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Tanking guide !

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#1 drdoom123



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Posted 13 July 2015 - 14:43



With tanking the key is to have capped defences and to hold threat with high defence it keeps you alive longer making it easy for the healer and with holding threat it keeps all the enemies to you and not at your team mates.


How do you hold threat?


-The way to hold threat is once you have grouped them use tremor so you stun them if they dont have cc immunity you can also stun them with tremor or you can despair them to silence them, this will also help group them as they tend to come closer when you silence them.


-After you have used tremor use impale, Impale is a good skill to use to hold threat as it generates high amount of threat so just spam that ;)


-With a boss all you do is spam taunt, if you keep taunt up at all times you wont lose threat but if the boss spawns enemies like the dog in asv/sv it may make things abit tricky hold threat, so for this situation the best thing to do is to keep inciting cry off cooldown and use that when they spawn this will draw them towards you and from there just spam taunt and impale this will hold threat of both the boss and the little enemies.


What can I do if I lose threat?


-The best thing to do is keep Inciting cry off cool-down at all times so just in case you lose threat you can just use that and regain control or you could stun or silence them with despair or tremor as long as they havent got cc immunity, you could also spam impale and flame rush as both of them generate threat.



How do I group them ?


-With the melee creatures they are pretty easy to group as they come to you so just stand still and they will run to you :)


-Rangers are a bit more tricky there two things you can do for this; you could group the melee creatures and then run to the rangers or something easier is to use the spell despair on the rangers this forces most the rangers to come to you or if its just one you could jolt them.


What should my attributes be like ?


As a tank you should only put points in two places, Melee and vitality.


Its up to you where you put the points but if you put all your points in vitality it gives you alot of hp and makes you harder to kill and makes things easier to heal.


If you put your points in melee it makes things harder to heal for the healer but it will give more DPS and with that you can hold threat better.


my tank build is half and half so when i level up i put half my points in melee and the other half in vitality but its up to you how you want to do it :D




Here an example of a tank build:


My OLD exact tank build:




My NEW exact tank build:




Example 2:



My build does not have empathy maxed because with over 1k dps and 30% haste I don't use it because I can hold threat but if your a new tank and you take someone who has alot of dps its good to have Empathy maxed so you can cast that on them so they wont generate too much threat.



How should I arrange my spell bar ?


This is how i have my spell bar set up.


I have all my spells that generate threat together so i can easily swap between them and same with my defence spells they are together so i can change between them. I have taunt on second because i can easily keep taunting and have spiked armour up.





What would be the best setup be ?


As a tank the best set you could use is the crafted silver set the carnelian jewellery with the infernal shield, infernal throwing star and and infernal melee 1h below is an example of the best tanking gear to use (for level 49 if you are reading this after any updates the gear may differ)




If i have missed something please comment below, your input helps !




Also dont forget to check out criplers amazing and detailed healing guide :



Edited by drdoom123, 23 January 2017 - 22:17.




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#2 JoDu


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Posted 13 July 2015 - 17:33

Thanks a lot for this guide, doom :D will be very useful to new tanks.

Today was my first dungeons as a tank on alt and... it's not easy, practice is really needed. But I enjoyed it a lot :)

#3 drdoom123



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Posted 13 July 2015 - 18:18

Thanks a lot for this guide, doom :D will be very useful to new tanks.

Today was my first dungeons as a tank on alt and... it's not easy, practice is really needed. But I enjoyed it a lot :)

once i get the ep ill spec my alt to healer so i can help you and many other tanks :D




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#4 Spirit



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Posted 13 July 2015 - 20:01

Nice guide! :) and after reading.. I'm wondering one thing.

What can I do if I lose threat?
-The best thing to do is keep Inciting cry off cool-down at all times so just in case you lose threat you can just use that and regain control.

How can tanks lose the threat? I know if prophets start to heal early, then that's one way. But is there other reasons they might lose it?

9izzGSr.png Feb. 27th 2015 - First level 45 :)




#5 drdoom123



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Posted 13 July 2015 - 20:45

Nice guide! :) and after reading.. I'm wondering one thing.

How can tanks lose the threat? I know if prophets start to heal early, then that's one way. But is there other reasons they might lose it?

basically if the dps has really high dps they generate more threat ...Higher DPS = more threat :D




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#6 NerdyNeko



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Posted 13 July 2015 - 21:00

How can tanks lose the threat? I know if prophets start to heal early, then that's one way. But is there other reasons they might lose it?

If tank needs Empathy to hold aggro and forgots to cast it, Boss spawns adds and with heals coming all at time they will get healer first, Patrol ambushing.. that can mostly be avoided though.. and when little too eager dps accidentally drags some group somewhere.

#7 NatsuMichi



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Posted 14 July 2015 - 07:51

Great guide doom! Tanking in a nutshell ^^


When it comes to learning how to hold threat properly, I recommend finding a group of 19-24s (no high lvl cheating :P) and going Ohdar day and night (game time XD ...or real time). I didn't have Tremor at that time yet, but by the time I got it for SV/GC along with Inciting cry I was already used to handling Impale and alternating that with taunt when needed. It was great practise, especially since holding threat is key in this "broken" dungeon full of things that can kill you with a single boulder throw :lol:


Overall Ohdar is a great way to practise teamplay early on which saves you a lot of sweat on higher lvl dungeons; after a few runs when we got our sheet together we could run dungeon mode without anyone dying at all and in a good time too. For whimpy tanks like me, it also helped me practise single pulling out of the mob crowds, which came really handy in SV/GC when we either lacked dps or heal power and tanking entire groups was out of the question.

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#8 AwiesGoesRawr



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Posted 14 July 2015 - 15:14

Bookmarked for later use. tyvm!

Eldevin Steam-generation.




#9 drdoom123



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Posted 14 July 2015 - 16:02

Bookmarked for later use. tyvm!





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#10 hidulphus



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Posted 14 July 2015 - 20:19

for new tanker who doesn't have the privilege of using fabled or gems or any armor set, use despair on all mob in each pull. despair have a really high amount of threat and very useful to keep the enemy aggro on you. that's why positioning and making sure the ranged enemy and melee are within despair is essential. its better to wait the despair cool down done then having team wipe again and again. i learnt this from experience.


never use tremor before you use despair, tremor only 1s stun unless you are fast enough to use your despair, the enemy will have Crowd control immunity and your despair will be useless. 


in some cases when you bring a really good dps, even despair and you normal damage aren't enough. you should cooperate with your healer and ask him/her to use benediction/ fulmi/ erupt after you use empathy on them.


my usual  rotation when starting to do pulls would be:

1. stamina potion before you got hit by 1st enemy and use redemption on yourself.(this way you will have 3k or so extra hp, thx kidref) 


2. pull 2 or 3 mob, if your redemp is gone use righteous defense.


3. make sure the ranged and melee mobs are in the same place, you can do this by using nooks or walls. this is where your  experience of each map shown. and yes there are no easy way to learn this; prepare to die. or if there aren't any just make sure you bring the melee dps to ranged creep place.


4. usually healer will start by putting ancient spirit and snow even before you start using any skills. which is why important to communicate with your healer. where you gonna pull the mob/ how many mob are you taking.


5. if you do a good job mobbing them all enemies should be within your despair circle. make sure all mobs are despaired so none of them hit your healer. in case your hp too low then you can use inciting cry 1st so healer/ mage can use cauterize on you. after wards you can use despair.


6. usually i would use tremor after despair this gives me time to use empathy and signaled the healer to start using caut/ dogma cc etc. also means, its save for dps to start using aoe skill. very useful if you tell dps not to hit before you use stun.


7. you can start using all your skill here impale, rush, concoct, and all your defensive. a good rotation for defensive skill would be: blessing shield when you start since thats when the enemy hit the hardest and you healer haven't set up benediction and redempt on you. when it's gone you can use other defensive one by one, righteous defense, blind(yes blind is very good), phalanx.

make sure you have sear and rupture in your rotation since bleed ignore defense and it gives more damage then vindicate. 


8. when you are bossing some bosses have CC which stuns or sleep you again and again, which is very dangerous since you gonna lose your taunt when you are disabled. this is when you have to spam flame rush after you are stunned once by the enemy. your main job when bossing is to use flame rush and taunt all the time. if you are used to it you can start adding all your skill rotation. so it goes like this: rush and taunt all the time, sear, rupture, concoct, impale, tremor. spamming vindicate isn't a really good idea since you gonna lose mana very fast,only use it when healer have manalized or high haste and snow all the time.(only have 1 point in toughened adventure)


remember bosses threat are different from normal mob. if you see those boss stats you can see they have CC immune and can not be silenced. which means only taunt and inciting cry can keep their agro to you. these two skill gives you 999999 threat from boss for the duration. the only exception to this rule is the 3rd boss of asv.


please ask if there is something unclear. would love to help new tanker.

:)  :)  :)

Edited by hidulphus, 14 July 2015 - 20:45.

#11 daawesomeone



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Posted 15 July 2015 - 01:27

him i will take note of all of this and thanks for directing me here doom

Edited by daawesomeone, 15 July 2015 - 01:27.

Me a noob? After 2 years and 3 chars no way. What me be sarcastic? Of course not :) 

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#12 drdoom123



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Posted 15 July 2015 - 12:22

him i will take note of all of this and thanks for directing me here doom

tis all good




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#13 kidref



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Posted 15 July 2015 - 14:57


remember bosses threat are different from normal mob. if you see those boss stats you can see they have CC immune and can not be silenced. which means only taunt and inciting cry can keep their agro to you. these two skill gives you 999999 threat from boss for the duration. the only exception to this rule is the 3rd boss of asv.


yes boss 3 asv i dont need taunt on it same as boss 1 and 3 TR.  but you missed something on your spellbar DR it are RED (if helars RED give a HOT) and sear rupture to do some more dps on boss as dot and avalanch to singel dammage to a boss or a mob.

#14 Lalalalalalalala



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Posted 15 July 2015 - 23:47

My build does not have empathy maxed because with over 1k dps and 30% haste I don't use it because I can hold threat but if your a new tank and you take someone who has alot of dps its good to have Empathy maxed so you can cast that on them so they wont generate too much threat.

According to what Raziel said, Empathy doesn't transfer threat anymore. It has it's own story about why the dev changed it but didn't update the description yet. And I already tested it, it only transfers some damage taken from target.



And here what I've learned from tanking as a Regular Tank:


1. More HP than DPS is better. Reasons:

  • When you do a big pull, you need both high defense and a big amount of HP to keep you stay alive. Because when you pull, your healer cannot heal you until you got the aggro.
  • Some prophet's talents and abilities work on how many max HP and MP you got.

Example: Snowfall restores 5% health and 2% mana every 1s (which this is always be the starting healing spell that most healers do); Intensify Spirit, Your critical heals increase the targets maximum health by 10% (which most healers do this to you before you pull, so you could get more HP).

  • It doesn't really matter for having a higher DPS to make you keep the threats better, because there are so many ways to do it.


2. Impale

  • As a Regular Tank, this ability is our main AOE (3.5 Yard or melee range) skill to make and keep the aggro. It means that you should keep using this skill while fighting mobs.
  • You can also keep using it while fighting melee range bosses, because it generates high threat. So whenever you lost Taunt on bosses, you wouldn't instantly lose the aggro from them and making you get more time to use Taunt back.


3. Taunt

  • This is our main single-target skill to make and keep the aggro. It means that this skill is the best for fighting bosses.
  • You can also use it while fighting mobs to a single creature that you lost aggro from.
  • If its fully talented, you won't lose it's duration on the target because of longer duration and decreased the cool down.
  • And with Spiked Armor from Templar's talent tree, it reflects 10/20/30/40% of all incoming damage back at the attacker. So it could be your passive AOE or single target damage, and it also means you generate more threat. This is also the way you can destroy the cannons in SV/ASV.


4. Tremor

  • This skill stuns all mobs around you. This is always be the Regular Tank's sign to tell their team when it's safe to attack and heal. And as what hidulphus said, it's easier to use Despair then Tremor because Tremor only stuns for 2s and you need to use Despair quickly before the mobs in Crowd Control.
  • Stuns don't generate high threat.


5. Defensive Stance

  • It gives more defense, generates more threat, and more HP with Walk it Off talent. But it reduces your damage by 10%.
  • According to what HolyGhost said and I've tested it already, it doesn't reduce your bleeding damage such as Rupture and Sear.
  • It went off after you logged off. So don't forget to use it again before fight after you were disconnected or logged off.


6. Righteous Defense

  • Besides keeping the aggro, tanks also keeping their selves alive and help their healer's job easier by reducing the incoming damage with defenses and blocks. This ability reduces 25% damage taken, and it would give more block chance and generate more threats if its talented.


7. Blessed Shield and Frozen Phalanx

  • I'm not sure about how the other tanks use these kills. I use Blessed Shield whenever my Righteous Defense duration is done, so I got capped blocks rate and make my healer's job easier. Also I use Blessed Shield and Frozen Phalanx in a same time when I do a big pull, and when my healer got lag or disconnected. I also use Blind sometimes.


8. Avalanche and Glaciate

Don't ask me about these skills, because I don't even have those :P


  • I'm a PvE tank, Tremor is enough to stun mobs. Avalanche only works on single target, it does deal high damage and long stun if talented though.
  • It's hard to use Glaciate when I'm busy keeping the aggro from mobs. Because you need to left-click on your team you want to use that skill to. That's why you need to keep your Inciting Cry ready to use.


9. Despair

  • It generates high threat and the best "instant" way to make rangers move close to you in melee range. Despair doesn't move the Kaur Rangers in RG tho, but rangers in ASV and basilisks in RG. Also remember, if the creatures you're going to use despair to have Crowd Control (Immune to stuns, silence, and snares), your despair won't work.
  • Why Despair generates high threat?

Because it silences, and silences generate high threat, same as Jolt. So you can also move rangers close to you or steal the aggro from your team with Jolt. But unfortunately, un-talented Jolt has 1.5s duration and single target only. So the ranger you used Jolt to might not move closer enough to you because of the silence duration. And "Heroic Throw" that upgrades Jolt in Templar's talent tree doesn't increase the duration, and it seems bugged because it silences all enemies within 2/4 yard radius around the CASTER, instead of the target.


10. Flame Rush

  • It's good to start the pull with flame rush, because it generates threat around the target within 2yrd radius, but the threat is not as high as other abilities. It can be your starting threat.
  • When you're in rush, it makes you in Crowd Control which means it makes you immune so nothing can stop your rush, except the slow debuff such as the beetles do in RG.
  • When you're in Crowd Control, you can keep it up by keep using rush just after the cooldown is done. Some old players said because it is bugged.
  • Keep using this while fighting against mobs and bosses also generate more threat.


11. Inciting Cry

  • This is the instant ability to generate high amount of threat within 8 yard around you.
  • Don't use it if you don't lose the aggro yet and always keep it's ready to use, so you can use this ability as your "emergency" situation when you lose the aggro. Except you have another way when you lose the aggro.
  • This ability doesn't make the rangers move close to you in melee range as Despair does.


12. Creatures/Mobs

  • It is important for the tanks to move the all mobs into 1 spot closely to the tanks in melee range. So your team could just spam all AOE damage skills and kill the mobs faster. And you can keep the aggro better because your Impale hit them all.


13. Bosses

  • Most of bosses in dungeons are immune to snares, stuns and silences. It means that you cannot use Despair nor Jolt to get the aggro. But Spiders in RG aren't immune, you can stun and silence them to get the aggro. Also silencing these Spiders giving you more time to use some skills before they freeze you.
  • Hmm... I forget about the Jazzy Hands in BT, are they immune?



That's all what I can tell about tanking. Well if anyone needs a help in tanking, I'd be glad to help. Just whisper me in game and hope it's when I'm not busy ;)





Do blow kisses generate high threat? :huh:

*Thinking hard*

Edited by shoval, 15 July 2015 - 23:54.

#15 drdoom123



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Posted 16 July 2015 - 11:42



Do blow kisses generate high threat? :huh:

*Thinking hard*


if you do it to married mans woman yes ... and alot of it xD




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#16 drdoom123



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Posted 16 July 2015 - 11:45



And here what I've learned from tanking as a Regular Tank:


1. More HP than DPS is better. Reasons:




as a tank with high haste / dps and medium hp its not hard to heal because when im at 50% or lower the healers do 15% healing power from the skill in the prophet tree "Consecrated healing"




drdoom123 - lvl EOC

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#17 hidulphus



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Posted 16 July 2015 - 12:00

the only reason we do 6 vit tanker is for arg since the spider critical can hit you for 12k damage. with current equip 15k hp is more than enough if you dont do arg. again it also depends if the healer are good or not. 

#18 Lalalalalalalala



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Posted 16 July 2015 - 12:36

True, that depends on the healer tho. Both healers and tanks should know each other character's in dungeon, such as how the tank pulls, so it'd be easier to heal the tank.

And my tank's build is for all dungeons anyways. Except AOG, because no one ever took me to run through that dungeon :(

#19 CandyCandy



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Posted 16 July 2015 - 16:23

we need a "Healering guide !" then too :P

Criplerrrr !

lol ^^

Goodbye everybody, I may come back in the game in 2058 biggrin.png

#20 redsmokeboy



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Posted 16 July 2015 - 17:02

One skill good for high heath = Last Stand

when Hp reduced below 20% hp take all dmg reduced bye 30%


In effect more hp mean this skill active sooner with more heath Limited drop down low on hp as is but at least not to point when your 1 shoted.


20k hp 20% = 4k HP ?


Favor the Righteous

Increase the effectivene's of all heals on you bye 5/10/15%

Is this skill worth using ?

test it some what did not seam do much of difrance to healer's.




Curent build for Kazzarat: testing bonus of Vindicator Dosen't look to be worth using limited gain's from dmg bost not seeing 3 point in skill worth cost over befit's saying going in War tree for skill Battle Hardened: = 18% attack bonus.


New gear has doge bionus, Finesse some what worthingusing added doge.

Edited by redsmokeboy, 16 July 2015 - 17:15.

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