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GGT Voting Round 3 -- Black & White with a Touch of Color.

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#1 WarQueen



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Posted 21 November 2013 - 18:56

Welcome to the 7th Grand Graphics Tournament -- ROUND 3!. Artists today are gathered together to do a battle royal for top bragging rights and a bit of a prize. Who wins?

Well, that my fellow players is up to you!


The theme you're voting on is 'Black & White with a Touch of Color'.



What is 'B&W-1C'?

Everything is dull, dark, colorless, boring... except 1 small piece that dares to defy the law of B&W.

Examples: http://tinyurl.com/lpcpzvx


Below you'll find the entries. Please take a moment and look them over, vote for those in each set that you find most appealing and give a bit of a reason for your rating.

Please rate each entry in each group on a scale of 1 to 10 with a vote of 10 being 'this blows my mind it is so good' and 1 being 'this is phale'.

You have up to 15 points to distribute between the two entries in each grouping.

You DO NOT need to give out all 15 points. The MAX you can give is 10 points on 1 piece per group.


(Note: 10 points = +1, 5/10 = +.5, etc etc on tally sheet)

Please include a reason with your votes - you only have to give a reason for one per set. It doesn't have to be technical. You can just say I liked this one best, or something along those lines but we all know an artist thrives on feedback so don't hesitate to really say what you think.

If your vote looks like you're trolling or joking I will contact you about it, and it won't count unless I'm satisfied that you weren't trolling.


Group samples

a 10/10 - I like it, it is a decent composition. / Good but could use (insert suggestion)
b 5/10 - I don't care for it. / Needs work


a 5/10
b 8/10 - I liked this one best of this group
c 2/10

Voting closes at 23:59 Server Time on Saturday November 23rd

Votes that do not have a reason will not be counted. (You may say "I liked this one best from this group" or something simple - no need for a full cnc)

*artists, you may vote, but do not skip your own group, votes will be adjusted when tallied.

Please vote for every grouping.

On behalf of my fellow artists, thank you for taking the time to vote and I hope you enjoy the bounty of art that is being laid before you.



NOTE: Everyone who votes will be entered into a drawing for a FREE avatar!!  Several people will be randomly selected after the voting.


Free avatars to be given out by random will be done by the following artists:


3 by cqinmi

3 by patnov

1 by MindyN5

1 by Chagryn


That's 8 chances to win an avatar!! biggrin.png
Tell your friends, tell your guildmates!

Edited by WarQueen, 22 November 2013 - 21:39.


#2 WarQueen



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Posted 21 November 2013 - 18:56

Group 1


A ) jsustin212



B ) patnov






Group 2


A ) zeder



B ) beanopoly






Group 3


A ) MindyN5



B ) Clock96






Group 4


A ) ghetoghost



B ) Chagryn


Edited by WarQueen, 24 November 2013 - 02:25.


#3 WarQueen



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Posted 21 November 2013 - 18:57


A - 21.7

B - 16.6



A - 13.35

B - 15.9



A - 15.9

B - 9.6



A - 17.34

B - 18.95

Edited by WarQueen, 24 November 2013 - 02:22.


#4 bikklo


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Posted 21 November 2013 - 20:02


A -10 Best one if you ask me, other good too but not enough points

B -5



A -1

B -10 Love it



A -8

B -2 Dont like this one.



A -7 Like both

B -7

#5 Patnov



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Posted 21 November 2013 - 20:54

i'll vote tomorrow... maybe, if i have time...

Edited by Patnov, 21 November 2013 - 20:55.



Sig By DMR > Thx Dear, i love it!

#6 Patnov



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Posted 21 November 2013 - 21:00

And i'm although offering 3 FREE avatars for 3 random voters!!!



Sig By DMR > Thx Dear, i love it!

#7 MindyN5


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Posted 21 November 2013 - 21:32


A - 7/10 This is stunning. Wow. My favorite.

B - 4/10 This doesn't strike me that much.



A - 2/10 well if I compare this to original image there is 1 effect, removing color cast, putting text and borders. How ever, still, the rest of the image is colorless down to last detail and there is that 1 object with original color, wich is very well "rendered" out of the color remove.

B - 5/10. This is nice, but I feel that deciding where to leave color where to put color and where to remove color from could have been done better.



A - 5/10 I feel that the lightning could have been better. Also focus is bit off here.

B - 2/10. I feel that the touch of color in this image has wrong approach. 1+ for being only avatar and nice text. 4/10.



A - 6/10. First of, she looks like my good friend. :D The blending is awesome in this image. There is small distraction in the flow of the image in bottom left corner. The touch of color fits the image verywell.

B - 9/10. I dont like the character, but this image, I have to rate it highest. Focus, lightning are awesome. The touch of red fits in the back ground and theme. The character fits the image. The only reason I wont give 10, is that there are 2 bothering very very small detail + the character. This is for the artist. The 2 detail that bother me are first: The very very small drip of red splash that is the most far right. It gets out of the comfort zone. Second is that there are 3 neat stars inbetween the texts and as the text seem not to be blurred, the far right star is blurred. I feel that those 2 are 1 whole piece and shouldnt be on different depth levels.



I feel stupid nitpicking over so small. And especially when it's just my opinion, but please ignore my feedback, or if it helps, then im glad.



Also 1 Avatar for random voter from me.

Edited by MindyN5, 22 November 2013 - 09:21.


#8 clock96



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Posted 21 November 2013 - 21:38

A)8 like the work more in this one and also the stroke on the edge

B)7 one of the good pieces in this round, liked the japanese idea

A)4 it is good :)
B)7 also liked the stroke on the edge

A)6 like this one best of this group
B)5 ----the two pieces are similar in quality


#9 Wiivja



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Posted 21 November 2013 - 21:44

Group 1


A )9 very nice work



B )6 looks cool:)






Group 2


A )6



B )8 i like this one the best






Group 3


A )6



B )6 about equal






Group 4


A )6



B )7 like this one slighty better


#10 Unnamed One

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Posted 21 November 2013 - 22:06


A - 7 --This is an absolutely stunning piece. Very well executed .

B - 7 -- Again, a perfect piece. 

(Of all the entries, these two are my favorite. I couldn't choose between them so I had to give them equal scores.)



A - 6 -- My attention is drawn to the color, as intended. But I'm not even sure what I'm looking at there. Everything else is so crisp and clearly defined but I can't make out what that is in front of the dragon.

B - 8 -- This is beautiful and I love how you used more than just one color.



A - 6 -- I like the blending in this but it's kind of boring. It doesn't pop. The color is dull and lifeless. 

B - 5 --I'm not a fan of this, at all. Considering the theme, there's just too much color and not enough black and white.



A - 7 -- I like how it looks old and faded. Almost has an antique quality to it.

B - 8 -- This is great! I wouldn't change anything abou it...


#11 Chagryn



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Posted 21 November 2013 - 23:11


A - 7/10 - I feel if not for the splash of Crimson that the piece would lose focus entirely. The background is too sharp to provide focus and the text needs major work. Good composition and render placement.

B - 5/10 - Too dark. Creative ideas here but there is too much black. Love how the cross and the eyes are red. Good text but should focus on text placement. 



A - 7/10 Excellent depth! This piece would look nice in color I believe. 

B - 7/10 Personally, it kills me the face is colored and the other flesh tones are not. I feel its too much color to accurately fit the theme. 



A - 5/10 - Alot of empty space and weird shapes for me. The head at the bottom right feels outta place. Good use of color and making it the focus! 

B - 5/10 - Very brave going with an avatar. The piece looks good but the blue soft brush is just too much. I do like the piece though and the only reason its a 5 is because the way you used the color. Good job though!



A - 6/10 The Bokkeh (not sure how its spelled) style I don't think fits this piece well. The cross hatch pattern also makes it feel weird. I feel more contrast would have raised this piece to the next level. Also, text needs work. 

B - 7/10 Soft brush on the splatter make the edges look blurred. Someones else already mentioned the nautical stars need fixed. Excellent text. Overall a good piece


I will also donate 1 Avatar to a random voter. I will not give a piece to a person who already won a random draw for this round.


So who wants to buy me Zombie Brand on League of Legends? 

#12 kingkillz



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Posted 21 November 2013 - 23:12



A - 8/10 This is stunning. Wow. My favorite.

B - 5/10 This doesn't strike me that much.



A - 3/10 well if I compare this to original image there is 1 effect, removing color cast, putting text and borders. How ever, still, the rest of the image is colorless down to last detail and there is that 1 object with original color, wich is very well "rendered" out of the color remove.

B - 6/10. This is nice, but I feel that deciding where to leave color where to put color and where to remove color from could have been done better.



A - 6/10 I feel that the lightning could have been better. Also focus is bit off here.

B - 3/10. I feel that the touch of color in this image has wrong approach. 1+ for being only avatar and nice text. 4/10.



A - 8/10. First of, she looks like my good friend. :D The blending is awesome in this image. There is small distraction in the flow of the image in bottom left corner. The touch of color fits the image verywell.

B - 9/10. I dont like the character, but this image, I have to rate it highest. Focus, lightning are awesome. The touch of red fits in the back ground and theme. The character fits the image. The only reason I wont give 10, is that there are 2 bothering very very small detail + the character. This is for the artist. The 2 detail that bother me are first: The very very small drip of red splash that is the most far right. It gets out of the comfort zone. Second is that there are 3 neat stars inbetween the texts and as the text seem not to be blurred, the far right star is blurred. I feel that those 2 are 1 whole piece and shouldnt be on different depth levels.



I feel stupid nitpicking over so small. And especially when it's just my opinion, but please ignore my feedback, or if it helps, then im glad.



Also 1 Avatar for random voter from me.


Good Sir,


You seem to have 17 points in group 4

#13 Firstblaze


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Posted 21 November 2013 - 23:46



A - 5/10 - It's a cool piece just not enough points to go any higher :)

B - 10/10 - My favorite one here today, great theme and detail.




A - 9/10 - I like the theme best of these two

B - 6/10 - Still a good piece I just prefer the theme a little more of the previous one.




A - 8/10 - Theme and detail is impressive

B - 4/10 - Just don't care for it as much I feel like the splash of blue really doesn't belong there.




A - 6/10 - Just wasn't my favorite today, good theme choice though.

B - 8/10 - Detail looks great and the way you worked the red splash around is pretty awesome as well.

#14 ghetoghost



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Posted 22 November 2013 - 01:06

Group 1


A )9 - holy crap! My favorite!



B )6 - Good piece but A dominates it






Group 2


A )4 - I don't really see anything "wow" in this piece



B )6 - Red, purple, yellow, tan: Too many colors for a B/W+1






Group 3


A )5 - Not feeling it but i do like how the apple is the colored part



B )2 - Eh






Group 4


A )7 - Decent piece



B )8 - Second favorite! WOW!


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Live. Love. Learn. Die. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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#15 AttorraRu



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Posted 22 November 2013 - 01:19

Group 1


A ) 9 - i like this the best from this group. I like the way you're drawn into her eyes by the colour of the mask.



B ) 6, Not sure what it is that puts me off about this one, still a good piece. i think it's the eyes to be honest.






Group 2


A ) 4, sorry but there seems to be no real focus here, while I love dragons there just is no wow factor!



B ) 5, like this better than the other, but it scored low due to the fact there is more than one colour when the brief is B+W plus one.






Group 3


A ) 7, I really like the simpleness of this. 



B ) 3, maybe harsh but this doesn't look like a B+W plus one at all, it's blue and white, doesn't fit the brief at all.






Group 4


A ) 7 , again nice and simple. I like this.



B ) 7, hard to chose between the two for these, I do like the other better but this is also nice. The only thing that puts me off is the extra splatter and the stars.


Edited by AttorraRu, 22 November 2013 - 01:20.

Sig16avi703-Ru2_zps6167231b.png by Zeder


"Surrender is NOT an option" - Tamra Dragonstar - Lord Command of the Dnulian Army. (Queen)

#16 WarQueen



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Posted 22 November 2013 - 02:44

I'm beginning to hate CloudFlare... tried editting the original post and it wouldn't let me. Grrr!!



NOTE: Everyone who votes will be entered into a drawing for a FREE avatar!!  Several people will be randomly selected after the voting.


Free avatars to be given out by random will be done by the following artists:


3 by cqinmi

3 by patnov

1 by MindyN5

1 by Chagryn


That's 8 chances to win an avatar!! :D
Tell your friends, tell your guildmates!


#17 mooneyace


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Posted 22 November 2013 - 03:28

Group 1

I like A = 9, nice shading.

        B = 6, too dark for me.


Group 2

        A = 5, a little more color would be great.

I like B = 7, combination is really good but i think if the lady would be like a Japanese anime look would have

                   nailed it.


Group 3

I like A = 8, a little bit more shadowing on the apple would have made it awesome.

        B = 7, not really happy with how the touch of color has been used could have been an awesome

                   graphic with a good tweak.


Group 4

        A = 9, would love this one if it was pretty much detailed.

I love B = 10, mainly it's pretty much detailed.


#18 SlntScream



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Posted 22 November 2013 - 04:10


A - 8/10 I like this, but I feel like a different/brighter color on the mask could have really made it pop.

B - 7/10 This is an interesting image to use for color splash, but it didn't turn out bad. Good job



A - 6/10 Great depth and draws the eye to the color.. so much so that the rest of the image gets lost. Could've used a little bit more color

B - 8/10 I like this one alot.. it's probably my second fav.. I'm just not sure about coloring the whole face



A - 9/10 As a DN fan, I LOVE this idea! I'd like to see the B&W a little bolder and/or some shading around the apple to make it stand out

B - 2/10 I think the artist didn't understand or research about color splash..



A - 5/10 I like this, but again I would've liked to see the B&W bolder. I would give it a higher score, but not enough points

B - 10/10 Favorite! I love it

Edited by SlntScream, 22 November 2013 - 04:11.


#19 Dark Developer

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Posted 22 November 2013 - 04:32

Group 1

A 8/10 The mask draws attention to where it needs to be and the color is spot on.

B 6/10 Decent pic. Color of the cross is too bold and doesn't fit the image.


Group 2

A 3/10 After really looking at it all I can see is the Human Torch. I don't understand the theme of the image.

B 5/10 Leaving out the skin tone and keeping the tats (except yellow), lips and butterflies would look great.


Group 3

A 6/10 The creature looks like it is going to meet its end and doesn't know it.

B 2/10 It looks like a photo where a blue finger was over part of the lens.


Group 4

A 6/10 Evil temptress.

B 8/10 Got blood?

#20 Dark Developer

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Posted 22 November 2013 - 04:33


Edited by Dark Developer, 22 November 2013 - 04:33.

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