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PvP XP / XP through PvP

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#1 clock96



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 14:32

Original Post Updated

Hey there everyone :) So I had a couple of ideas and plz read very carefully, will explain each idea alone so things don't get mixed, I know this may sound crazy, don't know if someone brought these ideas before but let's see the ideas :-

IDEA 1 :-
What about everyonre gets a PvP level, just like levellers have a level, PvP levels can be earned as XP from attacking others, don't know how many XP from each attack but this is for HCS to determine and calculate, maybe some XP from bounty attacks do, also XP should vary according to stam used in the attacks, PvP level will be added under your ordinary level, I made this example to illustrate :-
Level: 300 XP: 268, 816, 574
VL: 303
PvP level: 5 PvP XP: 5,000,000 ( example )

Maybe add an option in the attack system along with "Normal or ladder attack" "Bounty Combat" "Guild Conflict Combat" , it would be "XP attack" in this form of attack levellers won't loose ordinary XP from levelling, maybe just loose PvP XP (If the player has any), if you attack someone and loose you will loose PvP XP, if this attack can be bountied then while on board you shouldn't loose PvP XP, just ordinary XP like any bounty, however you can gain and loose PvP XP when you are clearing someone on board. Maybe even new PvP items in the future with PvP level on them not ordinary level.

IDEA 2:-

Same as first idea however, there is no PvP level or XP system, by the attack you will get ordinary XP so you will level and PvP at the same time :) I think this will bring way more people into PvP and would be fair for PvPers to level while PvPing.

UPDATE!!! Now the PvP XP attack will be added to "Normal or ladder attack" So the PvP attack shall be as follows:-

Player lost XXXXX XP
Player lost 300,000 gold of which clock96 stole 200,000 gold
Clock96 gained 10 PvP prestige
Clock96 gained XXXXXX PvP XP, Player lost XXXXXX PvP XP

→So no "safe" PvP
→the attack now can be bountied
→no new special attack mode
→Same ordinary ranges
→if someone has 0 PvP XP (For example: -10,000) , he will start loosing a percent from his PvP enhancements,
→want to get your PvP enhancements up again ? Then participate in PvP and get PvP XP and level up in PvP,
→on bounty board ? You will loose normal XP and a tiny PvP XP (according to stam used on you in the attack)

▶Did I make this clear now ? Any questions plz post and make your question straight forward, thanks

Those were the two ideas, I like the first idea more cuz I know the second idea will cause a lot of problems with levellers, but feep free to post what you think about both and which idea you like more, plz don't judge my idea by my level, I would have been in the thousands range if it wasn't for my love for PvP, that's everything I wanted to say, thx for having time to read this and let me know what you think and say any additions you want to see, hopefully HCS can implement the best idea ( the 1st idea is better IMO) sure my idea isn't perfect but together we can make it perfect :) thx everyone ;) Also I hope to hear what a staff member from HCS think

Sorry for any spelling mistakes as I typed this from mobile.

Edited by clock96, 19 September 2014 - 20:31.


#2 sweetlou



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 17:11

I totally agree something should have been done along these lines. 

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#3 clock96



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 17:27

I totally agree something should have been done along these lines.

I don't suppose that it will be implemented tomorrow or soon, I know it will take sometime but I want to know that atleast HCS have it in their mind or atleast put it on the development roadmap that Zorg is taking care of right now, I see no problem with the first idea as levellers won't loose any ordinary XP just the PvP XP, I am positive that HCS may take it into consideration with some editing of their own


#4 BadPenny



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 18:05

While I agree with the concepts of this idea, I fear that like so many similar to it, like one I had in 2008, it will just be shuttled to the "things that will never ever happen" list... I hope it doesn't, but when I proposed my idea, which also only pertained to the PvP aspect of the game and included an XP gaining system that would not affect the "levelers" in any way, my idea was shot down by "levelers" and game staff alike...  I hope this doesn't happen here.  Please, FS community, consider this idea carefully before dismissing it out of hand...


~ Just my 2 Pennys

Edited by BadPenny, 14 September 2014 - 18:07.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#5 yotwehc



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 19:24

I can go with option 1. As a leveler, I don't see why any leveler would have issues with no xp loss. I could care less if my pvp xp was 0. :/

#6 clock96



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 21:36

So we heard from PvPers who obviously agree with PvP system and also a leveller Yotwehc who made a good point saying that levellers won't have a problem with it as they don't care about PvP XP anyway so I don't see anything that can ever prevent Zorg or any HCS member to take it into consideration and put it on the development road map, so HCS thknk about it, this will bring more activity to the game, levellers or at least most of them just come online to hunt for an hour and log out then wait till max stam again while PvPers spend all day online to make ladder attacks and clear bounties, I am a PvPer who stays online 16 hours and more all day to make ladder attacks (when on ladder) and clear bounties, etc... So why not please PvPers with a thing that won't harm levellers ?


#7 shindrak



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 21:44

Idea #1 is great and i hope to see it in game... even can make some pvp related sets can be worn depending on pvp level.. Now you heard from hybrid player who likes all aspects ;)

Edited by shindrak, 14 September 2014 - 21:46.

#8 tasker



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 22:42

I don't see any value here. It's probably just more work for HCS and they'll probably turn it down. What HCS needs to implement into the game is allow voting polls for new ideas in the game cause only like 10 or 12 people actually come to the forums to read what's happening.

#9 Pardoux



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 23:02

I don't see any value here. It's probably just more work for HCS and they'll probably turn it down. What HCS needs to implement into the game is allow voting polls for new ideas in the game cause only like 10 or 12 people actually come to the forums to read what's happening.


1. Re: forum use - it's quite a bit more than 10-12 people, but yes, it is sadly under-used.


2. There have been polls in-game, linking to the forum in the past - and they are, for the most part, just as "accurate" or "in-accurate" as any other poll. In-game polls would carry a lot more "weight" if there  were checks and measures in place to prevent outcomes being, shall we say, manipulated ;)

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


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#10 clock96



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 23:37

I don't see any value here. It's probably just more work for HCS and they'll probably turn it down. What HCS needs to implement into the game is allow voting polls for new ideas in the game cause only like 10 or 12 people actually come to the forums to read what's happening.

It is valubale for full time PvPers who don't hunt, and I didn't tell HCS to put all what they are implementing into the game on the roadmap behind there back and work on this idea, atleast put it on the end of the development roadmap, just seeing that they are working or plan to work on the idea will be great


#11 wil72



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 23:39

I don't see any value here. It's probably just more work for HCS and they'll probably turn it down. What HCS needs to implement into the game is allow voting polls for new ideas in the game cause only like 10 or 12 people actually come to the forums to read what's happening.


What? I don't value what you don't value mate.


clock, nice one. These ideas of yours need to be discussed and expanded. I'm thinking Option 1 PvP XP could be converted to level XP. A wee combination of Options 1 and 2. How will Bounty Board come into it? More discussion :)





Edited by wil72, 14 September 2014 - 23:44.

#12 clock96



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 23:47

What? I don't value what you value mate.
clock, nice one. These ideas of yours need to be discussed and expanded. I'm thinking Option 1 PvP XP could be converted to level XP. A wee combination of Options 1 and 2. How will Bounty Board come into it. More discussion :)

Nice to hear that you like the main idea, I did talk about BB a little bit, if the XP attack can be bountied then you when someone bounties you, you won't loose any PvP XP, just the ordinary XP loss, if you are the one clearing a bounty then you will get PvP XP, I thought about ordinary XP but levellers will say no cuz it will mean them loosing even more XP from more attacks on their head, so PvP XP system IMO is getting the agreement of both levellers and PvPers and that is a thing that rarely happens lol


#13 clock96



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:06


I said they don't need to focus on this now, maybe put it thr last thing on the roadmap even if it will be implemented after a year, its just saying ok, we will think about this I know HCS is busy so I didn't say work on it now and let's face it, FS is the best HCS game, people already like it, so they should focus on what is already good and make it better instead of taking risk on newer games, there should be a crew of HCS working for every game (FS Team, Legacy Team, etc...) for example why should players of legacy wait for HCS to finish what they are doing here in FS ? All I take into consideration is the FS roadmap, so what will happen if its added to the end of the list ? I won't mind if they say that this will be implemented in Jan 2016 for example, I just want to hear "OK"

Edited by BigGrim, 15 September 2014 - 08:30.
Removing nonsense post.


#14 justinian9



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:50

As a leveler...


I like idea # 1...The idea of a level of PvP sounds like a very cool idea. 


Prestige would still only gain from ladder but PvPXP would increase as well?


if i attack a creature a few level down my XP gain is cut way back.  Would it be the same for PvPXP?   If I as a 1900 lvl player 100 stams a 300 level player on the BB,  XP loss would be the same as now but my PvPXP gain would be next to nothing?


But how do you rank a level 300 who 100 stams a level 1900 player on the BB in stam gain setup and offline?  Level of difficulty is pretty low also?

Edited by justinian9, 15 September 2014 - 02:02.

#15 clock96



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 02:17

As a leveler...
I like idea # 1...The idea of a level of PvP sounds like a very cool idea. 
Prestige would still only gain from ladder but PvPXP would increase as well?
if i attack a creature a few level down my XP gain is cut way back.  Would it be the same for PvPXP?   If I as a 1900 lvl player 100 stams a 300 level player on the BB,  XP loss would be the same as now but my PvPXP gain would be next to nothing?
But how do you rank a level 300 who 100 stams a level 1900 player on the BB in stam gain setup and offline?  Level of difficulty is pretty low also?

Who said 1900 player can attack lvl 300 ? It will be with the ordinary range, for example lvl 300 can attack 290 to 310, bounty board will be open but will give low PvP XP gain for example if the ordinary is 10k, you will get only 100 PvP XP


#16 justinian9



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 02:43

Who said 1900 player can attack lvl 300 ? It will be with the ordinary range, for example lvl 300 can attack 290 to 310, bounty board will be open but will give low PvP XP gain for example if the ordinary is 10k, you will get only 100 PvP XP

ya I was talking BB...



What about the other way around... most upper level players stay in stam gain setups and are not hard targets on the BB when offline... I see low level PvP players bios posting wins on players in lvl 2000s... so I am sure they will think they should get more PvPXP... How would/ could that be controlled?  Level difference does not always define level of difficulty involved.

#17 clock96



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 03:01

ya I was talking BB...
What about the other way around... most upper level players stay in stam gain setups and are not hard targets on the BB when offline... I see low level PvP players bios posting wins on players in lvl 2000s... so I am sure they will think they should get more PvPXP... How would/ could that be controlled?  Level difference does not always define level of difficulty involved.

the other way around will give the same, if I attack a high level player I will still get the same PvP XP (100 for example)


#18 Melons



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 03:29

ya I was talking BB...



What about the other way around... most upper level players stay in stam gain setups and are not hard targets on the BB when offline... I see low level PvP players bios posting wins on players in lvl 2000s... so I am sure they will think they should get more PvPXP... How would/ could that be controlled?  Level difference does not always define level of difficulty involved.

Regarding your comment on "upper level players wearing stam gain set-ups", that's a choice. Whether it's a level 60 or a EOC player both have the option to wear stam gear or proper offline gear.  I don't think that should be a factor to worry about, if this idea was to be implemented. 


Going back to the OP, I like the first idea.  It seems fair to those who participate in PvP and to those who don't, since those who don't aren't forced to PvP. 

Edited by Melons, 15 September 2014 - 03:37.

#19 justinian9



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 03:39

Regarding your comment on "upper level players wearing stam gain set-ups", that's a choice. Whether it's a level 60 or a EOC player both have the option to wear stam gear or proper offline gear.  I don't think that should be a factor to worry about, if this idea was to be implemented. 


Going back to the OP, I like the first idea.  I seems fair to those who participate in PvP and to those who don't.  Since those who don't, aren't forced to play PvP. 

I made the comment as I have seen PvPers stating PvP should be based on skill not uber buffs.  So i would assume PvPers would want PvPXP off skill not because they hit someone in stam gain setup

#20 clock96



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 03:40

Just wanted to point out that I am not the person who will determine what you get from the attacks, as Melons said, let's focus on main thing here, I just pointed out the main idea and highlights on it, what you get from the attack can be determined after HCS post their agreement on the main idea, then they can edit it and make it the best it can be and improve it


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