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Lets Increase Guild Level Competition

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#1 Bildor



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Posted 15 December 2013 - 14:32

First of all, I would like to commend all the guilds that have a long history and have worked hard on gaining guild XP. However, are you satisfied with the status quo, or are you up for a challenge?


I propose we make a change to how GXP is calculated. Specifically, don't count GXP of inactive players. Inactive could be defined as players that have not logged in for 30 days. If an inactive players becomes active, then of course all previous GXP would then count.


If this change was implemented, I think we would see more activity, which obviously is good for the game.



#2 EpicPiety



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Posted 15 December 2013 - 16:03

I agree, If not implemented to this degree at least make a new top 250 category for this. I would like to see in terms of activity where guilds stand.

#3 Bildor



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Posted 15 December 2013 - 16:17

I agree, If not implemented to this degree at least make a new top 250 category for this. I would like to see in terms of activity where guilds stand.

Thanks for the support, but I personally don't like the idea of a separate Top 250 category. It dilutes the accomplishment. Next, someone will want a category for guilds with the letter X in their name (you know what I mean).

#4 Davros81



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Posted 15 December 2013 - 16:23

yeah why not mate things need shaking up a bit, all my guild are active and many of the old school big guilds are half dead

#5 sweetlou



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Posted 15 December 2013 - 17:15

This idea represents the actual state of the game. Even though the FS Helper shows purple dots on the management page of inactive players after a week instead of green or grey(active), the facade of having more players has always taken precedent. I'm torn between actually wanting this and having experienced the reality of what this game wants to reveal.

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#6 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 15 December 2013 - 18:04

I think a lot of big guilds will not like the idea.

I think the better way is to save the actual Top 250 list on a 'Hall of Fame', in the name of the old days, and create a new one, starting from zero, and counting only those with activity of 30 days or less.

With that the only reason to keep offline players will be for BP space and to save those who represent original founders, special losted friends (on TED Typhoon666, rest in peace angel).

#7 KillerBeeL


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 19:42

If all the big guilds are half dead, shouldn't that mean it would be possible to catch up to them easily? So does this even change anything in the long run?

#8 Gutie



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Posted 17 December 2013 - 05:27

If all the big guilds are half dead, shouldn't that mean it would be possible to catch up to them easily? So does this even change anything in the long run?





Are you active? Enjoy playing FS for fun and striving for lofty goals? Looking to join a guild that invests in itself and seeks to improve and grow in all aspects of the game?


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#9 Pardoux



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Posted 17 December 2013 - 05:30

First of all, I would like to commend all the guilds that have a long history and have worked hard on gaining guild XP. However, are you satisfied with the status quo, or are you up for a challenge?


I propose we make a change to how GXP is calculated. Specifically, don't count GXP of inactive players. Inactive could be defined as players that have not logged in for 30 days. If an inactive players becomes active, then of course all previous GXP would then count.


If this change was implemented, I think we would see more activity, which obviously is good for the game.


I've suggested something very similar in the past but it went nowhere - hopefully your thread will get more support and actioned. 


It's nuts that some top 100 guilds are hanging in that listing purely on the strength of inactive members contributed XP - change that total to the historical top 100 and have the new top 100 discount inactive players over 30 days. 


It'd be interesting to see the "real" top 100 guilds ...

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#10 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 17 December 2013 - 07:09

If all the big guilds are half dead, shouldn't that mean it would be possible to catch up to them easily? So does this even change anything in the long run?

Hey, TED is 2nd place and we have only 8 inactives, 1 founder, 1 dead friend and few that are working a lot or studying =P

But I understand what you mean.

On the long run? Well, how long is that run? 
I believe none guild can get 1st place from FFS, unless on the next 1-2 years (or more), if every FFS stop to play NOW, even that we will need unles 1 year to reach them. Nothing against, they fighted for it, they are levelers on majority, so that's ok...But that's not the case with TED, we have more active PvPers/Titan hunters than levelers.

#11 watagashi



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Posted 17 December 2013 - 07:19

I think its a good idea but id expand on it,,,,


First yes id totally have a top 100 250 or whatever,, a place one can find a list of guilds that are active now not a guild made 4 years ago and is inactive now. Perhaps on this list a monthly reward thats not really anything useful but good for bragging (say a bare bones leveling pack similar to a RP pack) and that bragging would really be the only thing that really mattered with it.


I would also not only make the exp of someone who went inactive not count but if th whole guild goes inactive they are totally removed from the list. This makes the lists more useful in finding guilds, gvg targets, etc


Along with this id say its a great time to make a few changes that should, when taken together encourage more activity and encourage more active members as opposed to gear mules.


First id max the max members upgrade another 100 or so slots, not all guilds will do something about this but enough will and those will encourage more players to come there instead of try and struggle away in a smaller guild. I think at this point in the game this is much needed, this will encourage bigger guilds with more players interacting socially and a tighter player base than what we currently have with maybe 20 big guilds and a bunch of smaller ones.


Id make a new top rated list,, biggest guilds. These can just be for show or even better the top 10 get some kind of bonus again nothing amazing but something like a leveling pack that they all can use for one day. A biggest guild list will be something that people fight for. This would help increase activity especially if inactives dont count more guilds will fill slots with more active people.


Personally I think that the policy of if you make a guild you can keep it forever was not a great one and make it a policy of minimum activity say at least 1 player for 3 days over 60 or the guild is not only removed from top lists but listed as inactive with a log on message teaching everyone in there about their options such as mutiny or leave for a more active guild. Also perhaps a min activity for a founder could be put in. Either way if players are shown they are in a dyng guild they will most likely take their activity to a more active one.


I got a couple other things that in my perfect world and if I was Hoof i'd add but this is good for this idea but,,,,


Exp for pvp,, always wondered why you get exp for killing a monster but not a player. I think a system where some exp is earned for taking it would encourage pvp especially between EoC who not only complain about nothing to do but also seem to covet their guild placement and could lead to lots of fun going back and forth at the cost of stam and exp,,, perhaps they can find in this a great new way to lose and regain levels in the new system using this with it :)

Edited by watagashi, 17 December 2013 - 07:23.

#12 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 17 December 2013 - 10:15

I can't find a good reason to expand the numbers of max members per guild, we already have 126 members, and that's a LOT, it's not easy to support the guild with gear, Guild Store Slots, buffs (usually the 1000+ ones), keep track of the TKP from each member, etc.

To do that we will need to change all the game, a LOT.

I like the idea of create a "Hall of Fame" for the current Top250 guilds, and create a new Top 250 list with every guild starting from 0gxp, and any player with more than 90 days of inactivity will lose the gxp he already gave to the guild. That will keep only the offline players with HUGE BP on the guild, nothing more.

#13 Mister Doom

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Posted 17 December 2013 - 10:22

Or perhaps reset each guild to 0xp on January 1st each year, And have the hall of fames decided on December the 31st...


#14 EpicPiety



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 00:30

Or perhaps reset each guild to 0xp on January 1st each year, And have the hall of fames decided on December the 31st...

You trying to start a war mr. doom? :huh:

#15 EpicPiety



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 00:32


You don't want to get rid of all the garbage in the top 250? This will also clear up that problem....The top 250 is really the top 50 with trash lingering.

#16 Mister Doom

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 13:32

You trying to start a war mr. doom? :huh:


LOL no.


But just imagine how much more effort people would put into their guild levels if they thought they had a chance at being #1 for that year? lol


#17 Dark Developer

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 14:59

Top 100 guilds for XP gained calculated per month.

#18 EpicPiety



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 15:29

LOL no.


But just imagine how much more effort people would put into their guild levels if they thought they had a chance at being #1 for that year? lol

That thought crossed my mind before....I'm sure many people would be for it but for all those people who *payed* so much for their guild exp that are still active would be outraged.

#19 jinks



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Posted 19 December 2013 - 18:27

I think this is a good idea, I thought I saw hoof mention he was going to implement this, but I guess not.


I personally think another Top Guild list should be made with only active players counting to the total, just have a 3rd option from the Actual Guild XP/Locked Guild XP.


Either way, I think its a good idea.

#20 Belaric



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Posted 20 December 2013 - 06:39

If a different way to calculate guild level can be had that everyone is cool with - go for it. I like the all time as it is, but alternates could be had without any skin being removed from my nose.


A new ladder for monthly GXP gain sounds fun - a monthly sprint guilds could really go for, or a yearly reset with a fight to get back on the top 100 ladder sounds cool. (It took SO LONG to get into the top 250 originally!!) I have no problem with the only active players GXP counting towards the total on an alternate ladder, that would be interesting, and may effect guild recruitment. How many alternate ladders for guild position should we have though?


None of these changes will alter the way our guild operates, or add a sense of new urgency - but it would be interesting to see how we fare.


The new GXP rules have not yet been roadtested - they will over the next 2 days of the 2xXP event. Let's see how the guild placings and competition looks after the event is done, and how the new system compares to the one that was in operation via the delevelling system that had informally grown up as THE form of competition amongst the highest (Top 5) level guilds. Everyone in their wake is eating their GXP dust anyway - I am not sure any form of tinkering is going to allow any guild not in the current top 5 to seriously challenge at the top of any GXP based ladder. Those are some well oiled XP earning machines in there.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

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