Hey folks,
Following up Hoofmaster's post over the holiday period I've been meeting with the team in regards to the existing Fallen Sword road-map.
Our next code update will include the following features from the road-map.
- Item Compare mouse-over feature added to other sections of the game such as the Auction House.
- Changes to the Buff Market to ensure all sellers are equally visible.
- The maximum gold limit for selling FSP on the Marketplace will be increased.
- Auction log messages will now show the cost paid for the item.
- Inactive players will be hidden from all the top rated pages.
- Both players will be able to add items to Secure Trades.
- A link will be added to the Wiki / Fallen Sword Guide under the map to help new players. This will be a preference that can be removed.
- The creature will now contain a link to the Fallen Sword guide page.
- Perfect items will be hidden on the crafting page.
As well we also have two improvements that didn't quite make it into the game last year, these were
- Doorways will now better display on the map if they are usable by your character.
- Experience gain for creature kills for players under level 100 increased.
If anyone missed Hoof's post, check it out here : https://forums.hunte...coming-in-2015/
~ The FallenSword Team