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Night Of the RedMoon

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#1 fs_titsue

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Posted 30 March 2007 - 08:48

Night Of the RedMoon

It was a norml night befor It Rained in Village Huroon had a night storm.
A Young boy Male seen to be about 18 years of age walks through the village as it stormed this night, The boy went by the name of Titsue Ichingo, was seen in a Large Dark Blue Cloke with a red line tracing the sides of it and Large Black boots with a clip that made little "Clinging" noise as he walked.
Keeping his head down letting his Black hair cover his eyes and face he continues to walk down the path he started

An old villager walked down the same path Titsue had tooked but walking past him, the villager didn't know that Titsue had been walking the same.
Looking down towards the ground the villager sighed "Oh man....Now I can never find my cat...I miss him so much...Mr.Wiggles" He said in a whinning voice

Titsue Continued to walk not really carring what the man was talking about, Remembering his past and what has happend ever sence those days he really had no choice but to keep the past behind himself. Thinking of what he had to do for the demon who had sent him on a mission he couldn't really think of the plan for.


#2 fs_titsue

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Posted 01 April 2007 - 06:59

Night Of the RedMoon

Somwhere else in the forest near by

An Elder ran through the forest running away from two demons, The edler looked to be about 5'4 feet tall, he wore a long black cloke and carryed a long Wizzard staff. The Demons that had chased him looked as though they had been huge lions with Dragon scales on thier backs, They had long teeth and Red evil eyes. The elder was running as fast as he could for such an old man, Then looking bac at the Demons from the corner of his eye "Who do yall think yall are...you don't even know me" He said quite simply With an evil Grin.

The elder jumps on a tree then bouncing off the tree he lands behind The Demons landing on the ground

The demons stops running looking around in confusion, they look back hearing the elder land on the ground
The elder looks at the demons "Yall oviously don't know who I am" He said before laughing evily, then stop laughing hearing the Demons growl at him, looking at them stunned that they didn't do run or anything thinking to himself ~What??! why didn't they run??!! That usually works~.
Looking at the Demons take a step forward as they growled Anime sweat slides down the side of his face, They elder begins to run again as fast as he could "Help me!!!!" He yelled.

Back in Village Huroon

Titsue stops walking and looks towards the ground sighing and mumbleing to himself "Dangit..Now what", narrowing his eyes slighty he hears an old man yelling Help Me, closing his eyes then grabing his swords Hilt he stands there waiting for an aprouch of anything.
The Elder runs from out of the forests bushes and behind Titsue seeing that he was the only one there to help him

"You've got to help me!!" Yelled the old man again

The demons jumped out of the bushes aswell and landed on the ground walking towards Titsue and the elder slowly

Titsue opens his eyes slighty looking towards he Demons "Ya'll...are just a waist of time" He said lowly, un-sheething his sword gripping on to it's hilt he runs toards the demons and swings his sword two times twords Demons Neck, then landing in a cool pose (Show off >_>;..).
He stood up straight and looked at the elder

The Elders eyes widen and mouth drops "Wha??!! How did you??!!! In two Secounds!!??" Clearing his throat and closing his eyes the elder stands straight "Well I Apreciated you helping me with those demons...and for that I shall repay you.." The Elder stood there for about one minuet then openning one eye not seeing Titsue anywhere near him, Looking around quickly the elders eyes widen "ah! where did he go??!!"

At Titsue in the Forest

Titsue had been walking in the forest following a path heading to another village, he was already walking before the Elder can even make a speech of saying thanks, he closes his eyes while walking then shakes his head left to right I don't care about that old man and his story of being attacked by demons...that was a waist of time" he mumbled to himself,
openning his eyes slightly looking straight ahead "I should've let the Demons attack him" he complained still walking in the path.

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#3 fs_titsue

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Posted 12 April 2007 - 22:04

You could right after MeowYuki postes

#4 fs_titsue

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Posted 27 April 2007 - 03:57

ooc: Go ahead Fairah when you have the chance ^^

#5 fs_titsue

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 18:55

a young female walk down a long path way (in the woods)she look around farther in the woods she start to hear nosies.. she start to walk agin some timp off craeter attack her she took out her swords and start to fight the craeter

(finish post)

ooc: Fairah this is abit to small x__X you should make it longer

#6 fs_titsue

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Posted 24 May 2007 - 13:52

ooc: o___0

Village Huroon

The Elder from that village had been standing there yes, he looked towards the one who've killed the Thief he was shock and suprised of someone who had has had much greater strength as the other one with the strange eyes, he looked at the strange man who appeared to be a traveler. The elder made a small smirk walking towards the wonderer slowly Do you need and help young one...I see you've slained the thief in a slight of one blow...but why slay him when we could've put him in prison? He asked with a blank face, the Elder had noticed that he had acually been confused with this traveler and stopped walking, he didn't know if he should trust the Traveler or not, but for him being at this village he would have to see or get to know him better so he would be able to join the village

In Forest
Titsue sighed still walking not really knowing what to do, He hated being in the forest when all he could hear was birds and growling creatures where am I going anyway.. he said stopping for a sec and taking and good look around. Titsue didn't know if he should be walking in an open area like this path, he didn't want nothing to spot him while he was on this journey it can be annoying.
He Shrugged and continued to walk thinking to himself ~I don't care if anyone spots me...I don't mind a fight~ Titsue was very simple at this point, had nothing else to think about but fighting as he was walking he reached in his pocket and took out a Map of the forest. He knew he had been inside of this forest and traveling to another town but he didn't know why, Titsue stops walking as he stomach makes a sudden growl eh...there is no time to stop he takes two steps forward and his stomach growls again ack! what the heck... He walked to a clean area in the grass by a tree and sat down by the tree on the grass. looking around he felt like he had been watched or followed by something so he gave a sudden glaze around the area to make sure there wasn't an attack anywhere not knowing the cat (Meow) was even there.
he sits down his traveling bag and looks through them, taking out a pack of berries and some water he sat them down beside him ..There is more I've brung I know there is Titsue began to look through his bag even more, not paying any attention to anything that had been out there because all he had seen was his bag and the stuff in it.
He through some stuff to the side of himself still looking through the bag.

#7 fs_spenser

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Posted 25 July 2007 - 09:32

Driven by hunger and weariness, the Dark Elf Raven was tracking a track that seemed.. almost human, yet an animal at the same time. He did not care anything about that at first, because he was so hungry.

As he pushed on through the forest, he just realized that. He sensed a quick movement to his right and saw it was just a bird. He heard voices and crouched behind a bush to hide himself. He looked through the holes in the bush and saw 2 humans yelling at each other.

I wonder if they have any food? I could easily steal it from them.. while they are in that state.

#8 fs_spenser

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Posted 25 July 2007 - 09:43

Oh well, I'm outta this story :lol:

#9 fs_titsue

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Posted 14 September 2007 - 03:51

ooc: Back from Vacation XD sorry for not telling you all sorreh

Blinking twice Titsue just watched everything that had just happened, he stood there as Yuki had gave him that sudden look, narrowing his eyes he thinks to himself as he long black hair blows in the wind quite slowly ~eh, D@mn her and that look she gave me~. He made his eyes look normal then shifts his eyes towards the cat Yuki had held in her hands ~I didn't even see that animal...why was it even by me?~ he thought to himself, at this point Titsue was quite confused, he didn't know what he might do, but now sense there were so many people at this spot, He Reached down beside him and picked up his stuff that he had with him, sighing lightly he began to walk away I guess this is just not my day... He said to himself lowly.
as the wind blew the smell of his food in his bag went around the forest, he didn't know but the smell of the food a tracked many demons, the demons looked from a distance and began to jump around trying to follow the sent of the smell of food, these demons are called "Trupracobla" They didn't also love to eat, but these demons also eat "Cats" these demons have long ears and look almost like rats/dog, they have different colored glowing eyes too. The Trupracobla was seen from a distance just watching and smelling out the sent of food.

#10 fs_spenser

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Posted 14 September 2007 - 12:35

OOC: Make me then :)

Raven finally came out into the opening, though taking extreme measures to keep himself secluded. He scanned the area, moving from one bush to the next, using the techniques of stealth to keep himself from being founded.

"Purrrrr" a voice said.

A cat? He thought, Oh yes, he had completely forgotten about the cat.. he could only think of his stomach-

"Grrrroowwlllll" said his stomach.

"Crap.." he muttered.

He moved forward, driven by hunger and thirst, and stepped out into the clearing. Moving quick and agile, he grabbed at the man's bag of berries and ducked under a bush.

Then he crammed the berries into his mouth.

#11 fs_titsue

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Posted 15 September 2007 - 05:52

TItsue continued walking not noticing that his bag was opened and his berries had been stolen out of them, but then he suddenly stopped walking feeling that his bag had gotten lighter .... He was silent, Titsue knew someone had stolen something out of his bag, so he looked back at his bag and looked in it. Lifting his bag up towards where he can see it he seen it was open and that he had some berries gone, as if it got stolen or just snatched out of the bag from no where. eh, what the heck he said to himself.
looking around he heard some sounds of juice and chewing sounds, sense he was half demon, his ears where some good hearing, Who just stole my berries? he said looking towards the bushes, a small grin could be seen on his face, he was a little pissed at this point I was going to eat those!! He made a small sigh while closing his bag back.

In the Woods near by

A Trupracolba ran from where it was standing, this Trupracobla was obviously a messenger, it ran to a hole and dug it's way through, sliding down the many tunnels that is built from many of them creatures, as it slid under and under the holes it landed on land, this land was dark black and red as if it where the devils place it's self. "Master master!" called out the creatures towards another. The messenger was exhausted and out of breath from running and sliding down so far, he panted. The Master was turned towards Hot burning lava on the cliff, just watching the rest of the Trupracobla's work, he didn't turn back, this Master was bigger then most of them, and wore a Crown on the top of his head "What is it?" said the Master Trupracobla, it's voice scruffy voice and squeeky at the same time. "There's some big news!, there's food and your favorite! Cat!" The messenger said with excitement, the master Grinned and looked back at the messenger, it's eyes a black color with Yellow lines as the pupil "well THIS, would be interesting" He said before laughing Devilishly.

Where They are in the Forest

Titsue just stared back at the bushes still with the grin on his face, his eyes twitching, waiting for the man to get out of the bushes, didn't take his eyes off of those leaves.

#12 fs_spenser

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Posted 17 September 2007 - 09:26

After the berries were finished, Raven letted out a sigh. Those berries were not nearly enough to quench his hunger, though his thirst was already gone.

Huh? I can feel someone watching me.. he thought.

He turned his head slowly towards the bush, and saw a pair of legs that were facing him. When he remembered what happened, he cursed himself for chewing those berries so loud.

He walked out into the open, and came face to face with a young man that had a strong built, and a sword at his side.

I think he is gonna kill me... Raven thought.

And a grin built up on Raven's face.

#13 fs_titsue

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Posted 17 September 2007 - 16:41

OOC: Yuki I don't think Acegolem is RPing here anymore o_0

Night Of the Red Moon

He noticed the young man that had came out of the bushes, and then made a grin, Narrowing his eyes slightly he thought about it ~They where only berries....I can get more if I look around in these woods...but still...why did this guy take them! they where mine!!!~ He made a heavy sigh before letting go of his swords handle, his cloak blew in the wind and so did his hair.
Glaring at the man he said lowly "Why the heck did you take my berries?" He asked with a straight face, Obviously he was still disappointed about those Berries.

In Huroon Village

The Elder was Chanting at his home village in a dark cave he had found for himself, in the middle of a cave was a stone that held a crystal ball and what made light in the cave was fire lit from torches. The elder was humming a chant he had made, a spell "Oh Holly spirits and the Gods of all mighty things, I gather forth you all here To guied and protect he one who've helped me for this year, I am now the- Before the elder could end the chant a sound of "Beep" stopped him, "What is this?" asked the elder, he walked to the Crystal ball, the crystal ball was making the beeping sound as he thought "Could I or someone be in danger?" He asks himself, Looking at the crystal ball as it seems it made a small response, the Crystal ball glowed brightly and began to show a picture, the picture on the crystal ball was Titsue, Raven, Yuki and Meow.
"OH it's that young boy, and it seems as though he has met a couple of friends" The crystal ball began to switch up the colors on the other half of it, the color was a dull and ugly red color, it showed the Leader of the Trupracobla's walking towards them through bushes and trees and stuff from a distance, and a whole pack following that one.
The Elder Gasp and he was appalled. "Oh no" The elder Grabbed his jacket and his stick "I have to warn them! I have to warn them all!" The elder ran out of his cave and whistled, when he whistled a beast with wings flew down and landed on the ground "To the Dark Forest! go to the plain and hurry!" he said to the beast and the beast made a noise and flew off towards the Forest they where pretty far from it.

ooc: I keep forgetting to put The Night Of the Red Moon's Logo =O

#14 fs_spenser

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Posted 20 September 2007 - 09:31

OOC: Dude.. I cant believe that your level is still so low after all this time :wink:

The young man that Raven met when he came out of the bushes asked him, "Why did you take my berries?"

Raven was thinking, This guy is so stupid.. If I wasnt hungry, I wouldnt have taken his berries right? he shook his head.

"I took it becau-" Raven started but was cut off when his sharp ears caught walking sounds moving through the forest... towards them.

Damn... its those annoying Trupracobla's, the last time I escaped them was purely luck.. now I dont think I can outrun them this time.

"Look, we can talk later, we have to hide now, the Trupracobla's are coming, and they are going to EAT us." said Raven.

Raven looked towards the cat and the girl, and shook his head.

"Ask them to come along with us, they wont stand a chance against those Trupracobla's." said Raven.

#15 fs_titsue

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Posted 24 September 2007 - 21:56

Night Of the RedMoon

OOC: Yeah yeah I'm weak, but I'm lvling up XD, me and my sister Yuki hasn't been online because of computer problems, sorreh guys XD

Titsue just stood there noticing what this man had said about these Trupracoblas He thought to himself ~What the Hell is this guy talking about?, Hearing that these strange creatures would eat them he looked towards Yuki and Meow. Titsue wasn't really a person/demon that would acually help others, he was more of a fighter that wouldn't want others to get in the way, but sense he had smashed her cat he kind of felt bad "Hey you Cat lady and Cat" he said towards them catching their attention, thinking to himself ~I don't like to run away from a fight, D@mnit forget running!~ You three need to go and hide, touching his swords handle he looks around also hearing the noises of creatures running through the woods and towards them.

The Old Man

The elder was still flying on his creature that flies, he was serious, The elder looked back as the flying creature stopped flieing "eh?, he noticed Atur and blinked, he was in a Rush so he continued heading off towards Titsue and the others, this old man was sure he would warn them all before they got into any danger, as for a thanks that Titsue had saved his life before, he wanted to return him in favor

#16 fs_spenser

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Posted 25 September 2007 - 09:22

OOC: :shock: Erase Atur from this thread! Put him in the dustbin! He hasnt replied in this thread for .. weeks? We're too far into the story now.
Here we go..

"I cant leave him here!" cried the Yuki.

All Raven could do now was let out a sigh, outsiders were so stupid, the Trupracobla's are undefeatable.

"Hey you," Raven nudged Titsue,"I don't know who you are, or what your business is, but let me tell you this, the Trupracobla's have never been defeated, your sword will only break if you try to cut them in half, so..
Just leave them alone will ya?"

"And for one thing, I am not leaving you or those two.. things alone, so you all are coming with me, no one is gonna be killed by those d@mned Trupracobla's, do you hear me?!" said Raven.

#17 fs_titsue

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Posted 26 September 2007 - 18:43

Night of the RedMoon

OOC: I'll give him a few days XD but your right though Spenser rofl

Titsue looked back at raven from the corner of his eye, he didn't really want to listen but hearing how it sounded like raven has faught these creatures before he cocked a brow "Who's side are you on?" he said rudly, not wanting to listen to anyone no matter how many times they warn him

Suddenly, the Elders flying demon lands and makes a roar, the elder jumps off the demon and runs towards raven, Yuki and Titsue "Hurry now boys, these Trupracobla's are coming! make a run for it!" yellled the elder, he was a little mad but serious at the same time

Titsue sheeths his sword and stands straight looking at Raven "Lead the way"

The Trupracobla's jump out of the bushes and trees circling all of them "Hee hee hee this is TO easy" said a Trpracobla "What I tell yah boss, the cat and fresh meat" said the servant, the Master Trupracobla walks out of the bushes and looks at all of them "Heh well I'm impressed, hello My dinner, I'm glad to see your all ready to be eaten" all of them began to laugh. Titsue blinked at discuss of how ugly all of those creatures where he looked towards Raven "WELL"
The elder jumped up on his flying creatures "haha I wasn't expecting this" he said scaredly.

#18 fs_spenser

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Posted 27 September 2007 - 09:32

OOC: If you want to, we could probably edit our posts but I'm a little lazy Kogenta...

"Lead the way," Titsue said.

Rustle Rustle

Suddenly the Trupracobla's jump out of the bushes and the trees and formed a circle around them.

"D@mn, I knew we should've went earlier," said Raven.

Raven unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the nearest Trupracobla,

"Guys, stay close to me" said Raven.

#19 fs_titsue

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Posted 01 October 2007 - 20:21

Night of the RedMoon

OOC: Kogenta that's up to you

Titsue nods to Raven then stands right by him and Yuki, he looks towards the Elder ran behind Raven jumping off his beast as the beast flew away.

The Trupracobla's looked at Raven and the King of them laughed, "come now, this won't hurt, oh and...Raven it has been awhile sense you've been the last of our dinner that had ran away beofre, I'm not planning on letting that happen again!" he said yelling, The Trupracobla stood up straight and made a screeking sound, the sound was squeeky and like a rawring sound at the same time, the Rest of the Trupracobla's jumped towards them with there nails even longer and their teeth deadly long and sharp.

The elder was praying but as soon as he had seen the Trupracobla's jump towards him he screamed like a girl, Titsue watched as they jump towards them all the Trupracoblas still in the air, he looked towards Raven to see what he might do next

OOC: AWSOME! this is getting good, I whish my interenet would stop messing up so I can RP back to back XD

#20 fs_titsue

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Posted 03 October 2007 - 18:39

OOC: Sure go ahead garnet XD I don't mind more people joinning I can make up something, I'm good with makeing plots 8)

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