third person view.


*I've been playing MMORPGs and other online games for about fifteen years now. Most of those have been client-based games, but with the rapid expansion of browser-based games (and services like Steam) that will probably change soon enough.


Basic melee,ranged and magic tutorial was fine, though I was throwing fireballs before I realised I could use my ranged attack key to fire 0 mana bolts, I think that was my fault for not reading properly though.

I didn't realize that I could make a basic, no mana, ranged attack with an Essence device until I was already level 8. Part of the issue is assumptions I had from how magical focus devices work in some other games. They basically take up a slot and just buff your stats and/or give a separate ability. You don't actively use the device itself. That said, the magic tutorial should probably start you out using an Essence, then teach you your first spell. That is if anyone but the most dense of us are having the same experience. :)

#15 ObscurityNone


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 14:05

I haven't had any trouble picking things up, at all.. really.


About the beginning quests, for Archery, Magic, and Melee. I think they were all pretty necessary, and (unlike most games) allow the player to get a good feel for just how the specific "style" affects their game-play. I enjoyed the tutorial, I didn't think it was too long at all, suits the story well, and it had a epic-feel to it. I just loved throwing that mace to the guy, never did I expect the mace to actually show it (animated) thrown into the NPC's hands, only so he could shove it down a monsters throat. x) Then for him to be eaten and spewed out later, pretty nice...


Some shops I notice repair, while others do not, some sell, while others do not. So because of this, it can be a tad-bit hard to find the Merchant you need, though I kept some mental notes of some so it isn't too big a problem.


Now for last, the camera angles. My only problem off the top of my head, is that I would enjoy being able to rotate the camera vertically deeper, for example something like a pseudo-over-the-shoulder view. However, with more than that. Sorry I can't be too descriptive.


(Gaming Experience: Been playing all kinds of MMO's since my first leap into Runescape in 2002).

#16 Oblivion


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Posted 18 June 2013 - 00:22

◾People getting stuck at the basic magic tutorial, learning spells

I did not get stuck one bit and it was a very nice tutorial :)


◾People struggle to find shops/repair/selling

People have a hard time finding repair but the shops and selling not everyone has a problem with, I think you should just add on the map where to find a repair shop :)


◾Dragging and dropping (have improved this based on feedback for phase 2 of the beta)

This is not a problem one bit.



Here's some of the things I would like to know more about from the testers:


◾What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this?

I do not think this needs changed :) unless you want to make it more exciting it's good enough for me!


◾Did you get stuck anywhere?


◾How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?

It was good

◾What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)

They work extremely well I know better knowledge of what I am doing!

◾How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?

They could be a little bigger letter because I have a hard time seeing it.

#17 jexy


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Posted 18 June 2013 - 21:33

Examples from the top of my head:

  • ******I am stuck on the mage/fishing quest. I dont' know how to find the npcs that I was told to find*****
  • ****I don't even know shops existed***


Here's some of the things I would like to know more about from the testers:

  • ****It is very hard to pick up on game play.I don't know what to fight to lvl up. I don't know how to  find the places.
  • How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?
  • ****The end part of the void tutorial was frustrating I was scared the thing would eat me so I ran back and could not find the rift.It would have helped if you had placed a direction arrow.***
  • What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)                                 ****I don't know when I figure out how to do the I will tell you***
  • How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?                   ****IDK***

If possible state how much experience you have with similar games/other Massive Multiplayer Games.


***I have played a lot of browser game.The only one close to this is "runescape" in the sense that you can mine,fish and stuff.

When you first start playing it, the tutorials use an arrow system where you are guided around.

They did a big war intro which was cool.any ways am not telling you to go lag the game down with super cool graphics.That is exactly way I don't play runescape anymore too much lag.

But you need to have a guide system and a Teleportation system, in runescape you can teleport around to key spots using a menu, unlike "lost chaos" where you have to find an npc all the time.

I could go on and on with the comparison but since I don't play those games any more I won't bother.My advise go play runescape and see how easy it is to get into the game play.See what features you can implement here to make things easier to understand.

When I first start playing a game I want to dive right in kicking butt even if its a roach,I want to start making money and getting stuff.The first area should be a small newbie area everything basic is easily found in a small area.Leave the running around to more complex lvls when am more familiar with the game.

#18 McGregor08



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Posted 24 June 2013 - 02:30

 I am having trouble with finding group for the dungeons, you click on the unit that gives you a list then choose witch one you are doing then it states there is up to an hour wait, but nothing to let other players know you are looking for a group. If a sing or something appeared above your head that might help.

#19 Irradiated



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Posted 16 July 2013 - 20:45

The group finder is having problems, due to lack of players during beta.  It will only find a proper group (3 dps, 1 heal, 1 tank), and not enough people use it.


Some suggestions for groups:

1.  Post in 'game help' for the dungeon you want

2.  Go to marketplace in Eldevin and ask around.  People often hang out there.

3.  Go to Eldevin realm and ask in realm chat.

4.  Go to the chat room named 'world' (without quotes).  To get there, press F6 and enter the name.  Players often hang around there, and are often free to help with dungeons.

5.  Just whisper (/w) people you see.  Ask if they could join you for whatever dungeon.  (Don't just ask for help, you'll get better responses if you're specific.  As in "can you help me with the vault".)


Note that the people who respond may be offering a run-thru, rather then an at level group.  But until we have a full player base, this will probably have to suffice.


*** edit ***

Just realized I was answering a very old post.  Apologies, but I'll leave it as the information is still relevant.

Meleager, ranger

Tuor, templar (Inactive)

Deimos, mage

Thangbrand, warsin (Mostly on vacation)

Bart, ??? (bene trades)

#20 Miss and Hit

Miss and Hit

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Posted 22 July 2013 - 08:44

Here's some of the things I would like to know more about from the testers:

  • What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this
  • No  problems. 
  • Did you get stuck anywhere?
  • Figuring out how to repair.  I searched the venders I could find with no results and finially came across the blacksmith and got it done.  Looking back I should have figured he would be the one but describing him as a vender confused me.
  • How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?
  • Short, sweet, and to the point.  The targeting keys could use a bit more stressing.  Also when the "give" window comes up, the "inventory" window should also come up as mosy of the time  what you need to give is in inventory. 
  • What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)
  • The swapping weapons key needs to be stressed when doing at least one basic.  Also add equiping the Essence device to the Basic Magic quest and explain that the ranged attack can use 0 mana.  I may have missed the ranged attack.
  • How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?
  • They have been claer and helpful to me.

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