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Public PVP, Level Restrictive Fighting in TA, Add Random Mobs to TA

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#1 zargon



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 21:53

Make it possible to 1vs1 PVP challenge any player anywhere in the game. This would make for some fun public dueling like near and around the fountain area. (just right click on a player and select pvp challenge). That person has 30 seconds to accept. If they decline or choose nothing, then there is no fight.


Also, please restrict the level player you can kill in TA. Seriously now, does a level 20 player have any chance against a level 45 player. There should be a +5/-5 variance at most.


I would say it would be better just to have same level random mobs appear from time to time that you would have to fight off (not allowed to leave TA until after you win the fight or die). If they kill you, then you drop at least half of your smuggled items and all other players in TA can loot or roll on the drops. If you win against the mob, then you earn valor points. This would also help to prevent bots.

Edited by zargon, 13 August 2014 - 22:06.

#2 ernzor



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 22:08

TA is open world PvP. people need to get used to that, if you're too low level and dont want to be killed, please go gather somewhere else...


Placing restrictions on it, will just make it worse. It will give those of lower level a free pass to super gather nodes.


IMO if they do any sort of PvP restriction there then they need to remove ALL bonuses from the gathering on TA. That would then stop people going there which would make it just like it used to be. So please, just leave it alone :)


EDIT: I do like your gloves slap (1v1 pvp) idea though :) bring that on!

Edited by ernzor, 13 August 2014 - 22:08.

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#3 zargon



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 22:25

Placing restrictions on it, will just make it worse. It will give those of lower level a free pass to super gather nodes.

^exactly correct and this is a good thing and the bad part is fixable. Lower level players should get a pass at being wiped out by high levels. Here is a better idea then. Restrict the types of nodes you can farm in TA based on your character level and have a daily cap of what you can gather based on your character level.


The cap would also mean that people would have to gather outside of TA to advance their skills more which would then bring more rare mats back into the game if HCS is not going to add them to TA or make them purchasable with valor or loyalty points. There are ways to fix this. But killing low levels is just plain foolish.


Also, the glove slap challenge would even be a better way to initiate 1vs1 PVP. This way you can slap someone in the face and watch them either walk away from the fight or slap you back, which would then begin the fight - haha (or if they do not fight, their emote response would be to cry)

Edited by zargon, 14 August 2014 - 00:07.

#4 lester



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 22:26

I agree with with ernzor's point in where low levels can exploit the fact that high level's can't hunt them down, and gather resources crazy fast , downgrading skilling. I like your point on the 1 vs 1 anywhere though, I'd like to specify what i would like to see from it though. First when you challenge a person and duel it out , after the the duel is over  both contenders are healed to the same health they were at before they started the fight, this is so it does not get exploited and not just be a free full heal, and this action can also not happen if you are in combat, or in dungeons, if you attack a mob on the other hand  in the middle of the duel, you will be revived with 1 hp.

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#5 Berlo



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 00:33

I had my first experience in Trapper's Atoll a few nights ago and loved every minute of it. High risk for high profit is a great aspect to the game. There are plenty of places to gather resources outside of Trapper's Atoll and away from the PvP environment, so feel free to take advantage of those. I think putting restrictions on this area and making it easier for lower levels is really hindering the game.

#6 ernzor



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 01:10

I had my first experience in Trapper's Atoll a few nights ago and loved every minute of it. High risk for high profit is a great aspect to the game. There are plenty of places to gather resources outside of Trapper's Atoll and away from the PvP environment, so feel free to take advantage of those. I think putting restrictions on this area and making it easier for lower levels is really hindering the game.

and this is coming from a lvl20ish player!


Please, do not change TA (at least not in this way, there have been other suggestions for improvements that would be great)

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#7 TreeFrog



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 01:21

I definitely dont want mobs on TA, kind of silly in a PVP zone, and there functionality as you describe them is the role of the other players on the island. Also, level restrictions are limiting for the reasons stated above.  I only say keeps mounts because as slip said, gathering tokens is a freakin nightmare without them. Not all of us have hours to play this game and I'd rather not have to give up on that simply because I can spend half the day hoofing it around TA. Most of us experienced that and it was really the reason I just didnt do it before the mounts were added. I just want to clarify, this is not an issue of laziness or convenience its simply that it would take nearly double the time to collect your tokens, and the more time daily quests take the less time I have to play other parts of the game.

Edited by TreeFrog, 14 August 2014 - 01:21.

#8 lester



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 01:41

I definitely dont want mobs on TA, kind of silly in a PVP zone, and there functionality as you describe them is the role of the other players on the island. Also, level restrictions are limiting for the reasons stated above.  I only say keeps mounts because as slip said, gathering tokens is a freakin nightmare without them. Not all of us have hours to play this game and I'd rather not have to give up on that simply because I can spend half the day hoofing it around TA. Most of us experienced that and it was really the reason I just didnt do it before the mounts were added. I just want to clarify, this is not an issue of laziness or convenience its simply that it would take nearly double the time to collect your tokens, and the more time daily quests take the less time I have to play other parts of the game.

That is one of the pros of having mounts in TA but it comes with many cons therefore it must be taken out.

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#9 Kinfa1987



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 08:36

Leave TA the way it is......

If someone dont like it...    ... DONT COME THERE .........

#10 xpwaste



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 09:56

please make a new forum section.


Trappers atol discussion.

I am sure ti will fill up faster than any other sub forums.

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#11 defnubs


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Posted 14 August 2014 - 15:54



Often players told me to put my ideas about TA into "the forum", so here it is. I expect pkers to disagree totally, because my suggestions would mean they cant harvest on lower levels anymore. Pure and simple as that is my opinion for this attitude.


For the first time I am reading this threat that is most about TA. Players in the game that know me know that I find TA should be fun for every level. The level cap therefore seems appropriate to me to protect lower levels from the top. As a result more lower levels will enter TA and pretty likely start attacking in their lvl caps.

So stating it will become a place were lower levels rise faster is very likely not for long. The main effect of this cap may be that more people keep playing the game in stead of ending up with around 200 players playing of 70 000 registered names. 200/70000 is not a correct calculation I realize since many of the long time players have more alts. If we ( and this is just a rule of thumb ) give these 200 on-line players 5 alts as medium it still means loads of people left the game. I would not want my "shop" to be that ineffective in keeping customers. What's also striking ( and there are exceptions like with everything ) is that most of all high levels pikers like the way it is, and the majority of upcoming lower players don't like the lack of level cap.

It's feels like only in their interest to have the possibility of easy gathering on lower levels.


Lower levels now often put pikers in friends list to have a chance to escape from slaughter without any chance loosing over 70% of the gatherings. This usage of friend-list is indeed not what it should be used for.

Pikers adding low players that gather a lot in TA to be able to harvest on them is even more sad. I totally agree that adding a friend should be made 2 sided agreement.


Don't get me wrong, I don't post this because I want to be able to use TA for harvesting or level rising. I just want the game to be fun in TA for each level that enters. Leveling is one of my least concerns since the game experience doesn't change that dramatically on a higher level. So I don't find that important. I only go into TA for gems so I have a better chance against NPC 's. 


PL as last topic ... Standing in TA from "birth" of plasma lord and help taking it down to get killed seconds before reward makes this event become "top level only". I even got piled by being around level 35 by 2 level 45's just before PL ended. How sad can it be. I decided to create a lower level more in line with a mate I play games with for years, and lost interest in ever reaching end level.




#12 xpwaste



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 16:57

The thing is, and where it goes un-balacned. if that a cap is given many players would just make alts to farm the resources.

High level pkers provide as a bot check.

it is highly discouraging at low levels, but if you think from the other side, you still are left with what you could have farmed outside of TA.

so it is not a % of loosing resources.

it is a % of keeping the extra resources that you gained by farming in TA and luckily escaped the death.

At no point are you loosing anything more than what you could have farmed from outside of TA.

it's a like a proc buff. there is chance you can get it and enjoy the OPness of it. or sometimes not get it and be as you were with no loss.

Edited by xpwaste, 14 August 2014 - 16:58.

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#13 HuMoR



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 17:26

I definitely dont want mobs on TA, kind of silly in a PVP zone, 

and having a giant crap shoot of resources stacked there isn't silly in a pvp zone? mobs have more to do with an combat pvp related zone then skilling will ever have. id rather be fighting people suited to fighting mobs rather then fighting people who have no chance and are just there to skill. I don't care what is said....TA is a very broken aspect no matter how you look at it. skillers risk all for nothing,and pvpers risk nothing and gain everything.

skillers- 10x slower lvling,10x-100x more inventory taken up,more travel time,banking time... pretty much only option is TA
pvpers- TA is 10-20x faster valor then pvp bg,you gain rapid kills,challengesless once hitting 45,more valor exp faster pvp rank lvling,more gold by approx 5x-10x,faster lvling due to stealing all your mats from skillers.

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#14 lester



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 17:58

The thing is, and where it goes un-balacned. if that a cap is given many players would just make alts to farm the resources.

High level pkers provide as a bot check.

it is highly discouraging at low levels, but if you think from the other side, you still are left with what you could have farmed outside of TA.

so it is not a % of loosing resources.

it is a % of keeping the extra resources that you gained by farming in TA and luckily escaped the death.

At no point are you loosing anything more than what you could have farmed from outside of TA.

it's a like a proc buff. there is chance you can get it and enjoy the OPness of it. or sometimes not get it and be as you were with no loss.

I killed a low level player in TA, I got 1.9k of Jootberries out of the kill , I do see it as a bot check , and I kill all levels friends or not.Bit of off topic here but can we have a sell all smuggled resources button and we get the same amount of money if it was in un-smuggled form? It is a pain that when selling those Jootberries it still adds up to 1 bronze in it's smuggled form.

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#15 zargon



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 19:05

The thing is, and where it goes un-balacned. if that a cap is given many players would just make alts to farm the resources.

So people will pay 300ep to create a new alt to level up their skills on a new char ? This would be counterproductive. How many people want to level the same professions on multiple characters and then have to gather a ton just to break even on the 300ep they payed ? lol


If people are willing to be foolish enough to do this, I am sure HCS will be happy enough to take their EP.


Look, this is a simple case of PVP'ers want to hold onto their merciless racking up of kill counts on low levels and not wanting to look at a constructive way to avoid a bloodblath of 45's wiping out level 20's


Since we know this already, why not just focus on the 1vs1 suggestion instead. ;)

Edited by zargon, 14 August 2014 - 19:15.

#16 lester



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 19:11

Many low levels come together and battle the wicked level 40s and 45s , it is quite cute actually. ;)

Open pvp is not so bad, once you have a large population.

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#17 zargon



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Posted 14 August 2014 - 19:18

Many low levels come together and battle the wicked level 40s and 45s , it is quite cute actually. ;)

Open pvp is not so bad, once you have a large population.

I have to admit, that right there sounds pretty damn funny.

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#18 defnubs


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Posted 15 August 2014 - 10:11

3 note on the replys :

-There are no responses to my suggestions from lower players, so is this a good representation of the whole player base? I wonder what the outcome would be if there would be a poll in which the majority feeds back on the issue.

-Stating that harvesting from bots would be encouraged I think is not totally correct. If the place would be full of all kinds of levels this is not possible anymore. Now this relies on fewer palyers that visit.

- Zargon, the option to have more fair group battles is there. I'm at work, lunchtime, so I cant see the gamescreen now. But there is the option left of the mini map top right with the 2 swords. I played it once on US server, and even though I got killed a lot, I loved it. I tried once to get this organized on EU one evening. The result was 3 players entered, all around lvl 25-35, no interest from higher levels. Maybe this instance should be made more rewarding, so the interest is there. The main goal for which players do things often is getting rewards, goods or status after all.

#19 zargon



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Posted 15 August 2014 - 18:00

No offense, but this topic was started with three suggestions. If you would like to write novels about your own ideas/suggestions or have a geranal discussion, please open a seperate thread. Let's please stick to the 3 ideas and what can either help this out or gives reasons why it should not happen.


1) Public 1vs1 PVP (Using Glove Slap emote)

2) Level Restrictive Fighting in TA (protect lower level from high level attacks - add cap on goods smuggled)

3) Add Random Mobs to TA (adds challenge and acts as a bot check)


Good ? Bad ? Why ? Why not ?

Edited by zargon, 15 August 2014 - 18:12.

#20 xpwaste



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Posted 15 August 2014 - 18:51

1) Public 1vs1 PVP (Using Glove Slap emote)

2) Level Restrictive Fighting in TA (protect lower level from high level attacks - add cap on goods smuggled)

3) Add Random Mobs to TA (adds challenge and acts as a bot check)


Good ? Bad ? Why ? Why not ?

1. yes

2. no, cuz that is a bad idea.

3. No. cuz that is a bad idea.


why? I don't want to explain.

why again.. cuz i don't.

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