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Current issues + suggestions

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#1 Struyk


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 14:54

So, half the EU server has me on ignore because I'm right and they don't want to hear the truth but the devs have to know this as well ( if they don't already ).


Devs, don't read the comments, as all comments will be made by current active players, and all my suggestions are for players who don't like the game as it is right now and probably won't be reading this as they gave up on Eldevin like all my buddies did.



Current Player Base consists of people who:


Play 10-16 hours a day ( If you only play 2 hours a day you don't want to spend the next 10 days trying to get forestry from 10 to 16 )

Have the ability to put their brain on stand-by while grinding ( Probably very low IQ. No offence. )

Bot/Macro ( I honestly think this game is made for botters, because no human brain can grind this much without suffering permanent brain damage )

Work in a factory



Right now the player base is really really low because:

1: Mouth to mouth marketing is not getting any new people in

I sent all my friends and clanmates who I know played Runescape, WoW or another MMORPG information about this game. Out of about 100 people only 1 stayed to play this game to help improve it just like me. We both really don't like the game right now but we see the potential it has. With some changes I think atleast 40 of them will be playing this. And then friends of their friends will be joining and before you know it you have many many people playing this game.


2: No marketing

Don't spend a buck on marketing untill you change the game so atleast 95% will like it.


3: Too much grinding early on

Devs please, try to get fishing or forestry to 16 yourselves. Or level up from 33 to 34 by doing only the level 33 quests and then grind the rest. Right now leveling from level 10 to 16 in any skill except cooking and maybe skinning takes about 20 hours of non-stop boring, unprofitable factory work style grinding.



Current issues ( in order of majority ) + my proposed fixes:


Leveling - I don't mind doing quests to level up ( WoW, Tera and many other games you don't have to grind a single monster to level up as long as you do quests ). But if I have to grind the last 30% xp by killing the same monster over and over by clicking it and then pressing 1-2-3 something inside me snaps. Fix: Increase quest xp reward / add more quests on the harder levels / increase monster xp


Gathering - Gathering is boring but rewarding, I can grind for max 2 hours if I really need something but after that my brain asks me wtf I am actually doing.... I don't mind having to grind 10 hours at higher levels, but wtf level 15-16 shouldn't be as long as level 16 to 20? Nobody would be playing runescape if you had to grind 10 hours to get from level 29 to 30 fishing but 50 to 52 takes 1 hours which is exactly what's going on here right now.

Fix: Make xp linear so that there isn't a huge difference between leveling from 15 to 16 and 16 to 17 


Crafting - If I get skinning to level 16 and use up all leather with Leatherworking I don't want to be level 9 in Leatherworking because then I can't do a thing with the level 16 Hides. I have to buy 6600 Tattered Leather to get my Leatherworking to 16 so I can use the hides... Or ofc get 6600 Animal Skins and 13200 Hides which will get my skinning to like level 22.

Fix: Make xp linear so that there isn't a huge difference between leveling from 15 to 16 and 16 to 17 


Dungeons - Problem is that all dungeons are too repetitive, after doing them once or twice they become a grind because you know the bosses and for the rest its just pressing an enemy and press 1-2-3 on keyboard.

Fix: One fix is to randomly generate them, but that will probably be to hard to implement. Another fix would be to add more dungeons ( 1 per 2 levels instead of 1 per 5 ) but this will also take alot of time.


Quickly moving items - Can't move items from inventory to bank / vault without dragging them

Fix - Ctrl + Click items to put in bank / vault


Trees - About 500 times this happened: Me running away from mobs, kiting 4-5 of them and then running into an harvestable tree, my mouse keeps clicking the tree instead of the ground so my character stops moving and I die.

Fix: Can't click trees while in combat ( you can't harvest in combat to start with )


Camera - Not having full control really bothers me somehow... Just feels so restricted...

Fix: Full control


Emptying Sacks in Bank / Vault - Puts the items in your inventory, you empty them in your bank / vault and not in your inventory....

Fix: Empying sacks actaully empties them into where you are emptying them?

Daily quests requiring multiple stacks of items - If I need to hand in 15 items and they are in a sack of 100, it only fills the first stack slot as it reads as only 1 stack so I have to empty the sack first and then hand over the items and then I have to fill my sack again...

Fix: Items in sacks should still be read as seperate stacks instead of big stack.


Critters - No idea why these are in the game but they are pissing me off

Fix: Tab not targeting them.

Edited by Struyk, 23 December 2013 - 15:50.

#2 Neon



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 16:16

So, half the EU server has me on ignore because I'm right and they don't want to hear the truth but the devs have to know this as well ( if they don't already ).

Half the EU server has you on ignore because you're an arrogant troll who thinks he knows better than anyone else, and anyone that doesn't agree with you has a "low IQ".


I think you would have your suggestions more valued by the community if you weren't acting like a little child.


Next time you start to write in the world chat or make a post on the forums I suggest you refrain from writing stuff like this:



So, half the EU server has me on ignore because I'm right and they don't want to hear the truth but the devs have to know this as well ( if they don't already ).


Devs, don't read the comments, as all comments will be made by current active players, and all my suggestions are for players who don't like the game as it is right now and probably won't be reading this as they gave up on Eldevin like all my buddies did.



Current Player Base consists of people who:


Play 10-16 hours a day ( If you only play 2 hours a day you don't want to spend the next 10 days trying to get forestry from 10 to 16 )

Have the ability to put their brain on stand-by while grinding ( Probably very low IQ. No offence. )

Bot/Macro ( I honestly think this game is made for botters, because no human brain can grind this much without suffering permanent brain damage )

Work in a factory

Edited by Neon, 27 December 2013 - 16:09.


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#3 WowRefugee



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 16:30

Agreed Neon.  There might be a point in there, but it's buried in bad attitude and ignorance.


Not everybody enjoys games the same way, or has the same expectations.  One size does not fit all.

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#4 gomaki



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 16:32

I'm going to address a few core issues you have and the potentially we can try to discuss some other points. 


A big issue you have is the lack of population, which directly correlates to marketing, another point you brought up. They have stated numerous times that they will go on a marketing campaign once they have implemented a few more features, that are at the top of there priority list, such as a free camera, WSAD movements. 

So once they are in that will already tick off a few of your points. The reason they are not marketing right now with out these features is because people will simply not play the game with out them and it would be a waste of what is known as the "first impressions client potential" 


The Grind. Another core issue you seem to have is not enjoying the grind. I will reference an older post i've made that this game has taken a lot of influence from older MMORPGS. This grind is really nothing compared to the likes of the original Everquest, Original Runescape and dare I say some faction reputation grinding in Vanilla World of Warcraft (Timbermaw comes to mind but there where many dirty grinds back in the day) I would argue that if you are seeing the game play as a "grind" you are simply playing wrong. Again I will reference another post I made where you should pick a task you want to complete or achieve, and whilst doing it be social with people, interact with others, put on music, put on a movie or just zone out a little bit and relax, You'll have achieved whatever it is you set out to and not feel drained from "grinding" 


Linear progression. This I strongly disagree with and feel it entirely caters to the "fast food" gaming crowd of today. Why should you get your level 20 quests 1 after the other all the way to 21 where it starts over again. I can assure you that is much more mind numbing then doing some quests, then killing some mobs, maybe add a bit of gathering and a dungeon run or two and being free to do whatever you feel. Also you bring up Tera,the best one to level up in that game was to just solo kill elite monsters, seemingly the same thing you're doing here,but complaining about? 


Quickly moving items was something else they said they will adjust, and I agree it is very finicky currently, but not something that really bothers me to the point of distraction. However it will be slightly lower on the priority list as they're introducing the previous points with already addressed. 


As for your friends quitting I can't speak for that as I don't know them, however perhaps this just wasn't there cup of tea so to speak and they enjoy the more modern RPG that is readily available to download and max out with in a week. 


I will also mention that insulting people will never help you get your point across and perhaps this is where a lot of what you have said has been ignored due to people thinking you're not being serious, or just quick to start throwing insults rather then talking. I've never interacted with you but this is the impression I could certainly see someone would take after just reading this post. 


A final note. Devs certainly do read peoples comments and feedback suggestions. This I can personally vouch for as some of my direct suggestions are in the game, and i've had personal correspondence with devs about other various bits and pieces. Don't feel disheartened if you didn't get a direct reply, if the post is well thought out and presented in good manner i'm certain it would be considered. 

#5 Struyk


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 16:59

Dan, I dont mind grinding, that's not the point, the point is how/why you grind.


I Got 99 all combat on Runescape ( Could not have done it without Slayer though )

Max level chars in like every popular game ( Lineage, WoW, LoL etc etc etc )


But grinding here with every gathering skill = double click an object

Sorry, but I can't think of anything that's more boring. Give me Tetris instead


I think the main issue here is that it's almost impossible to keep a crafting skill ( maybe cooking ) equal to your level
You gather and craft for profit or usable items like gear / food / potions

My main skill is leatherworking, which is at level 11 while I am level 20 myself.
I would need about 7k Tattered Leather to get to 16, then who knows how much level 16 leather to get to 20...


And your "fast food" gaming croud:
Dev's got a choice here: Or 500 monthly active players or 500000+ monthly active players.

Edited by Struyk, 23 December 2013 - 17:10.

#6 Orlac



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 17:15

1. Camera Angle - Its no secret a lot of people have issues with how the camera operates right now. As it stands right now the game is software rendered which unfortunately limits the camera. This is currently being worked on and we will have more freedom of movement with the camera with the next major update. I believe it will be able to come down to eye level if I'm not mistaken.


2. No Marketing - I don't really see how you're in any position to tell anyone from HCS how to run their company or when to spend money on marketing. The game has only been released a month and for a small indie company like HCS it is doing quite well. I think you have some preconceived notions that every MMORPG should have 50,000+ player bases on launch.


3. Trees - If you're rapidly clicking while running away from mobs then you should try not hitting the panic button right before you die. Hold down your mouse button while you run as this will negate that pesky tree problem you seem to run in to a lot.


4. Critters - They add to achievements. If they piss you off so much then kill them or stop repeatedly bashing your tab key.


5. Quickly Moving Items - The issue with quickly moving items from inventory to bank is known and is being worked on. It will be implemented in an update some time down the road. As this is not an immensely important issue and really only a minor inconvenience it does not take precedence over major fixes and bugs.


6. Too Much Grinding Early On/Leveling - As stated earlier the game has only been out a month and more quests are on the way with additional updates. Quests do take time to write and they do take time to implement. As for the grinding of skills such as fishing and forestry finding a perfect balance isn't an exact science. If you have ever worked on a game then you would know that balancing issues especially with experience can become troublesome. Often if you change one thing then there are twenty other things that were not taken in to account that have to be changed as well.


7. Dungeons - Lv 5 Othalo Guardhouse, Lv 10 Boondocks, Lv 15 The Vault, Lv 20 Ohdar Scar, Lv 25 Secluded Valley/Garai Coliseum, Lv 35 Temple of the Three. That's seven dungeons from 5-35 not counting arenas or any other dungeons past Temple of the Three. Dungeons are constantly being monitored and tweaked which again does take time. No matter how you put it eventually all dungeons will become a grind even randomly generated ones. You also have to keep in mind there are Lv 40 dungeons and the fact that we are still only limited to Lv 40 when the proposed level cap is 50. So as it stands right now there are plenty of dungeons to do.


8. Crafting/Gathering - As stated before finding a perfect balance isn't an exact science. While not being extremely difficult, it's also not meant to be easy. You will not have your hand held when it comes to crafting and if it isn't your cup of tea then don't do it. You can play the game perfectly fine without crafting a single item.


9. EU Server - Please take note I am not from the EU server nor do I have you or anyone else for that matter on ignore.


10. Bots/Macros - It has been made quite clear that automated playing will not be tolerated and is to be reported on sight. If you are not reporting such things then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.




Now before you go on your little rant let me just clarify that while I am not going to divulge the actual number my IQ is adequate enough to be responding to this thread. So before you start your "lolwut lowz IQ stfu" talk... Spare me the pain of having to read it and come back with a somewhat sensible and intelligent argument.



That is all.






#7 gomaki



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 17:26

Ok fantastic so we've narrowed down the issues into one key issue, the vale of the grind. How to give the illusion that you arn't grinding when you really are. 


For gathering I personally have not played a game where it wasn't just right click to gather. The games you've mentioned are Runescape, this was arguably the worst culprit for right click gathering, so much so people had weird level 99 fire making parties. However keeping on the Runescape vibe I was told that once you got a gathering profession to 99 you received a cape that made your gathering faster? It at least had a unique modal which is cool, and I feel that would work very well in  a game like Eldevin. Perhaps post this as a suggestion i'm positive it wouldn't be over looked. 

World of Warcraft was no different, and LoL is of a completely different genre so I won't begin to draw comparisons there. 


As for your gathering out leveling your crafting, again i'm afraid I would disagree with what you are pre-posing, that it stays parallel to your combat level. When you have something like crafting in a game it should be a big time investment that requires dedication and focus, if you where to just raise it with your combat level willy nilly where would the sense of accomplishment and achievement be? O just another level 40 with all his professions at 40. I wouldn't see the appeal. 

You mentioned leather working. This skill is perhaps the most valiant on your combat level as it requires skinning, which means you must be the same level to kill the mobs in the first place, as opposed to mining or foraging where you could, in theory get it to max level whilst you yourself, are only level 1. So I surprised you bought it up as an issue as I would of thought this would best suit your playstyle. Level up combat, skin relevant level mobs, stock pile and level Leatherworking as you go. Is that not what you wanted and argued for? 

Also think of how good it will feel when if you do persist and level it all the way up, you'de be one of very few and would open up a whole knew aspect of the game in merchanting, giving you more play options, away from "the grind" 


So currently all i'm reading is you're complaining about something you've already done before, and are continuing to carry on doing? Or have I mis read. Are you asking, or suggestion they revolutionise how gathering and professions are done? Because if you are that isn't a bad thing but I feel you should clarify that as the reason for your post, and then perhaps give a suggestion on what they could change. 


As for your last statement I think a core user base that gathers more and more people over time is far better then a quick flash in pan, 1 month worth of playing, you're finished and looking for another game. Retention of players is just as key as gaining new players and if there is nothing for you to do you'de quickly lose interest, no matter how good the game play was. 

Also whose to say every game needs 10 million subscribers to be successful. World of Warcraft has jaded a lot of peoples view as to what is required to be successful. And you certainly won't see anything like that again. 

I do agree the population needs to grow, but it needs to grow with the game its self. You don't have 500000 people after 1 month, but if you've retained 500 you're certainly not doing bad. 

#8 Spirit



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 17:40

Who says you have to grind? It is your choice. If you don't like grinding, then have fun instead. Gather things as you see them, explore, go questing... or work on those achievements or have fun dancing!


If you chose to grind... well that's not my problem sorry.  :unsure:




Eldevin's professions is not meant to be like Runescape's skills time wise. 51 - 52 in Runescape is a poor example. What about 98 - 99 Fishing - Rocktails? 


Really it is up to you if you want to grind. You have all the time in the world to play Eldevin. There is no need for a tremendous amount of grinding, unless you want to. 

Edited by Spirit, 23 December 2013 - 17:48.

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#9 Struyk


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 17:44

I just double clicked a tree about 200 times, never had this much fun!!!!

Got forestry from level 12 to 12.5, weaponsmithing went up 0.3 levels and made about 10 silver selling the essences I made!


One of my best friends is still playing runescape, he has 16 skills level 90+ and he gave this game a go.

A day later he quit saying that he had to do too much grinding with no results LOL COULDNT STOP LAUGHING.


I give up sorry.


Don't get me wrong, the combat is nice, the quests are well written and there is alot of potential but I just can't rate this game higher than a 2/10. Trying my best to have some friends play this game but it seems impossible while I know they like this genre.


PS: Even if I had a bot, I still don't understand why you would grind. What kept me going in Runescape was the competition between my buddies and making money. Here you can pay $1 to let someone grind 5 hours for you. ( $1 = 800-900 animal hides = 5 hours )


Spirit: All I see is grinding, what can I do that's not grinding except quests and pvp?

Edited by Struyk, 23 December 2013 - 17:51.

#10 Struyk


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 17:45

Double Post

Edited by Struyk, 23 December 2013 - 17:50.

#11 Struyk


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 17:48

Triple Post

Edited by Struyk, 23 December 2013 - 17:50.

#12 gomaki



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 17:56

Then I think this just isn't the game for you. I don't share the same values or opinions as you but they are just that opinions. If you don't value crafting, or gathering or just professions in general there is nothing forcing you to do them. Worry about your combat level and getting to end game. Then perhaps when you've got that out of your system you could take another look at professions. 

That would be my only advice to you as of right now, for your current situation.

#13 Struyk


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 18:03

Maybe this game is not for me, but it's not for anyone else I know either which has to change if Hunter Cow cares about money.

Edited by Struyk, 23 December 2013 - 18:04.

#14 xpwaste



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 18:11

it is a bit too much of grinding in the game, the rest things are just fine.


just make it easier to level  up crafting skills, that's all i ask. spending one hour collecting ore and not being able to level up armoursmithing from 8-9 is a bit frustrating + the loss in money. 

Edited by xpw4ste, 23 December 2013 - 18:12.

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#15 Struyk


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 18:15

it is a bit too much of grinding in the game, the rest things are just fine.


just make it easier to level  up crafting skills, that's all i ask. spending one hour collecting ore and not being able to level up armoursmithing from 8-9 is a bit frustrating + the loss in money. 



Just wait for level 15 to 16 lol -.-

#16 xpwaste



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 18:17

Just wait for level 15 to 16 lol -.-


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#17 Alisa



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 18:53

im always zoning out when gathering so my iq must be really really low i guess but once i got to 16 gathering i gave up there im too weak to get to the new plants :(


#18 Grimwald



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 22:26

I really don't understand what the point of all this is. This game is less then a month old and you are already complaining that levelling is too slow?? At this moment there is no Auction House, so trading is a bit slow. Wait with complaining untill we have that. Then you will see that the gathering skills are still very slow, but that the crafting skills can be bought easier.


I still remember playing Runescape and grinding day after day agility to get to do the next quest. Without having an certain level for an certain skill you couldn't do the next quest.. And luckely we don't have that stupid system.


Our crafts are just extra. Giving some extra flavour to the game (well, thats how I think about it). You are fine to ignore fising or farming if you like. What I have seen in this game, I do like, altough the fact that everything is multi-combat is making combat really tough.. But I am sure to get used to it.. I already changed my travelling style a bit :)

#19 Maquiboy



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 22:39

hey good news Struyk: i dont have you on my ignore list, probably because i have no clue who you are yet...


if you dont like grinding or farming to much try to support the game... way more easy with the 25% bonus we have on everything...


I dont think its the time to buy publicity. The game is still not finished for me. when they fix all those littles bugs and fix all those things everybody dont like. then it will be the time to get big...

#20 Struyk


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 23:24

hey good news Struyk: i dont have you on my ignore list, probably because i have no clue who you are yet...


if you dont like grinding or farming to much try to support the game... way more easy with the 25% bonus we have on everything...


I dont think its the time to buy publicity. The game is still not finished for me. when they fix all those littles bugs and fix all those things everybody dont like. then it will be the time to get big...

Thats what betas are for bro and I am a supporter

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