Welcome ladies and gents to the 7th Grand Graphics Tournament's ROUND 2!
Our wonderful artists are here to pit their skills against one another. Some also hope to earn fs fame and fortune!
The theme for this first round is.... Child's Imagination!
What is 'Child's Imagination'?
A child has an amazing gift to see the world diffently from that of an adult. While adults see an ordinary toy, a child sees a world of adventure or their best friend (i.e. Calvin and Hobbes).
A child will carry on a conversation with a friend who is invisible or inanimate to the adult's eye yet completely visible or animate to the child's eye (atleast in their imagination).
A child sees a favorite toy as a protector against the boogeyman in the closet.
Etc. etc. etc.
Your job as the artist is to create a piece that shows what the child sees.
All artists who signed up for the GGT may create a piece but only those who pass the 1st round will be entering the 2nd round.
(NOTE: Please consider making a piece even if you don't think you're going to make it past the first round. If an artist for the 2nd round fails to enter their piece on time, an artist from the first round may take their spot. A second chance for someone perhaps. )
Your piece must be in signature format, no larger than 250h x 500w (standard FS signature sizes).
The piece must contain something that is obviously related to a Child's Imagination.
Please keep it FS appropriate.
Entry due by: November 10th
-Do not post your entries here, PM them to me via the game (my gamename is cqinmi) since my forum box is getting way to full with the auction pieces.
-No animated pieces
-No cheating
-No vote bribing
-No smack talking
-Entries must be newly made for this competition
-If you have any questions, PM me
--And Have fun
Due to popular demand that the GGT last longer, each round will only eliminate the 2 lowest scores.
Our contestants for Round 2 are:
1) Jzaz
2) zeder
3) clock96
4) jsustin12
5) artistgorn
6) aa0007
7) treefrog88
8) beanopoly
9) patnov
10) MindyN5
11) ghetoghost
12) Chagryn
We wish AttorraRu and Roan, our two fallen graphics gladiators a fond farewell and hope to see them again in GGT 8.
Edited by WarQueen, 31 October 2013 - 05:30.