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dual spec

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#1 Huxtable



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Posted 11 April 2015 - 15:35

I know a dual spec option has been suggested before (and I'm suggesting it again), but I'm wondering if the devs have anything to say about it. Is it planned for the future, or are we stuck single-speccing for the life of the game?


I ask because I've seen a LOT of dps LFG lately, seems more than usual. A dual spec option would allow these guys to switch to tank/heals and increase their chances of finding runs. Whenever I have time for a run, I get the feeling most healers and almost all tanks have already done their weeklies/dailies and/or just aren't online. And it seems most of them have a core group they run with regularly anyway, and it's not so easy to jump into those.

#2 Mongo



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Posted 11 April 2015 - 15:37


We plan to do this.





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#3 Huxtable



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Posted 11 April 2015 - 15:54

Brief and vague, but that's more or less what I wanted to see. Thanks, Mongo!

Let's cross our fingers it's sooner rather than later.

#4 RebornJedi



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Posted 11 April 2015 - 19:56

Duel specs would help this game throughout all the levels.. Would hide the gross cool down of repecs too


#5 Anameisaname



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Posted 11 April 2015 - 19:59

Yes i'd like this, having many classes on 1 character sounds convinient :D

#6 Steve1973



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Posted 11 April 2015 - 21:37

Not sure if i have got the wrong end of the stick, but, wouldn't this be what the alts are for. You can make one tank, one healer and one dps, then have another 13 of whatever you fancy.

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#7 Huxtable



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Posted 12 April 2015 - 08:12

Or many alts with 2 specs each. ;)


The issues I (for one) am running into are: I've already got a few high/max level characters. I enjoy playing them and their respective specs, but gearing them up takes time, resources, and dungeon runs. I quickly lose patience being 1 of 6 different DPS LFG weeklies/ASV/ICC. If I could off-spec my warrior to tank (or mage to healer), then that character would be more likely to find a run. And I'd much rather have a main spec/off spec combo on my main(s) than level up and gear up another alt just to have a better chance at dungeon runs on that alt. Such is the life of DPS, I get that--but if we could dual-spec and alleviate any tank/healer shortage, why not do it?


It's been stated before, but this would also open the doors for PVE & PVP specs.

#8 Steve1973



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Posted 12 April 2015 - 17:23

The issues I (for one) am running into are: I've already got a few high/max level characters. I enjoy playing them and their respective specs, but gearing them up takes time, resources, and dungeon runs. I quickly lose patience being 1 of 6 different DPS LFG weeklies/ASV/ICC.

So basically, you have a short attention span and are too lazy to take the time, gather the resources and do the dungeon runs to make different chars which most other players manage to do without moaning about ittongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.png


If you did get this idea implemented, you'd be bored and leaving the game after a couple of weeks, becuase you'd have made all the different types of classes on only a few chars and no patience to make any more :lol:

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#9 Huxtable



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Posted 12 April 2015 - 18:38

Heh, is that where you stopped reading, man? You left out half of my point. And I'm not moaning, I just think the benefits to dual-spec'ing far outweigh the benefits of not.



Edit: However, it's occurred to me that by the time something like this gets implemented... well... I think the quicker solution would be to respec my mains, learn to heal/tank, respec again.

Edited by Huxtable, 12 April 2015 - 19:02.

#10 Anameisaname



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Posted 12 April 2015 - 21:57

If lvl 50 gear is as hard to get as the 47 weapons making tons of toons won't be possible like now and would make dual specs even better.


Being able to be a healer or a mage just by changing your weapons would reduce group finding process a lot.


Same with warrior/tank but i'm not sure if any other classes might benefit. For others you'd have to get a new gear set too..


Now that i think about it.. Even with only 4 classes benefiting from this it would still benefit all of us but would suck for sins and rangers..

#11 Huxtable



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Posted 15 May 2015 - 07:58

Bringing this up again as I really think a dual-spec option would help with the problems in these two recent posts:




#12 aliadnan12



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Posted 27 May 2015 - 03:36

dual spec would mean the players who only have tanks finally get a chance to play as dps while others who want to play as tank get to do so as well ... i really dont see how that could affect the game badly .. it would just make it so much better

#13 ernzor



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Posted 27 May 2015 - 04:33

Back in my day we had to create new chars for different classes, or respec...



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#14 rowbet



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Posted 30 May 2015 - 22:07

Or many alts with 2 specs each. ;)


The issues I (for one) am running into are: I've already got a few high/max level characters. I enjoy playing them and their respective specs, but gearing them up takes time, resources, and dungeon runs. I quickly lose patience being 1 of 6 different DPS LFG weeklies/ASV/ICC. If I could off-spec my warrior to tank (or mage to healer), then that character would be more likely to find a run. And I'd much rather have a main spec/off spec combo on my main(s) than level up and gear up another alt just to have a better chance at dungeon runs on that alt. Such is the life of DPS, I get that--but if we could dual-spec and alleviate any tank/healer shortage, why not do it?


It's been stated before, but this would also open the doors for PVE & PVP specs.


I still reckon the easiest way to fix this is to make the gear account-bound rather than character-bound. That way you can do the dungeons with whichever alt is needed by the group, while knowing that the relics, gear etc. can easily be transferred to the alt that still needs to be geared-up.


it wouldn't let you do 6 weeklies with on alt, but I'm not sure that is such a bad thing.


It does seem to me that multi-specing does remove the point of having alts (unless, perhaps, you need alts to become anonymous in-game)

Robet (Proph 49)   Orbet (mage 49)  Ebrot (magepro 49)

Tebor (warsin 49)   Orteb(sin 49)  Beort (warsin 49 - might become tank)

Betro (ranger 49)   Trobe (??? 6 - there for bene runs - just whisper

#15 Huxtable



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Posted 31 May 2015 - 07:56

In a "classless" game, there's never a lack of need for alts, at least on my end (wtb birth stones). Plus, alts = bag space. ;)


@ernzor: To me there's room for improvement there. I'd happily swap and tank on my already-geared warsin (Saturday WB runs would start 2 mins after reset...), but I don't want him to be married to the Templar class/spec. And I'm slowly leveling my tank, but it will be a while before he's ready to run ASV--and his runs won't help my current warsin.


@rowbet: I kinda see your point, but I personally don't mind character-bound gear. Leveling up & gearing up helps you learn to play that class and keeps a bit of work involved for that character. It would absolutely make things easier, but hitting max level and instantly having the best gear feels wrong to me... Feels kind of ebay'd.


Just to add a few things...

I know of at least 2 tanks who, since the last update, stopped tanking and then started tanking again because they couldn't find runs (one of them often spams on his warrior for weekly runs with little success), plus another baller tank who now has 2 tanks 'cause it was the quickest way for him to gear his warsin.


This may result in fewer alts, but there are plenty of players who only have one or two characters as it is. People may pay to respec less often as well (probably the main reason this won't happen any time soon), but it certainly wouldn't stop completely--they'd have a spec that works and another to test with.


My former mage is still learning to heal. 


Consider again some scenarios this would help: PVE/PVP specs, max aoe/max single target dmg, group play/solo farming & grinding (mentioned here: https://forums.hunte...set-me-off/)...

#16 Fizban



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Posted 31 May 2015 - 08:32

I still reckon the easiest way to fix this is to make the gear account-bound rather than character-bound. That way you can do the dungeons with whichever alt is needed by the group, while knowing that the relics, gear etc. can easily be transferred to the alt that still needs to be geared-up.


it wouldn't let you do 6 weeklies with on alt, but I'm not sure that is such a bad thing.


It does seem to me that multi-specing does remove the point of having alts (unless, perhaps, you need alts to become anonymous in-game)

I personally think,if gear was account bound rather than character bound, it would make low level dungeons worthless, why would my level14 alt run the vault storymode for instance, if my main level 47 can run it dungeon mode and just pass the gear to him?

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#17 Fizban



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Posted 31 May 2015 - 08:34

Back in my day we had to create new chars for different classes, or respec...



back in our day ern, we got 10k EP for each alt we created :D oh for the blissfulness of beta :lol:

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#18 ernzor



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Posted 31 May 2015 - 08:51

back in our day ern, we got 10k EP for each alt we created :D oh for the blissfulness of beta :lol:

dont forget the max level auto win button :)

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#19 KeS



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Posted 05 June 2015 - 06:09

back in our day ern, we got 10k EP for each alt we created :D oh for the blissfulness of beta :lol:


dont forget the max level auto win button :)

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#20 Huxtable



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Posted 05 June 2015 - 09:02

This suggestion isn't an auto-win, nor does it take any of the work out of leveling and gearing up toons (unless you count LFG as work). I've seen it work just fine in other games. It adds variety to and improves on game-play for some, and it doesn't really make anything that much easier other than finding a group for dungeon runs (which is the reason I asked about it in the first place). I can't understand why anyone wouldn't want that.

If you've got other suggestions on how to do that, I'd like to hear 'em. The best I've heard is making tanks more attractive to play, which I agree with, but that's pretty vague--how would you do that?

If you've got ideas/examples on how dual-spec would hinder game-play (other than "this isn't how it was"), I'd be interested in hearing that, too.



If you do count LFG as part of the "work", then I guess that's just a difference of opinions. Personally I see it as the most frustrating part of "end game"--a growing annoyance that this could help minimize. And it should be minimized.

Edited by Huxtable, 05 June 2015 - 09:07.

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