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Anybody want a new cult mate? :)

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#1 gothador_alfred

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 06:44

Hey guys,

So it turns out that i am kinda on the search for a new cult atm.

Don't get me wrong, there are no nasty dramas unfolding between the Shadows and I (so don't bother looking for a new scandal :)))

I just think that it is time for a change :D

Some of you know me... but most of you don't. I have to admit that i am not a major character on the forum or in voice chats.
Unfortunately, i have a rather hectic RL so i don't often have time to play or to chat... i only really get a few hours here and there evey few days :(
However, i do love the community aspect of this game and i think that it is what keeps me coming back when i have the time.

Anyhow... after that ramble :oops: here are my stats.
Alfred is a DE mage (I know..."WHY?!?!?"... don't ask)

Alias: Alfred Exp: 3,565,353,184 xp
Class: Kindred Elf Next Lvl: 3,567,826,750 xp
Level: 2208 Gold: 8,789 gp
Rank: 160th Platinum: 0 pp
Mining: 32 (+12) Smelting: 35 (+12)
Realm: Mount Braskin Foraging: 15 (+12)

Attack: 65 (+16) Defence: 1698 (+361)
AC: 95 (+367) DMG: 179-261 (+476)
Wisdom: 577 (+131) Next AP: 3m 45s

Blood: 232 Unused SP: 10
Vial In Use: [none] Vial Timer: n/a

AP: 1045 / 1322

HP: 670 / 670

MP: 6369 / 8114

Next Level: 63%

Btw: the best way to get in touch with me is Yahoo - whenever i am at the computer i set it to available
Cheers guys :)

#2 TechnoDemon



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Posted 22 February 2006 - 07:33

We're short on DEs in the Harem...We only have one.

You're welcome to join us, if you'd like.

[A Tyrant, yes, but a Benevolent one]
Posted Image

#3 gothador_kareena

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 08:07

You'd be welcome to join us. Things have been hectic in rl for me lately too, but we all do try to meet up late monday night each week for a cult hunt/chat. :)

Take a peek at out cult board when you get the time and pm me with any questions. :)


#4 gothador_jester187

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 08:18

Love to have ya in the TSK...especially since I'M the only DE.... :D

#5 gothador_wadaaa

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 10:26

ya welcome to come to The Ancients are stats are as follows:

lvl - 470
Recall Totem
Orcish Camp
Training Grounds
Warp Gate
Mana Shrine

and we have 14 members highest members is 1300+ of the top of me head :) we also have a site

#6 Roussimoff



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Posted 22 February 2006 - 12:52

The UMRK would love to have you. :)

#7 gothador_mavviehue

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 13:48

We welcome anyone and everyone. We have all the major CS upgrades, our own website and chat room.

Our members range from newbs to level 1500+ and are all classes.

We go hunting together and love to share quest items to help out both the newbs and more experinced cult members. An example being one chap bought everyone a humanic ring to complete a quest and someone else is sharing amulets of decimation.

It's chilly in the Frozen North but we warm it up with our hearts :P

#8 gothador_costin

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 14:22

It's chilly in the Frozen North but we warm it up with our hearts :P

You make me want to weep... :cry:

The other thing worth knowing about the Squirrels is that we all have a Real Life, too. Nevertheless, we try and support each other... organizing proxy managers for characters (where applicable or desired) so that even going on extended leave or vacation doesn't mean your character can't stop taking part. As Mavv said, we share stuff when we have it - and try to organize hunts to benefit everyone.

But, if Real Life hits hard... it isn't an issue. We aren't fanatics. We won't be around bugging you... we'll just carry on doing stuff like normal and you're welcome to participate in the game, in our forum, or our chat whenever you have the chance.



#9 gothador_mavviehue

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 14:25

Sorry sir was my post not clear enough?

#10 gothador_costin

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 14:36

You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? You talkin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who do the frak do you think you're talking to? Oh, yeah? Ok.

Throws a bag of nuts at Mavv and runs away...



#11 gothador_doomeversta

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 14:37

We are going crazy with employment down at the N.A. so you are welcome to join us.

:D :shock: :twisted: :D

#12 gothador_curseddemon

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 15:12

You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? You talkin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who do the frak do you think you're talking to? Oh, yeah? Ok.

Throws a bag of nuts at Mavv and runs away...



NUTS I tell ya all NUTS, with a NUT logo :lol: , Just kiddin :wink:

#13 gothador_whyspershy

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 15:52

Yes yes! Come and play with US! I go questie questie and We all go hunty hunty and everyone does the gifty gifty thing and it's a good place. It's happy!!!

#14 gothador_unbelievabl

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 15:53

You are welcome to join WK. We have a very friendly community and do most of our "chatting" in our own forums and chatroom.

We have no expectations that you have to get this much xp or post this mant times in the forums. You are free to play the way you like, of course it's great when members get involved more with the cult.

The only rules that are strict are no killing or stealing from other WK members, we are a team and we have to operate as a team to be the most efficient. Plus there is enough killing and stealing in Gothador withoout having to worry about your own team robbing you.

We are also a pretty competitive cult. Currently ranked 7th for most xp and 3rd for most members. We have all the cult upgrades except a vault and a life nexus.

If you joined us I am sure you would like it here. Everyone is friendly, active, and helpful. Come check us out if you want, I will sent you an invitation :D


#15 gothador_kareena

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 19:17

Yes yes! Come and play with US! I go questie questie and We all go hunty hunty and everyone does the gifty gifty thing and it's a good place. It's happy!!!

You are so adorable! :lol:

Don't forget; we all feaf the frosty willy!!!!!


#16 gothador_alfred

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 23:01

Wow guys!

:lol: Gosh i love how friendly this community can be sometimes :)

I want to thank everyone who has sent me an invite or msg'd me so far.
I'm trying to get back to everyone individually... but it is taking a little time :oops:

All of the cults look like fun, friendly, accepting places for me to call home :D
So i hope everyone understands if i take a little time to choose... i have to admit, didn't realise just how hard it would be :oops:

Thanks again to everyone... you all rock!

#17 gothador_bloodyslain

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Posted 23 February 2006 - 07:44

Are you single, recently out of long term thing or trying to escape one? If so then our home is your home. It is a happy house.

#18 gothador_buckle

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Posted 23 February 2006 - 07:56

Are you single, recently out of long term thing or trying to escape one? If so then our home is your home. It is a happy house.

But...I thought it was bitter and twisted!

#19 gothador_bloodyslain

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Posted 23 February 2006 - 08:11

I was lying.

#20 gothador_bloodyslain

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Posted 23 February 2006 - 08:13

Just like my ex.

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