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What date is the Double EXP event going to be on this month?

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#1 j3k


Posted 01 June 2014 - 19:30

Just want to know so i can be fully loaded with stamina 



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#2 Davros81



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Posted 01 June 2014 - 21:01

Hopefully never, one XP event a year is enough in my eyes, all they do is put added pressure onto the cows to create more content for an overfull EOC crowd. What is everyone's rush to get through content. I have been at or as near to EOC since i was level 900, it is boring being at EOC trust me ;)

#3 yotekiller



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Posted 01 June 2014 - 21:28

Hopefully never, one XP event a year is enough in my eyes, all they do is put added pressure onto the cows to create more content for an overfull EOC crowd. What is everyone's rush to get through content. I have been at or as near to EOC since i was level 900, it is boring being at EOC trust me ;)

Well great for you.  I guess if you're really that bored you could drop several hundred levels and go again without doubler.  That should keep you busy for a while.  Not everyone is bored and many would like a double XP event because it gives them a big boost in levels.  Even with events they won't be sitting at EOC so please don't put a damper on everyone else's fun just because you don't do anything except sit around and twiddle your thumbs.

Regarding OP, only the cows know when events will happen and they aren't announced very far in advance so it's really anyone's guess but based on past history, June is a good time to expect one.

Screenshot everything!

#4 Davros81



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Posted 01 June 2014 - 21:34

Well great for you.  I guess if you're really that bored you could drop several hundred levels and go again without doubler.  That should keep you busy for a while.  Not everyone is bored and many would like a double XP event because it gives them a big boost in levels.  Even with events they won't be sitting at EOC so please don't put a damper on everyone else's fun just because you don't do anything except sit around and twiddle your thumbs.

Regarding OP, only the cows know when events will happen and they aren't announced very far in advance so it's really anyone's guess but based on past history, June is a good time to expect one.

Drop levels, lol, did that all the time whilst being at EOC, it is not a way to relieve the boredom at all, set sail for fail I am afraid, I have even done all the quests I am permitted to begin. I don't just twiddle my thumbs that is baseless nonsense and bordering on slander thank you. How is rifling through content fun in any case, surely if you're power levelling through it you are not actually enjoying that content to it's fullest??

#5 yotwehc



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Posted 01 June 2014 - 22:17

Drop levels, lol, did that all the time whilst being at EOC, it is not a way to relieve the boredom at all, set sail for fail I am afraid, I have even done all the quests I am permitted to begin. I don't just twiddle my thumbs that is baseless nonsense and bordering on slander thank you. How is rifling through content fun in any case, surely if you're power levelling through it you are not actually enjoying that content to it's fullest??

You aren't required to participate in 2x events. Personally, I really enjoy them and based on the buzz in my guild, I'm not the only one as just about everyone in my guild enjoys them. I save up all of my best potions in anticipation of the event. Sure, I shouldn't expect it but to dismiss things as boring for others? I can't wait to hit eoc. This is when I switch to the dark side and start playing a completely different aspect.

#6 Removed4427



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Posted 01 June 2014 - 22:41

*yawn* what a dull day. Think i'll get a flame war started for my amusement.

tumblr_mambrlSfZZ1qgciy4o1_500.gif   "Buahahahahahah!!!"


((group hug))


j3k  :wub:

Edited by duktayp, 01 June 2014 - 22:56.

#7 BraveKath



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Posted 01 June 2014 - 23:45

Hopefully never, one XP event a year is enough in my eyes, all they do is put added pressure onto the cows to create more content for an overfull EOC crowd. What is everyone's rush to get through content. I have been at or as near to EOC since i was level 900, it is boring being at EOC trust me ;)


As we have discussed before, your negativity towards life and the people around you gets old.  Your "trust me" in your post is patronizing and rude, along with the smirk.  The emotionally mature thing to do at this point would be to apologize for letting your negative view of everything color your post. You could have made your point, if you really felt it was needed, without the patronizing addition.


You assert on everyone's behalf that: 
":rifling through content fun in any case, surely if you're power levelling through it you are not actually enjoying that content to it's fullest??"  

... I beg to differ and if you would pay attention to those around you and not just your own views, you would then have seen their posts of joy and heard them in skype when they were excited for having made ___ levels during an XP event.  You would have seen and remembered when a guild was patting each other on the back for gaining Guild XP levels, etc.  It's a team mindset.

Also in this you're stating this as if you have never participated in an XP event.  I'm not so naive to believe that.

I disagree that leveling quickly precludes anyone from enjoying the game to its "fullest" as you assert?  When I push through some levels and ignore quests as much as possible, then I have the luxury and leisure to go back to complete quests when I'm a bit higher and don't require quite all the high level potions and buffs, and thus not as much on a time constraint and I can actually enjoy the story line that HCS has taken the time to write and develop, and take a moment to enjoy the art work of the various creatures that have been created.


I concur with the points Yote and Chewy have made eloquently.

So then we can expect you to not participate in any future XP event since you're savoring the journey?


As to whether or not HCS decides to have One, Two, a dozen XP Events -- that's up to them.  We all recognize that XP events make their jobs a bit more challenging, but even without them players have been reaching EOC, as where there's a will, there's a way and that's been proven repeatedly.

#8 j3k


Posted 02 June 2014 - 00:53

Hopefully never, one XP event a year is enough in my eyes

EXP event can also help guilds rise 

not all people who participate are going for EOC some just leveling because they have bulk stamina and can only hunt once  ever   3+ months or so   

I personally want to know the date for the event so i can try and level to level 589 or 600 so i can start doing some pvp and titan hunting 



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#9 Pardoux



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Posted 02 June 2014 - 01:20

EXP event can also help guilds rise 

not all people who participate are going for EOC some just leveling because they have bulk stamina and can only hunt once  ever   3+ months or so   

I personally want to know the date for the event so i can try and level to level 589 or 600 so i can start doing some pvp and titan hunting 


Regardless of how many XP events the cows run, they (AND ONLY THEY) know the date(s).


Historically, we've been given a weeks notice of an impending event - but, personally, I think they should just spring them unannounced and it's "the luck of the draw" if you have stamina to partake or not ...


Just my 2c :)

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#10 BraveKath



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Posted 02 June 2014 - 01:36

I disagree Pardoux.  It's not like a Global event, where they happen with regularity, as people get really bummed out and sometimes angry when they miss out.  There's a factor of customer satisfaction and since you're well ensconced at EOC and they do not affect you really, then is it fair to say to others that they should be surprised and if they lose out, oh well?  In my opinion, that's not fair.  Even if it's just a week's notice, it's not enough for many people to get to max stam, but at least it's something.

To not give notice is enough to make people get frustrated and quit the game and I think we all agree player retention is good for us all.  Even if you don't agree, reality is the more players that quit and few viable players start eventually leads to the end of the game as a whole and for whatever our reasons we seem to enjoy it, so let's encourage things that retain players like a little fore-warning.

HCS only has more to gain financially with advance notice, as then people who do live paycheck to paycheck, which it is said the majority do these days, can plan accordingly.  Not saying that's the right way for individuals to go financially, but it's the reality of the majority of today's people according to many respected business and financial journalist reports.

Edited by BraveKath, 02 June 2014 - 01:41.

#11 gomezkilla



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Posted 02 June 2014 - 01:43


Hopefully never, one XP event a year is enough in my eyes, all they do is put added pressure onto the cows to create more content for an overfull EOC crowd. What is everyone's rush to get through content. I have been at or as near to EOC since i was level 900, it is boring being at EOC trust me  ;)

A truthful statement as is. More people hitting EOC creates the pressure for the Cows to put out content.

As we have discussed before, your negativity towards life and the people around you gets old.  Your "trust me" in your post is patronizing and rude, along with the smirk.  The emotionally mature thing to do at this point would be to apologize for letting your negative view of everything color your post. You could have made your point, if you really felt it was needed, without the patronizing addition.

Where's the negativity in the post? And saying "trust me" simply states that he has been at EOC and is speaking from experience. I do not think he should apologize at all because he gave his honest opinion from his experience. But who knows? The truth does seem to hurt people on occasion.


Also in this you're stating this as if you have never participated in an XP event.  I'm not so naive to believe that.

Where are you getting the assumption that he has never participated in that post?


I disagree Pardoux.  It's not like a Global event, where they happen with regularity, as people get really bummed out and sometimes angry when they miss out.  There's a factor of customer satisfaction and since you're well ensconced at EOC and they do not affect you really, then is it fair to say to others that they should be surprised and if they lose out, oh well?  In my opinion, that's not fair.  Even if it's just a week's notice, it's not enough for many people to get to max stam, but at least it's something.

To not give notice is enough to make people get frustrated and quit the game and I think we all agree player retention is good for us all.  Even if you don't agree, reality is the more players that quit and few viable players start eventually leads to the end of the game as a whole and for whatever our reasons we seem to enjoy it, so let's encourage things that retain players like a little fore-warning.

People get frustrated with enough as is.. a surprise of an XP event should be a nice surprise! Not something to get down on. 


To satisfy my curiosity, I would like to see the Cows not give an XP event this time around just see what happens. Don't worry, the world won't end if the event doesn't happen!

#12 Pardoux



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Posted 02 June 2014 - 01:46

I disagree Pardoux.  It's not like a Global event, where they happen with regularity, as people get really bummed out and sometimes angry when they miss out.  There's a factor of customer satisfaction and since you're well ensconced at EOC and they do not affect you really, then is it fair to say to others that they should be surprised and if they lose out, oh well?  In my opinion, that's not fair.  Even if it's just a week's notice, it's not enough for many people to get to max stam, but at least it's something.

To not give notice is enough to make people get frustrated and quit the game and I think we all agree player retention is good for us all.  Even if you don't agree, reality is the more players that quit and few viable players start eventually leads to the end of the game as a whole and for whatever our reasons we seem to enjoy it, so let's encourage things that retain players like a little fore-warning.


I've always said they should be sprung with no warning Kath - the game mollycoddles the players too much of late IMO. I know WHY it happens (well, my supposition of why it happens) is 'cos the cows want to keep player numbers up and stop them diminishing even further, but I still think that things like this should be unannounced ...


Next, players will be wanting GE's announced a week in advance, and then given heads-up that a titan will spawn in a few hours etc etc.


IF the game DID spring an XP event unexpectedly and I missed it, sure, I'd be cranky about it - but I'd not stop playing because of it.


When .... damn, can't remember who it was .... stuffed up and refilled everyones stamina about a year or more ago, I was cranky - I lost out - but I'm still here, playing :)


As for the weeks notice and not giving (some) players chance to reach max stamina - that's why historically, there have been calls for even more advance notice ...


Sometimes, you just have to play with the cards you're dealt :)

Edited by Pardoux, 02 June 2014 - 02:33.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#13 BraveKath



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Posted 02 June 2014 - 02:30



Next, players will be wanting GE's announced a week in advance, and then given heads-up that a titan will spawn in a few hours etc etc.




Well my friend, it is because of the rarity and uniqueness of XP events that I say notice is a good thing for the game.

There's ample titans, they spawn with regularity and part of that sport is catching it when it spawns, and if you don't, well there's another to come shortly.

While not as frequent, Global Event are the same thing and let's face it even if one is at nothing when the event starts, the threshold is usually low enough that by the end of the event you can meet the Ruby requirements should the community get to the highest chest.

So I don't think any of those things apply in this case.  Admittedly desiring more than a week is perhaps a bit greedy, but many would be very delighted except for those at EOC like yourself who it doesn't really benefit and those who like to level in a staunchly linear fashion and savor the experience as Davros apparently would lead us to believe he does.

Admittedly, I enjoy the XP events, they're fun - everyone in the guild and many friends get into the spirit of it - sort of a XP Bacchanal, but if there was never another I wouldn't pout or moan. 

#14 j3k


Posted 02 June 2014 - 02:57

Regardless of how many XP events the cows run, they (AND ONLY THEY) know the date(s).


Historically, we've been given a weeks notice of an impending event - but, personally, I think they should just spring them unannounced and it's "the luck of the draw" if you have stamina to partake or not ...


Just my 2c :)

that would make people paranoid with there stamina       if its the right month because if some one wastes   20k on a global event   then out of the blue 1-3 days later it comes    they would be outraged...  and HCS is all about happy customers 


it would be better if cows announced a date    :)



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#15 Removed4427



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Posted 02 June 2014 - 03:04

You can actually get 2x++ XP anytime you want, with AL 500/600/750 containers/potions in the AH


you can save up your stam at your leisure, use it at your convenience

#16 Pardoux



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Posted 02 June 2014 - 03:28

that would make people paranoid with there stamina       if its the right month because if some one wastes   20k on a global event   then out of the blue 1-3 days later it comes    they would be outraged...  and HCS is all about happy customers 


it would be better if cows announced a date    :)


Which is, why I said, they give 1 weeks notice. They're not gonna give more than that .. or never have previously

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#17 gomezkilla



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Posted 02 June 2014 - 03:56

If there were to be one, I would assume June 14-16 or June 21-23. They are the most logical dates I can think of. Enough time in between 20% offers (since their is usually one during the event or in the week advance notice) and it falls in tune with a lot of people's paycheck coming out on the 15th (or at least that is how it is around where I live for most people) so they can maximize profits with people buying FSP. In addition, those dates are on weekends so people's work schedule shouldn't interfere too much with their playing.


If I were to launch an XP event, those would be my choices of dates to choose from to again, maximize profits.


Note: This is not an absolute choice for everyone since some people do have to work on the weekends (like myself), but it should guarantee the majority's satisfaction.


All in my opinion, of course.

#18 BraveKath



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Posted 02 June 2014 - 04:01

Gomez -- semantics:





A truthful statement as is. More people hitting EOC creates the pressure for the Cows to put out content.

Where's the negativity in the post? And saying "trust me" simply states that he has been at EOC and is speaking from experience. I do not think he should apologize at all because he gave his honest opinion from his experience. But who knows? The truth does seem to hurt people on occasion.


Where are you getting the assumption that he has never participated in that post?


People get frustrated with enough as is.. a surprise of an XP event should be a nice surprise! Not something to get down on. 


To satisfy my curiosity, I would like to see the Cows not give an XP event this time around just see what happens. Don't worry, the world won't end if the event doesn't happen!



Hello Gomez,


You're not succeeding in your arguments as Davros responses have already been deemed to be found negative by multiple readers. How we arrived at this is through reading comprehension of the semantics of his posts where we the reader are gathering the logic of his quips and smirks.  If what I say is not what he intended, then how is it that others also interpreted him negatively?  When we write anything it is our burden to convey our true meaning to the reader. 


By Davros's use of the word "surely" in the following statement  feigns ignorance of what it would be like to level during an xp event, as he's asking the reader how it can be fun using weak sarcasm.  Again, word choices -- semantics.

How is rifling through content fun in any case, surely if you're power levelling through it you are not actually enjoying that content to it's fullest??



Bottomline and the last I will post on this thread as it's not productive - I found Davros' response to be negative and condescending.  Having players be negative to someone who is just asking when an XP event might take place when they apparently have no interest in it is beyond my comprehension, as it's just mean spirited.  I don't like to see that behavior, thus I respond when I have the time to do so.

Example - recently Pardoux recently posted about the absent Jabberwocky SE.  I've not hunted SE or the Jabber in over a year, thus I have no interest personally, but I support my fellow players in seeing it out there on the maps thus posted to bump the thread and posted in a positive manner.

Whether HCS has one, a dozen, or heck a Negative XP event -  all of it doesn't really matter that much to me, as I've always just played my game the way I chose in the moment; however, I will defend and support my fellow players to play the game they chose.  I will always apply logic to situations and not go out of my way to be negative to someone unless, in particular, when they are negative to someone else undeservedly so, as in this case.

#19 bloody18



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Posted 02 June 2014 - 05:22

I like the 2XP events! :) I guess if I was at EOC they would be worthless. However I am not. So I say "MORE MORE MORE XP 2XP 3XP 4XP EVENTS!!!" ..How about a one time 2000XP event where HCS loses their  mind and we all get to EOC on one maddening night in June! *** looks for inhaler** :)



Edited by bloody18, 02 June 2014 - 05:26.

#20 BraveKath



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Posted 02 June 2014 - 06:47

I like the 2XP events! :) I guess if I was at EOC they would be worthless. However I am not. So I say "MORE MORE MORE XP 2XP 3XP 4XP EVENTS!!!" ..How about a one time 2000XP event where HCS loses their  mind and we all get to EOC on one maddening night in June! *** looks for inhaler** :)




hahaha! "looks for inhaler" ... there would probably be a run on them at the local pharmacies as all us game geeks went nuts.  I think we'd have to make a contract with a local pub to keep the spirits flowing into HCS to keep their sanity though - a unique Donator project.

oops I posted again  :rolleyes:

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