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healer guide and icc guide for dummies

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#1 Removed18058



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Posted 30 August 2015 - 04:51




Hi there and welcome to

my healing guide for dummies



I am not claiming that this is a perfect build.


However i do claim that this is a nice starter build for the following reasons ( can pretty heal everything with it, very few mana issues not much to think about during healing just mashing 2 keys suffices :D).




Now to start with the guide


Basic stuff that you should already know




- quick explanation of spells


-dogma: great single target heal with a minor delay.

-crimson chain: great multi target bouncing heal bouncing towards allies healing them.

-dark prayer: great aoe heal heals all friendly targets around you in a pretty large radius fairly long cast time.

-benediction: great aoe healing dome heals allies within dome and applies a 30% damage reduction buff for the duration.

-snowfall: great aoe percental heal heald 5% max hp and regenerates 3% max mana per second to all allies in range and reduces damage taken by 50%.

-rejuvenate: simple heal over time spell.

-redemption: gives a damage reduction buff to ally.

-cauterize: massive single target heal with an instant cast pretty much a panic button.

-force of nature: gives a buff to all allies increasing the amount of healing done to them by 50% another great panic button.

-serenity: removes 2 debuffs on your ally and reduces the damage of the next hit by a percentage.




-Character stats attributes potions and talents


Healers want the following stats as high as possible: dps, healing power, spell haste and spell crit.

This means that all attribute points should go into sorcery.


Optimal gear would be light armor with a staff and essence.


Nifty potions and foods for healers:

sorcery potions, healing power potions roly polies and coco puddings.


Now then for the talents here's the build:



So we got our build now how the hell do we use it? XD









The actual healing



first of all we pot, eat and buff up :)



i have chosen not to get the upgraded redeem for the simple fact that it's great for starting pulls and it's commonly forgotten inbetween the rotation and the 25% damage reduction during the pull makes it so one doesn't have to heal up a ton of damage or atleast a reduced amount of damage. if you think that this is stupid then this isn't the guide for you and you can skip to advanced class wich will be given later :D


we're going to do this with steps :)



step 1

ask your tank what kind of tank he is it's kinda important to communicate with your team talk about what strategy you're going to do etc etc. it's really awkward if you start healing in a spot and your tanks runs right past you ;)


if he's a healtank go to step 2.1

if he's a (regular) tank go to step 2.2



step 2.1


to better understand how to heal you gotta know how the tank you're healing works.


so we're going to explain the quick basics of a healtank the do's and dont's


a healtank bases itself on a few simple talents in the prophet tree one is the aura of tranquility wich heals 6% of their max hp per person healed these tanks want their team to be fairly close to them so their benediction and crimson chain hits all 4 other team members to maximize their self heals by 30% per heal. these players also have the upgraded redeem regenerating them 3% of their max hp per second. 


do's normal healing with dogma, benediction,snow,crimson chain etc etc

dont's casting redeem breaking cc chains standing way out of reach.


go to step 3



step 2.2

normal tanks are great for absorbing damage keeping aggro on the mobs and staying alive ;)


do's normal healing with dogma, benediction,snow, crimson chain etc etc AND casting redeem during pulls.

dont's nothing really :)


go to step 3



step 3


the tank starts a pull as your tank takes the first bit of damage during the pull you cast your redeem on him ( not on healtanks eh!)  this generates no aggro and makes sure that you don't get attacked by the creatures too early.  whenever this redeem wears of in the middle of a pull make sure to cast it again untill the tank starts the actual grouping up.


step 4


once the tank stops moving and starts grouping it all tighter place down your ancestral spirit on the spot where the tank will be likely to group them up and then cast snowfall these spells generate no aggro making sure that you and your tank are safe.



now then we have multiple scenarios :)



scenario 1: your tank is around 80% hp go to step 5

scenario 2: your tank is around 50% hp go to step 6

scenario 3: your tank is around 20% hp go to step 7




step 5:

your tank took minimal damage so place down your benediction for an easy 30% damage reduction after this start rotating your crimson chain and dogma spells and you should be fine



step 6:

your tank took some damage no worries we start things off with a dogma to pump that hp back up so we can place down our benediction. if during the benediction cast the tank drops really low make sure to cauterize it back up and then crimson chain and dogma rotations


step 7:

panic!! cauterize right away and dogma right after that if your tank still takes serious damage make sure to use force of nature for an even bigger healing boost for a while when force of nature then wears off make sure to redeem for some extra damage reduction to keep your tank alive.



this concludes the beginner healing guide


with this information you should be able to heal every dungeon with ease


if anyone has questions feel free to ask them


if anyone feels that i might've missed something feel free to tell me and i'll add it to the guide


healing icc guide, advanced healers guide and the pvp healer guide will follow shortly


if you found this guide usefull make sure to show your appreciation with a like and a  normal thank you or friendly reply down here also suffices :)

Edited by crippla, 02 February 2016 - 19:09.

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#2 Removed18058



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Posted 30 August 2015 - 04:54

At last it has arrived!



This guide will be a step by step plan for the entire group to complete an icc run.

So not just healers also the tanks and dps.

I will be covering a few methods and when to use a certain method and why depending on the group composition and personal gems on the group.

disclaimer: i do not claim to discuss every single method possible these methods seem to work the best for me at all times with minimal chances of failure if you think that these methods are terrible that's fine with me but as long as it works it works go make your own guide if you think that this is sh*t. if you would like me to add your method please message me and i'll see if i can work on it.

now let's get started eh?

but first some more information about the icc fight.

The fight has 4 stages during every stage the battle gets somewhat more difficult but if you can adapt to everything that happens and follow the guide below nothing bad can actually happen.

the stages go accordingly with the % of hp treya has left

stage 1 : 100% to 75% hp on treya
- treya summons bombs that explode after 10 seconds leaving a dark puddle wich deals 6000 true damage per second ( so best don't stand in them ;) )
- treya also deals magic ranged attacks ( normally on the tank who is taunting her)
stage 2 : 75% to 50% hp on treya
- treya summons bombs that explode after 10 seconds however the time inbetween the summons is somewhat reduced
- treya deals magic ranged attacks
- treya now also places a bomb on top of the player who has aggro on her this bomb explodes with the range of a fulmination dealing severe damage to allies. so best is to keep treya in between the tank and the dps/healer. ( this bomb can be detonated early by casting serenity however it still will deal damage) there is no burn dot on the bomb

stage 3 : 50% to 25% hp on treya
- treya opens a portal summoning demonic dark gargogyles to aid her in battle
- treya now rapidly summons bombs that explode after 10 seconds ( you can now wait untill the second bomb has fallen to move off because the time of the bomb summoning is less than 10 seconds now)
- treya still places a bomb on top of the player who has aggro exploding with a fulmination effect without the burn dot
- treya still deals magic ranged attacks

stage 4: 25% till 0% hp on treya
- treya now opens a second portal that also summons demonic dark gargogyles to aid her in battle
- the summoned bombs now fall down even faster
- the bomb on top of the player with aggro still gets cast
- treya now also casts a fulmination effect herself dealing damage to allies surrounding her
- treya still deals magic ranged attacks.
so overall lots of stuff that can kill you unless you know how to not take damage from anything or minimal :)

and treya enrages after 8 minutes if not mistaken :P

we're starting off with the safe and easy but somewhat slower method ( great for beginners ).

the warsin tanks the adds method aka the inner outer circle method

this method:
- is great for beginning players since it requires minimal gems.
- low chance of wipes.
- no hard positioning for tanks.
- does require a single melee dps and more specifically a warsin/sinwar.
stage 1:
dps: Nothing special just attack Treya.

healer: Start off by throwing up a benediction on the tank and a spirit deal as much damage to treya as possible while keeping the tank healthy. Placing spirits and benedictions is a great way to heal your tank and dps treya. Cast dogma whenever needed or a dark prayer to give the tank the 10% extra max hp buff upon critting cauterize is of course also always good.

tank:start circling around the room following the images below

stage 2:
dps: Nothing special just attack treya and don't get blown up by the tank.

healer : Basically the exact same as stage 1 and don't get blown up by the tank.

tank : Continue circling following images below

stage 3:
dps: Whenever casting aoe abilities make sure they hit treya and the adds that come flowing in. Now the warsin should start using meteorite and maelstrom to take down the adds before too many start flowing in while also hitting Treya also make sure to stay out of range of the tank fulmination.

healer : Cast benedictions over the tank and yourself/dps since the warsin and you will be starting to take damage because of the adds coming in. You can also cast snow but whenever you do make sure you are in the range of the tank so the tanks also gets it but make sure to stay out of range of the bomb that is on the tank since that does hurt

tank : Start circling back following the images below you now have to place 2 bombs on top of eachother so if a bomb drops stay on the spot till the second one falls then move away, else you get a lack of space in the end. ( healtanks should stop casting redeem and rejuv on themselves and only taunt and righteous defense/blessed shield)

stage 4:
dps: Move away from treya to the spot on image below so movement afterwards will be minimal ranged dps focus their dps on treya as much as possible. The warsin focusses on aoe damage on the adds to keep them minimal.

healer: You now have to keep 3 persons alive yourself the warsin and the tank i personally prefer to cast benediction over the dps and the healer and place a spirit for the dps and healer and just dogma and redeem the tank to keep him alive with the occasional cauterize every now and then. Crimson chain to heal yourself and the dps whenever needed and make sure to stay out of range of the treya fulmination and the tank fulmination.

tank: keep circling back following the image below still placing 2 bombs on top of eachother.

and after that treya should be dead in 6-8 ish minutes.



Start tanking on the green dot then follow the yellow dots during stages 1 and 2.

During stages 3 and 4 you follow the red dots.

Best spot for healers and dps to stand during stage 4 is on the blue dot.

method 2 wich is faster and riskyier but can be done with any dps

the stack on healer method

this method
- is great for more experienced players
- faster runs
- can be done with any type of dps
- requires some sort of defense gems
- stressfull for the tank because correct bomb placing is essential
- fairly easy to heal

stage 1 and 2:

are the same as with the other method mentioned above for dps and healer
the tank has a new pattern to place the puddles the pictures below gives an idea how

stage 3 is where we switch things up
tank: You move across the room after the bomb falls placing Treya in the middle of the room following the picture below. Then start making a circle within snow and benediction range of the healer who will be standing just behind Treya with the other dps. Getting the distance right is a matter of practise but once you get the feeling it should be fairly easy to do just keep placing two bombs on top of eachother and all should be fine.

healer: Move just behind treya as can be seen in this the picture below then make sure to rotate benediction and snow and cast the benediction so it hits both the dps and the tank. Occasional heals in between place spirit whenever possible dark prayer also hits everybody so that's also good

!!!! important notice make sure that just before you enter phase 4 that your snow is off cooldown you're going to need it badly :P

dps : stack yourself behind treya on top of the healer that way the adds will be nicely grouped up and get killed while treya is being killed so they don't mass up too much

stage 4 oh boy that hurts!

so the dps and healer are on top of treya standing in her fulmination :x oh noez:x but no worries here's the tips and tricks to survive that :)

tanks: Keep following the pattern below stay far away but not too far away and keep an eye out that whenever your healer is snowing you also get the snowfall from it. :)

-When this stage starts snow right away the damage reduction from the snowfall makes it so that treya her fulmination deals peanut damage ;).
-Once the snow wears off cast benediction over everybody and dogma/crimson chain whenever needed keep rotating benediction and snow place a spirit a dark prayer every now and then and good old crimson chain and dogma whenever needed where you can also redeem yourself to make sure you stay alive :) make sure to keep treya between yourself and the tank because getting hit by both fulminations will make you go pop.

dps: make sure to dps as good as possible keep treya between yourself and the tank and group up good enough so that the healer can cast benediction over you and the tank aoe is of course good since we prefer having adds on the dps over the healer so aoe damage is always nice but single target damage that deals more damage is of course better

these runs take 4-6 minutes depending on the dps my fastest with this method so far has been 3 mins 34 seconds :)



Start tanking on the purple dots during stages 1 and 2.

Stage 3 drop one bomb on the dirst red dot on the picture then cross the room and follow the rest of the red dots during stages 3 and 4.

After crossing the room during stage 3 you should try to place treya on the yellow dot.

Dps during stages 3 and 4 should be on the blue dots. The first dot during stage 3 the second one during stage 4

Edited by crippla, 04 February 2016 - 19:38.

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#3 Removed18058



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Posted 30 August 2015 - 04:55

reserved for advanced healers guide

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#4 Removed18058



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Posted 30 August 2015 - 04:56

reserved for pvp healer guide

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#5 drdoom123



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Posted 30 August 2015 - 10:56

daymmm good job buddy




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#6 KeS



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Posted 30 August 2015 - 19:30


I am not claiming that this is a perfect build.


Somehow I doubt that :P

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#7 Removed18058



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Posted 30 August 2015 - 19:33

Somehow I doubt that :P



perfect build for certain situations


updated the dummie build will work on the icc healing one now ;)

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#8 Removed18058



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Posted 26 October 2015 - 16:28


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#9 Iwashi


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Posted 27 October 2015 - 13:44

Keep it up =) It's always good that someone is willing to share tips and hints and they are most welcome! Thanks  :lol:

Iwashi: Prophmage

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#10 SagaTeller



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Posted 27 October 2015 - 14:04

If I may



Radiance > pacifist.


If tanks loses aggro, in higher level dungeons ull die instantly if mobs attack you, so radiance will stun them and u have time to heal yourself and tank will get his aggro back.


+ never needed pacifist myself.




Soothsaying in asv should be maxed for biggest effiency. You will want to spam it in last boss and during the pulls (assuming u wont do them one by one)



Just my opinions. Great guide though. and ty for effort ^_^

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#11 Removed18058



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Posted 27 October 2015 - 15:24

well thing is with bosses that you can basically heal it with just a spirit and a caut every now and then but when ur at 75% haste you'll be using ignite a lot hence why i prefer pacifist since i still manage to generate more threat than most tanks :x


asv i've never used soothsaying during the pulls :P most healers either can handle it with their raw healing power or they can't and thus the pulls are smaller also redeem is on the tank during the pull wich decreases damage significantly and in most cases your heals heal more than that snow does :P hence why i have one point in soothsaying only just for the occasional serenity cauterize while i redeem and rejuvenate whenever possible :) 


most healers want an easy way to heal hence why i picked pacifist over radiance if they attack you and there's 4 rangers your dead in most cases unless you got your redeem on yourself cauterize yourself and then snow :)




if i go and do some icc runs again soon i'll update the icc healing guide with the multiple strategies :)



for now i think that this is a pretty neat guide :P

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#12 ordinaryfunguy



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Posted 28 October 2015 - 05:30

wait, doesn't redemption on normal tank on a pull gives the healer the agro? or is it just rejuvinate

ps. remember to always revitalize lol






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#13 aliadnan12



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Posted 28 October 2015 - 05:48

wait, doesn't redemption on normal tank on a pull gives the healer the agro? or is it just rejuvinate

ps. remember to always revitalize lol

look at criplers build .. it dosent heal from rejuv .. also revit will pull agro if u use it while tank is still pulling

#14 Removed18058



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Posted 28 October 2015 - 12:16

i explained about redemption within the guide i chose not to talent it since the rise of healtanks and the ease of that 25% damage reduction during pulls :)


rejuvenate heals your tank and during pulls it will generate aggro on the healer so use that once the pull is completed :)


i'd suggest not to revitalize since it has the lowest base healing and a long casting time :)

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#15 ipsi


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Posted 29 October 2015 - 13:09

Thank you so much for this! Great work.

#16 scorp



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Posted 29 October 2015 - 13:20

Haste is only for the nublets,the real manly and derpy healz use crit.

Edited by scorp, 29 October 2015 - 13:25.

Fire,i like fire.

#17 Removed18058



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Posted 29 October 2015 - 13:28

Haste is only for the nublets,the real manly and derpy healz use crit.


real pros have capped haste and crit ;)



and i like slacking so my 75% haste makes it so that i only have to use snow and benediction @ stage 3,4 :P all  stages 1 and2 an occasional caut and a spirit :P

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#18 KeS



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Posted 29 October 2015 - 14:32

Haste is only for the nublets,the real manly and derpy healz use crit.

Oops would slap you for saying that!!


Holyghost would too!! Haste is everything to everyone!!!

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#19 drdoom123



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Posted 24 December 2015 - 00:22





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#20 Oops



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Posted 24 December 2015 - 00:32

thanks shorti  I use a haste build I feel the love rofl

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