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#1 gothador_danusha

  • Guests

Posted 02 June 2006 - 00:37

Thank you, Xeran, for working so hard on this.

NOTE: If you notice any inaccurancies or if it's incomplete, please let me know. The list will be revised promptly.


Bandit Pit Entrance Stairs Gothador 49,46 Gothador to Bandit Pit (0,2)
Braskin Portal Stairs Gothador 88,7 Gothador to Mount Braskin (50,56)
Crystal Valley Stairs Gothador 88,27 Gothador to Crystal Valley (8,17)
Dark Passage 1 Stairs Gothador 2,15 Gothador to Dark Forest (98,15)
Dark Passage 2 Stairs Gothador 3,49 Gothador to Dark Forest (96,49)
Dark Passage 3 Stairs Gothador 4,98 Gothador to Dark Forest (98,98 )
Frosted Cavity Stairs Gothador 72,99 Gothador to Ice Cave (22,0)
Ice Caves Stairs Gothador 50,99 Gothador to Ice Cave (0,0)
Gothador Vortex Stairs Gothador 52,46 Gothador to Ethereal Void (7,7)
Grassy Passage Stairs Gothador 43,58 Gothador to Braskin Plains (49,49)
Lair Opening Stairs Gothador 98,99 Gothador to Lair of Decay Level 1 (17,46)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Gothador -1,-1 Gothador to Labr. of Na'Gath - 1 (18,25)
Northern Caravan Stairs Gothador 14,6 Gothador to Frozen North (56,41)
Prison Gate Stairs Gothador 30,34 Gothador to Cells (Level 1) (4,3)
Sacred Ground Stairs Gothador 49,24 Gothador to Sacred Grounds (4,9)
Slither Pit Stairs Gothador 66,50 Gothador to Slither Pit (6,9)
Teridia Vortex Stairs Gothador 90,9 Gothador to Teridia Anomaly (56,55)
Toxic Vortex Stairs Gothador 76,96 Gothador to Toxic Wasteland (-1,-1)
Varo Passage Stairs Gothador 53,65 Gothador to Varo Dungeon Level 1 (6,7)
Yvew Bunker Stairs Gothador 46,50 Gothador to Yvew Homeworld (50,50)

Bandit Pit
Bandit Pit Exit Stairs Bandit Pit 0,2 Bandit Pit to Gothador (49,46)

Black Maze
Dark Opening Stairs Black Maze 1,1 Black Maze to Dark Forest (99,75)

Black Blood Lagoon
Black Stairs Stairs Black Blood Lagoon 2,1 Black Blood Lagoon to Crystal Valley (31,22)

Braskin Plains
Grassy Passage Stairs Braskin Plains 49,49 Braskin Plains to Gothador (43,58 )
Spore Opening Stairs Braskin Plains 1,57 Braskin Plains to Spore Field (59,8 )
Death Plains Stairs Braskin Plains 23,27 to Death Plains (49,49)

Blood Cave
Crystal Valley Stairs Stairs Blood Cave 4,6 Blood Cave to Crystal Valley (87,13)

Blood Haven
Mystical Portal Stairs Blood Haven 2,5 Blood Haven to Crystal Valley (81,7)

Cells (Level 1)
Prison Gate Stairs Cells (Level 1) 4,3 Cells (Level 1) to Gothador (30,34)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 1) 1,8 Cells (Level 1) to Cells (Level 2) (8,1)

Cells (Level2)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 2) 1,8 Cells (Level 2) to Cells (Level 3) (8,1)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 2) 8,1 Cells (Level 2) to Cells (Level 1) (1,8 )

Cells (Level 3)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 3) 1,8 Cells (Level 3) to Cells (Level 4) (8,1)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 3) 8,1 Cells (Level 3) to Cells (Level 2) (1,8 )

Cells (Level 4)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 4) 1,8 Cells (Level 4) to Cells (Level 5) (8,1)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 4) 8,1 Cells (Level 4) to Cells (Level 3) (1,8 )

Cells (Level 5)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 5) 1,8 Cells (Level 5) to Cells (Level 6) (8,1)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 5) 8,1 Cells (Level 5) to Cells (Level 4) (1,8 )

Cells (Level 6)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 6) 1,8 Cells (Level 6) to Cells (Level 7) (8,1)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 6) 8,1 Cells (Level 6) to Cells (Level 5) (1,8 )

Cells (Level 7)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 7) 1,8 Cells (Level 7) to Cells (Level 8 ) (8,1)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 7) 8,1 Cells (Level 7) to Cells (Level 6) (1,8 )

Cells (Level 8 )
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 8 ) 1,8 Cells (Level 8 ) to Cells (Level 9) (8,1)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 8 ) 8,1 Cells (Level 8 ) to Cells (Level 7) (1,8)

Cells (Level 9)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 9) 1,8 Cells (Level 9) to Cells (Level 10) (8,1)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 9) 8,1 Cells (Level 9) to Cells (Level 8 ) (1,8 )

Cells (Level 10)
Stair Well Stairs Cells (Level 10) 8,1 Cells (Level 10) to Cells (Level 9) (1,8)

Clouds of Vevalian
Vevalian Vortex Stairs Clouds of Vevalian 0,0 Clouds of Vevalian to Ethereal Void (1,7)

Crystal Valley
Black Stairs Stairs Crystal Valley 31,22 Crystal Valley to Black Blood Lagoon (2,1)
Blood Cave Entrance Stairs Crystal Valley 87,13 Crystal Valley to Blood Cave (4,6)
Crystal Valley Stairs Crystal Valley 8,17 Crystal Valley to Gothador (88,27)
Mystical Portal Stairs Crystal Valley 81,7 Crystal Valley to Blood Haven (2,5)

Darkfor Jungle
Darkfor Passage Darkfor Jungle 19, 68 to Death Plains (58, 60)

Dark Forest
Dark Forest Vortex Stairs Dark Forest 67,40 Dark Forest to Ethereal Void (1,1)
Dark Opening Stairs Dark Forest 99,75 Dark Forest to Black Maze (1,1)
Dark Passage 1 Stairs Dark Forest 98,15 Dark Forest to Gothador (2,15)
Dark Passage 2 Stairs Dark Forest 96,49 Dark Forest to Gothador (3,49)
Dark Passage 3 Stairs Dark Forest 98,98 Dark Forest to Gothador (4,98 )
Library Doorway Stairs Dark Forest 16,12 Dark Forest to Library of Ages 1 (2,6)
Orcish Cave Entrance Stairs Dark Forest 12,5 Dark Forest to Orcish Cave (1,0)
Secret Passage Stairs Dark Forest 86,12 Dark Forest to Dark Forest Maze (9,1)
Stairs to Dwarven Mines Stairs Dark Forest 87,74 Dark Forest to Dwarven Mines (8,3)
Swampy Path Stairs Dark Forest 50,0 Dark Forest to Darkwater (40,0)
Teridia Vortex Stairs Dark Forest -1,-1 Dark Forest to Teridia Anomaly (25,50)

Dark Forest Maze
Secret Passage Stairs Dark Forest Maze 9,1 Dark Forest Maze to Dark Forest (86,12)

Poison Field Vortex Stairs Darkwater 1,16 Darkwater to Poison Field (3,2)
Swampy Path Stairs Darkwater 40,0 Darkwater to Dark Forest (50,0)

Death Cave
Cave Opening Stairs Death Cave 0,0 Death Cave to Lair of Decay Level 1 (27,9)

Death Plains
Skull Stairwell Stairs Death Plains 49,49 to Braskin Plains (23, 27)
Darkfor Passage Death Plains 58, 60 to Darkfor Jungle (19, 6
Darkfor Passage Darkfor Jungle 19,68 to Death Plains (58,60)

Depths of Hell
Depths of Hell (1-2) stairs Depth of hell level 1 1-4 Depth of hell Level 1 to Level 2 (8-7)
Depths of Hell (2-1) stairs Depth of hell level 2 8-7 Depth of hell Level 2 to Level 1 (1-4)
Depths of hell (2-3) Stairs Depth of hell Level 2 9-9 Depth of hell Level 2 to Level 3 (2-5)
Depths of hell (3-2) Stairs Depth of hell Level 3 2-5 Depth of hell Level 3 to Level 2(9-9)
Depths of hell (3-4) Stairs Depth of hell Level 3 3-7 Depth of hell Level 3 to level 4 (10-21)
Depths of hell (4-3) Stairs Depth of hell Level 4 10-21 Depth of hell Level 4 to Level 3 (3-7)
Depths of hell (4-5) Stairs Depths of hell Level 4 8-19 Depth of hell Level 4 to Level 5 (25-25)
Depths of hell (5-4) Stairs Depths of hell Level 5 25-25 Depth of hell Level 5 to Level 4 ( 8-19)
Depths of hell ( IN) Stairs Ulthr'an Tomb 6-13 Ulthr'an Tomb to Depth of hell Level 1 (2-2)
Depths of hell (OUT) Stairs Depth of hell Level 1 2-2 Depth of hell Level 1 to Ulthran Tomb (6-13)

Dwarven Mines
Dwarven Mine Vortex Stairs Dwarven Mines 3,4 Dwarven Mines to Ethereal Void (1,9)
Stairs to Dark Forest Stairs Dwarven Mines 8,3 Dwarven Mines to Dark Forest (87,74)
Tunnel Stairs Dwarven Mines 8,9 Dwarven Mines to Dwarven Tunnel (0,1)

Dwarven Tunnel
Tunnel Stairs Dwarven Tunnel 0,1 Dwarven Tunnel to Dwarven Mines (8,9)

Ethereal Void
Dark Forest Vortex Stairs Ethereal Void 1,1 Ethereal Void to Dark Forest (67,40)
Deimos Vortex Stairs Ethereal Void 1,11 Ethereal Void to Plains of Deimos (1,1)
Devera Vortex Stairs Ethereal Void 12,13 Ethereal Void to Oceanianas (87,12)
Dwarven Mine Vortex Stairs Ethereal Void 1,9 Ethereal Void to Dwarven Mines (3,4)
Gothador Vortex Stairs Ethereal Void 7,7 Ethereal Void to Gothador (52,46)
Ice Cave Vortex Stairs Ethereal Void 1,5 Ethereal Void to Ice Cave (5,7)
Kindom of Ulth'ran Vortex Stairs Ethereal Void 11,11 Ethereal Void to Kingdom of Ulth'ran (50,35)
Poison Field Vortex Stairs Ethereal Void 12,9 Ethereal Void to Poison Field (1,1)
Rock of Viscos Portal Stairs Ethereal Void 3,2 Ethereal Void to Rock of Viscos (1,3)
Teridia Vortex Stairs Ethereal Void -1,-1 Ethereal Void to Teridia Anomaly (121,231)
Thunderous Vortex Stairs Ethereal Void 8,13 Ethereal Void to Thor's Grip (48,52)
Varo Dungeon Vortex Stairs Ethereal Void 1,3 Ethereal Void to Varo Dungeon Level 4 (0,0)
Vevalian Vortex Stairs Ethereal Void 1,7 Ethereal Void to Clouds of Vevalian (0,0)

Fire Cave
Fire Cave Stairs Fire Cave 6,6 Fire Cave to Mount Braskin (70,86)

Frozen North
Crystal Entrance Stairs Frozen North 1,9 Frozen North to Ice Crystal Cave - 1 (5,5)
Frosted Opening Stairs Frozen North 16,8 Frozen North to Frosty Chasm (2,4)
Northern Caravan Stairs Frozen North 56,41 Frozen North to Gothador (14,6)
Pit Entrance Stairs Frozen North 46,49 Frozen North to Monster Pit Level 1 (10,10)

Frosty Chasm
Frosty Opening Stairs Frosty Chasm 2,4 Frosty Chasm to Frozen North (16,8 )

Frosted Crawlway
Icelor's Palace Stairs Frosted Crawlway 0,9 Frosted Crawlway to Icelor's Palace (0,3)
Stairs to Ice Caves Stairs Frosted Crawlway 0,0 Frosted Crawlway to Ice Cave (9,14)

Glacial Valley
Stairs to Ice Caves Stairs Glacial Valley 2,0 Glacial Valley to Ice Cave (21,14)
Stairs to Icellor's Palace Stairs Glacial Valley 2,9 Glacial Valley to Icelor's Palace (11,0)
Trappers Camp Opening Stairs Glacial Valley 4,1 Glacial Valley to Trappers Camp (3,3)

Hidden Lagoon
Whirlpool Stairs Hidden Lagoon 1,1 Hidden Lagoon to Oceanianas (70,70)

Ice Cave
Frosted Passway Stairs Ice Cave 9,14 Ice Cave to Frosted Crawlway (0,0)
Ice Cave Vortex Stairs Ice Cave 5,7 Ice Cave to Ethereal Void (1,5)
Icling Nest Stairs Ice Cave 9,10 Ice Cave to Icling Nest (5,9)
Stairs to Frozen Glacier Stairs Ice Cave 21,14 Ice Cave to Glacial Valley (2,0)
Stairs to Gothador Stairs Ice Cave 0,0 Ice Cave to Gothador (50,99)
Stairs to Gothador Stairs Ice Cave 22,0 Ice Cave to Gothador (72,99)

Ice Crystal Cave -1
Cave Stairwell Stairs Ice Crystal Cave - 1 3,2 Ice Crystal Cave - 1 to Ice Crystal Cave - 2 (5,1)
Crystal Entrance Stairs Ice Crystal Cave - 1 5,5 Ice Crystal Cave - 1 to Frozen North (1,9)
Ice Passage Stairs Ice Crystal Cave - 1 13,14 Ice Crystal Cave - 1 to (,)

Ice Crystal Cave -2
Cave Stairwell Stairs Ice Crystal Cave - 2 5,1 Ice Crystal Cave - 2 to Ice Crystal Cave - 1 (3,2)
Ice Passage Stairs Ice Crystal Cave - 2 5,5 Ice Crystal Cave - 2 to Ice Crystal Cave - 1 (13,14)

Icelor's Palace
Stairs to Frosted Crawlway Stairs Icelor's Palace 0,3 Icelor's Palace to Frosted Crawlway (0,9)
Stairs to Frozen Glacier Stairs Icelor's Palace 11,0 Icelor's Palace to Glacial Valley (2,9)

Icling Nest
Icling Nest Stairs Icling Nest 5,9 Icling Nest to Ice Cave (9,10)

Kingdom of Ulth'ran
Castle Gateway Stairs Kingdom of Ulth'ran 34,34 Kingdom of Ulth'ran to Ulth'ran Courtyard (1,5)
Darkened Passage Stairs Kingdom of Ulth'ran 23,24 Kingdom of Ulth'ran to Vetro Dementia Level 1 (0,2)
Kindom of Ulth'ran Stairs Kingdom of Ulth'ran 50,35 Kingdom of Ulth'ran to Ethereal Void (11,11)
Glowing Path Stairs Kingdom of Ulth'ran 68,68 Kingdom of Ulth'ran to Shimmering Forest (3,5)
Tomb Stairwell Stairs Kingdom of Ulth'ran 63,22 Kingdom of Ulth'ran to (,)

Lair of Decay Level 1
Cave Opening Stairs Lair of Decay Level 1 27,9 Lair of Decay Level 1 to Death Cave (0,0)
Decay Vortex Stairs Lair of Decay Level 1 36,69 Lair of Decay Level 1 to Lair of Decay Level 2 (48,29)
Lair Opening Stairs Lair of Decay Level 1 17,46 Lair of Decay Level 1 to Gothador (98,99)

Lair of Decay Level 2
Decay Passage Stairs Lair of Decay Level 2 95,73 Lair of Decay Level 2 to Lair of Decay Level 3 (24,24)
Decay Vortex Stairs Lair of Decay Level 2 48,29 Lair of Decay Level 2 to Lair of Decay Level 1 (36,69)

Lair of Decay Level 3
Decay Passage Stairs Lair of Decay Level 3 24,24 Lair of Decay Level 3 to Lair of Decay Level 2 (95,73)

Lair of Decay - Dragon Den
Entrance from LOD 3 to the Den at 26, 19
Exit from the Den to LoD 3 at 28,14

Labr. of Na'Gath 1
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 1 18,25 Labr. of Na'Gath - 1 to Gothador (-1,-1)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 1 5,23 Labr. of Na'Gath - 1 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 7 (-1,-1)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 1 -1,-1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 1 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 2 (5,8 )

Labr. of Na'Gath 2
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 2 5,8 Labr. of Na'Gath - 2 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 1 (-1,-1)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 2 -1,-1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 2 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 3 (15,16)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 2 -1,-1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 2 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 (0,8 )

Labr. of Na'Gath 3
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 3 15,16 Labr. of Na'Gath - 3 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 2 (-1,-1)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 3 -1,-1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 3 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 4 (26,25)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 3 1,28 Labr. of Na'Gath - 3 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 (-1,-1)

Labr. of Na'Gath 4
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 4 26,25 Labr. of Na'Gath - 4 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 3 (-1,-1)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 4 -1,-1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 4 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 (29,28 )

Labr. of Na'Gath 5
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 19,25 Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 to Na'Gath Dungeon (30,34)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 29,28 Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 4 (-1,-1)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 -1,-1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 3 (1,28 )
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 -1,-1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 6 (11,16)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 0,8 Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 2 (-1,-1)

Labr. of Na'Gath 6
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 6 11,16 Labr. of Na'Gath - 6 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 (-1,-1)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 6 -1,-1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 6 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 7 (19,21)

Labr. of Na'Gath 7
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 7 19,21 Labr. of Na'Gath - 7 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 6 (-1,-1)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 7 -1,-1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 7 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 1 (5,23)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 7 -1,-1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 7 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 8 (0,1)

Labr. of Na'Gath 8
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 8 0,1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 8 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 7 (-1,-1)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 8 -1,-1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 8 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 9 (27,20)

Labr. of Na'Gath 9
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 9 27,20 Labr. of Na'Gath - 9 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 8 (-1,-1)
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath - 9 -1,-1 Labr. of Na'Gath - 9 to Labr. of Na'Gath 10 (5,6)

Labr. of Na'Gath 10
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Labr. of Na'Gath 10 5,6 Labr. of Na'Gath 10 to Labr. of Na'Gath - 9 (-1,-1)

Library of Ages 1
Library Doorway Stairs Library of Ages 1 2,6 Library of Ages 1 to Dark Forest (16,12)
Stairway Stairs Library of Ages 1 1,1 Library of Ages 1 to Library of Ages 2 (1,1)

Library of Ages 2
Level Portal Stairs Library of Ages 2 3,3 Library of Ages 2 to Library of Ages 3 (2,2)
Stairway Stairs Library of Ages 2 1,1 Library of Ages 2 to Library of Ages 1 (1,1)

Library of Ages 3
Level Portal Stairs Library of Ages 3 2,2 Library of Ages 3 to Library of Ages 2 (3,3)

Mount Braskin
Betrayer Vortex Stairs Mount Braskin 50,5 Mount Braskin to Peak of Betrayer (1,1)
Braskin Portal Stairs Mount Braskin 50,56 Mount Braskin to Gothador (88,7)
Fire Cave Stairs Mount Braskin 70,86 Mount Braskin to Fire Cave (6,6)
Spore Cave Stairs Mount Braskin 67,91 Mount Braskin to Spore Cave (14,8 )

Monster Pit Level 1
Dark Passage Stairs Monster Pit Level 1 14,13 Monster Pit Level 1 to Monster Pit Level 2 (10,23)
Pit Entrance Stairs Monster Pit Level 1 10,10 Monster Pit Level 1 to Frozen North (46,49)

Monster Pit Level 2
Dark Passage Stairs Monster Pit Level 2 10,23 Monster Pit Level 2 to Monster Pit Level 1 (14,13)
Dark Passage Stairs Monster Pit Level 2 5,2 Monster Pit Level 2 to Monster Pit Level 3 (2,2)

Monster Pit Level 3
Dark Passage Stairs Monster Pit Level 3 2,2 Monster Pit Level 3 to Monster Pit Level 2 (5,2)

Na'Gath Dungeon
Na'Gath Hole Stairs Na'Gath Dungeon 30,34 Na'Gath Dungeon to Labr. of Na'Gath - 5 (19,25)

Devera Vortex Stairs Oceanianas 87,12 Oceanianas to Ethereal Void (12,13)
Strange Gateway Stairs Oceanianas 76,50 Oceanianas to Teridia Anomaly (10,10)
Whirlpool Stairs Oceanianas 70,70 Oceanianas to Hidden Lagoon (1,1)

Open Grave
Open Grave Exit Stairs Open Grave 1,1 Open Grave to (,)

Orc's Drift
Orcish Cave Entrance Stairs Orc's Drift 1,1 Orc's Drift to Orcish Cave (7,6)

Orcish Cave
Dark Forest Entrance Stairs Orcish Cave 1,0 Orcish Cave to Dark Forest (12,5)
Orc's Drift entrance Stairs Orcish Cave 7,6 Orcish Cave to Orc's Drift (1,1)

Peak of Betrayer
Betrayer Vortex Stairs Peak of Betrayer 1,1 Peak of Betrayer to Mount Braskin (50,5)

Plains of Deimos
Deimos Vortex Stairs Plains of Deimos 1,1 Plains of Deimos to Ethereal Void (1,11)

Poison Field
Poison Field Vortex Stairs Poison Field 3,2 Poison Field to Darkwater (1,16)
Poison Field Vortex Stairs Poison Field 1,1 Poison Field to Ethereal Void (12,9)

Rock of Viscos
Ethereal Void Portal Stairs Rock of Viscos 1,3 Rock of Viscos to Ethereal Void (3,2)

Sacred Grounds
Open Grave Entrance Stairs Sacred Grounds 6,8 Sacred Grounds to Open Grave (1,1)
Stairs to Gothador Stairs Sacred Grounds 4,9 Sacred Grounds to Gothador (49,24)

Shimmering Forest
Glowing Path Stairs Shimmering Forest 3,5 Shimmering Forest to Kingdom of Ulth'ran (68,68 )

Slither Pit
Slither Pit Stairs Slither Pit 6,9 Slither Pit to Gothador (66,50)

Spore Cave
Spore Cave Stairs Spore Cave 14,8 Spore Cave to Mount Braskin (67,91)

Spore Field
Spore Opening Stairs Spore Field 59,8 Spore Field to Braskin Plains (1,57)

Teridia Anomaly
Strange Gateway Stairs Teridia Anomaly 10,10 Teridia Anomaly to Oceanianas (76,50)
Teridia Vortex Stairs Teridia Anomaly 121,231 Teridia Anomaly to Ethereal Void (-1,-1)
Teridia Vortex Stairs Teridia Anomaly 56,55 Teridia Anomaly to Gothador (90,9)
Teridia Vortex Stairs Teridia Anomaly 25,50 Teridia Anomaly to Dark Forest (-1,-1)
Teridia Vortex Stairs Teridia Anomaly 45,65 Teridia Anomaly to The Great Desert (16,231)

The Great Desert
Teridia Vortex Stairs The Great Desert 16,231 The Great Desert to Teridia Anomaly (45,65)

Thor's Grip
Thunderous Vortex Stairs Thor's Grip 48,52 Thor's Grip to Ethereal Void (8,13)

Tomb of Jh'saril
Floor Passage Stairs Tomb of Jh'saril 0,4 Tomb of Jh'saril to Vetro Dementia Level 2 (1,8 )

Toxic Wasteland
Toxic Vortex Stairs Toxic Wasteland -1,-1 Toxic Wasteland to Gothador (76,96)

Trappers Camp
Trappers Camp Opening Stairs Trappers Camp 3,3 Trappers Camp to Glacial Valley (4,1)

Trickster's Domain
Trickster's Vortex Stairs Trickster's Domain -1,-1 Trickster's Domain to Varo Dungeon Level 1 (4,2)

Ulth'ran Courtyard
Castle Gateway Stairs Ulth'ran Courtyard 1,5 Ulth'ran Courtyard to Kingdom of Ulth'ran (34,34)

Ulth'ran Tomb
Tomb Stairwell Stairs Ulth'ran Tomb 10,8 Ulth'ran Tomb to Kingdom of Ulth'ran (63,22)
Entrance to the Depths of Hell 6, 13

Varo Burrow
Varo Burrow Stairs Varo Burrow 0,0 Varo Burrow to Varo Dungeon Level 3 (9,1)

Varo Cave
Small Passage Stairs Varo Cave 2,3 Varo Cave to Varo Dungeon Level 2 (8,3)

Varo Dungeon Level 1
Trickster's Vortex Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 1 4,2 Varo Dungeon Level 1 to Trickster's Domain (-1,-1)
Varo Level 1 Exit Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 1 6,7 Varo Dungeon Level 1 to Gothador (53,65)
Varo Level 2 Entrance Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 1 8,8 Varo Dungeon Level 1 to Varo Dungeon Level 2 (9,8 )

Varo Dungeon Level 2
Small Passage Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 2 8,3 Varo Dungeon Level 2 to Varo Cave (2,3)
Varo Level 2 Exit Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 2 9,8 Varo Dungeon Level 2 to Varo Dungeon Level 1 (8,8 )
Varo Level 3 Entrance Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 2 5,6 Varo Dungeon Level 2 to Varo Dungeon Level 3 (0,0)

Varo Dungeon Level 3
Varo Burrow Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 3 9,1 Varo Dungeon Level 3 to Varo Burrow (0,0)
Varo Level 3 Exit Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 3 0,0 Varo Dungeon Level 3 to Varo Dungeon Level 2 (5,6)
Varo Level 4 Entrance Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 3 4,3 Varo Dungeon Level 3 to Varo Dungeon Level 4 (2,2)

Varo Dungeon Level 4
Uncovered Stairs Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 4 0,2 Varo Dungeon Level 4 to Varo Dungeon Level 5 (11,15)
Varo Dungeon Vortex Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 4 0,0 Varo Dungeon Level 4 to Ethereal Void (1,3)
Varo Level 4 Exit Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 4 2,2 Varo Dungeon Level 4 to Varo Dungeon Level 3 (4,3)

Varo Dungeon Level 5
Uncovered Stairs Stairs Varo Dungeon Level 5 11,15 Varo Dungeon Level 5 to Varo Dungeon Level 4 (0,2)

Vetro Dementia Level 1
Darkened Passage Stairs Vetro Dementia Level 1 0,2 Vetro Dementia Level 1 to Kingdom of Ulth'ran (23,24)
Vetro Well Stairs Vetro Dementia Level 1 5,7 Vetro Dementia Level 1 to Vetro Dementia Level 2 (5,7)

Vetro Dementia Level 2
Vetro Well Stairs Vetro Dementia Level 2 5,7 Vetro Dementia Level 2 to Vetro Dementia Level 1 (5,7)
Floor Passage Stairs Vetro Dementia Level 2 1,8 Vetro Dementia Level 2 to Tomb of Jh'saril (0,4)

Yvew Homeworld
Yvew Bunker Stairs Yvew Homeworld 50,50 Yvew Homeworld to Gothador (46,50
Beltaine Blade
Eternally bound with the divine Danusha

#2 AlBDarned



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Posted 02 June 2006 - 19:13

Very nice.....thanks!!! :D

#3 gothador_xeran

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Posted 02 June 2006 - 19:14

yw. I nearly went cross-eyed sorting it all out.

#4 shannanan



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Posted 03 June 2006 - 02:38


great job :D

#5 gothador_synergy

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 05:37

6,13 in Ulthran tomb is entrance to Depths of Hell

#6 blaine



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Posted 03 June 2006 - 11:39

Simply fantastic! Thanks so much for all this hard work!~*Blaine

#7 gothador_mrduck

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 14:10

Now thats a work of ART thanks so much!!!!! :D

#8 gothador_preciouskin

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Posted 04 June 2006 - 10:46

Much appreciated. :)

#9 gothador_anastacial

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Posted 05 June 2006 - 18:36

Thank you so much... I can not tell you how appreciated this is. :D

#10 gothador_smuts

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Posted 06 June 2006 - 14:07

Thank you so much... I can not tell you how appreciated this is. :D

I can tell you - it's a LOT appreciated!

#11 gothador_sugarsugar

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Posted 06 June 2006 - 15:11

Big thanks from me too :D

#12 gothador_genevieve

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Posted 06 June 2006 - 19:40

Nice work! :D Much appreciated! :D

#13 gothador_caridwen

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 05:06

Love it!!

Btw: where are the jungle entrances? :cry: I'm lost!!

You guys really deserve a pat on the back :D

someone sticky this!!!

#14 gothador_xeran

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 17:48

The stairs in the new realms were not in the original list, so I had to scour the forum to find them. Here they are.

***Darkfor Jungle**
Darkfor Passage Darkfor Jungle 19, 68 to Death Plains (58, 60)

***Death Plains**
Skull Stairwell Stairs Death Plains 49,49 to Braskin Plains (23, 27)
Darkfor Passage Death Plains 58, 60 to Darkfor Jungle (19, 68 )

#15 gothador_ladyblack

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 21:00

Whoa... fantastic!! I didn't dare DREAM someone would take the time to compile all that info... but believe me, I am happy! :D :D :D

#16 gothador_quirinus

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Posted 08 June 2006 - 13:47

If anyone prefers an Excel spreadsheet for that, see http://users.volja.n...orResources.zip , the Passages sheet.
The link is fixed now.

#17 gothador_ladyblack

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Posted 08 June 2006 - 18:11

If anyone prefers an Excel spreadsheet for that, see http://users.volja.n...orResources.zip, the Passages sheet.

Link nix working :(

#18 gothador_quirinus

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Posted 08 June 2006 - 19:41

The link is fixed now, it was just a matter of that coma after the link getting attached to the link. I put a space before the comma now.

#19 gothador_ladykrystal

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Posted 12 June 2006 - 07:33

Could this be stickied...as Im thinking it could be a big help to those who havent gotten with one of the programs coming out..

#20 gothador_renoir

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 07:49

excellent job

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