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some sort of idea kinda gotta work it out however

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#1 Removed18058



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 20:42

hi everybody i've come up with possibly a good addition to the game please try to give constructive feedback negative positive no problemo as long as it contributes i really don't want to see any flaming or biggrim removing posts.



well then let's begin with the idea !:D




guild warfare




my idea to was to have a huge squared map where every guild get's to place a HQ and build stuff around it to have their own piece of land in the majestic world that is erildath.



let's break it down ! :D




this is an example piece for the map where guild get to place down their HQ wich can be placed down upon getting a new gvg structure



depending on the level of the guilds gvg structure they can have more buildings 




this is an example of the map with one guild HQ and a small city with a gvg structure of higher level








red : guild HQ

blue: built structures

green area = buildable for the current guild gvg structure





other stuff to be on the map



there will be various resource nodes/mines on the map on  wich you can build an extractor building with some npc defenses



these npc defenses can differ in strenght depending on multiple things


- distance from the guild hq

- level of the guild ( in most cases the higher the guild level the stronger the guild so they won't be needing  as strong npc defenders as the lower level guilds)

- extra defenses from players defending it

- structures built around the hq that might give boosts


these buildings are not bound to the maximal buildable area determined by your maximal city range



each guild can have up to a maximum of 6 extractors running


two by default and the other 4 can be added by building certain structures.



there will be 3 different resources around the world of erildath


- crystal shards

- magic stone



now then the third one is a rather special one


basically the crystals shard and the magic stone have infinite amounts in it's nodes/mines



the third one sacred milk ^^


every hour  5 sacred wells filled with hoof milk will appear with about 100 distributions this can only be collected by players and can't have a structure over it



now let's go further into detail with the crystal shards and magic stone


these resources are needed for building structures and that's basically it.


the sacred milk is used to upgrade the gvg structure and upgrade your structures


( when i say structures it's structures/buildings in the warfare map not guild structures)




collecting resources



now how does the resource collecting work?


the magic stone and crystal shards will be collected via a structure built there will be a vast amount of these mines the structure collects 1 piece of crystal or magic rock every 15 minutes


however this can be boasted by players working in the mines :D

every allied guildmember on a structure will get a roll between 1 and 3 every minute and depending on that roll your guild will either gain 1,2 or 3 pieces of the resource.


onwards towards the gvg structure 


the structure itself will have to be made by using gold


further levels will also require sacred milk which can be collected during warfare.



the gvg structure will do multiple things:

-list completed conflicts

-determine the amount of structures and the distance that these structures can cover

-minor gold sink





next up warfare structures!



there will be multiple different structures to be built


building these structures will cost magic rock and crystal shards.


for building types i'd suggest the following


- defence boosting structures

- gathering boosting structures

- overworld boosting structures

- offense boosting structures


( yes offense it's called warfare the fighting will be coming soon don't you worry :P )



Let's get into the fight!


but first why should we fight? XD


well basically to get to a resource node you will have to expand your territory like in the good old days you would have a castle and around that a village with farms etc etc in this case the city ( guild HQ + structures) resembles the castle and the region around that is the village but before getting the village you will have to conquer land ^^ 


in the beginning the land will be defended by strong monsters or infested with vile creatures once cleansed it will then be occupied by a random person from your guild with his full stats this person is the landlord


they say cats have 9 lifes? 


well a landlord had 5 :P


the landlord of a square gains strenght after defeat his or her rage will grow giving more adrenaline and empowers him to fight even harder back.


the second fight the person get's 110% of his stats

3rd fight 125%

4th fight 150%

and last fight 200%


now then how do we beat an eoc player?


it's simple duh you just gotta go and take him/her on with some buddies create a group and swing at him :D



but wait wait uncle crip didn't you say that defenses got weaker the further away they were from the HQ?


well good job! :D that is indeed true ! :D


every square that you are removed from the HQ you lose 5% of your stats after having moved away out of a 3 square radius example picture down below after that every circle around it loses you 5% of your stats 



picture incoming!:D






red = guild HQ

blue line = indicator of the weakening radius move past it and you start losing 5% of your stats per square



now then for defending it would be kinda stupid to have the strongest defenders on the frontlines where they would have the lowest stats that's why guild with the correct permissions change the landlords



to become a landlord on a square you must have logged in during the last 7 days upon capturing a square for your guild by defeating the opposing landlord 5 times or something else if still controlled by a npc a random player from your guild wich meets the 7 days requirement will be placed as landlord the landlords will be evenly divided so that atleast every guildmember who meets the 7 day requirement will be a landlord before another person becomes landlord on a second square.


landlords in play must stay in play so say players 1 to 20 are in the guild


the guild has captured 8 squares and players 1,5,9,11,15,16,18,20 are landlords the guild can then swap the land ownership between those players this means that player 2 will not be able to become landlord unless he get's automatically added upon capturing a new square.

now what can we earn and how do we earn it?


yup that's right i left the good stuff for the end ^^



i was thinking that this could actually bring some sort of new school gvg action


i was figuring 0.25 RP per square controlled at the end of each week?


this would encourage people to fight everybody around him/her and even further!:D





i think that his is about it


got any ideas suggestions critics you name it just post it down here and keep it civil and on topic


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#2 drdoom123



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 20:44

Wow this is really good !!!




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#3 Subject



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 20:48

Absolutely Brilliant! If this does not Get atleast a look at by HCS that will be A mistake.. Love the idea! Hope HCS does as well!

#4 Subject



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 20:49

Absolutely Brilliant! If this does not Get atleast a look at by HCS that will be A mistake.. Love the idea! Hope HCS does as well!

Not sure if I may have skipped over this while reading but was there a mention of OPT in mode incase a guild do not want to participate?

#5 Removed18058



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 20:51

well it kinda lacks the artwork and some creative things like names and such but overall the concept lies here

Not sure if I may have skipped over this while reading but was there a mention of OPT in mode incase a guild do not want to participate?


if you don't place down a guild hq you kinda can't do stuff eh? :P

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#6 Subject



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 20:52

well it kinda lacks the artwork and some creative things like names and such but overall the concept lies here


if you don't place down a guild hq you kinda can't do stuff eh? :P

This is one of the coolest idea's i have seen.! nice work my friend :)

#7 Removed18058



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 20:55

only thing that i kinda need to think of however is the stam usage because i dunno if moving on the warfare map should cost stamina maybe something else that may limit the amount of stuff one person can do at a time however attacking will cost stamina

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#8 Subject



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 20:57

only thing that i kinda need to think of however is the stam usage because i dunno if moving on the warfare map should cost stamina maybe something else that may limit the amount of stuff one person can do at a time however attacking will cost stamina

well im sure once people read this it will get Many Great idea's of things players would like to see added to this already great idea

#9 Removed18058



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 21:03

penny told me to post the idea so i did :P so also thanks to penny :P


if you guys like the idea make sure to like it on top and also post the fact that you like it i want every piece of feedback possible ! :D

Edited by crippla, 08 November 2014 - 21:06.

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#10 drdoom123



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 21:06

:blink: Crippler your a genius




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#11 BadPenny



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 21:09

:wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

Just one old lady's opinion




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#12 kitobas



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 21:10

  • there is better idea from I think player called yhorbb in this forum, it was pvp colloseum
  • this take very long time because first we need improve pvp and other things that are important
  • other things

#13 Removed18058



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 21:16


  • there is better idea from I think player called yhorbb in this forum, it was pvp colloseum
  • this take very long time because first we need improve pvp and other things that are important
  • other things



it's guild warfare colloseum was an update for pvp ladder i've also contributed to that topic


it would indeed take a long time but with radneto also on the team and the steam launch i have good hopes that stuff will get done pretty soon ^^


other things like what? it would be a gvg update and gvg hasn't been as active as it was in the past this might make a lively gvg atmosphere where everybody participates and where we can have a really competitive guild pvp ranking system :D


plus the best gvg'ers get rewarded the most ^^

Edited by crippla, 08 November 2014 - 21:16.

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#14 BadPenny



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 21:23

One question.... who will do my math for me?

Just one old lady's opinion




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#15 Removed18058



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 21:28

One question.... who will do my math for me?


the game group stats will be calculated before you attack in a group attack there will be a confirmation if you want to continue your attack with the following group stats and there it lists the stats i think 


however how much stats get added i don't know i think the cows can come up with an idea for that also a failed attack should brink you back to your HQ and you gotta stay in the hospital for about 5 minutes?

Edited by crippla, 08 November 2014 - 21:35.

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#16 yotekiller



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 21:53

1) Sounds like a REALLY complicated relic system to me.  2) How do existing relics figure into your system?  If I'm defending a relic I can't really be defending my castle can I?  Same goes the other way.  Along the same lines, what happens when I leave my castle to level up, participate in events, etc?  Are you going to abolish relics or leave them?  Will the castles give better or worse bonuses than relics?  Not sure this would really be a quality addition to the game at this point and certainly not worthy of a rush to implement.

Screenshot everything!

#17 Windbattle



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 21:56

sounds like Warfare aspect of Legacy imported into FS. it could work though ..

#18 Removed18058



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 21:58

i kinda figured that this would be some sort of second overworld you're both on the overworld area and in the warfare area when active



so you click a button go into guild hideout and you enter the huge map

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#19 WhamBam


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Posted 08 November 2014 - 21:59

Did you come up with this, or did Zorg? XD


Either way, WL is fun and would give us things to do while waiting for stam gain. 

#20 Removed18058



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 22:01

Did you come up with this, or did Zorg? XD


Either way, WL is fun and would give us things to do while waiting for stam gain. 


well the idea came from the wasteland this is just a modificated version for fallen sword

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