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#1 BigGrim


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Posted 01 March 2010 - 17:23

Hey there Everyone.

Two things this evening.

First :

Attunement skill for Purists has been changed due to player feedback. It now does the following :

+0.15% per point to set bonus stats providing the set is Psi-based.

This provides a leveling buff for the Purists.

Second :

We shall be releasing a few more Loyalty items soon.

~ The Sigmastorm 2 Team

#2 acidic



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Posted 01 March 2010 - 17:28

This is a good direction.

Any chance on getting empty stones stackable?

#3 ss_sirona

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 17:32

I actually like the fact that the purists now get a stat boost..
one question: does this work on "all stats" present in a set? So will it work on HP as well if the set has an HP set bonus for example?

#4 ss_varkaz

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 17:38

I actually like the fact that the purists now get a stat boost..
one question: does this work on "all stats" present in a set? So will it work on HP as well if the set has an HP set bonus for example?

It should work on every Atribute Stat [not enhancements or resistances] that has a value.
So if there is no health stat in the Set Bonus - there will be no boost from this buff :ugeek:

Note: This buff will become more powerful. When used with a high Class Set, the percentage will scale with the Set Bonus.

#5 ss_teekill

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 17:49

I actually like the fact that the purists now get a stat boost..

Actually purists always have this (it just ... did not work correctly recently :) ). And ... do you (as a cyborg) consider Overload as a stat boost skill?

#6 Xmancode



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Posted 01 March 2010 - 17:53

hmm, there r guys like me who acutally like Overload the way it is!

#7 ss_varkaz

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 17:54

Actually purists always have this (it just ... did not work correctly recently :)

This is a new skill. The original Autnement was so unpopular that we altered it to this new buff.

#8 ss_varkaz

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 17:58

hmm, there r guys like me who acutally like Overload the way it is!

Sorry - but the majority of Players did not. They saw the original Attunement as a waste.
I thought it was good skill - especilly when used in conjunction with Crystal Thought.

#9 PointyHair



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Posted 01 March 2010 - 18:00

"set bonus stats" sounds suspiciously like just the bonus stats to me. thanks for taking the last bastion of hope away from the purists. A broken skill that could have got us out of a couple of sticky situations now turned into another minor leveling buff that we don't need.
I don't understand the recent drive to cripple the purists, it has been concerted and sustained. Fair enough, MS was overpowered and needed balancing. Fair enough we're supposed to be the hardest to play. But now we've been so savagely crippled as to be almost unplayable. Leveling machines yes certainly, but you can forget about hunting elites and HK's. We'll have to let the other classes make all the profit from them now. Just as well my faction is happy to supply sets because I can't afford to buy my own.

#10 Xmancode



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Posted 01 March 2010 - 18:03

hmm, there r guys like me who acutally like Overload the way it is!

Sorry - but the majority of Players did not.

If they dont like it , the dont need to use it :D , there r bunch of other usefull Cyborg buffs ,

#11 BigGrim


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Posted 01 March 2010 - 18:09

Um, Attunement is a Purist Skill mate. Nothin' about Cyborgs here! :lol:

#12 BigGrim


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Posted 01 March 2010 - 18:12

now turned into another minor leveling buff that we don't need.

A Leveling Buff that boosts stats is exactly what Purist Players have asked for. We have given them a Buff that boosts all Attribute stats on the Set bonus. This is quite a powerful skill.

#13 PointyHair



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Posted 01 March 2010 - 18:18

ok maybe i am reading it wrong then. if i maxed out the skill and was wearing the changizi set it seems like i'd get 14 atk, 3 def, 3 arm and 18 dmg, does that sound right to you?

#14 ss_koiratarha

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 18:27

with bezold set lvl 70 and attunement 50 I didn't get anything :P

#15 ss_teekill

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 18:30

Actually purists always have this (it just ... did not work correctly recently :)

This is a new skill. The original Autnement was so unpopular that we altered it to this new buff.

Ooop, sorry, my mind just got away. Yeah, this is indeed a new skill that seems very useful for leveling.

A bit of confirmation here please. I, when first read, have the same thought as of PointyHair: ""set bonus stats" sounds suspiciously like just the bonus stats to me" (the bonus you get when you have full set). And the "if i maxed out the skill and was wearing the changizi set it seems like i'd get 14 atk, 3 def, 3 arm and 18 dmg, does that sound right to you?" does seem like the HK bonus only, not the full set stats.

If it is the set bonus only (got when you wear full set), then it is a bit ... thrifty I guess :). But I really hope the real intention is the whole set stats :)

#16 ss_koiratarha

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 18:41

Can't figure out if it works or not...
How it should work? anyone? any glues?
How one see that it Works??
Can't find any added stats or anything anywhere...

#17 ecolitan



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Posted 01 March 2010 - 18:52

It should work on every Atribute Stat [not enhancements or resistances] that has a value.
So if there is no health stat in the Set Bonus - there will be no boost from this buff :ugeek:

Note: This buff will become more powerful. When used with a high Class Set, the percentage will scale with the Set Bonus.

It appears to be set bonus. If I were a purist I would certainly prefer the old Attunement (working of course) to this one. I think this is a case of "be careful what you ask for". I think the vocal purists on the boards asked for stat boosts instead of Attunement. It won't affect me, but if I were a purist I'd much prefer the Elite buster skill Attunement used to be to what it is now.

It really can't be on the whole set or purists would be game-breakingly powerful. The whole point of not having as many stat point bonuses is as an offset to having a skill that allows ignoring of some mechanics (MS). Now, they've tighted up the use of MS (and gone overboard on Elites imo) and linked it to Psi weapons (I do hope stackable uncharged shards are on the way for that) but still it comes with a deficit in stat points from skills. So, it's on the set bonus not the entire set stats (otherwise they'd have all the bonuses other classes get AND MS).

#18 ss_joosy

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 19:17

especilly when used in conjunction with Crystal Thought.

thats 10% change of not using 30 ammo (=1 mind shard) =~ 27 ammo per hit. ..... sure thats worth spending 150 skill points in it.
(and then i forget the ammo used in reloading further shards, but maybe you could reload - hunt to load - hunt for what you actually want to kill.)

If I were a purist I would certainly prefer the old Attunement (working of course) to this one.

NOOOO....... i dont want reload mindshards after every hit, it wast even working for 1 combat. (so 2 hits turned into 2 hits 1 reload.)

This version you can actually cast on yourself for more as only some 'special' conditions (HK's/elites (only if 1 hit with old-attunement), since now MS isnt working on that anymore.) .

#19 ss_teekill

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 20:28

It really can't be on the whole set or purists would be game-breakingly powerful.

Why is it game-breaking powerful? Can you list what purists have to go against HK / Elite / high def creatures?
I am not sure if soldiers have many people pulling their back when they asked for their overhaul, but sure cyborgs and purists have a lot!!! Luckily cyborgs pass through, and now purists ...

Btw, cows, the psi set lvl 200 have set bonus of 20 atk & 40 dmg, I definitely don't think the new skill give bonus of 15% on those stats, right :)?

#20 ss_kylereese

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 20:31

I have to admit when I read this on the bulletin board I chuckled to myself for a good ten seconds. I couldn't believe it.. I mean, has anyone pinched themselves yet? I did. This is actually happening to the purists again in 1 weeks time? That's... It's... I mean wow, that's amazing. And of course, since it was you know "wow and amazing" I headed toot sweet down to the forums to watch the fallout. So uhhh... where is it? :|

I guess while I'm waiting, I can touch a little bit on the what's what for the purists. Obviously if this looks how I think it looks, then purists aren't going to be none too pleased with this newest "tweak". It really is hard for me to believe HCS would honestly think purists wanted a stat increase at the cost of their biggest damage dealer(well, had attunement been working that is). "Oh come off it Kyle. They said attunement was worthless!" Oh come on, really guys? I mean, isn't it possible they meant attunement was worthless in a general way? Isn't it possible they would rather put up with it's existence, than limit their elite and HK killing options to zero? Isn't it possible.. they would rather have a stat increase AND a way to deal with this game's toughest opponents? - Is it possible for anyone to ask themselves questions like this BEFORE they tweak something?...

On the upside, a good friend of mine in my faction is a purist, so I will be able to point and laugh at her when she hears the news. So.. there's always that.

[Note - Even as is, attunement can obviously be a powerful stat booster in the future. Any of us who are familiar with that "other game" know sets can have very high bonuses(ie. the destroyer set), so this all could work out in the end. But right now? Purists are going to be hurting.]

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