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Ravings of a Wise Man

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#1 Entropy


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Posted 30 March 2013 - 13:19

Ooh my head hurts … what class should I try and be? After all, there has to be more to life in the wastes of gothador than collecting rat tails, especially as rat is not as tasty as beef … oops, I mean horse! Ummm… perhaps the gods will give me a sign :huh:


#2 marjin



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Posted 30 March 2013 - 19:31

Don't hold your breath waiting for a sign from the gods (or cows as they are known here).


Have a look at http://forums.hunted...p?showtopic=297

#3 Entropy


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Posted 31 March 2013 - 08:03

The gods have fled - geez - must be some scary people in these here wastes then :D So, more dilemmas to solve now thx to Marjin !


Interesting choices:

  • Cravings for blood and strange shaped teeth; start speaking with zee funnee axe ent;
  • Shave my head and spend all my life on my knees, praying to some gods who have scarpered;
  • Could find myself a nice comfy grave and start digging to find brains ... brains...brains;
  • Grow a strange pair of ears and skulk around in trees, communing with nature;
  • Take a major (welll perhaps not) drop in intelligence, get myself a club and turn all green;
  • Or stay all pink, wrinkly and pathetic member of the human race.


Oh boy, now those are some tough choices :o ?!!!!!

#4 Entropy


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Posted 01 April 2013 - 08:59

Day 3


Soooo many decisions … brain hurts! Well at least I can discard one choice easily. Can’t see me helping little ole goblin grandmothers across the road or teaching vampires to count how many necks they have sunk their teeth into! And as for converting misguided greenskins to the light – nah… just not me ! Sword through the neck has got to be the only way  :)  So fighting on the sides of the angels is definitely and absolutely out – heh heh :angry:

#5 Bluehaze43



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Posted 01 April 2013 - 16:08

Two words.


Critical Hit (or cast if you're into magey-type things).

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"Well I talk loud, and carry a bigger stick! And I use it too!" - Yosemite Sam

#6 Loopah



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Posted 01 April 2013 - 23:48

Or Elf Warrior  :D


I used to be BurtonX..but now see if you can find me ;)

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#7 Loopah



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Posted 01 April 2013 - 23:50

You successfully cast Meteor.
Damaged Duaphant (50,48) for 8 HP. (Critical Cast [4x])



I used to be BurtonX..but now see if you can find me ;)

We want a Yvew Proving Place http://forums.hunted...showtopic=22755

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#8 Entropy


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 13:24

Day 4


Some strange spirits spoke to me … either that or it was an after effect of  that damn fine scotch I drank last night! Apparently those long eared flighty people in the forest can fight a bit – best not discard them just yet then. But as for those walking corpses, bits rotting and dropping off you at awkward times, the less than glorious body odour and they are just soooo damn ugly – nope! Can’t be them :wacko: Even though I could be partial to eating bits off scantily clad females in true George A Romero style - oh well - can't have everything in life :( Perhaps in the next one :)

#9 Entropy


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 08:35

Day 5


Well only 3 candidates left now and no further mystical inspiration last night  :(  Pink and squishy human is just not a real choice – seriously! Now, do I really want to be all green, smelly and warty? Is that really me? Having my shirts shredded whenever I get in a bad mood and do my incredible sulk (oops ... hulk) impression. Grunting around the camp fire and eating dog – nah. Never been the brute strength type .... more the sneak round the back and grab the loot chap  :D  So Greenskin bites the dust - heh heh  :wacko:  So that leaves just two left for the spirits to guide me ? Which will it be ?

#10 Loopah



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Posted 03 April 2013 - 15:08

Go undead, George Romero's is speaking to you


I used to be BurtonX..but now see if you can find me ;)

We want a Yvew Proving Place http://forums.hunted...showtopic=22755

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#11 Blyss



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Posted 03 April 2013 - 22:18

I would actually advise elvis (h?) ways.  Played the angel in my former life, and having gone green and then some in this one - Elf would be my recommendation.


Whatever you decide, welcome to Gothador.

#12 Entropy


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Posted 04 April 2013 - 07:06

Day 6


Well it seems the spirits have been active once more – must have been the sherry, mince pie and carrot I left out last night … or am I getting confused with a different religious ceremony! I love George’s work but a diet of brains can be a bit samey after a while and there are only so many attractive women you can find in a graveyard  :(  But this funny eared, debonair, poetic and twisted insomniac is hitting a few chords with me – wonder why that might be! In any case, zee dredfull axe ent an zee free kwent trips to zee dentist would become a bore! Not to mention not being able to look in a mirror – just a disaster darlings  :P  So there we have it – looks like I’m going elf – wow – bet that surprised you all!  :D  Now where do I get these pretty little charm thingummies?

#13 Bluehaze43



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Posted 04 April 2013 - 21:06

Passed you a few charms, and left you a message to the wise (as well as a cult invitation).


Holla back now - ya hear?

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"Well I talk loud, and carry a bigger stick! And I use it too!" - Yosemite Sam

#14 Entropy


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 11:43

Day 7


And I thought that St Nicholas chap wore a red suit and had white hair – what do I know! This strange distinguished yellow chap with the most outrageous hat and funny glass eyes dropped some shiny charm things in my pocket when I was communing with a mushroom. I must have been such a good boy this last year  :D  So off I tripped deep into the woods, didn’t find any teddy bears sadly but did find this nice old elf who did something really funny to me. Apparently I can now write (even more) terrible poetry and know which mushrooms to eat – phew – that is such a relief! And that’s it, I’m finally an elf  :huh:  Elven gene pool just took a big step backwards but then they gained a unique character – and that’s the polite version :P

#15 Bluehaze43



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Posted 05 April 2013 - 15:34

Hey, where exactly did you stumble upon those 'shrooms kind sir?  I have been meaning to take a trip through the woods for a while myself.

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"Well I talk loud, and carry a bigger stick! And I use it too!" - Yosemite Sam

#16 Entropy


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Posted 06 April 2013 - 12:49

Day 8


So that’s it – one whole day as an elf now! Managing to control those insane urges to write poetry – not sure whether I’m gonna resist it for too much longer! You have been warned  :)  Need something to distract me ..quickly ! Can’t seem to be able to find myself – this cloaking thing is doing my head in but revive is well worth the trouble. Must be time to start a suicidal quest – now which one shall it be?

#17 Loopah



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Posted 06 April 2013 - 16:48


Mortis Demos lol


I used to be BurtonX..but now see if you can find me ;)

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#18 Loopah



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 15:00

Not much killing at all :D


I used to be BurtonX..but now see if you can find me ;)

We want a Yvew Proving Place http://forums.hunted...showtopic=22755

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#19 Entropy


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Posted 07 April 2013 - 16:59

Day 9


Well, had this wonderful visitation from a devilish ole spirit last night gone by and boy does he know how to lead a noble (oh ok - can I get away with not quite completely corrupt?) elf into temptation. That is one bad spirit  :D  No matter how I manage to duel (yep, stabbing in the back is a completely acceptable form of duelling as far as I'm aware :) ) those mortis beasties just won't play fair. Most unsporting I must say and especially that nasty habit of assassinating me with one strike :o Might just have to see if i can a bigger stick to hit them with, anybody got a tactical nuke they can spare!

#20 Loopah



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Posted 08 April 2013 - 14:20

Elfs can do damage, i'm hitting at the best 22 million


I used to be BurtonX..but now see if you can find me ;)

We want a Yvew Proving Place http://forums.hunted...showtopic=22755

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