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CD for Titans

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Poll: What do you think? (46 member(s) have cast votes)

What do you think?

  1. Voted Yes, I agree (10 votes [21.74%])

    Percentage of vote: 21.74%

  2. Voted No, I don't agree (36 votes [78.26%])

    Percentage of vote: 78.26%


#1 Adaian


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Posted 13 January 2013 - 21:44

I would like to ask HCS for feedback.

I have just gotten to a level where I wanted to stop leveling and start enjoying other aspects of the game, Titan hunting being one of them.

When I am off of work, I am able to sit at my computer and wait for a titan that is not on CD and go smack it. The problem I am running into is that the few players that do hunt titans are keeping them on rolling cool down.

I cannot sit at my computer all day or even have access to a computer all day to wait for a titan to spawn that isn't on CD, so I can spend my stam to kill it.

I have waited hours, coming back 3 mins before the hour and staying 10 mins after to see if a titan pops that isn't on CD. I have only hunted 1 titan two times because of no Cool Down, over the course of 3 weeks.

To my point, I think that there should be a personal Titan Cool Down instead of a Guild Titan Cool down. The reason for this is a select few people are securing (from what I have seen from the Scout Tower) it is taking away from people that want to get into titan hunting in a well established guild.

With the smaller guilds that only have 1 or 2 titan hunters they are already on cool down this way because they are the only ones that are doing the titan hunting, if they don't have anyone else that wants to titan hunt.

Even if a player only hits a titan 1 time they are placed on a 7 day cool down if they secure, and if they are able to buy the item with TKP those players who helped with the TKP are placed on Cool down.

This way if you weren't able to get on for that titan at that particular time you still have the opportunity to get the titan killing experience that you would have otherwise not been able to get because of the Guild Cool down.

I understand that guilds want to be able to secure titans but in a post (viewtopic.php?f=1&t=108138) there was a question asked about an un-guilded person that solo secured a titan if it would effect the guild they joined etc.

Simple truth of the matter is that yes (some) guilds supply gear and guild members supply buffs but it is a single person or even 2 people that are able to secure titans.

If you implement this you would be able to still throttle how many epics certain guilds are able to get, while allowing other members of the guild that want to hunt but do not have the time to be on exactly when the titan pops right after the Guild cool down expires, to do so.

#2 Saxon



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 21:46


Cooldown on players involved is a great improvement on the current system :)

#3 Belaric



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 21:51


You are suffering from your guild's success? Wait while I process that. Might take a cooldown.

#4 Wesleysdf



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 21:53

-1 from me too. Titan Hunt is fine the way it is, if you want to hunt more titans, get more online or join a different guild that doesnt "secure all titans all the time"

#5 Maehdros



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 21:55

Hmmm ... I see lots of different guilds securing titans these days. Which as HCS has said, is good for the game. Cooldown is working fine imo.

#6 yotwehc



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 21:56

-1 as well. The new rules implemented has really stimulated Titan hunting for the masses. It's great to see so many different guilds getting their own secures. Perhaps you should join a smaller guild and help them learn the craft. Aside from 2 guilds, I don't see that many guilds on perennial cool down

#7 MummRa



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 21:59

Hmmm ... I see lots of different guilds securing titans these days. Which as HCS has said, is good for the game. Cooldown is working fine imo.

-1 as well. The new rules implemented has really stimulated Titan hunting for the masses. It's great to see so many different guilds getting their own secures. Perhaps you should join a smaller guild and help them learn the craft. Aside from 2 guilds, I don't see that many guilds on perennial cool down

Cool Down is fine the way it is, for reasons stated above.

#8 Adaian


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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:13

Hmmm ... I see lots of different guilds securing titans these days. Which as HCS has said, is good for the game. Cooldown is working fine imo.

-1 as well. The new rules implemented has really stimulated Titan hunting for the masses. It's great to see so many different guilds getting their own secures. Perhaps you should join a smaller guild and help them learn the craft. Aside from 2 guilds, I don't see that many guilds on perennial cool down

Cool Down is fine the way it is, for reasons stated above.

This would not change the fact that other guilds are securing. If there are a select few players that keep securing for the guild then putting those heavy hitting experienced players on CD would stimulate titan hunting even more so because there would be more people able to hit titans in all guilds.

As far as Joining a smaller guild why? I am not an experienced titan hunter. I am just starting and want to be able to hit some when I have the chance to. Joining a smaller guild would end up costing more for buffs/gear and the help and experience that others have to give. Aside from actually hunting I can't do much more with the guild cool down. I don't think me getting a few hundred kills with others that are able to get thousands of kills while I am sitting at 600 kills would be able to secure again until they came off of CD.

#9 Spitfire666123



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:18

Hmmm ... I see lots of different guilds securing titans these days. Which as HCS has said, is good for the game. Cooldown is working fine imo.

-1 as well. The new rules implemented has really stimulated Titan hunting for the masses. It's great to see so many different guilds getting their own secures. Perhaps you should join a smaller guild and help them learn the craft. Aside from 2 guilds, I don't see that many guilds on perennial cool down

Cool Down is fine the way it is, for reasons stated above.

-1 from me too. Titan Hunt is fine the way it is, if you want to hunt more titans, get more online or join a different guild that doesnt "secure all titans all the time"

How about giving Guilds on CD a chance to continue Titan Hunting, but lower rewards.

Example: FFS has 3-5 people who Titan Hunt when their Guild is off CD of each Titan. After they win the drop, and go on CD, those 3-5 people cant hunt the Titan, but other Guildies can, and anything those members do get rewarded 1/2 or 1/4 of the TKP they wouldve gotten if the guild wasnt on CD, and if they kill enough to secure? Tough luck, you only get a max of 'xx' TKP, regardless.

I just feel that everyone should be able to do what they want, and not be hindered by guildies' success

#10 wil72



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:21

Nope to change in Cool Down, tis fine the way it is. Earlier monopolisation by a handful of Guilds has been reduced which can only be good for the game.



#11 watagashi



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:21

I needed to kill 1 krumper for the quest and before this had no interest in titans. I tried it long ago seemed like I wasnt on par for speed with others and just played other parts of the game. Doing this quest made me try the new map that has been debugged and running good and I liked it! I started doing the krumper and did good even getting a 2nd place all by myself and eventually made TKP to earn one with everyone else who helped on other spawnings.
Since then I have been more into all titans I can reach but noticed one thing, they dont exactly spawn often and I got spoiled with the holiday guy. I just did the Skally last night the first one ive seen since the holiday. Could we please get a little tweak to spawnings and make them a bit more often? The cooldown is a great addition and no I dont think it needs changed in fact a personel cooldown will open up the door to have guilds make teams to play off one another and once again monopolise the titans but a increase in spawns especially for the older ones would make even more players get involved :)

#12 Adaian


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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:23

-1 from me too. Titan Hunt is fine the way it is, if you want to hunt more titans, get more online or join a different guild that doesnt "secure all titans all the time"

I am on as much as I can be with my Real Life happenings. Only a select few are securing any active titan and while that is what they are able to do it makes one of the aspects of this game virtually unplayable for others in the guild. People in any guild should be hindered by what the other players are able to do.


You are suffering from your guild's success? Wait while I process that. Might take a cooldown.

Not my guild's Success but other select few Members success.
I am trying to make it fair for everyone not just the smaller guilds or the people that are always able to be on.

#13 Belaric



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:27

I don't think me getting a few hundred kills with others that are able to get thousands of kills while I am sitting at 600 kills would be able to secure again until they came off of CD.

Wrong. So wrong.

Grendeldog just nailed it (well he did before editing) - if your suggestion went through FFS and other big guilds would just develop A and B teams to titan hunt, one to gain secures, the other to dominate kills. You would get your chance to titan hunt. The same chance you would get if you were in a non Cool down guild. I am very sorry that your guild is AWESOME! Try to live like a little FS person and hunt crappy titans for your medal, if that is what you want. Your idea is an attempt to screw the little guy again.

Suck it up. Either join a guild where you can titan hunt freely or talk to your guildmates in FFS and get an opening to hunt in the big machine. Don't try to change game play based on the disadvantage you experience as a result of being a big dawg guildie.

#14 wil72



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:30

[quote name="Belaric"][quote=] "Adaian"
I don't think me getting a few hundred kills with others that are able to get thousands of kills while I am sitting at 600 kills would be able to secure again until they came off of CD.[/quote]

[quote name="Belaric"]Wrong. So wrong.

Grendeldog just nailed it - FFS and other big guilds would just develop A and B teams to titan hunt. Your idea is an attempt to screw the little guy again.

Suck it up. Either join a guild where you can titan hunt freely or talk to your guildmates in FFS and get an opening to hunt in the big machine. Don't try to change game play based on the disadvantage you experience as a result of being a big dawg guildie.[/quote]

Well said.



#15 yotwehc



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:37

So it looks like an issue with just 1 guild? We should change the rules for 1 guild? The othe guild that dominates in Titan hunting cd rules gave his thumbs up. Wow

#16 Dulcharn



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:37

I think HCS is on the right path for the Cooldown, from a democratic inter-guild standpoint. But I think 7 day Cooldown is too much. 4 days would be better, as a week is far too long to wait. With 4 days, the different guilds will still get their share of the rewards, and give the fervent hunters still a chance to hunt in the titan hunting guilds. An extra Cooldown for the previously securing hunters could go into effect though. Guilds get 4 days CD, and players get 7 days. That way everyone's happy.


#17 Spitfire666123



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:39

So it looks like an issue with just 1 guild? We should change the rules for 1 guild? The othe guild that dominates in Titan hunting cd rules gave his thumbs up. Wow

How about giving Guilds on CD a chance to continue Titan Hunting, but lower rewards.

Example: FFS has 3-5 people who Titan Hunt when their Guild is off CD of each Titan. After they win the drop, and go on CD, those 3-5 people cant hunt the Titan, but other Guildies can, and anything those members do get rewarded 1/2 or 1/4 of the TKP they wouldve gotten if the guild wasnt on CD, and if they kill enough to secure? Tough luck, you only get a max of 'xx' TKP, regardless.

I just feel that everyone should be able to do what they want, and not be hindered by guildies' success

People in FFS arent the only ones who can see the issue, and agree for something to change...

#18 Maehdros



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:41

I think HCS is on the right path for the Cooldown, from a democratic inter-guild standpoint. But I think 7 day Cooldown is too much. 4 days would be better, as a week is far too long to wait. With 4 days, the different guilds will still get their share of the rewards, and give the fervent hunters still a chance to hunt in the titan hunting guilds. An extra Cooldown for the previously securing hunters could go into effect though. Guilds get 4 days CD, and players get 7 days. That way everyone's happy.


Considering how rarely some titans spawn, I think the 7 day CD is fine. Enabling a 4 day CD on guilds would be a step backwards imo.

#19 Belaric



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:50

I think HCS is on the right path for the Cooldown, from a democratic inter-guild standpoint. But I think 7 day Cooldown is too much. 4 days would be better, as a week is far too long to wait. With 4 days, the different guilds will still get their share of the rewards, and give the fervent hunters still a chance to hunt in the titan hunting guilds. An extra Cooldown for the previously securing hunters could go into effect though. Guilds get 4 days CD, and players get 7 days. That way everyone's happy.


Considering how rarely some titans spawn, I think the 7 day CD is fine. Enabling a 4 day CD on guilds would be a step backwards imo.


And any fudging for the sake of individuals "stuck" in a superb Titan hunting guild... I am crying you the proverbial river...

#20 yotwehc



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 22:54

TTF is the other elite hunting guild and they aren't "cruing"

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