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Game Update v2.061

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#1 Hoofmaster


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 22:52

Thank you to everyone who posted bug reports and feedback regarding the auction house update. The majority of the issues should now be resolved, but if you are still encountering any issues or have suggestions for further improvements to it, please let us know on this thread...

Here is a list of the Auction House fixes and changes so far:

[*:51okwsjx]Fixed an issue with Special section items not displaying.
[*:51okwsjx]Fixed an issue with creating templates.
[*:51okwsjx]Fixed an issue with Resource items showing when filtering by Favored Stat.
[*:51okwsjx]Fixed an issue with the search not including the Special section.
[*:51okwsjx]Fixed min to max level filters.
[*:51okwsjx]Fixed searching for item names with apostrophes in them.
[*:51okwsjx]Fixed searching for items with brackets in their name.
[*:51okwsjx]Fixed an issue with My Bids not displaying correctly.
[*:51okwsjx]Fixed an issue with the Auction House not working correctly on Internet Explorer 9.
[*:51okwsjx]Current bidder now displays correctly.
[*:51okwsjx]Added a 'Cancel' link below the bid button for your own auctions.
[*:51okwsjx]Added a 'Max Level' filter to the auction house.
[*:51okwsjx]Ordering auctions by 'Buy Now' now excludes auctions with no 'Buy Now' value.
[*:51okwsjx]Clicking an item will now search for that items names in quotes, which will bring up all similar items.
[*:51okwsjx]Added a 'Clear Filters' button to the new Auction House.
[*:51okwsjx]Removed the bidding dialog and replaced it with the old style bid text box.
[*:51okwsjx]Increased the maximum min gold bid to 50 million gold and the maximum min FSP bid to 2,500 FSP.
[*:51okwsjx]Auctions should no longer keep ticking once they have Ended.
[*:51okwsjx]Auto-fill bids is now a check box option at the top of the page.
[*:51okwsjx]Auto-fill bids will now use the min bid amount instead of trying to out bid it if an auction has no bids.
[*:51okwsjx]Auto-fill bids no longer refreshes the page when changed.
[*:51okwsjx]Clicking items in player profiles will now bring them up in the Auction House.
[*:51okwsjx]Auctions now display an green dot next to the sellers name if that user is online.
[*:51okwsjx]You can also click 'Other Auctions' below a sellers name to view all their auctions.
[*:51okwsjx]Added a quantity to create auction for listing multiple similar items.
[*:51okwsjx]Made the crafting quality text more readable.
[*:51okwsjx]Cancelling an auction no longer refreshes the whole page.
[*:51okwsjx]Clicking on '(Other Auctions)' no longer refreshes the whole page.
[*:51okwsjx]Create auction page now scrolls to the top after selecting the item in step 1.
[*:51okwsjx]'Grants Buff' filter is now sorted alphabetically.
[*:51okwsjx]'Enhancement' filter is now sorted alphabetically.
[*:51okwsjx]Increased the font size of the seller name, '(Other Auctions)' link and current highest bidder name.
[*:51okwsjx]Auctions with no bids now display a faded italic 'No Bids' message below the bid to make it clearer.
[*:51okwsjx]Added a 'Per Page' selection that lets you choose how many results are displayed.
[*:51okwsjx]Added tool tip to current bid to show what the starting bid was.
[*:51okwsjx]Numbers in the auction house are now comma separated.
[*:51okwsjx]Added new filter to limit searches to auctions with / without bids / buy now values.
[*:51okwsjx]Added new filter to search by price ranges.
[*:51okwsjx]Clicking an item to see all listings for that item will now take you back to 'All Auctions'.
[*:51okwsjx]Clicking items, changing filters or changing search text now resets you back to page 1.
Next, we are going to look at making it quicker and easier to list multiple items.

~ The Fallen Sword Team

#2 hades8840



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 22:54

can we get a cancel all button on my auctions on each page i feel like i been clicking forever having to click cancel on all 102 of my auctions we used to have it

#3 volcom



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 22:54

No hoof it is WE (as in the community) who thank you :)

#4 fs_kimpac

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Posted 10 October 2012 - 22:56

minimum forge and bring page up after click on next page(im viewing 20 items per page and at the end click on next page I have to go all the way up than back all the way down to click next page.)

#5 sw0rd


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 22:57

my only concern really is that FS Helper will have to be reworked now, because our quick select potions are gone now. we have to find them all manually again. other than that it's a great update.

#6 bodijacia


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 23:00

Love the new setup.

#7 spons369


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 23:02

I thank you for your awesome job you guys did last night. The bugs and extras i asked for are all fixed or ad so i can't complain. Now just need to get used to the new AH but looks good to me.
Thanks cows

#8 Hoofmaster


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 23:07

I still cannot bid on items. I can enter numbers, but once i hit the bid button nothing happens. I even checked under my bids and the bid did not register.

Are you bidding at least 5% more than the current bid (for gold auctions)?

#9 icd55mph


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 23:21

The ah link in the backpack no longer shows that item in the AH if there are any there. You have to copy and paste the item name (a pain in the rear) to search for the item.

#10 kylers


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 23:37

poor tech crew probably had a major headace after these last 2 days lol 8)

#11 Quorthon13



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 23:42

There Should Be An option in preferences to set AH as it was before or to leave like this IMO

#12 Hoofmaster


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 23:43

There Should Be An option in preferences to set AH as it was before or to leave like this IMO

Can you let us know which aspects of the updated Auction House you don't like please? :)

#13 goldlee02



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 23:52

Trade Hub Quick Search when is that going to be added. ????????????????? to the AH
and when i got to THQS and i hit something they show everthing

#14 Reddstarr



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 23:55

im trying to search for items in the AH with no filters set but im not getting any results, do i have to put them in quotes?

edit: nvm seems to be working now but wasnt getting results a moment ago

#15 Quorthon13



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 00:01

I Like this Update But there have been many people confused with it i was just suggesting it so others dont have a hard time trying to sell their gear,Make BP

#16 EvilCombat


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Posted 11 October 2012 - 00:04

What about the item durability display

#17 BraveKath



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 00:12

* tried bidding on some gold auctions for DC225 and nothing happened. I bid the maximum.
* the lack of being able to sort things by prices is extremely inconvenient especially for potions
* the Quality (Average, Excellent...) is still blurry

Thank you for the many fixes you did do and that are working.

#18 aa0007



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 00:14

Hoof, could you make it possible to go back to the previous menu in the AH?

For example, if I click on an item from the list of available legendary items (to see just that one particular item), and then I want to go back to the available legendary items (or just any search in general), I need to enter the data again.

It's a minor annoyance, but I'm sure it's also easy enough to fix :D

#19 BaiLong



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 00:31

Would it be possible to add a little clickable search button after entering a "Keyword Search"?

Maybe I'm just getting old, but it took me a moment to figure out how to actually search as I'm not used to just hitting the enter key :oops:

Great work though guys, you worked through all the kinks in a surprisingly timely manner :)

#20 cyrus7



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Posted 11 October 2012 - 00:42

Thanks for all the improvements (specifically, someone must have silently tweaked the code, because it no longer takes over my computer when I go to the AH page, like it did at the beginning of this launch). 8)

Bringing over my post from the first thread, because it's still an issue:

I've been trying to "fix" the colors in the new AH to match my custom theme (dark), and am having an issue due to "element.style" being used to explicitly specify colors, rather than using the CSS. Specifically, this is in the auction sidebar. I'm not able to override these in the CSS, so I'm still stuck with:
- that yellow-brown box that is part of the sidebar table (auction-sidebar)
- in the dropdown boxes, after I select something, the text color in the boxes (filter-container) is hard-coded, so I can't see it because it's black and dark brown, and I've set a black background (before anything gets selected, my CSS is able to color it light, but after I've selected anything, the code shows that the color is hard-coded)
- also the "Note after an auction ends..." box has that same tan colored box around it
Can you please use the CSS instead of hard-coding style, so that we may change it in ours? Thanks. :D

Also for some reason when searching for "Enhancement > Fury Caster", it only shows 2 items (both are "Lusika Shield"), when there are plenty of other items in the AH with the Fury Caster enhancement. This happens when no other filters are applied.

I know CSS tweaking is a minor issue, but since this is an updated feature launch and things with it are getting fixed... ;)

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