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My List of Suggestions and Complaints

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#1 Varlun


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 09:05

This is a copy/paste of the post I made on the Steam forums. I will continue the discussion here.


Original thread: http://steamcommunit...74858738234493/


First of all I want to say that I love the game. I played Runescape a lot back in the day and I can easily see this becoming a successor, given a little time to add polish and content.
The point of this thread is to simply list, concisely, things that I have noticed while playing that I think are either straight up bugs, could be improved, or whatever else- in order to help along this process of polish. I will of course update this regularly as I encounter more things. That being said I'll try to avoid things which seem to have already been mentioned by everyone else.
It would greatly please me if a developer took a few moments to look through this. So let's get to it.
I mentioned this briefly in my Steam review of the game but I wanted to go in slightly more detail. Focusing specifically on cooking, I'm annoyed that cooking requires different ingredients. But not just because this makes it more difficult to cook. What this breaks is the ability to cook while in the field. When making a new Runescape character, the first thing I'd do is grab an axe and tinderbox and head behind Lumbridge to kill rats. Collecting their meat, when I'd get low on health I'd chop down some trees, make a fire, you get the idea. And I'd never have to go back to town to buy an ingredient (salt) or take a detour to grow an ingredient (basil).
And yes, I do realize that you can forage, but living off of apples just doesn't give the same joyful gameplay that surviving off of the meat of your victims does.
That leads me to my next problem, is forestry. Even if you let us cook meat by itself over a raw fire, there's still the issue that you make every cuttable tree in an area have a level requirement. In Runescape, yes you had to be a certain level to chop down better trees, but there would always be regular trees around that a level 1 could cut down to make a fire out of.
Going back to foraging, this is again something else that's annoying to keep up to level. Why is a particular apple tree harder to pick than another one?
Going to focus on quests and questing for a little, there are quite a few problems.
First of all is that you can only track one quest at a time. I would like to be able to track 3 or 5 or more at a time. And by track I mean the text that's currently at the bottom left, not the purple indicator. And I would like these to be placed traditionally on the right side of the screen, maybe?
That's another problem, is the text (and the indicator) sometimes doesn't update to tell you how many of something you have. Instead of saying 6 of 10 deer hooves collected, it'll just always say collect 10 deer hooves.
In over 50% of quests it feels, the quest tracker doesn't lead you to where the monsters are that you have to kill, or the items are that you have to gather. Instead it just leads you to the quest giver. Maybe I've been spoiled by WoW's system of highlighting the areas on the map and minimap, and I'm not expecting something of this level, but I'd appreciate at least being pointed in a general direction. And yes I realize it can be figured out by reading the quest but this is, in my opinion, annoying.
I would like to be able to share quests.
I would appreciate toggleable health bars over friends and foes. I doubt I have to explain the reasons for this. But to highlight one, I'm a templar that typically quests with a healer and frequently I almost die because they don't realize my health is low. You only have that tiny little party box to the right which is out of the way and is easy to miss. Having health bars on screen would fix this. Being able to see enemy health is obviously a plus too, with their name written above or on the health bar, so you can easily focus down certain enemy types or enemies with low health.
I mentioned this in my review but, in regards to the mining animation. With the pickaxe unequipped, he will put away/pull out the pickaxe between every couple strikes. I've seen this happen with things other than mining as well. It should keep the pickaxe out until either the resource is depleted or the character moves.
I would appreciate a bit more advanced quest filtering. Hiding quests I don't plan to do, etc.
I would like to have it said in the quest log whether a quest is part of a chain. This way I can tell which low level quests I should bother with completing, since they'll potentially chain to an appropriately-leveled quest.
I've noticed that sometimes quest markers (exclamation points) on the minimap (or map) don't appear when they're inside a building (while you're outside). The only example I can think of is with the Major at the lower level of the Eldevin Barracks. When outside, it didn't show.
I'm not sure if this would be considered a problem, and maybe it's because I'm advancing too fast? But between the quest gear, dungeon gear, crafted gear, and relic gear, none of them feel special. They all get too easily replaced. They seem to be pretty much exactly on par with each other.
There's supposed to be a hierarchy here based on how difficult gear is to obtain. Quest gear is supposed to be the weakest gear for a given level. Followed by regular crafted gear. Followed by dungeon gear. Followed by special crafted gear. Followed by relic gear.
This kind of ties into the last thing. I'm not sure if we're only really intended to just get one or maybe two pieces of relic gear to update our weakest slots, but personally, by the time I got one piece of relic gear (second tier), I was already a couple levels over and my crafted gear was outperforming it. Not only is relic gear supposed to be a lot better than this, but I would like for it to be a goal to get a full set of relic gear, which would last me a while. Similar to the tokens you'd get from WoW dungeons, you'd spend them on vendors back in town to get the best PvE gear. Relic gear should be the best PvE gear.
I just want to briefly rehash the weakness of special crafted gear. Again I'm annoyed by how weak and how easily replaced this gear seems to be. Whether replaced by a quest reward or a dungeon drop or a higher level piece of regular crafted gear, it just doesn't last long enough.
That's all I can think of for now, off the top of my head. When I update this, I'll add sections after this part, clearly labeled update. So upon revisiting if you so choose, you can start from the bottom and scroll up until you see an update indicator. This makes it easy to tell if something new has been added.
This is a copy/pasted and more concise version of what I posted below. I thought it good to put it in the main thread since it is a suggestion.
Remove the recipes at the kitchen and fire and other cooking places, for anything other than unseasoned meat. Make the recipe require nothing but the meat itself. Call it "Cooked [insert meat name]".
Now, as far as salt/butter/basil whatever. The way these would work, is instead of having them used in a recipe, have them added afterward, Runescape style. Drag and drop the salt to the meat or however you want to implement this. As you level up your cooking, you'll learn to use better seasonings.
Edit: Adding ingredients would yield additional cooking experience as well, with of course unseasoned meat yielding less experience than currently cooking meat does.
You can choose to add just salt, you can add just basil, you can add both. If you know how to use more advanced seasonings, you can throw those on too. Maybe some things will be incompatible though I don't see why not, for example having salt and butter at the same time, or basil and the next level herb, or all 4 at the same time?
What would happen when these are added:
*MAYBE change the name of the item to "Seasoned Cooked [insert meat name]" to indicate that things have been added. The name change isn't necessary though.
*The main change here would be in the tooltip. Have it show up as an extra effect. Of course you need to determine what different seasonings would do.
Whatever is decided for the effects doesn't matter so much, I just hope the general idea gets implemented.

Edited by Varlun, 14 November 2014 - 17:40.

#2 Doja



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Posted 14 November 2014 - 10:07

I'll give a few thoughts on the themes of some of the comments.




While they have the whole campfire thing, in my experience this is never used.  Maybe one reason is because of the reason you say (difficult in the field) but I think there are bigger reasons.


- For healing, you can often just eat a piece of fruit.  Eating one strawberry at high levels heals more HP than I have.  Why make food when all I need is one item of fruit?


- Cooking food, as a profession, isn't really for healing but is rather for the hour long buffs.  Since a buff lasts an hour, players don't need much food.  You cook, say, 30-50 at once and you're good for a week or two.  No need to cook in field.


- For fast healing in the field people use potions.


- In dungeons your healer can heal you.



Health Bars


I agree they would be nice to have and should be added (at least as an option).  On the other hand, I've never heard healers complain before about watching the bars on the right.  Players (and I presume healers) click the bars on the right to more effectively select teammates.  Its too difficult to select an ally by clicking their char when they have mobs all around them.  Since healers click the bars on the right, I presume they also watch those bars quite closely since they are looking there anyways.





People have been saying stuff like this for a while.  It definitely could be much improved.  You get used to it eventually but it is quite messy.





The entire set gives a bonus so perhaps you're not factoring that in.  But I do agree, especially at early levels.  With my first character (also a templar) I didn't collect my first full set until level 30 (crafted set) and my first relic set until level 40.  But there's no requirement that you collect the set at each level.




You notice lots of elements of the game and make good points.  The one thing I'd say is that this isn't RS and I'm a little concerned you're trying to force your impression of how an mmorpg like this should work rather than taking advantage of how this mmorpg actually works.  Some of your play style (e.g., cooking outside), while it is permissible here, really doesn't make sense based on some of the other elements.  I'm not sure why they even created campfires to begin with. :unsure:


Also, leveling as a tank is very rough. :P  Much respect. :)

Edited by Doja, 14 November 2014 - 10:10.

Doja - Level 47

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#3 Rez



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Posted 14 November 2014 - 10:22

To add to this, I'll quote something I put in another thread:



I think it's made so that anyone can get to max level by just crafting...


In issues like Skinning and such, the mats can be traded to crafters to use on the skinning rack...so they still get that exp. Once a crafter gets to a Dragon facility (mostly by escort), they don't even have to go through monsters again since everything is in said town - farms, mines, basic mat shops, machines of trade...etc.


Then you have combat specialists, questers, etc




In fact, the game kind of doesn't want you to do everything in one character...that's why it has extra character slots after all, rather than games like RuneScape that want you to do everything on one character and thus have incredibly slow exp rates...or Royal Quest which designs membership so that you'd only focus on grinding one character at a time.



Basically, if you want to be a cook, you get mats from other players, cook, and give them food in return. Most of your inv as a cook will be Basil and other plants you've probably farmed yourself, whereas pretty much anyone would be happy to dump their excess meat from skinning onto you if you want to cook that. You shouldn't have any problems with inventory if you're JUST cooking.


Now, if you want to do quests and such, just find a way to get a few sacks and you can stack tons of cooking ingredients and wood in there. That way, when you skin monsters and stuff, you can just throw your newfound meat into the fire with your saved plants and you'll get your cooking up in the while. As for chopping wood, that really isn't hard to level...it just isn't. Just walk along the lines of forests in the game and you'll see tons of trees to chop, insta-leveling you.


| Rezilia (16) Ranger | Bunnycakes (5) Paladin |

| Crystal Cutting - 4 | Farming - 11 | Fishing - 9 | Foraging - 10 | Forestry - 8 | Prospecting - 6 | Skinning - 16 |

| Alchemy - 12 | Armorsmithing - 2 | Cooking - 16 | Jewelry - 1 | Leatherworking - 9 | Tailoring - 6 | Weaponsmithing - 2 |

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#4 Varlun


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 14:48

I think it's made so that anyone can get to max level by just crafting...


Basically, if you want to be a cook, you get mats from other players, cook, and give them food in return. Most of your inv as a cook will be Basil and other plants you've probably farmed yourself, whereas pretty much anyone would be happy to dump their excess meat from skinning onto you if you want to cook that. You shouldn't have any problems with inventory if you're JUST cooking.



So you're telling me that I should play the entire game, going from one town to another, doing nothing but buying ingredients and sitting in the kitchen, watching the cooking animation over and over and over again?


I'm surprised you don't see a problem here.

Edited by Varlun, 14 November 2014 - 14:50.

#5 Kedyn



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Posted 14 November 2014 - 14:59

So you're telling me that I should play the entire game, going from one town to another, doing nothing but buying ingredients and sitting in the kitchen, watching the cooking animation over and over and over again?


I'm surprised you don't see a problem here.


I'm pretty sure it's the same thing for each of the crafts. You level armorsmithing, you spend time watching your character make bars, and then armor. Leathercraft you spend time skinning animals, making leather and then making items. It's just part of the idea of crafting. Mostly every MMO that I've played, this has been the case. I don't see an issue with it if you plan on leveling it. If you want, you could always buy the items from players who don't mind spending some time watching their character make items, cook, etc. 

#6 Evelynn


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 15:09

I think the first problem to solving most of your issues with the game is to stop comparing it to Runescape. This is not Runescape, this is Eldevin.

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#7 Varlun


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 15:50

I'm pretty sure it's the same thing for each of the crafts.

Yes I know it is, that's not the point though. I thought about mentioning the others but wanted to keep my reply concise.


I'm focusing on you saying that you can get to max level- character level not profession level- by just crafting.


I guess my problem really was that yes, I was expecting to play it like Runescape, where you slap raw meat on a fire and live off of that. I recognize that cooking serves a different purpose in this game.


However I do still think that you should have the option to cook raw meat. Not just because it's a realistic thing to allow, but also to give an alternative to foraging or using potions.


Now that being said, since with this system you'd get less XP initially from cooking just the meat (with more XP given from adding seasonings after it's been cooked), this means you have to do one of two things (or an appropriate mix):


*You end up cooking so much basic meat that it offsets you not using ingredients and getting that extra experience. And I mean a lot- this doesn't just mean cooking all the meat you find and not necessarily eating it. It means that you would have to grind on some animals for a while just to get more meat.


*You pretty much being required to do some proper cooking (with seasonings) while in a town to get your level high enough so that you can cook in the field when you need to.


That being said, I don't want to focus too heavily on cooking. It's getting focused on just because I went into more detail about it. I'm more worried about other things really.

#8 Irradiated



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Posted 14 November 2014 - 17:16

Any chance of changing the color of your post?  I tried to read it, and it looked interesting.  But that blue on grey was giving me a headache.

Meleager, ranger

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#9 ZeusIV



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Posted 14 November 2014 - 17:41

rez said: I think it's made so that anyone can get to max level by just crafting..



are you sure? i haven't done the maths but as the crafting levels are capped i'm not sure this is possible. on occasions i have hammered one skill up a lot of levels it only gets me a few segments on the xp bar. it does go a long way towards it but i don't think there is enough to get you to 45


you can work it out here http://eldevin.wikia...wiki/Experience and here http://eldevin.wikia...ki/Skill_quests


someone will correct me if i'm wrong

#10 Varlun


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 17:42

Any chance of changing the color of your post?

Fixed. Not sure why it did that. I thought it was a 'feature' of the site, while also noticing that other posts didn't do that.


I think it was a side effect of copy/pasting from Steam.

Edited by Varlun, 14 November 2014 - 17:43.

#11 Varlun


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 17:50

are you sure? as the crafting levels are capped i'm not sure this is possible.

It's obviously not accurate if he meant by only focusing on one profession. If that was the case then you'd never be a lower level than your highest profession.


But it might be possible if you do more than one. Probably 4 actually, would be my guess. Let's say prospecting, armorsmithing, weaponsmithing, forestry.

#12 ZeusIV



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Posted 14 November 2014 - 17:59

well you can do them all but even then i don't think it is possible

14 crafts and if 1 can get you a level then you only get 14 levels

maybe i'm wrong


hint hint someone do the maths :)

#13 invinible


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 18:07

I think the first problem to solving most of your issues with the game is to stop comparing it to Runescape. This is not Runescape, this is Eldevin.

The thing is most of the early players to this game that might bring in more players will be those from RuneScape whom are looking for an experience that was fun for them over there but can't get anymore because of bad Jagex Inc. decisions so this game will always be compared to RuneScape in hopes of having the fun aspects here while the bad aspects are kept away.

Edited by invinible, 14 November 2014 - 18:09.

#14 Rez



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Posted 14 November 2014 - 22:19

It's obviously not accurate if he meant by only focusing on one profession. If that was the case then you'd never be a lower level than your highest profession.


This. I meant doing many professions. The game designs it this way, actually. Skinning > Leathercrafting. Mining > Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, and Crystal Cutting. Farming > Cooking and Tailoring.


You also get more exp from profession dailies, so you'll definitely get enough exp overall.



So you're telling me that I should play the entire game, going from one town to another, doing nothing but buying ingredients and sitting in the kitchen, watching the cooking animation over and over and over again?


If you want to, you CAN. I'm not saying you have to or should.



I think the first problem to solving most of your issues with the game is to stop comparing it to Runescape. This is not Runescape, this is Eldevin.



Both run on Java. Both are made for browser. Both use a very similar setup for crafting (resource gathering and even total level contribution) and combat (the three combat styles and the combat triangle, in case you've forgotten). Both are made by companies from the turn-of-the-century internet. The use similar subscription models (though Eld gives far more free content), have similar cash shops, similar holiday events, etc.


Lore wise they are different, yes, but... Eld City is just like Falador. Azraq Desert and the Barren Trail are just like the Kharidian Desert and Al Kharid.


Sure, you could argue that they are just city and desert locations. But not really, since the intro areas are right next to the desert area, similar level range might I add, you have East and West Eld similar to the left and right halves of the F2P RS, the Infernal Empire is just like the Black Knights, etc. The problem isn't the recurring themes, it's how those themes are implemented into the game.



I'm not saying Eld is a clone of or ripped off RS. What I'm saying is that they have too many similarities for people NOT to compare them. Expecting people to do otherwise is ridiculous when most things in Eld are soooooooo similar to RS.


| Rezilia (16) Ranger | Bunnycakes (5) Paladin |

| Crystal Cutting - 4 | Farming - 11 | Fishing - 9 | Foraging - 10 | Forestry - 8 | Prospecting - 6 | Skinning - 16 |

| Alchemy - 12 | Armorsmithing - 2 | Cooking - 16 | Jewelry - 1 | Leatherworking - 9 | Tailoring - 6 | Weaponsmithing - 2 |

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#15 Setarii


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Posted 15 November 2014 - 01:51

This. I meant doing many professions. The game designs it this way, actually. Skinning > Leathercrafting. Mining > Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, and Crystal Cutting. Farming > Cooking and Tailoring.


Both run on Java. Both are made for browser. Both use a very similar setup for crafting (resource gathering and even total level contribution) and combat (the three combat styles and the combat triangle, in case you've forgotten). Both are made by companies from the turn-of-the-century internet. The use similar subscription models (though Eld gives far more free content), have similar cash shops, similar holiday events, etc.


Lore wise they are different, yes, but... Eld City is just like Falador. Azraq Desert and the Barren Trail are just like the Kharidian Desert and Al Kharid.


Sure, you could argue that they are just city and desert locations. But not really, since the intro areas are right next to the desert area, similar level range might I add, you have East and West Eld similar to the left and right halves of the F2P RS, the Infernal Empire is just like the Black Knights, etc. The problem isn't the recurring themes, it's how those themes are implemented into the game.



I'm not saying Eld is a clone of or ripped off RS. What I'm saying is that they have too many similarities for people NOT to compare them. Expecting people to do otherwise is ridiculous when most things in Eld are soooooooo similar to RS.




I actually have a similar thread to Varlun's but I agree with him 100%.


I am level 14 now (just recently hit it) and my foraging level is level 6. I can't forage for anything in the areas I am questing in. I can't skin anything for meat either atm, but I'd rather go to where I KNOW a meat source is (Say level whatever Northam Pigs for Ham) rather than wander around in the lowbie areas trying to get a green apple to restore like 200 HP. Why would I do that when I could potentially chop a tree or bring wood with me from my bank and just have some "Plain Ham" to eat that would recover 2k HP?


I get that they want to keep it a "leveling skill", but hell even if they take away cooking experience for doing this, it'd be fine by me because then I'd get to stay in the field longer and keep questing until my inventory is full. As it stands right now it's extremely cumbersome to get ready to "go out adventuring" when you have to sit there for 2 hours and farm garlic/basil/whatever to cook with, PLUS the lowbies don't have money (much money anyway) to buy the stuff from the cooking vendors to cook this stuff with yet. I know I struggled a lot for money and the only reason I have a decent bit is because I was level 10 at the right time and am able to hit up the Halloween event for armor that sells for 80s each. 


It's just not a good system and I dislike it extremely, to the point where I want to stop playing when I have to make more food for myself. It's awful, cumbersome, slow, and just really drags the game down for me and I'm sure it does for a lot of other people, and it has for a long time possibly. They just didn't want to speak up about it because it's an implemented system in the game already and didn't want to cause a bother. I'll cause a bother about it though because if something else gets implemented to where I can fill my inventory in the field and not have to worry about "spices" or general "ingredients" for my food in-game, I will be extremely happy and this game would be one-hundred times better in my eyes.

Edited by Setarii, 15 November 2014 - 01:53.

The Real Setari

#16 redsmokeboy



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Posted 15 November 2014 - 11:20

I think the first problem to solving most of your issues with the game is to stop comparing it to Runescape. This is not Runescape, this is Eldevin.

Then agin to many compare Wow way to much why not have RS being comapred then Wow as closer mean's then wow.


Just as erll this is Eldevin.


I would like to be able to share quests.


For Quest sharing basicly auto.

Grouping with some any one can kill sayed mob - group - DGN so forth can pick up Quest - limited some area's for most easy way for group questing as if have quest active see gold bags any one can pick them up get quest item, Very usefull when doing rep daily's alot of killing help's speed up drop's

Frog - Archer - lvl 49

Kazzarat - Templar lvl 49 Skiller

Redsmokegirl - War/sin lvl 49


Q PvP | No repair fee's | 1% EXP of lvl | Valor | Weekly 10 match | Achvemnt's | So much more Join when log | Click on cross sword via mini map Q solo |


Looking for group's RG/BT/ASV/ARG/ICC/CC Boss Killing/Arena 30+/ToC/ Need DPS willing come usly asking in world chat.

#17 Dasan



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Posted 15 November 2014 - 12:22



I actually have a similar thread to Varlun's but I agree with him 100%.


I am level 14 now (just recently hit it) and my foraging level is level 6. I can't forage for anything in the areas I am questing in. I can't skin anything for meat either atm, but I'd rather go to where I KNOW a meat source is (Say level whatever Northam Pigs for Ham) rather than wander around in the lowbie areas trying to get a green apple to restore like 200 HP. Why would I do that when I could potentially chop a tree or bring wood with me from my bank and just have some "Plain Ham" to eat that would recover 2k HP?


I get that they want to keep it a "leveling skill", but hell even if they take away cooking experience for doing this, it'd be fine by me because then I'd get to stay in the field longer and keep questing until my inventory is full. As it stands right now it's extremely cumbersome to get ready to "go out adventuring" when you have to sit there for 2 hours and farm garlic/basil/whatever to cook with, PLUS the lowbies don't have money (much money anyway) to buy the stuff from the cooking vendors to cook this stuff with yet. I know I struggled a lot for money and the only reason I have a decent bit is because I was level 10 at the right time and am able to hit up the Halloween event for armor that sells for 80s each. 


It's just not a good system and I dislike it extremely, to the point where I want to stop playing when I have to make more food for myself. It's awful, cumbersome, slow, and just really drags the game down for me and I'm sure it does for a lot of other people, and it has for a long time possibly. They just didn't want to speak up about it because it's an implemented system in the game already and didn't want to cause a bother. I'll cause a bother about it though because if something else gets implemented to where I can fill my inventory in the field and not have to worry about "spices" or general "ingredients" for my food in-game, I will be extremely happy and this game would be one-hundred times better in my eyes.

U dont have to cook if u dont like it. Food isnt neccessery in this game. IF u using food to heal, go to golden tankard and buy food that restores ur hp and mana rly good and its cheap.

#18 Qod


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 07:00

I am getting in on this. Although I am feeling a bit too lazy to quote posts etc.


It seems the majority of people coming in here trying to convince the OP otherwise are high leveled. Look if Hunted Cow did not want new people and new feedback they wouldn't have put it on Steam an entire year after release. The comparison to Runescape is inevitable. It is extremely similar. Even the animations remind me of runescape. That being said, it is certainly not Runescape.



I could also make a new thread, but again, too lazy.



Skills - Why so many items that must be purchased from the vendors? Seems slightly odd to me. It is not easy at all to craft a lot and quickly, especially because of difficulties selling items/inventory space. Why is it that when I am collecting hides for leather crafting i have to go and drop hundreds of meats? No suggestions for how to fix that, but it is somewhat annoying. At my current point in the game (level 10 or something) it seems almost pointless to do skills. I can que up the Boondocks and just get a good team and make as much silver/gold and get any items i could possibly need. I just decided to spend a solid 2 hours working on leathercraft and I got to level 7. I feel like I gained virtually nothing, maybe 6 silver?



Quests - It is a massive jumble mumble. Everywhere I go there are exclamation points and question marks and just all manner of things. I have about 20 quests i did not complete at a low level (Due to be completely unaware where to find them and just seeing no point, as the exp given did not make a difference, especially around the 5 -10 level range) will i ever be able to delete these quests? Is there someway to turn off all the quest markers on the map? I feel rather overwhelmed. It is just not very user friendly in the beginning.


Traveling - Too much clicking/holding down the keys. Why can't I press M and click on the main map and send my character there? Or shoot, even somewhere on the minimap would be nice.


Do mounts increase movement speed? If so how much, and if so why is it not specified? If i could buy something that increased movement speed i certainly would.


Dragons are pretty expensive for a new player. I understand they have been in place for a while now, and most higher characters would be upset to see it changed. It just seems slightly cumbersome and expensive starting out. Just more things to take in...



otherwise I think it is a pretty fun game.




Other notes - Being able to directly buy Gold for USD$ seems silly. It costs literally $1 for 50gold. I spent almost 3 hours before I had earned 1 gold starting out








Final: seems fun, i'll still play. Just maybe consider nulling it just a bit in the beginning, it is very hectic.

#19 Varlun


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 14:54

especially because of difficulties selling items/inventory space.

I'm not one to spend a bunch of money on games, but one thing I did decide to grab were Sacks from the store. They cost 50 Eldevin points, effectively 50 cents. Each one holds 10 STACKS of "gathering and crafting materials". This means ore, logs, fruit from foraging and I think it even stacks farming seeds. I don't know if it stores skin or raw meat, but these things are incredible.


I'm a miner and quickly figured out the ratio of ore to coal... that being 5 stacks of your given ore per 1 stack of coal. Well I initially bought 6 sacks, so now I fill up 5 sacks with the ore and 1 with coal. I also have to say that this also actually makes mining more enjoyable too, since I'm filling up sacks rather than my entire inventory. It just seems to go faster (though I know it doesn't) and feels nicer.


I'm also a tank and they are extremely useful for holding (100!) apples, so now I'm always able to heal between fights when I need to.


I have about 20 quests i did not complete at a low level (Due to be completely unaware where to find them)

There is an issue where quests that are indoors don't show up on the minimap. I missed a lot of quests which were in obscure places like the alchemy building or whatever.


Do mounts increase movement speed? If so how much, and if so why is it not specified?

I think the way it works is that the mounts themselves don't give movement speed, you can just spend more money for a better looking mount. Your speed comes from the riding training, with level 1 (which you probably have, if any at all) giving 20%.


Dragons are pretty expensive for a new player.

I sort of agree, though admittedly by the time I started using dragons it wasn't a huge deal. I do think the cost should be scaled based on the level of the destination (and maybe distance... WoW's travel system I think just goes off of distance).


Being able to directly buy Gold for USD$ seems silly.

100% disagree. I know why many people like to target this, but as an economics minor I can tell you this is absolutely a positive.


In so many games, including Runescape and WoW and countless others, you see these Chinese goldselling spammers all over the damned place. This is a black market. It exists because there is a demand for gold or whatever currency, and there's no legal way to obtain it. There are literally factories of Chinese over there that just farm gold to sell to us.


What's important to note here is that they actually exist because people DO use them and buy gold from them. So people are buying gold whether it's legal or not. The difference here is that with this black market, not only is the money (primarily) going to the Chinese, but it ISN'T going to the developers.


Tell me, have you seen any goldsellers in this game? I haven't.


Being able to buy gold is absolutely a good thing.

#20 lester



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Posted 19 November 2014 - 15:08

It's ethier people complain that Eldevin sells gold to its players for them to gain money to help the game or players complain that chinese are on the servers and take the players money to help themselves.


You can pay money for the game buy EP and sell it to players and get gold, this will not hurt the economy in any way.

The buying of gold in shop is pretty pointless, so taking it away would actually benifit the game.


It also won't hurt HCS's income since players still have to pay them for EP and sell it to other players.


In this way it makes everyone happy.

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