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A note from the FSH Developer

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#1 Yuuzhan



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 01:17

I want to open up by apologizing to the community.  I took on a large responsibility when I signed up to do development on FSH, and I can’t help but feeling that I have let you down.  I know many of you have come to rely on the features that have been provided by those who have donated their time to help improve this game.


However as many of you have learned, the demands on my time at home and at work have shifted dramatically.  I now have a 19 month old son who I love spending as much time as I can with.  As you can well imagine the focus of my free time has gone away from idle time I can spend coding.  On top of this, I have recently shifted jobs to a better paying, but more demanding job.  At my last job (before I became a father) I could spend much of my days programming FSH in between projects at work.  As we are a much smaller company I work most days, and then into the evenings after the little one is tucked into bed.


About a 6 months ago I had talked with Hoofmaster about starting a Kickstarter campaign.  We have always discussed the option of HCS hiring me officially to port all the FSH code into native Fallensword Code.  This option would have taken the financial burden off of HCS and allowed to community to really have a say in what they wanted ported over.


Alas, I could not start the campaign in good conscience knowing that it might be more than a year before all the work would be completed.  The only time I could really dedicate to the work would be off hours when the baby is sleeping – cutting into the precious time that I have to sleep or into the time that I could be spending with my son as he explores the world around him.


It is unfortunate that the other members of the FSH team have been burnt out over the years of maintaining the series of hacks that is FSH, or simply lost interest in the game itself.  I want to say that I really do enjoy programming FSH.  It makes me sad to see the string of messages that I get when HCS improves their code causing a section of FSH to break (or when GreaseMonkey updates causing all of FSH to break).


The blame for who is at fault has been thrown around from time to time.  Or comments to the effect of “Why don’t they just fix it” without the real knowledge of what it might take to do so.  If I am to be fully honest, the fact that I get more complaints then compliments (even when FSH was updating more often) does grate on my patience and willingness to devote time to the community.


To those of you who have offered thanks and appreciation along the way – it is your kind words that make me feel that I have let down the community.


What can we do?


Well I am still around, I just lack the time to develop all the fixes needed.  While I could pass the reigns onto someone else I feel that it would be breaching the trust that has been provided by the community to the FSH team in general.  I know of at least a dozen different occasions where a user has programmed a “FSH” feature and provided the code to those who have asked.  This code always contained malicious code that caused peoples accounts to be emptied of their possessions.


If there are member(s) of the community that feel they have what it takes to take up the mantle of FSH then by all means feel free to contact me.  I can implement fixes that are provided to me to maintain the integrity of the software until such time that I feel the trust of the community is behind the new developer.  This will allow me to put my eyes on each fix before it is implemented to ensure that there is no malicious code.


I have not given up on FSH, it is only a matter of free time available to devote to the code.



#2 yotekiller



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 02:17

Many thanks for all the effort you have put in over the years.

Screenshot everything!

#3 Removed4427



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 02:20

real life comes first


the community will survive just fine without a helper monkey

#4 sweetlou



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 03:23



You've done a great job. There's no need to apologize for something that was so innovative and helpful to the game. The task of what to do with this Helper clearly falls in the hands of the developers at this stage. Do what you can but know that I'm grateful for the extended life you gave to it. The amount of joy you helped add to this game is immeasurable.

[Signature removed]


“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#5 bloody18



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 07:17

Yes thanks for all of you have done for FS!

#6 Davros81



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 07:57

I thank you for your perseverance with trying to keep the Helper up to date and yes it is shameful that a few would nerf the code for their own benefit or for malicious purposes. I hope these scumbags were reported and deleted from the game, in fact they should be publicly named and shamed.


Real life is ever so more important, especially when you have new kin into he fold. I would suggest keeping the Helper code as if it gets int the wrong hands more people will use it for their own devious means, as is apparent folk are or have been doing already.


Again thank you for your hard work, time for many folk to learn how to play this game in the way it was intended by the cows. :)

#7 BraveKath



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 08:50

Dear Yuuzhan,

Congratulations on your new baby and on your new position. Being a part of a smaller company that truly needs you fully engaged is a mentally stimulating and usually rewarding as well, so this is all marvelous news.

I admit to not really being clued into recently that you were working on FSH, and definitely not clued in to the depth of that involvement. So forgive my ignorance and for not thanking you, but everytime I log into FS, my heart has always thanked you as FSH just makes playing the game much more enjoyable. BUT that doesn't mean you or anyone else should feel guilt or obligation to maintaining it. Your life come first. If I had skills, I'd be happy to be a flunky, but coding skills are beyond me.

FSH is absolutely great! I've never had a negative word to say about anyone working on it, as my gosh you guys have all done it out of love for the game. That dedication has always impressed me and I've always felt gratitude. On behalf of the sane & rational members of FS we knew we have been fortunate and just grateful for whatever was done and didn't demand anything, so ignore the crass folks who have sent negative messages.

That was a neat idea you and Hoof had about the Kickstarter, but sometimes things just aren't meant to be - don't stress it.

You must be free to give your best to your family & your job. We're glad to have you around the game in whatever free time you have, and don't stress FSH.

Thank you & *HUGS*! - Kath

#8 Lellarell



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 10:00

Thank you very much for FSH! It is an awesome experience.

#9 Hoofmaster


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Posted 22 July 2014 - 10:14



Firstly, I just want to chip in here too and say a big thanks from myself and the rest of the FS team. FSHelper has definately improved the game experience for many players and I realise it was a lot of work to build and maintain.


I discussed it with Zorg and one option he suggested was to setup a managed (by us) public repository which would allow contributions to the script from other developers that we then vet and integrate to the project.


However, I feel the best way forward is for us to actually implement the features now, rather than have any external script requirement that some may not be able to use for whatever reason (browser, OS etc.). I'm going to be going through the thread on this later today to tally up which features we should focus on first then take it from there :)


- hoof

#10 BraveKath



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 13:09

Firstly, I just want to chip in here too and say a big thanks from myself and the rest of the FS team. FSHelper has definately improved the game experience for many players and I realise it was a lot of work to build and maintain.
I discussed it with Zorg and one option he suggested was to setup a managed (by us) public repository which would allow contributions to the script from other developers that we then vet and integrate to the project.
However, I feel the best way forward is for us to actually implement the features now, rather than have any external script requirement that some may not be able to use for whatever reason (browser, OS etc.). I'm going to be going through the thread on this later today to tally up which features we should focus on first then take it from there smile.png
- hoof

I know it won't happen tomorrow, but still ... *does a happy little jig*

Cheers Hoof!!!

#11 Yuuzhan



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 14:37

Thank you everyone who sent positive wishes.  It really means a lot to me.


I also appropriate those who support my decision to spend more time with family / work then coding FSH.  I have been silent on the issue for a long time so I know that people are wondering what happened.  That was the main purpose of this post is so that I dont have to keep explaining it on a case by case basis to those who inquire about the status of FSH as well as informing the masses why I suddenly went silent on FSH Updates.


I fully support Hoofmaster in his endeavour to migrate FSH fully into the HCS Supported code base.  I think this will help the game as many of the features used by FSH are relied upon by the community.  If HCS Supports them they will ensure that they do not break with future releases allowing users to enjoy the game they love so much.


I have added the quote from Hoof into my primary post so that users can be easily directed to the appropriate thread when I send them here if I get asked in game what is going on.


Thanks again everyone!



#12 BadPenny



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 15:22

It was nice to hear about your new ventures in your life.  I just wanted to say that I have always enjoyed using FSH, and I appreciate all the time and effort you have already put into it.  


I am also very happy to hear that Hoofie and the rest of the Bovine Gods have decided to integrate some FSH features into the game.  Hopefully you all will have time to get these things done soon, but if you don't, thanks for getting to it all the same.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#13 Belaric



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Posted 22 July 2014 - 15:24



My thanks to you and all the other FSH developers, it was a great tool to enhance gameplay - when I first switched it on it was like that moment in The Wizard of Oz when the screen goes into technicolor!


Edit snip.


Real life always wins - good luck with your new job, enjoy your time with your family.


Anyway - all the best to you, see you around in game.

Edited by Belaric, 22 July 2014 - 15:28.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#14 TyrantMind


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Posted 22 July 2014 - 19:56

I also want to say thank you for all you hard work on FSH. I never realized how much I used it until it was gone.


Best of luck with the new job and the wonderful time with your family.

Edited by TyrantMind, 22 July 2014 - 19:57.

#15 LadyMo


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Posted 22 July 2014 - 22:40

Thank you for all of the time that you have spent on FSH!  I think we have all come to count on FSH so much as it did simplify some of the aspects of the game.  Real life comes first and family is always first.   And thank you to all of the others who have put so much time into FSH!

#16 lapdragon



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 00:48

Yuuzhan thank you so much for doing all that you have done!!  I know that you are happy and im pleased that your family comes first!!  xoxoxo!  and thank you for letting us know...im honored you shared your personal life with us and thank you again....you have always done a great job and i know it must be tough to make a decision knowing so many of us have been messaging you, an im sorry that i never send you a personal thank you great job...but thank you an GREAT JOB.   enjoy your little one!! xoxo and thank you HOOF for really putting an effort into this aspect of the game.  There are so many players each asking a different thing of HCS..this is very cool that your looking into it....i agree with Tyrant.....i knew i enjoyed FSHELPER..but with it acting up.....i realize how much i rely on it!!  enjoy your new job!!

#17 tharzill



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 01:03

Many thanks to you Yuuzhan for all the time and effort you put into FSH.


Best of luck to you and yours in the future!

#18 Kildek



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 02:38

However, I feel the best way forward is for us to actually implement the features now, rather than have any external script requirement that some may not be able to use for whatever reason (browser, OS etc.). I'm going to be going through the thread on this later today to tally up which features we should focus on first then take it from there smile.png
- hoof

Hi Hoof

How many of the FS-helper features will be integrated?
What will be the time frame for the integration?
Will the integration have priority over the current development road map?

#19 PLKS


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Posted 23 July 2014 - 14:58



I just want to say a big thank you to you and those who did with FSH. :)

#20 vamunre



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Posted 23 July 2014 - 20:25

Family always comes first. I have always been thankful for FS helper and what you and the previous members have done for FS. To be honest I truly believe that not as many players would still be playing with out it.

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