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PvP Tutorial

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#1 Chazz224



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 02:37

I am going to explain how and why PvP Works the way it does so anyone can practice these things and learn to excel and become a dangerously strong PvP Player in Fallen Sword.


In Fallen sword your character has certain stats, such as Attack - Defense - Armor - Damage - HP ( Health Points)


Each one of these stats serves a purpose in game - regardless if you are PvPing - or killing SE's or Titan's or just simply leveling and hunting.


In order to be successful in PvP combat there is required knowledge needed that I will share and explain with you all.


As it was told to me:


in order to Attack someone and be successful your characters must follow these steps:


Step 1. Your characters Attack has to be higher than your Opponents Defense

Step 2.Your characters Damage has to be higher than your Opponents Armor and H.P. combined.


That will usually result in a win ! 


However pay close attention to Your characters Buffs and your Opponents Buffs as well.

We have Buffs that will reduce certain stats or increase certain stats, this can complicate things as Buffs  affect stats by certain percentages given by the level of the Buff and what the Buff does - I will get into this deeper in a few minutes and I will also explain the vocabulary involved as well.


How to Defend in PvP or increase your survivability at the very least:


There are a few ways to do this and I'll explain how:




Step 1. Make sure your Defense is Higher then your Opponents Attack.

Step 2. Make sure your Damage is Higher then your Opponents Armor + HP Combined.


Defense is usually used when:

Your Opponent has a LOW ATTACK STAT


[ in some cases Armor based kits have LOW ATTACK STATS which is the main reason Defense is used to defeat such sets. ]  Another thing to note when using this model of Defense is no matter what your stats are or your opponents stats, there is always a 2% chance of a loss if using the Defense Model.


Using Armor to DEFEND in PvP :


Step 1.Keep  your Armor Stat extremely HIGH and where it out weighs your Opponents Damage.

Step 2. Make sure your character has as much HP as possible cause you lose 1 point of Health with each phase of combat ( Phase of combat - is measured by each Line of combat while the combat continues)


Armor is usually used when:

Your Opponent has a LOW DAMAGE STAT or a LOW HP STAT


Armor based kits are used usually to combat and conquer your Opponents Low Damage or HP Stat.

Given the amount of Buffs + Potions available there are ways of manipulating numbers in Stat categories where as a Armor Sets can maintain high values but shift other Stats away from one category to another. Such as shifting a damage item for an Attack item to increase your Attack Stat by CHANGING Gear and using Buffs to compensate for certain Differences.


Using a Suicide Set in PvP:


Suicide Sets always consist of the highest possible ATTACK + DAMAGE Stats

[Regardless if you are the ATTACKER or DEFENDER]


This is used Set is used to hit and win or get hit die and  Hope the buff Last Ditch picks you up and you kill your opponent.


BUFF Vocabulary:


1. Transfer: Means the percentage of one stat is moved over to another stat.


Example: While using Nightmare Visage level 175 43.75% of your attack stat is " Transferred" to your defense.


So if you have 10.000 attack (4.375 points of your Attack [is subtracted] then transferred (added) to your Defense Stat (adding the 4.375 points to your Defense) You can not visually see this happen but it takes place regardless.


After the Transfer is complete your character will have 5.625 Attack and 4.375 Defense. This for the most part is the most serious word in game to pay close attention to given how it subtracts from one stat and then adds to another.


2. Added: is fairly simple buffs like Savagery - Golden Shield - High Guard use this terminology and all this means is that it works very much like a copy and paste - based on the percentage of your numbers and Stats via their category.


Now to explain some Buffs in game to help you all out: 


Dark Curse [ DC ] : +0.2% reduction of opponents defense per point

- at level 175 your opponent will Lose [subtract] 35% of their Defense STAT ( you do not see this but it happens so if you want to know what their stat number is after the buff you must do the math and calculate it so you know how much is lost and how much is still required to attack.)


Flinch : 0.1% per point decrease in enemy's meaning that your opponents Attack stat is lowered depending on the level of the Flinch Buff.  Flinch at level 175 will subtract 17.5% of your opponents ATTACK STAT.


Constitution: +0.1% per point increase to your Defense. - at level 175 this is a 17.5% increase to the Defense Stat but happens in combat only so the increase can not be viewed from your profile.


Sanctuary: +0.1% per point increase to your Armor - at level 175 this is a 17.5% increase to Armor Stat but happens in combat only so the increase can not be viewed from your profile.


BUFFS that Transfer Stats from one category to another.

Barricade:0.15% per point of Damage is transferred to Defense - at level 175 -  26.25%

Nightmare Visage: 0.25% per point of your Attack will be transferred into Defense - at level 175 - 43.75%

Entrench: +0.25% per point of damage is transferred to armor at the start of combat - at level 50 - 12.5%


Buffs that ADD X percent from one stat into another stat without subtracting anything from either stat:


Savagery: 0.05% chance per point that your defense stat is added to your attack and your armor stat is added to your damage. - This Buff at level 175 Copies 8.75% of your Defense Stat & Pastes it into your Attack Stat - also Copies 8.75% of your characters Armor Stat and Pastes it into your Damage Stat.


Golden Shield: +0.05% per point chance to double your armor and defense at the start of combat. - This Buff at level 175 has a 8.75% to double your Defense and Armor Stats.


High Guard: 0.05% chance per point that your attack stat is added to your defense and your damage stat is added to your armor. - This Buff at level 175 Copies 8.75% of your Attack Stat & Pastes it into your Defense Stat - also Copies 8.75% of your characters Damage Stat and Pastes it into your Armor Stat.


Enhancements that affect combats in PvP :


Piercing Strike:  Reduces Armor Stat by 50%

Reinforced Armor::Increases Armor Stat by 25%

Critical Hit: Doubles a Players Damage

Dodge: Forces a character to MISS in combat

Duelist: Increases Attack + Damage Stat in PvP - [0.1% per point per enhancement level]

First Strike: Allows a person to attack first even if you are defending


Please also note that the above enhancements will not activate all the time but when they do activate this is their function and how they work - they are important which is why they were included in this Tutorial. - Special thanks to yghorbb for bringing this to my attention.



If you didn't know how PvP works - this will educate you big time - For those whom feel I left something out or would like something to be added in feel free to message me in game with your thoughts and suggestions I will credit you with them if they are actuate and help others. 


Hope this helps all.


- Chazz

Edited by Chazz224, 10 April 2014 - 15:28.

#2 Ryebred



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 03:15

I appreciate you taking the initiative in presenting tutorial for others to learn from..don't envy you one bit though -as unlike hunting inanimate mobs - PvP stat calculation is so very complex when factoring buffs on both sides - then factoring enhancement odds & effects - compounded by so many variable activation possibilities & the effects :P


That said - I love what you are doing, interested in seeing what you add -and how far in depth down the rabbit hole you are willing to go for sake of not creating confusion. 


Could you please explain buff fire order for me? (j/k - bud)  you are working hard & I think there will have to be some cutoff point on what is shared in a tutorial

Edited by Ryebred, 01 April 2014 - 03:26.

#3 DomCorvis



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 03:41

brilliant chazz. Lots of great information!!! I agree with Rye also...there should be a cut off to what is shared in a tutorial. It looks great though. well said and thank you for taking the bull by the horns


#4 Chazz224



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 03:49

I feel this topic should be given a few days - a week at best and by that time locked and pinned to the top for all to see and view - and  review when needed.

#5 Melons



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 04:30

Amazing Chazz.  I wish I had a tutorial in depth as this when I started PvP a long time ago.  (Would've saved me a bunch of FSP and time)  Great job once again! 

Edited by Tehmelon, 01 April 2014 - 04:31.

#6 BraveKath



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 04:47

Wow! - Excellent Chazz!  

Rock solid information and written in a very clear and logical fashion.  As others have noted so many other things that could be covered, but I think your judgement was excellent you hit the big points.  Kudos!!

I wonder if HCS could set it up that new players can attack a HCS set characters as part of the PvP Tutorial  - two with varied stats so they could explore the different set ups.  OR (oh this would be grand)- could HCS record successful random PvP hits in one's range as completion of the quest?  Hmm could initiate the quest and make everyone eligible for it with a nice reward to entice old and new players alike possibly and perhaps they need to complete 5 successful hits on active players.  If they could be eligible for bonus xp based on the Prestige of their target that would be cool.  Need a nice carrot to dangle in front of folks.

You got the wheels spinning and I'm sure that these aren't new ideas, as I'm sure somewhere, someone has thought of these.

#7 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 05:03

Great idea, hope more people take courage to try PvP too.

Some things I believe you should explain better:

-Sanctuary and Constituition only applying on combat, not on stats (you can use DD as an example).
-Chance to activate Enhancements...The way you wrote looks like they will activate all the time.

For now I believe that's it.

#8 Chazz224



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 05:28

Great idea, hope more people take courage to try PvP too.

Some things I believe you should explain better:

-Sanctuary and Constituition only applying on combat, not on stats (you can use DD as an example).
-Chance to activate Enhancements...The way you wrote looks like they will activate all the time.

For now I believe that's it.

Done - Did not provide explicit examples but defined how and where they will work. - Much Thanks.


- Chazz

#9 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 05:53

Done - Did not provide explicit examples but defined how and where they will work. - Much Thanks.


- Chazz

You're welcome.

Now we just need a reason to make people try PvP, HCS need to give a hand on that.

#10 ladyjudith



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 06:06

:D Very well written and a big thanks for sharing that information

#11 4ngrym4n


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 06:48

I wonder if HCS could set it up that new players can attack a HCS set characters as part of the PvP Tutorial  - two with varied stats so they could explore the different set ups.


Great post Chazz, layman's guide, much needed as it is a template for all the combat in game.  Also like the idea of dummy characters to test combat, perhaps in a training ground format rather than a tutorial.  Guilds catering for new players should reference this in their forums.

#12 yotekiller



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Posted 01 April 2014 - 11:05

You're welcome.

Now we just need a reason to make people try PvP, HCS need to give a hand on that.

There used to be a quest or two early on that required some pvp but those were removed long ago.  Bringing those (or something similar) back would be a nice start.

Screenshot everything!

#13 bleacher12



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Posted 02 April 2014 - 01:07

Nice post Chazz, hopefully this demystifies PVP enough for more players to give it a try.


The endless possible variations is what makes PVP so interesting. Unlike hunting mobs and titans where its endlessly mechanical, the moves and counter moves in PVP keep things interesting.

#14 vastilos



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Posted 06 April 2014 - 21:12

This is such an amazing guide. HCS should reward you with some FSP for this guide (you just saved them a lot of time and effort on writing something like this).

#15 MistaE


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 23:47

Thank you!  I hope this guide gets pinned to the top so it is easy to find.  I'm going to put the link to it in my bio

#16 BigGrim


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 10:02

Pinned. Should this not be in Game Help though?

#17 vastilos



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Posted 08 April 2014 - 16:02

Pinned. Should this not be in Game Help though?


To be honest Grim, it should really be in the game. Game help. Tutorials. Even create this in the pvp section in the action menu.

#18 BigGrim


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 16:40

To be honest Grim, it should really be in the game. Game help. Tutorials. Even create this in the pvp section in the action menu.


I was considering asking Hoofmaster to incorporate this into the game or have a direct link to it from the resources menu.

#19 RebornJedi



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Posted 08 April 2014 - 17:32

Should this not be in Game Help though?

yes it should.. and your pinned list of helpful starter threads needs to updated because some threads are 4+ years old and aren't very relevant anymore or just should be tossed in a quest at the start of the game (like wearing a full set for EH, what doubler does, how stats work, etc).. 


the community should be called upon to make help threads like this so you can update your pinned list with more up to date information for new and even old players to learn up.. 


#20 Kedyn



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Posted 12 April 2014 - 00:13

Chazzz - great job on this! Glad to read the information and see that someone wasn't as lazy as me to write something like this up.


@BigGrim - I'd say posting it in multiple areas would never hurt, but incorporating someway into the game would be great.

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