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#1 BigGrim


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Posted 26 October 2009 - 21:30

Hi there Everyone.

As many of you are aware, we opened up several threads regarding upcoming Updates to Sword.

I want to do the same here too. As such I want you to tell me HERE what you are after.

Some that I think we can agree on are the following :

1. The prices of Artifact upgrades are too high.

2. Additional prizes for 2 to 5 on Behemoths.

3. Repair Kits. (We have ideas on this.)

4. The Mecha. This is a personal fav I admit. I'm a tota lMecha Head!

I want more however. I'd like skills left at the door for the moment. I want feedback on the playablility of the game as well as anything else you'd like to see. This will give us an idea of the top items you'd like to see added. This is not just for top end stuff, I want to see what we can do to make this game better all round.

Please keep the ideas clear and to the point. Any off topic posts will be removed and Bashing will not be tolerated.

I want Ideas to bring this game, that our Team is proud of, to the next level.

Please keep it constructive.

~ The Sigmastorm 2 Team

#2 ecolitan



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Posted 26 October 2009 - 21:42

I wrote this five times and it always sounds snippy. I guess it's somewhat critical but that can't be avoided. It's meant as a serious question.

Does this mean that all the other feedback and suggestion threads are moot? As we are to put all feedback on SigmaStorm II HERE?

#3 ss_topsy

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Posted 26 October 2009 - 21:45

2. That would be great, if we get another behemoth... But it should not be a big prize

#4 ecolitan



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Posted 26 October 2009 - 21:49

The biggest thing I can see in this game is the feeling of engagement. The overwhelming majority of players feel left out and ignored.

It isn't just about content being delayed - it's about threads not being read for months. Sometimes we're told "they're read" - but we wouldn't know it. Maybe some games can get away without constant interaction between devs and players. That's not how HCS games have ever been and I'm pretty sure they're not working without it.

So, if I had to pick 1 thing: HONEST feedback regularly (daily almost) on what's going on combined with someone actually going through forums and getting things on track. Little points "this thread is interesting but we'd never do B" are enough to let us know where to go. Feedback on when content will arrive is fairly important. Communication is the key to all of this - and that requires a bovine presence in here more than casually.

#5 ss_kylereese

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Posted 26 October 2009 - 21:55

1. The prices of Artifact upgrades are too high.

Is it sad that I've never seen an artifact yet? :|

2. Additional prizes for 2 to 5 on Behemoths.

Is it sad that I've... *sigh* nevermind.

3. Repair Kits. (We have ideas on this.)

Sell them in the special section of the trade hub for around 10k credits, and make them bound. Not without first cutting the price of the items in the shops of course. I wouldn't want the price of an FC to drop or anything. Not that you guys can affect the market. It's like... player controlled.. and stuff. Am I annoying? [I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you...]

4. The Mecha. This is a personal fav I admit. I'm a tota lMecha Head!

Stop teasing me with the mecha! lol. Bring it out already. ; )

I wrote this five times and it always sounds snippy. I guess it's somewhat critical but that can't be avoided. It's meant as a serious question.

Does this mean that all the other feedback and suggestion threads are moot? As we are to put all feedback on SigmaStorm II HERE?

Yes ;P

#6 BigGrim


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Posted 26 October 2009 - 22:08

I wrote this five times and it always sounds snippy. I guess it's somewhat critical but that can't be avoided. It's meant as a serious question.

Does this mean that all the other feedback and suggestion threads are moot? As we are to put all feedback on SigmaStorm II HERE?

Not at all! I know players are feeling left out. I want this thread to be where you let us know what you want for the immediate future. I will go through the Suggestions forum once we have a wee bit of time. At this point, we are looking to make sure we are prepared for Xmas time.

2. That would be great, if we get another behemoth... But it should not be a big prize

We'll be adding another of these fairly soon.

Is it sad that I've never seen an artifact yet? :|

Is it sad that I've... *sigh* nevermind.

Does you Faction go for them? If not, why?

Sell them in the special section of the trade hub for around 10k credits, and make them bound. Not without first cutting the price of the items in the shops of course. I wouldn't want the price of an FC to drop or anything. Not that you guys can effect the market. It's like... player controlled.. and stuff. Am I annoying?

We were thinking inventable. We want high levels to trade with low levels.

I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you...

I'd hope not! My Girlfriend might have something to say about that!

Stop teasing me with the mecha! lol. Bring it out already. ; )

Trust me. I want them in too! I love Mecha!

#7 ss_kylereese

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Posted 26 October 2009 - 22:13

Not at all! I know players are feeling left out. I want this thread to be where you let us know what you want for the immediate future. I will go through the Suggestions forum once we have a wee bit of time. At this point, we are looking to make sure we are prepared for Xmas time.

I haven't actually checked yet, but are we getting any new costumes for Halloween? :)

#8 BigGrim


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Posted 26 October 2009 - 22:15

I haven't checked yet, but are we getting any new costumes for Halloween? :)

There are a couple of new ones in there already. Was posted in the Content Update.

We'll see if we release any for All Hallows!

#9 MaximusGR



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Posted 26 October 2009 - 22:29

Since others have commented to the points you initially set BG i ll go a bit further.

1. Variation in items and stats..We would like to see items in shops they way they are now..Those that are available through blueprints could be 3-stat and perhaps, every now and then, 2-stat..That will give us more flexibility in getting the stats we want for each level. It will also encourage players to engineer more items

2. Some re-vamping in PvP..Cooldown period is simply too long at 24h..1 hour should do it. It would also be great if there were PvP events in low certain level maps during which the attack range would be +/- 10 levels or something similar..That would liven up PvP that is simply too rare for those of us not in end of content.

3. Something designed to have us occupied besides leveling and farming for sets/potions..A Cyber-Combat Arena of sorts.

4. Definitely a new Behemoth, lvl 150, along with the 2nd-5th place rewards..Interest has really died down on the lvl 50 one. To help boost interest please consider designing a drop with energy and minor XP gain, its the kind of stat that gives the item really high value.

5. Some sort of History log, that is being auto-written as we are completing missions..something like a written account of our character's adventure to the Sigma world..Its a great thing the game revolves around a main story, the log would help even more to the Role Play factor.

More to come...

P.S. What are the Mecha?? :shock:

#10 ss_nthnclls

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Posted 26 October 2009 - 23:00


A bigger variety of gear...

A lesser cooldown period...I prefer 10 minutes, but others have said that's too short. 1 hour sounds fine.

More pvp maps in future content releases, or making some previous maps pvp maps.

Push the attack range up from +/- 3. I personally would like +/- 5 or so better.

Maybe, in pvp maps, you could have a dot on the world map showing where an active player is, similar to how the behemoth works? Not sure how hard this could be to implement...another option would be to put a player's location on their profile?

Other stuff:

Could empty mind shards be stackable? They may not technically be ammo, but for all intents and purposes, they are.

Could the "add points" button's default number be changed from 1 to 0? When the page lags, people accidentally add points to a skill instead of casting it.

While I'm on the subject of skills...could Telekinetic Shield be changed from armor to defense? With mental strength, defense is a lot more useful for purists than armor.

And could Imbue and Hydraulic Strength (and any skills like them that I missed) be changed to something more useful? At the moment, they only change the weapon damage type to psi/crushing. Instead, maybe they could add 0.1% per point or whatever attack and/or damage to weapons when the type of damage is psi/crushing.

And the Revive/Rejuvenate/Remedy/Reconstruct (was that just a coincidence? ;) ) be made worth having? At the moment, it's more efficient to simply cast the level 1 healing skill on yourself 3 times than to cast the level 150 skill. Instead of healing 25 hp + .5% of total hp per point, you could heal 40 hp + .75% of total hp per point. Or you could change the cost from 30 skill power to 10 or 15.

Last thing for the skills...could phase be changed from +0.25% chance to double your defense when your health drops below 20% to +0.25% increase in your defense when your health drops below 20%?

Also... viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5293 Not sure how well this would work, but I thought it was worth a shot.

AP points...could another use for them be to buy any non-bound, non-hk creature drop? For example, if my guild is making the level 40 elite sets, we could buy MD1 parts for 1 AR each?

I'll shut up now :mrgreen:

#11 ecolitan



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Posted 26 October 2009 - 23:04

Since others have commented to the points you initially set BG i ll go a bit further.

1. Variation in items and stats..We would like to see items in shops they way they are now..Those that are available through blueprints could be 3-stat and perhaps, every now and then, 2-stat..That will give us more flexibility in getting the stats we want for each level. It will also encourage players to engineer more items

Lots of ways to do this (why can't a helmet add-on be att/def or def/arm or...). More generally see this thread:
viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4877 for what I think is an interesting way to do this (no need to wait for Christmas).

4. Definitely a new Behemoth, lvl 150, along with the 2nd-5th place rewards..Interest has really died down on the lvl 50 one. To help boost interest please consider designing a drop with energy and minor XP gain, its the kind of stat that gives the item really high value.

I think it's fairly important for the real prize NOT to be duplicated through the other finishers. Reputation points or something for 2-5? Fine. But winner take all is important. And, if the drop had VERY high resistance to some common damage type it would be mega helpful too. I'd LOVE a good weapon with 50% resistance to say... solid something....

#12 ss_lionae

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Posted 26 October 2009 - 23:06

How about being able to bottle up (make a potion) of certain class skills that other classes can use?

#13 RD1542



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Posted 26 October 2009 - 23:11

i had the most epic idea for something in regards for equipment, i think it will bring value to all equipment, create a huge credit sink, and give much variety to much of the equipment, i did borrow your idea a bit on the sword for plugging equipment from titans, only expanded it a bit.

stat neutralizer

either in a shop in taulin city, or as a faction building

bascially you plug in a 4 or 5 stat piece of equipment, can go lower also i suppose, but might unbalance the game a bit, basically, it takes 1 random stat out of a piece of equipment, and disperses the lost stats into the remaining stats. this could be done for say a formula of X credits per level, or just a fixed credit cost, of say 10K credits per time, sometimes you may knock the damage off of a piece of equipment and disperse that damage into def, hp armor, and attack. might create some much needed defensive pieces, and also give much marketability to many items in the game, bring life to new equipment, and to pre-existing equipment. i see many benifits to this, and see some money making options for players looking for something to do, and would create an unimaginable variety in equipment.

we also need to liven up pvp as well, there have been some great topics in the suggestions thread on how to do this, but i think the main thing is to have it set up much like it is now, a live hunt down your target, in either a no level restriction, or an equipment level cap, adding the above ideas to add some equipment variability would liven this up even more. but in the intrum, i think moving it to at least +/- 5 or even 10 would be a good start, and would tide a few of us over for a short time

the new behemoth, i am sure a lot of us would like to see that, as well as the 2-5 prizes, but can we please make the drops auto tagged, and not bound, this is too broken of a system, a member of a faction might think he is doing a good thing taking the drop before someone tries to walk away with it, only to find it is bound and of no help at all to the faction.

i was kind of hoping that the repair packs might be class specific, maybe even an unbreakable type of skill that 1 class gets in the 200 update, kind of even at least one of us out with the Purists, and maybe 2 other strong skills that help people level as effectively as the purists do

cost of the higher level buildings need to be a bit more realistic, 2K / hour is a bit too much at this point in the game, it was fun watching our competitions bank accounts dwindle away in a rapid pace, but the fun is over for that, is there anyway that we can get this to a realistic point? especially taking into considerations where we are at this game with incoming credits and expenditures, i think 500, or even 750 credits per hour might a bit more realistic, and am sure many more factions would get the use of these buildings, and would sink even more credits in the game.

either adding a single buff reset, or cap the class resets at 50 FC would be nice, i know many of us have, or currently play with a lot of the different classes and try out many different skills, some sound good in text and don't pan out as we would like, or expect to, and some don't work as they state, and i know some players feel punished by the high reset cost to try out some of these skills.

i am hoping in your list of upgrades, one of them is not increasing the max number of members in a faction, i don't think we have the player database to be able to justify that, and it would be a shame for many of the players in the factions they are currently in abandon them for the top factions. i think 50 is a good number we can work with at this time

am sure i will think of more to rant on later


#14 ss_lionae

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Posted 26 October 2009 - 23:18

With Halloween coming up ( i know not all countries celebrate it) why not have a special event like a headless ethereal HK with a super hard drop rate that can be only killed with sqauds regardless of the lvl of this HK, no soloing ability.

heck maybe he even jumps after each time he is killed, say one time he is in a lvl 22 map then the next he is in a lvl 90 and so on, but that it also shows up on hte map like the Behometh does

#15 Removed4427



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Posted 27 October 2009 - 00:33

the very first change to PvP, if any, should be changing the fact that fastest connection/first to click attack wins

realistically, if someone is going to attack, there is a chance they were spotted and the defender had time to draw their weapon - in certain areas surely you have your weapon at the ready anyway

#16 centurion



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Posted 27 October 2009 - 01:24

change in pvp, and more opportunity for pvp would help the game.

more stuff for end of content to do. lot of different ideas. even fixing pvp will do lot for this.

regular special holiday event. drops can be special ammo . (ammo that does +10% to total dmg or att would be cool. usable and disposable ) premise can be some form of invasion.

#17 ss_sirona

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Posted 27 October 2009 - 03:56

As most other people, I'd like to see improved communications between the devs and the players..

My number 1 in game wish would be to see more 2-3 stat items, especially focused on defense and armor.. obviously i'd also like to see more high damage/attack items, but the lack of enough defense/armor with high damage *and* attack creatures can get frustrating in terms of simple leveling..

I want better mission rewards too! :) maybe you can come up with some novel reward ideas, other than lots of xp and skill points.. stims, credits, permenant boost in a single resistance by 5%..... some really tough missions deserve these rewards i think..

#18 bengiz786



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Posted 27 October 2009 - 10:48

Hi there Everyone.

As many of you are aware, we opened up several threads regarding upcoming Updates to Sword.

I want to do the same here too. As such I want you to tell me HERE what you are after.

Some that I think we can agree on are the following :

1. The prices of Artifact upgrades are too high.

2. Additional prizes for 2 to 5 on Behemoths.

3. Repair Kits. (We have ideas on this.)

4. The Mecha. This is a personal fav I admit. I'm a tota lMecha Head!

I want more however. I'd like skills left at the door for the moment. I want feedback on the playablility of the game as well as anything else you'd like to see. This will give us an idea of the top items you'd like to see added. This is not just for top end stuff, I want to see what we can do to make this game better all round.

Please keep the ideas clear and to the point. Any off topic posts will be removed and Bashing will not be tolerated.

I want Ideas to bring this game, that our Team are proud of, to the next level

Please keep it constructive.

~ The Sigmastorm 2 Team

Behemoth and Mecha would be a great place to start...

i like the idea of '2. Additional prizes for 2 to 5 on Behemoths.'

maybe you can make 3 items from the behemoth...a set maybe one for each class

#19 ss_loudog

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Posted 27 October 2009 - 11:03

I wrote this five times and it always sounds snippy. I guess it's somewhat critical but that can't be avoided. It's meant as a serious question.

Does this mean that all the other feedback and suggestion threads are moot? As we are to put all feedback on SigmaStorm II HERE?

Not at all! I know players are feeling left out. I want this thread to be where you let us know what you want for the immediate future. I will go through the Suggestions forum once we have a wee bit of time. At this point, we are looking to make sure we are prepared for Xmas time.

I always get snippy when I am repeatedly ignored... What would you do?

So BG can we expect changes for X-mas? Or is that a "hopefully" ??

Trust me. I want them in too! I love Mecha!

Yeah what is this Mecha?

#20 ss_bleltch

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Posted 27 October 2009 - 11:31

I want Ideas to bring this game, that our Team are proud of, to the next level

So, if I had to pick 1 thing: HONEST feedback regularly (daily almost) on what's going on combined with someone actually going through forums and getting things on track. Little points "this thread is interesting but we'd never do B" are enough to let us know where to go. Feedback on when content will arrive is fairly important. Communication is the key to all of this - and that requires a bovine presence in here more than casually.

+1 I think it's going to take more than a couple bandaids to get things running good. The game as it is now is in a sad state imo. Old players quitting, new players not staying. You guys need to ask yourselves why, take an honest look at the situation, and make major adjustments to the game.

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