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Legacy - Outcasted by HCS.

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#1 Steven


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 13:43

You won't all know this, but HCS do own a game called Legacy (Legacy-game.net). It was a personal game that used to be owned by Zorg. HCS bought all rights to this game when they hired Zorg (They bought Legacy to get Zorg on board) Hoof, showed his face for like a day... literally. Chatted a load of crap of how the game was going to evolve this that and the other. We have never seen this guy since.


With all their so called wisdom HCS are blind as anything. They see it fitting to hire 90,000 artists and only 2 web devs. Legacy for the last 2 years has not had anything done to it all. Funny thing is, out of all of HCS's text based game, this one is by far the best. They have robbed every single idea possible out of it and put it in Fallen Sword. They also robbed the platinum store design and turned it into their own HCS shop. Hoof has simply abandoned their biggest gold mine on the grounds that he did not make it and thinks focusing on his own crap would be better for his business.

Any chance of actually hearing from Hoof or someone of importance at HCS on all this rubbish? I'm 99% sure he won't see or reply to this either, the staff might but won't have answers. Sort it out, hire some more coders and send them over. For goodness sake, FS gets an update every god damn week.... and it's a crap game.

#2 Inappropriate Name

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 13:50

lots of legacy player feel like we have just been put on the back back burner.it would be nice to see some new stuff added.we are loyal and would like to see the game get bigger and better.

#3 Lynx



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Posted 08 September 2013 - 14:29

Legacy definetily need more attention.. and this could easily be solved if HCS were to hire more web devs.. sure that costs a fortune.. but that is also what they could get back if legacy was more updated.. i for one would start buying plat again, if it had a use..


We have a whole thread called "Done to Death" with all the best ideas suggested by players through time, so not knowing what to add next is not an excuse... just pick from there.

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#4 Nemesis


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 15:41

Indeed it would be nice to get some updates. We have been waiting for updates ever since HCS bought legacy.

#5 HappyDays



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Posted 08 September 2013 - 16:26

As a person who has paid to play on a game owned by HCS, it is only fair for them to answer what their intentions are with the game. Before anyone goes well no one forced you to pay so shut up, well I did pay and I want to know should I invest in plat again, if the game does not have a future and HCS confirms this, then that gives me a clear answer what to do with my money no matter how little or how much I invested. So I am entitled to ask.   If you have abandoned the game like you have done to other games you own like sigma storm and such, which by the way you are 100% entitled to do. Just say so and that will clear a lot of things up for a lot of people. No one is having a go, I will accept any answer given. No game can last forever.


From my point of view Legacy still makes HCS money, but they use that money to fund other projects, whatever how much or how little the revenue is. I think because even though you do nothing with legacy and it still earns cash and still has players who still play. You are keeping quiet about the game being abandoned. Obviously you are earning less and less money as time goes by as probably less and less have hope and are not investing in platinum. The player base is shot to hell and less activity in game is occuring, even our forums on some level are dying. Let us call a spade a spade, what is the plan for this game. HCS actually going to give us attention or simply just coming out and saying, the game is not in our future plans and major updates are not what we shall be doing.


The updates we get are as follows. Lets disable accounts being deleted to bloat up the account player base. End update.



#6 Removed4427



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Posted 08 September 2013 - 17:08

 people sometimes become as emotionally attached to their online characters as they would a real-life person


when their character is "rejected" online they react much the same as they would being rejected in the real world


sigmastorm2 was also "dumped" - I was a little upset about the monies i donated, but as far as the relationship itself i moved on

#7 Hoofmaster


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 20:19

Apologies for the lack of updates. This has mainly been due to Zorg doing a lot of work on the Hunted Cow Portal (which integrates all of our online games). I'll have a chat with him next week and see if we can put together a Development Roadmap (similar to what we did recently for Fallen Sword) which will keep everyone updated on what we plan to add / improve next and an indication of when :)

#8 KoKo



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Posted 08 September 2013 - 21:13

Thank you for the quick response to this Hoofmaster, there are a lot of us that would love to see Legacy updated, and have been around for a while waiting for it to be. A DV Roadmap would be nice.

#9 Neener


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 21:33

I dont know, seems like a rewritten vesion of what we have been told before. We're gonna do this, but right now enjoy this platnum sale! then crickets for months.

#10 sumwish


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 23:01

I dont know, seems like a rewritten vesion of what we have been told before. We're gonna do this, but right now enjoy this platnum sale! then crickets for months.


Zorg's posted multiple development road maps and even let us vote to see which updates we wanted to see first. If you're going to sit with Zorg for this new road map I'm sure he's just going to show you the same thing he's posted to us in his blog. Instead of just a list of updates that will come "some time down the road" can we get a little more info on what's going to be done to insure these updates are coming in a timely manner?

#11 Taylor


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Posted 08 September 2013 - 23:18

Things i see wrong with whats going on in legacy.


1) Not enough player involved decisions.

2) Not enough attention from the owners.

3) Not enough things that keep players interested in it, thus not keeping the owners interested.


Things that could help this.


1) A new Vote system (devoted) that players can use to see where they want things changed and updated next. ex.

~Wasteland (ie. new maps, new system, quests, etc.)  (18% voted)

~Player combat (ie. combat system, new equipment, multi/gang attacks, etc) (22% voted)

~Story/Quests (Mission system, new completed storyline, interactive decisive storyline..) (12% voted)



2) Weekly to bi-weekly checkups and blogs on the legacy server by HCS staff to tell us whats happening, or to even show they know of our existence.


3) More sponsoring, such as ads or maybe even cross game rewards for players to be interested in legacy and other games owned by HCS. For example, reaching level 10 in FS gives you 1000 free platinum in legacy or vice-versa..


I respect the fact that i am only a player, but i assert my ability to show that i am very involved in this game and would like to see it be what it deserves to be, the biggest, best game HCS owns...(honestly i tried eldeven and FS and thought it was garb..no offense)

#12 uglymug


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Posted 09 September 2013 - 00:08

Some transparency would be appareciated. Just saying you're going to do a development roadmap (whatever that means) does not actually mean updates will come.


Please be transparent and keep us up to date with the updates that are planned and ones that are about to be deployed. We've been left in the dark with false promises for far too long.


The game has been the same for 2 years and no one really enjoys it anymore. The mechanics are still annoying (might as well replace the fight system with a single coin toss at level 80) and the wasteland has become stale and repetitive.


Nothing has been done, there is nothing to do. Something, anything (apart from some platinum store items) would really be appreciated.


This thread is long overdue. This thread was the 2nd time Hoofmaster has interacted with the Legacy community and it required us to come to you, even after you promised that Legacy would be updated and kept alive.




Here's hoping something is actually done, or this is game really gone. You guys might have missed it.

#13 CroFighter



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Posted 09 September 2013 - 05:09

WOW! O.O Hoof aftually replied! xD

Sorry for all the mistakes i'll make in this post. My english suck's. -_-

Legacy is by far the best game HCS has in it's posetion. And unfortunately it's by far the most ignored by it's staff. As i understand FS is the most played game, right now? well i got to lvl 200+ there in like a month or 2, in that time I got half of the achievement medal's without even trying hard. And after that it's always the same. The game is soo boring, 1 example; a guild (gang) group that is made to attack other gang's it should be exciting, when u are going to attack the other gang to steal it's relic, but instead of that all you do is click 'join group' and wait the log to see if your guild attack succeded or you should try again... sorry but in short word's, it suck's.
If you just take a look at Legacy's Wasteland, you'll see that only this 1 thing is better than all the other things mixed up together in FS.
the only thing's I like on FS, and we DON'T HAVE on Legacy are:
1. Guild(Gang) Chat: am sure we would love one on legacy.
2. PvP Arena: we need desperately new ways of earning money not just by working or selling bp's, and the arena would be very interesting due to the differences in the stat's player's have, unlike FS where mostly player's has all their stat's in just dmg.
3. Bounty Board: i love it! but it wouldn't be very popular on legacy because of the low budget's most player's have, but even with low budget's i think there would be a lot of player's hooked on it, as i was on fs. :P
I repeat, this is not what i like more on fs than legacy, it's what we dont have on legacy.

Ohh right and now a word or 2 about the update's.
today is my legacy char b-day, 5 years of playing the game. there was no major update in the last 2 year's, for sure! and it really suck's because many old player's that were even playing for longer than I am, stopped, since there was nothing they were enjoying in game anymore, and they were waiting for those promised update's that weren't coming. i think, that for a game like this it's a big loss to lose even 1 player that spent a good part of his life (approx.
3 years or more) by playing that game or even buying platinum(subscribe time). What I want to ask you here, is: how the hell do you think you'll attract new player's to play if even those that were very 'connected' to the game or the friend's they made there stopped playing?
ohh and for god's sake stop with those plat offer updates, untill you give us a good reason to start spending money to buy that plat.
now, we've been immensly patient and stubborn to keep playing, so all we ask you is to redirect some of your attention to us every now and than. we dont need bug fixes and updates every 3 day's like you're doing with FS. but at least once in a 7 day's period it would be great. tnx :D


#14 Ryan


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Posted 09 September 2013 - 11:30

Well .... good luck with this!


The 'roadmap' alone will probably take about 2 years to come up with and as far as any actual proper, important updates go, I just can't see it. Legacy probably gets 1 update every few months at least and even then it's some minor thing that nobody even notices or gives a **** about at all.


In all honesty, and the sad thing is I'm probably not the only one, I really couldn't care less if the game gets regular decent updates at all from this point on. It's been forgotten about for too long now that I don't care what happens to it, I only log on for the forums anyway  -_-

#15 Vinny


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Posted 09 September 2013 - 12:50

No no, this list isn't going to take years to do, it'll take a day, if that.


Just speaking for the majority here, a list isn't good enough. Like plenty have already mentioned, we have been shown lists several times of things we should being seeing "soon". It isn't always just a Platinum Store sale either, which IMO is a sad way to keep your community active. What we have only seen in the recent years are Fight System updates.


The Fight System has been changed several times and recently was told to be changed again. This is your problem. You focus on things you think are flawed however the game itself is losing all entertainment, it's not the fighting, it's the game.


The game has lacked updates for so long now that players are throwing their credits away toward helping others get put into the same shoes.


We would like to see the "Done To Death" thread sticky'd in the Suggestions Forums looked over and viewed by not only Zorg, but people who actually play these games.


I find Zorg tends to act like he knows what it's like to play legacy, but he clearly does not. Not with how he tries to make his community happy. He hands us things we do not need nor really want, and tosses aside the things I personally can tell you would make the game 10x better.


So please, no more lists with a deadline, give us a decent update and then a list may make us relax for a little while, but not another 2 years.


#16 HappyDays



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Posted 09 September 2013 - 13:25

Hoofmaster said he would discuss with zorg this week about a road map and what can potentially be done. I say give him his space and trust in what he says until proven wrong.  Another week is not going to hurt on top of 2 years plus. The key result being, at the very least we shall find out where this game stands.


Thank you Hoofmaster for the quick response, and please ignore the people who said it was too late or road maps are not enough or lists. Every project begins with discussion and planning. Most of the community will understand that.

#17 Bongo


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Posted 09 September 2013 - 16:12

I know Vinny said it's not the combat, it's the lack of updates in general, but personally I would love to see the combat system revamped. I know a new FFX type fighting system where speed actually allows you to get multiple hits in before the opponent was in the works but no idea where that's gone. That alone would add some depth to the combat, instead of just tossing coins and getting lucky.


Another huge issue I see is the way abilities work. The system is essentially rewarding players for inactivity. I would love to see an alternative to time based ability point production in order to train abilities faster. For example, using warfare points to train wasteland-based abilities. I know people have hundreds of thousands of warfare points saved up, may as well give them something to use those on.

#18 Pascal


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Posted 10 September 2013 - 07:29

Apologies for the lack of updates. This has mainly been due to Zorg doing a lot of work on the Hunted Cow Portal (which integrates all of our online games). I'll have a chat with him next week and see if we can put together a Development Roadmap (similar to what we did recently for Fallen Sword) which will keep everyone updated on what we plan to add / improve next and an indication of when :)

So Zorg has been working on that portal for over a year? Must be a pretty complicated portal with a lot of stuff. 

What happened with hiring a second dev to help him?

#19 Scott



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 23:52

As much as I hate these kind-of threads *smacks Steven*, In Zorg's defence he has been busy.. Maybe Legacy has been left on the back burner to stew and I think you've all collectively got your point across. Hoof will no doubt set some time aside for Legacy. This doesn't mean they're going to hire anyone as a Second DEV.. simply because the best person to code Legacy is Zorg (No Offence, Hoof). 


He deals with this community site and runs the ticket system as well as dealing with requests thrown in by other Staff (Albeit HCS or from me), Eldevin will not take much of his time because its nearly done with its current phase. 


Its nice to see the community spirit, just don't cross the line and make it a mob eh?



#20 Macey



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Posted 11 September 2013 - 01:52

So Zorg has been working on that portal for over a year? Must be a pretty complicated portal with a lot of stuff. 

What happened with hiring a second dev to help him?


They're waiting for me to finish my honours year at uni ;)

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