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[ST: The Random Adventures of the FallenSword-ers]

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Poll: Does the title sound weird? (18 member(s) have cast votes)

Does the title sound weird?

  1. Voted Yes, but it makes a smile or something. (22 votes [75.86%])

    Percentage of vote: 75.86%

  2. Voted No.. it's kinda smart. (7 votes [24.14%])

    Percentage of vote: 24.14%

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#1 fs_spenser

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Posted 24 February 2008 - 16:16

Raven walked through the forest, it had been days since he last glimpsed sunlight and it had been days since he last drank, he was beginning to lose of sign of hope. Suddenly, he stumbled upon a clearing, and in the middle was a well. The light shone from above the well and there was no presence of darkness around it. Raven approached the well and drank from the well like a person who had not drunk in weeks.

Finally, it has been days since I last drank.. he thought.

Raven drank to his fill, suddenly, he heard a twig crack. He spun around and pulled out his sword, the final heritage from a hermit that thought him sword play.

It also has been days since I last killed something.. he thought devilishly.

#2 fs_spenser

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Posted 25 February 2008 - 07:02


Not posting in a few days or so will move down the the next person.

The story will begin now, Talvin, it is your turn.

#3 fs_talvin

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Posted 25 February 2008 - 21:37

Talvin dashed quickly through the trees of the dark forest. A jumped and twirled over the branches and left them as if he was never even there. And suddenly, he froze to a stop. Jumping down from the lush green canopy, he listened carefully. He had heard the drawing of a sword. He ran to the edge of a clearing and gazed at a man standing near a well, with his back to him. He couldn't see what the man held his sword to, but he readied his dagger by his side anyways.

#4 fs_niick

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Posted 25 February 2008 - 23:28

Niick stalked around a clearing in the forest. He had heard someone drawing a sword nearby.He looked between the trees into the clearing and saw a man holding off some low-life bandits, hoping to get their next meal."There are only 2 of them if I helped him we could hold him them off!" Niick jumped into the clearing to help the stranger out................

#5 fs_spenser

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Posted 28 February 2008 - 09:23

while niick faught againts that theif, the IsraelKing was looking from his castle when a native looking for meat came behind... King didnt notice and...

Israel, SIGN UP.

#6 fs_spenser

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Posted 29 February 2008 - 09:02

Raven stared at the hungry bandits, he swung his sword and the bandit blocked it with it's shield. He did a low kick and the bandit fell to the ground, then he pierced the heart of the bandit with his sword. The other bandit gave a cry of agony, apparently angry at the death of its comrade. The bandit lashed out at Raven, struck him again and again with it's axe.

Dammit, I can't hold him off any longer...

Then suddenly someone jumped into the clearing and appeared that he was gonna help Raven.

#7 fs_talvin

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Posted 29 February 2008 - 20:27

Rushing forward like a flash of lightning, Talvin slashed in a quick upwards motion with his dagger, bringing the bandits assault to an end. Silently, he rose back up to his full stance, still holding the dagger to be ready to fend any further threats. He glared at Raven, unsure if he was to be trusted.

#8 fs_niick

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Posted 02 March 2008 - 20:08

After the bandits were defeated Niick sat down against a tree in the clearing and started to think about today's events...........I was running through the forest when I heard someone in the clearing. I ran in to help him and another jumps into the clearing to do the same....I don't know these people.....Should I introduce myself or will they introduce themselves to me? Niick sat against the tree thinking for the next little while.......

Note: Sorry it took me a while to post guys. I couldn't get on the forums and I had posted........It must have gotten deleted...oh well....let us cotinue!!!! :D

#9 fs_spenser

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 13:32

Raven stared at the stranger, he looked much, much older than him, yet he could not get rid of a strange feeling towards this stranger.

"Thank you for helping me, a minute more and I would've been killed by that bandit." said Raven.

He wondered where the stranger came from, as this was quite a deserted forest, very few adventurers walked through this place. Yet the appearance of the bandits surprised him as well, why had they moved from the plains into the forest?

#10 fs_talvin

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 23:27

Talvin remained silent for a minute, eyes closed. He finally stirred and looked up to the sky.

"My name is Talvin. I'm an assassin. My latest job called for the assassination of the bandit Sacuro. I've been tracking him for nearly 2 weeks. These guys were just henchmen though."

Talvin waited for Ravens reply.

#11 fs_niick

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 03:44

So I guess they introduced themselves first. I better introduce myself now!
"My name is Niick. I'm a cleric who wonders around doing quests for people.If there are more of these guys and you are hunting them down Talvin, I'll travel with you. It's always nice to get rid of some unwanted company when you can!"

Niick sat back down against the tree and waited for there responses......

#12 fs_talvin

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Posted 08 March 2008 - 17:25

(OOC: Well, Spenser hasn't posted, so I'll keep her goin!)

Talvin walked towards Niick, extending his hand.

"I'm happy to have you aboard, cleric. Any help is welcome. Just don't expect any payment from me. Perhaps my employer will be generous enough to give you something though, for your troubles."

#13 fs_niick

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Posted 08 March 2008 - 19:14

"OK I'll come with you!Let's go kill some bandits and most likly save some n00bs!!" They walk off into the forest.......waiting for Raven(maybe)

#14 fs_spenser

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Posted 10 March 2008 - 13:20


Raven looked at Talvin as he went on about being an assasin. Then another guy came and said he was a cleric.

"Aye, you can join us."

Raven thought about the bandit named Sacuro,

Perhaps there will be a good reward..

"You said, Sacuro, did you not?" said Raven. "In that case, let's go."

#15 fs_spenser

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 09:29

Raven looked at the others hopefully and repeated his words,

"Are we going or are we not?"

#16 fs_talvin

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 20:26

{OOC: Guess it was my turn to be late :P ]

Talvin glanced over at Skiefang. Then pointed westward.

"The nearest town is about 2 days a walk that way. What type of adventurer are you anyway, Skiefang?"

#17 fs_spenser

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Posted 15 March 2008 - 07:24


Post bio of character in the OOC thread.

#18 fs_talvin

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 01:53


#19 fs_evilbach

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 19:59

EvilBach walked up behind the trio of warriors.

should i or shouldn't i?

he drew his sword from its sheath and lunged.

too late! i did.

#20 fs_wilsonmui

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 21:49

Slowly,Cloaked came out of his hiding spot in the bushes and went next to the bandits bodys.
I wonder if they left any gold from these two bandits
He checked all of the bandits pockets,and gold bags and found 100 gold and a small dagger.
"Hmmm",He said to himself remembering what the adventurers had said.
"If the next town is that way,there should be a shop where I can get a new hood."
Then he remembered the other assaissin talking about the assaination of a bandit,Well I need the assaination of Bandit Plode,so maybe they know something about it
Then he started walking toward the town though a differnt path

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