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Vampires of Stratos III - The Vampire Wars (roleplay)

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#1 gothador_sephidroth

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Posted 16 December 2005 - 18:39

A heavy, dark cloud decends upon the little village of Stratos, filling the air with darkness, and the minds of the villagers with a fog that erases their memory of who their fellow villagers are, and what roles they play. Quickly growing tired, the villagers head to their homes, unaware as of yet that vampires are moving in under the cover of the growing darkness.

Note - all posts made in this, the roleplay thread, for the Vampires of Stratos game, are more or less considered unofficial. Any official actions you wish to take, such as voting, need to be done in the primary game thread. This thread is merely for some extra enjoyment for those who wish to participate, and it is not required to post here at all. The fact that this thread is unofficial cannot be used to circumvent any normal rules, however, such as speaking after being dead.

#2 gothador_maxie

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Posted 16 December 2005 - 19:45

Maxie yawned and rubbed her eyes. Too tired to question this sudden exhaustion, she heads back to her hut. As she pulls her blanket firmly around her, she casts a fond glance at her precious gear at the side of her bed and then falls into heavy slumber.




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Posted 16 December 2005 - 22:02

Again the night is coming...and after all the work she has done, Roxatha decided to go bed.

Leaving all her belongings on the table, she jump inside the bed...and cover herself, turning just to turn the light off...and letting her mind go to dreamland...

#4 gothador_fornicanus

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 02:32

*walking to his home as dawn settles down his leg begins to pain him again, he goes into the house and begins to make a pot of tea, prepares some pain killers to mix in with it and sits by the fire waiting for the water to boil...............*

#5 gothador_butters

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 02:41

She didn't remember anything and she was too tired to care. Butters took a gulp from the glass by her bedside and rolled over. She would try and piece this all together in the morning.

#6 nukleardog



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Posted 17 December 2005 - 02:53

Nuke had slept the whole day away, waking up with a splitting headache and craving for an ale. Now he sat alone at the bar drinking glass after glass of ale. Silently he wondered why he couldn't remember anything besides his name. Then a small voice he assumed which was a nastier side told him screw remembering and get more ale in his stomach. Nuke had suspected that the craving for alcohol that his body remembered was some sort of clue. Perhaps he was the town drunk, but it did not matter, no one remembered owning the tavern and it was all you could drink tonight. Nuke definetly planned to do that and more screw this memory addled town he thought to himself.

#7 gothador_xade

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 03:08

My name is xade.

That is all I know.

My name and my exhaustion.


Tonight will be for sleeping.

Tomorrow, that can be for figuring out what happened...

#8 gothador_fornicanus

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 03:49

*.........the water begins to boil, he puts some leaves into a chip old cup and also the herbs for pain,pours in the water and stirs it till it becomes tea,he downs it quickly and looks at his bed and for some reason not wanting to sleep,he gets up and limps to the windows and shuts them as best he can,he gets into his bed and watches his fire until he drifts off*

OOC- anyone who wants to add me to YIM go ahead so we can dicuse events and whatever.

#9 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 05:58

Chao turned in his sleep and let out a yawn.

#10 gothador_kareena

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 07:01

Kareena stirred violently in her sleep, and partially awoke from a nightmare. Reaching out and finding her beloved next to her on the nightstand she felt reassured, and settled back into a dreamless sleep.

#11 gothador_tomtom

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 13:05

Tomtom, restless in sleep, rolled over. And fell out of bed.


#12 gothador_wolfjack

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 13:25

WolfJack awoke with a start, hearing a loud thud and a muffle 'ow' from somewhere nearby.

He looked around, couldn't remember any reason to worry, and promptly fell back asleep.

#13 gothador_fornicanus

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 14:48

*a cold sweat breaks upon his brow he tosses in his sleep, in his dream his leg is whole again but he is running from people with no faces and with names he couldnt remember ,all he knew was his terror , looking around as he runs he doesnt know anything who he is ,where he is at ,and why these people terrify him so much, a moan escapes his lips and he tosses some more ,he bangs his head on the walla and wakes up ,he sits up and looks around and all is the same he lays back down and hopes peaceful sleep will return*

#14 gothador_ayla

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 15:40

Gothador was a small town when Ayla first moved in. Over the years though, it got bigger and overcrowded. Her commute to work took a full hour out of her day, and the commute home was even worse. Ayla had decided it was time to move.

Ayle spent her time during lunch and after work to find a good realtor. She needed to sell her house, and find something in an area she liked better. She met with the realtor that was in Eastern Gothador and even met with the one in the Ruinic suburb. They didn't quite have what she wanted.

So on her way home from work on Friday, she stopped over at a realtor's office just outside of Stratos. The office itself was a huge house. It had a dark ominious charm to it. The grass was neatly trimmed, where it existed. There were small statues all over the yard. The gate let out a loud groan as Ayla opened it. She feels almost intimidated by walking the long path to the door.

Ayla wasn't quite sure that she had the right place until she got to the door. A small golden plaque read "Stratos Realty." The door opened before she could knock on it.

The man that answered was a bright contrast to her surroundings. Where everything around her was dark and dreary the man seemed bright and cheerful. His name was Sephidroth.

Sephidroth showed her to his office. It was a tiny room really that seemed almost too small for his tall frame. While everything in the room was of good size, it looked tiny in comparison to Sephidroth.

With a cheerful smile, he showed her pictures of different properites. Ayla wasn't quite too happy with any of them until he showed her one in particular. It was a small cottage, and it needed some fixing up, But it was charming in it's own right. Before she knew it, they were out the door to go look at the property.

Sephidroth's vehicle was like his office. Large, and yet still too small. She felt swallowed up by the interior of the carriage. There was the odd idle chatter on their way out to the cottage. Sephidroth told her in a laughing tone that it is rumored the town is haunted by spirits of sorts. Ayla laughed it off and told him she doesn't scare so easily.

Soon, they arrived at the small cottage, It was a beautiful ristic looking place. The yard was a bit over grown, which she expected. Ayla could see where she'd plant her garden, and admired the swing on the porch. The house itself had two bedrooms, and a small kitchen. The front parlour had bookshelves lining the walls filled with books. The house was furnished completely already.

Ayla fell in love with the house as soon as she saw it. Every moment she spent there made her want to call this place home. Before she knew it, Sephidroth had convinced her to stay the night. STaying the night, he said, would give her a chance to get a feel for the suroundings. She didn't need to worry about clothing as the woman who lived here before her appeared to be just her size. In moments, he had a food delivery so that she'd have plenty to eat during her stay. Ayla appreciated the gesture but had to giggle quietly knowing she couldn't eat that much in two weeks, let alone just one night.

Sephidroth promised he'd be back at around noon time the next day to take her back to Gothador. Ayla got a chill in her spine as he smiled at her, his eyes looking a bit darker, his grin looking a bit evil. She shook it off sure that it was just her usual overactive imagination.

She watched as the man drove away. As Sephidroth drove south, the clouds moved in from the north. A chill filled the air as the light of the sun was blocked. Ayla knew there was a storm coming soon, and headed back inside to make something to eat.

The first thing Ayla noticed when giong back inside is that there were no lights, or electrical plugs anywhere in the house. There was a huge stock of candles however. The stove she prepared her meal on was an old wood burning stove, but luckily she had a good supply of logs sitting outside her back door. The warmth from the stove seemed to heat up the entire house.

As the minutes progressed into hours, Ayla was feeling more and more tired. She was used to going to bed early, but even this was early fro her. Looking through the small library, she found an old book and curled up with it.

The book held her attention for a bit. She had read through chapter one before starting to drift off into a deep hard slumber. The book itself, disappeared when the clouds finished rolling in.

As morning came Ayla knew one thing and one thing only. Her name. She remembered no details of her life, nothing of her past, nothing of the future she had planned. She knew only that she was Ayla and she lived in Stratos.

And so another day in Stratos begins.

#15 Cynyth



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Posted 17 December 2005 - 19:52

Cynyth awoke grogily and began his morning routine. The light that oozed into the room had a strangely muted quality. After finishing his ablutions without taking thought, he found that his next steps that would be guided by going to work, seeing friends, and such were unguided as he knew none of these things. An examination of what were presumably his belongings failed to bring forth revelation; it seemed the dusty clotted quality to the light had entered his thoughts to smother them. His house contained the bedroom, a suprisingly large library (though he was not sure how many if any of the books he had read), and a living room and kitchen that seemed to be set up only to entertain himself.

He opens the door and walks out onto the porch. The open air does not help to clear his head. In fact, there came to him an odd smell...

"Come quick! Two lie dead!" cried a villager, breaking Cynyth from his far off thoughts. He followed the villager to where they lay, indeed dead. A nightmare had begun for the town.

#16 gothador_ayla

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 20:15

Ayla awakes tired and stiff from falling asleep in the chair. In the distance, she can hear a villager shouting that two have been found dead. Ayla rushes outside to see what is going on and if she can offer assistance.

She doesn't have to go far to see where everyone is gathered. It looked to be at least twenty people or so. As she jogs over to the small crowd, she realizes that she knows nobody there. She knows she's in Stratos, she knows her name is Ayla, and yet she knows nothng else.

Ayla looks at the bodies of the two women lying in the street. She feels such an utter sense of loss even though she doesn't know them. Unsure of what to do next, Ayla says a small prayer for each of the ladies.

A chill runs down her back as she imagines herself saying "I don't scare easily." Ayla is in fact, very scared now. With as little as she knows, she knows one thing. Those aren't mosquito bites on the victims' necks.

#17 gothador_nadat

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 20:25

There is sudden drop in temperature. If you listen carefully, you might just hear a ghost cursing because she can no longer hold her matches.




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Posted 17 December 2005 - 20:31

Resting, dreaming about the new morning....A shout..."Come quick! Two lie dead!" The screamings woke her up, looking at the window the night was gone..the daylight is now...

She change fast, wash her face, to make the sleepness go away, she went out and find the ppl gathering in the plaza...where 2 motionless bodys are left...2 women...

Roxatha didn't let the horror scream out, she remaind in silences...hoping that what is going on is just a prank....

#19 gothador_kareena

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 20:31

Kareena awoke slowly that morning; as if she were buried within a dark cloud. She realised something seemed amiss, but couldn't place it. Picking her Beloved off the nightstand she tucked it into a deep pocket in her tunic, then proceeded to wash her face in a nearby washbowl.

As she finished, she realized she could hear voices, loud ones, and went outside to investigate.

As she walked into the townsquare, she heard others talking of murder- 2 of them to be exact. Suddenly Kareena gasped, which was very unlike her, for she was never suprised.

She had no idea who any of these people were.

#20 gothador_butters

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 21:46

The screaming woke her up. She ran to the window and saw a crowd. Shrugging her robe on, she ran outdoors.

Two bodies lay on the ground-drained of blood. "Oh no," she thought and sat down hard. Something was itching her neck..she twisted around and pulled off the offending tag. It said "Property of Butters". That must be me.

The rest of the strangers were exclaiming over the body and talking about electing a mayor. She heard one young woman call out "Chaotix"...seeemed well enough to her.

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