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Ragged Angels

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#1 AizenVicious



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 09:23

Nothing to see here but an empty shell of what used to be.

#2 seasack



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 15:58

i think you dun fell an bumped your head

#3 lasciel



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 20:48

i think you dun fell an bumped your head

You'll think what we tell you to think...the only reason you're here is because we allow it. :wink:

#4 gothador_mortll

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Posted 05 April 2010 - 03:27

i think you dun fell an bumped your head

You'll think what we tell you to think...the only reason you're here is because we allow it. :wink:

Damn I told aizen not to lend VV your thongs now look what has happend ... The rot is spreading run while youve still got hope .... Congrats on the new ummmmm chew toy by the way .

#5 Mysticalme



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Posted 06 April 2010 - 13:16

Nibs n Chocolate are my only chew toys...well you n OG once in awhile but primarily its the 1st two :)

#6 AizenVicious



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Posted 09 April 2010 - 06:00

No end in sight for our empire. Are there any other powers that can challenge us? Or shall we rule until the end of Gothador's days? And it only takes 9 of us to rule Gothador. :roll: In an effort to tone down all the "love" and crap on the forum, I just wanted to remind you all that you are all equally hated. :twisted:


Ragged Angels
Cult Level: 82780
Cult Exp:: 18831063037287
Members: 9


Fianna Eireann: The Champions of the Red Branch
Cult Level: 80769
Cult Exp:: 17926646249630
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#7 seasack



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Posted 09 April 2010 - 06:10

of course theres no end in sight....no one ever sees the end of the line when theyre on the train :idea:

#8 gothador_vickieverki

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Posted 09 April 2010 - 11:48

Players Near Your Rank

1. Name vickieverkie Level 121417

2. Name pacmansb Level 117112

3. Name Aizen Level 114075

4. Name BogeyMan Level 111000

5. Name Vaprak Level 103965

lesser mortals bow in supplication!

#9 AizenVicious



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Posted 10 April 2010 - 22:28

Players Near Your Rank

1. Name vickieverkie Level 121417

2. Name pacmansb Level 117112

3. Name Aizen Level 114075

4. Name BogeyMan Level 111000

5. Name Vaprak Level 103965

lesser mortals bow in supplication!

Step up or shut up nancy boy! :lol:

#10 Howard The Duck

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Posted 10 April 2010 - 22:33

Players Near Your Rank

1. Name vickieverkie Level 121417

2. Name pacmansb Level 117112

3. Name Aizen Level 114075

4. Name BogeyMan Level 111000

5. Name Vaprak Level 103965

lesser mortals bow in supplication!

I bow before no man, women, he/she or otherwise anyone.
so I will be damned if im going to bow before you.
Just cause you are 15k lvls bigger then me today doesnt mean I still cant kill you repeatedly.
It also doesnt mean the same will be true tommorrow.

We are the RAGGED ANGELS and we are GODS, Love us, Hate us, It doesnt matter fact still remains we are the best.

#11 uriahheap



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 03:30

We are the RAGGED ANGELS and we are GODS, Love us, Hate us, It doesnt matter fact still remains we are the best.

Ah, so thou art GOD, eh? I wonder what brings you to this determination. Sure, as a cult, you are in the number one spot experience wise, but that in no way makes you Gods. One of several individuals might leave, dropping the cult down one place, and so in that way none amongst you may control cult ranking.

As a group, you are a large assortment of second places and lower in most measured categories- I think Blacq is the most experienced mage at the time of writing by 80 levels, but after that your best boast is number two ewok, and that's about it.

One of the important aspects of the Christian religion is forgiveness, Vap, and that is something your cult does seem to have. Even after branding you short bus passenger numero uno, they let you into the cult at the exalted rank of Member, forgiving you your past transgressions, current shortcomings, and future buffoonery. A large gesture, which I'm sure was without ulterior motive.

Perhaps you think of yourself as a God because you can breathe life into an online character- provide the animus, that sort of thing. Somewhat of a problem, because we all do it, though admittedly, not as well. You seem able to bring life to more than one at once, and hold conversations with yourself in the shoutbox. Sadly, though, this earns more in the way of scorn and derision, both publically and in private, than awe and worship. In fact, I'm sure that it is the reason why you were admitted as member in RA as opposed to anything higher- they didn't want you bringing in any sock puppets. Imagine sitting down to dinner and having to hear someone else at the table go on:

Vaprak: hello bondie. Pass the potatoes, please
Deadlyeyes: hello bondie. How are you enjoying dinner?
Vaprak: i find the roast beef salty

Low enough dinner conversation, but when it comes from the same mouth, unpalatable. Does deadly talk out of the side of your mouth, to sort of throw the voice? Do you have ventriloquism down?

Anyways, you want to know what I think? I'm sure you do- your erudite and properly punctuated posts hint at a deep thinker. Well, seeing as you asked, I think you'll have to agree the only Gods around here are the Cows. From the creation of the firmament and all things that creepeth within, to their ability to move anywhere, and have all the powers of all the peoples , I just don't think that players can compare. So where does that leave people such as yourself? Well, once the game (or body of players) was nurtured, and grew. It was cared for, and balanced. But our gods forsook us, and the hands that used to mold and shape, tend and prune left us for a long period, and when they came back, they were rough, and without art. They squeezed and held back the light, until many left, except for the lost, and bitter, those that didn't know any better, and those that profitted from the darkness killing off the diversity that grew, leaving only the weeds. So, I see Gothador sort of like a human body, where coarse hands have pinched off the head, and squeezed the heart, leaving only the lower body, the guts, stewing away. Make no mistake, the mauling and pressing continue, and every so often something gets squeezed out the only way that remains. That seems to be your place, the product of the fermentations and machinations of a sick and dying body. Embrace it, and leave Godhood to others.

#12 seasack



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 04:44

heres to the newest 'members' :P

#13 Howard The Duck

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 07:19

We are the RAGGED ANGELS and we are GODS, Love us, Hate us, It doesnt matter fact still remains we are the best.

Ah, so thou art GOD, eh? I wonder what brings you to this determination. Sure, as a cult, you are in the number one spot experience wise, but that in no way makes you Gods. One of several individuals might leave, dropping the cult down one place, and so in that way none amongst you may control cult ranking.

As a group, you are a large assortment of second places and lower in most measured categories- I think Blacq is the most experienced mage at the time of writing by 80 levels, but after that your best boast is number two ewok, and that's about it.

One of the important aspects of the Christian religion is forgiveness, Vap, and that is something your cult does seem to have. Even after branding you short bus passenger numero uno, they let you into the cult at the exalted rank of Member, forgiving you your past transgressions, current shortcomings, and future buffoonery. A large gesture, which I'm sure was without ulterior motive.

Perhaps you think of yourself as a God because you can breathe life into an online character- provide the animus, that sort of thing. Somewhat of a problem, because we all do it, though admittedly, not as well. You seem able to bring life to more than one at once, and hold conversations with yourself in the shoutbox. Sadly, though, this earns more in the way of scorn and derision, both publically and in private, than awe and worship. In fact, I'm sure that it is the reason why you were admitted as member in RA as opposed to anything higher- they didn't want you bringing in any sock puppets. Imagine sitting down to dinner and having to hear someone else at the table go on:

Vaprak: hello bondie. Pass the potatoes, please
Deadlyeyes: hello bondie. How are you enjoying dinner?
Vaprak: i find the roast beef salty

Low enough dinner conversation, but when it comes from the same mouth, unpalatable. Does deadly talk out of the side of your mouth, to sort of throw the voice? Do you have ventriloquism down?

Anyways, you want to know what I think? I'm sure you do- your erudite and properly punctuated posts hint at a deep thinker. Well, seeing as you asked, I think you'll have to agree the only Gods around here are the Cows. From the creation of the firmament and all things that creepeth within, to their ability to move anywhere, and have all the powers of all the peoples , I just don't think that players can compare. So where does that leave people such as yourself? Well, once the game (or body of players) was nurtured, and grew. It was cared for, and balanced. But our gods forsook us, and the hands that used to mold and shape, tend and prune left us for a long period, and when they came back, they were rough, and without art. They squeezed and held back the light, until many left, except for the lost, and bitter, those that didn't know any better, and those that profitted from the darkness killing off the diversity that grew, leaving only the weeds. So, I see Gothador sort of like a human body, where coarse hands have pinched off the head, and squeezed the heart, leaving only the lower body, the guts, stewing away. Make no mistake, the mauling and pressing continue, and every so often something gets squeezed out the only way that remains. That seems to be your place, the product of the fermentations and machinations of a sick and dying body. Embrace it, and leave Godhood to others.

You seriously took all that time to write all that crap? you must seriously be pissed because your in a second rate cult. As far as me coming to ragged angels i am here because aizen wanted me here and because i accepted the invitation he gave me to be with the best. as for my bonded deadlyeyes she is not here because she has not put in for acceptance and doesnt want to join ragged angels. and dispite what you or any member of your ludicris cult thinks we are not the same person and im sure if you spoke to her you would see that, but since you dont play gothador i will stick with my first though you are dead as is your cult, the only thing keeping it alive is v v and all his alts. As for gods well yeah we are gods and maybe if someone left we would be second rate but unlike you we dont leave the game we keep playing it. Yes i have many chars most of which are over 10k but that doesnt matter what matters is my best char is in the best cult and he will remain there until such time as they dont wish me to be. Which judging from the way things are going will not be anytime soon, but we will see. By the way no one cares what you think you are an inactive player and it doesnt matter.

On top of all that we are gods you can love us and you can hate us hell you can even doubt us it still dont matter because we are the best, thats why we are Number 1.

#14 Mysticalme



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 13:02

I'm with Vap on this one, I don't bow before anyone...kneel? well thats another story and between me n Nibs. You've almost made me think I will level again just for spite...or sumfin...dont know, will have to sleep on it.

#15 AizenVicious



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 14:53

We are the RAGGED ANGELS and we are GODS, Love us, Hate us, It doesnt matter fact still remains we are the best.

Ah, so thou art GOD, eh? I wonder what brings you to this determination. Sure, as a cult, you are in the number one spot experience wise, but that in no way makes you Gods. One of several individuals might leave, dropping the cult down one place, and so in that way none amongst you may control cult ranking.

As a group, you are a large assortment of second places and lower in most measured categories- I think Blacq is the most experienced mage at the time of writing by 80 levels, but after that your best boast is number two ewok, and that's about it.

One of the important aspects of the Christian religion is forgiveness, Vap, and that is something your cult does seem to have. Even after branding you short bus passenger numero uno, they let you into the cult at the exalted rank of Member, forgiving you your past transgressions, current shortcomings, and future buffoonery. A large gesture, which I'm sure was without ulterior motive.

Perhaps you think of yourself as a God because you can breathe life into an online character- provide the animus, that sort of thing. Somewhat of a problem, because we all do it, though admittedly, not as well. You seem able to bring life to more than one at once, and hold conversations with yourself in the shoutbox. Sadly, though, this earns more in the way of scorn and derision, both publically and in private, than awe and worship. In fact, I'm sure that it is the reason why you were admitted as member in RA as opposed to anything higher- they didn't want you bringing in any sock puppets. Imagine sitting down to dinner and having to hear someone else at the table go on:

Vaprak: hello bondie. Pass the potatoes, please
Deadlyeyes: hello bondie. How are you enjoying dinner?
Vaprak: i find the roast beef salty

Low enough dinner conversation, but when it comes from the same mouth, unpalatable. Does deadly talk out of the side of your mouth, to sort of throw the voice? Do you have ventriloquism down?

Anyways, you want to know what I think? I'm sure you do- your erudite and properly punctuated posts hint at a deep thinker. Well, seeing as you asked, I think you'll have to agree the only Gods around here are the Cows. From the creation of the firmament and all things that creepeth within, to their ability to move anywhere, and have all the powers of all the peoples , I just don't think that players can compare. So where does that leave people such as yourself? Well, once the game (or body of players) was nurtured, and grew. It was cared for, and balanced. But our gods forsook us, and the hands that used to mold and shape, tend and prune left us for a long period, and when they came back, they were rough, and without art. They squeezed and held back the light, until many left, except for the lost, and bitter, those that didn't know any better, and those that profitted from the darkness killing off the diversity that grew, leaving only the weeds. So, I see Gothador sort of like a human body, where coarse hands have pinched off the head, and squeezed the heart, leaving only the lower body, the guts, stewing away. Make no mistake, the mauling and pressing continue, and every so often something gets squeezed out the only way that remains. That seems to be your place, the product of the fermentations and machinations of a sick and dying body. Embrace it, and leave Godhood to others.

Phew...I need a nap after reading all the crap you spew out. Gothador is a game of numbers, so I'll let the numbers speak for themselves. Check the top ten cause I'll show you something very soon that you and your precious vickieverkie will find funny. But as your god, Lord Aizen can be a forgiving presence just as well as a scornful god. So in the very near future I'll forgive you for your ill-stated remarks while you lick my boots clean and beg to be allowed in my presence. :twisted:

Infernal Amil Owner 734584530112
Sylvan Gelbreazu Owner 1828291215867
Celestial Malodor Owner 1900917841
Infernal MarcBreaker Owner 17352277657
Kindred Elf Muirenn Owner 8437810832
Celestial NotHelmut Owner 133380084896
Celestial slaybelle Owner 190465531647
Titan Teresita Owner 21495464541
Spirit UriahHeap Owner 2151482058542
Celestial vickieverkie Owner 12123373326245
Infernal Funchmeld Recruiter 1681265780
Celestial Rasalhague Recruiter 33868933220
Shadow Master Amorphia Member 13205107276
Infernal CapnCuttle Member 17157952924
Kindred Elf Damage Member 883883219147
Dark Elf Futterwacken Member 119964427
Diabolic seasack Member 27041527451
Kindred Elf seaslick Member 0
Kindred Elf TranPlor Member 6315114786
Shadow Master Z2PointO Member 373772546

All I see are vickie, you, and seasack and a TON of alts or low levelers. Wow! Impressive. I know it bites when someone overpowers you like we do and you can't do anything about it. That feeling of inadequacy will slowly fade into a deep depression and you'll finally give up on the game and fade into non-existance (again). When it comes down to it "who cares?" right? Well I don't care if anybody else in the game cares or not. Even if I was the only person to care in the game, I will continue to push forward and leave you and other filthy vermin in the dust just because I can.

#16 Athy



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 14:57

So UriahHeap returns...

Please pass the earplugs. I prefer not to have to listen to any more of his highly educated dribble.

#17 gothador_vickieverki

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 15:06

We are the RAGGED ANGELS and we are GODS, Love us, Hate us, It doesnt matter fact still remains we are the best.

Ah, so thou art GOD, eh? I wonder what brings you to this determination. Sure, as a cult, you are in the number one spot experience wise, but that in no way makes you Gods. One of several individuals might leave, dropping the cult down one place, and so in that way none amongst you may control cult ranking.

As a group, you are a large assortment of second places and lower in most measured categories- I think Blacq is the most experienced mage at the time of writing by 80 levels, but after that your best boast is number two ewok, and that's about it.

One of the important aspects of the Christian religion is forgiveness, Vap, and that is something your cult does seem to have. Even after branding you short bus passenger numero uno, they let you into the cult at the exalted rank of Member, forgiving you your past transgressions, current shortcomings, and future buffoonery. A large gesture, which I'm sure was without ulterior motive.

Perhaps you think of yourself as a God because you can breathe life into an online character- provide the animus, that sort of thing. Somewhat of a problem, because we all do it, though admittedly, not as well. You seem able to bring life to more than one at once, and hold conversations with yourself in the shoutbox. Sadly, though, this earns more in the way of scorn and derision, both publically and in private, than awe and worship. In fact, I'm sure that it is the reason why you were admitted as member in RA as opposed to anything higher- they didn't want you bringing in any sock puppets. Imagine sitting down to dinner and having to hear someone else at the table go on:

Vaprak: hello bondie. Pass the potatoes, please
Deadlyeyes: hello bondie. How are you enjoying dinner?
Vaprak: i find the roast beef salty

Low enough dinner conversation, but when it comes from the same mouth, unpalatable. Does deadly talk out of the side of your mouth, to sort of throw the voice? Do you have ventriloquism down?

Anyways, you want to know what I think? I'm sure you do- your erudite and properly punctuated posts hint at a deep thinker. Well, seeing as you asked, I think you'll have to agree the only Gods around here are the Cows. From the creation of the firmament and all things that creepeth within, to their ability to move anywhere, and have all the powers of all the peoples , I just don't think that players can compare. So where does that leave people such as yourself? Well, once the game (or body of players) was nurtured, and grew. It was cared for, and balanced. But our gods forsook us, and the hands that used to mold and shape, tend and prune left us for a long period, and when they came back, they were rough, and without art. They squeezed and held back the light, until many left, except for the lost, and bitter, those that didn't know any better, and those that profitted from the darkness killing off the diversity that grew, leaving only the weeds. So, I see Gothador sort of like a human body, where coarse hands have pinched off the head, and squeezed the heart, leaving only the lower body, the guts, stewing away. Make no mistake, the mauling and pressing continue, and every so often something gets squeezed out the only way that remains. That seems to be your place, the product of the fermentations and machinations of a sick and dying body. Embrace it, and leave Godhood to others.

Phew...I need a nap after reading all the crap you spew out. Gothador is a game of numbers, so I'll let the numbers speak for themselves. Check the top ten cause I'll show you something very soon that you and your precious vickieverkie will find funny. But as your god, Lord Aizen can be a forgiving presence just as well as a scornful god. So in the very near future I'll forgive you for your ill-stated remarks while you lick my boots clean and beg to be allowed in my presence. :twisted:

Infernal Amil Owner 734584530112
Sylvan Gelbreazu Owner 1828291215867
Celestial Malodor Owner 1900917841
Infernal MarcBreaker Owner 17352277657
Kindred Elf Muirenn Owner 8437810832
Celestial NotHelmut Owner 133380084896
Celestial slaybelle Owner 190465531647
Titan Teresita Owner 21495464541
Spirit UriahHeap Owner 2151482058542
Celestial vickieverkie Owner 12123373326245
Infernal Funchmeld Recruiter 1681265780
Celestial Rasalhague Recruiter 33868933220
Shadow Master Amorphia Member 13205107276
Infernal CapnCuttle Member 17157952924
Kindred Elf Damage Member 883883219147
Dark Elf Futterwacken Member 119964427
Diabolic seasack Member 27041527451
Kindred Elf seaslick Member 0
Kindred Elf TranPlor Member 6315114786
Shadow Master Z2PointO Member 373772546

All I see are vickie, you, and seasack and a TON of alts or low levelers. Wow! Impressive. I know it bites when someone overpowers you like we do and you can't do anything about it. That feeling of inadequacy will slowly fade into a deep depression and you'll finally give up on the game and fade into non-existance (again). When it comes down to it "who cares?" right? Well I don't care if anybody else in the game cares or not. Even if I was the only person to care in the game, I will continue to push forward and leave you and other filthy vermin in the dust just because I can.

I suppose you just havent seen the picture of what arguing n the internet is like.

blahblahblah is all i ever hear

#18 AizenVicious



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 15:18

I suppose you just havent seen the picture of what arguing n the internet is like.

blahblahblah is all i ever hear

Ah, the big man or woman him/herself (still unsure if you're a guy playing a female character or if you are a female playing a female character; the first being slightly disturbing) comes to throw in his/her punch into the thread debacle. And your best post is a "eh, who cares....all i hear is blah blah blah" post. *Applauds* It's right on par as for the shortcomings of your cult and your humorous attempt at being #1. Sure, you are top dog on the xp list...for now. Which I will be changing for you soon enough. But I'm talking about the simple lack of persona. #1 players of days old would laugh you out of the realms as I do now. These forums are dead enough with the thinned out ranks of what it used to be. In it's day it was full of cult feuds, personal vendettas, and people down right getting nasty with each other (which I must admit was very fun for me and gave me a reason to log on to the forum). I'm just merely giving you a taste of old gothador. It's something called "trash talking". I'm sure you can understand that.

#19 gothador_vickieverki

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Posted 11 April 2010 - 15:23

I suppose you just havent seen the picture of what arguing n the internet is like.

blahblahblah is all i ever hear

Ah, the big man or woman him/herself (still unsure if you're a guy playing a female character or if you are a female playing a female character; the first being slightly disturbing) comes to throw in his/her punch into the thread debacle. And your best post is a "eh, who cares....all i hear is blah blah blah" post. *Applauds* It's right on par as for the shortcomings of your cult and your humorous attempt at being #1. Sure, you are top dog on the xp list...for now. Which I will be changing for you soon enough. But I'm talking about the simple lack of persona. #1 players of days old would laugh you out of the realms as I do now. These forums are dead enough with the thinned out ranks of what it used to be. In it's day it was full of cult feuds, personal vendettas, and people down right getting nasty with each other (which I must admit was very fun for me and gave me a reason to log on to the forum). I'm just merely giving you a taste of old gothador. It's something called "trash talking". I'm sure you can understand that.

Everyone sems to miss that we are ROLE PLAYING and can be what we want.

We never said we wanted to be number one but you seem to take great pleasure from saying that we aren't. A lack of imagination is my diagnosis or an empty life where you have failed miserably.

#20 seasack



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Posted 11 April 2010 - 16:17

i only been in FE for a couple weeks and i made a difference . ha ha non sequoia

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