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Composing - In Detail

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#1 Hoofmaster


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:31

Hi all,


Here are our thoughts on how Composing will work :)


Items can be broken down and give a fragments based on the rarity. For example if you break down a Rare item, you will receive a 'Rare Fragment'. If you break down an Epic item, you will receive an 'Epic Fragment'.
All potions created would be guild bound / bound. You specify if the potion is for yourself (ie. bound) or for use with your guild (if applicable) when you create it.
Creating a Potion
Select skill(s)
Select level for skills.
Select duration.
Shows time taken / gold cost / fragment cost
So for example:
Hoof’s Basic Potion [30m]
Conserve 50
Librarian 180
Fragment cost would be something like:
Common Fragments = (amount_of_skills * (total_skill_level / 5));
Rare Fragments = (amount_of_skills * ((total_skill_level - (25 * amount_of_skills)) / 20));
Legendary Fragments = (amount_of_skills * ((total_skill_level - (125 * amount_of_skills)) / 100));
Epic Fragments = (amount_of_skills * ((total_skill_level - (175 * amount_of_skills)) / 500));
if(Epic Fragments > 2) Epic Fragments = 2
Gold Cost = amount_of_skills * total_skill_level * duration * 3
Time to Create = amount_of_skills * total_skill_level * duration * scalar
Cost to Finish Instantly = (Gold Cost * scalar)
This would mean in this example it would require:
C = (2 * (230 / 5)) = 92
R = (2 * (180 / 20)) = 18 
L = (2 * (-20 / 50)) = 0
E = (2 * (-70 / 300)) = 0
Gold Cost = 2 * 230 * 30 * 3 = 41,400 gold
Time to Create = (2 * 230 * 30) / 10 = 1380s = 23m
Cost to Finish Instantly = (41,400 * 5) =  207,000 gold
Another example...
Hoof’s Ultimate Potion [120m]
Librarian 200
Adept Learner 200
Coordinated Attack 250
Animal Magnetism 250
Doubler 350
This would mean in this example it would require:
C = (5 * (1250 / 5)) = 1250
R = (5 * (1125 / 20)) = 281
L = (5 * (625 / 100)) = 31
E = (5 * (375 / 400)) = 4 -> 2 (cap applied)
Gold Cost = 5 * 1250 * 120 * 3 = 2,250,000
Time to Create = (5 * 1250 * 120) / 10 = 75000s = 1250m = ~20 hours
Cost to Finish Instantly = (2,250,000 * 5) = 11,250,000
Composing Level
Each time a potion is created, composing xp would be allocated based on the total_skill_level of the potion.
Composing level determines the maximum duration that you can create potions with. The base duration is 60 minutes, then each brewing level adds +1 minute to the maximum duration (up to a limit of 300 minutes - hence the maximum brewing level would be 240).
Each composing level requires 200 + (50 * level) Composing XP.
Level 2 = 300
Level 3 = 350 (+ previous xp)
Level 4 = 400 (+ previous xp)


This means starting at 0 Composing XP, if you created 2 x Hoof’s Basic Potion, you would gain 460 Composing XP, which would mean you Composing Level would now be 2.


Available Skills (with max possible level)
Doubler [max 1000]
Light Foot [max 500]
Conserve [max 200]
Adept Learner [max 200]
Librarian [max 200]
Sacrifice [max 200]
Global Booster [max 200]
Animal Magnetism [max 250]
Keen Edge [max 200]
Anti Deflect [max 200]
Smashing Hammer [max 250]
Entrench [max 175]
Coordinated Attack [max 250]
Coordinated Defense [max 250]
Stalker [max 250]
Shield Wall [max 250]
Terrorize [max 250]
Gloat [max 250]
Honor [max 250]
Flinch [max 250]
Constitution [max 250]
Sanctuary [max 250]
Terrorize [max 250]
1) These would be special potions, so skills such as Distil, Reckoning, Spell Breaker and Spell Leech would not work with them.


Finally I would like to give a big thanks to Evilbry and Pardoux for taking time to discuss the idea with me over Skype :)


Any constructive feedback is appreciated :D


~ The Fallen Sword Team

#2 watagashi



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:33

Pretty cool!

#3 jdlaw


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:35


#4 iut044



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:37

Smashing Hammer [max 250]



~ The Fallen Sword Team

smashing hammer should be limited to 175


will brewmaster work on the potions ?

#5 Hoofmaster


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:44

will brewmaster work on the potions ?


Nope - I don't think so :)

#6 Leos3000



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:44

1st thoughts...


1. seems very expensive for underpowered potions


2. seems very complicated


3. Gaining xp is cool and a nice way to progress through the inventing


This is pretty far off from my original idea and sadly not going to sink that many items in its current form...

#7 watagashi



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:45

how about distill, or spell leach/breaker?

#8 steveanaya


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:45

these fragments will be stored in component slots right?

#9 ironcire



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:46

I understand how this works based on the examples provided, and it all looks very interesting; however, please tell me why would i break down an epic item (worth a decent amount of FSP) to get a fragment that would be used to make a potion that only has a max level cap on AL and LIB that is relatively low? that doesnt really seem very epic to me... 

#10 Hoofmaster


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:46

1st thoughts...


1. seems very expensive for underpowered potions


2. seems very complicated


3. Gaining xp is cool and a nice way to progress through the inventing


This is pretty far off from my original idea and sadly not going to sink that many items in its current form...


Which part do you feel is over complicated? We're open to suggestions on how it can be improved :)

#11 Pardoux



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:47

how about distill, or spell leach/breaker?


Reread the post - says they won't work ...

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#12 Hoofmaster


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:47

these fragments will be stored in component slots right?


The Fragments will be listed by rarity on the Composing page (they won't require any inventory space).

#13 hades8840



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:47

looks over complicated now..also at higher lvls ie mine for instance you hardly make gold anymore the quests cost more then you gain so i dont see the need for yet another gold sink this was ment to be about getting rid of thousands of items that the game has been flooded with.. was also hoping they wasnt bound as some ppl could of used this as a source of income specially when events happened newer players could of used there excess and made pots to sell ..after all is only so many potions you can use urself

#14 watagashi



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:48

*hits brakes* wait, you use a epic each time???? There wont be ones that only use common rare or other?

#15 Leos3000



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:48

Hoof Most of the max levels on these skills are skills that can be obtained for 1 fsp or less in many cases why would I use several LE or even Epic items to make them?

#16 Hoofmaster


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:50

Hoof Most of the max levels on these skills are skills that can be obtained for 1 fsp or less in many cases why would I use several LE or even Epic items to make them?


We could remove the 'Epic Fragment' and lower the 'Legendary' ones, while increasing the Common and Rare ones?

#17 Hoofmaster


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:51

*hits brakes* wait, you use a epic each time???? There wont be ones that only use common rare or other?


Nope - read again :)

#18 watagashi



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:51

We could remove the 'Epic Fragment' and lower the 'Legendary' ones, while increasing the Common and Rare ones?

yea at the levels you mentioned thats closer to the worth and level of the buffs

#19 rowbeth



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:52

What determines which buffs you can compose, and at what max level? Also, how many fragments do you get from each item (does that vary with quality of item)?


And are there storage issues here? Will you introduce fragment storage slots to complement backpack and resources? (just noticed you answered this one already)

#20 steveanaya


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 00:53

do we extract the items? is there a chance to fail/will buffs help us extract better? how do we turn the item into a fragment?

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