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Being bothered by another Guild or player? We can help!

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#1 fs_balk0th

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Posted 13 October 2007 - 18:20

Blue-Death Assassins will target any player or guild (lvls 1-22) and continuously attack them until they leave you alone. Our assassins of many lvls will not stop till justice is served! Contact me, "balk0th", to do business. We do not work for free but our services are legit are quality. Someone owe you something they didn't pay? Someone attacking you and your members? Harrassing you with hurtful messages or annoying you by outbidding everything you try to buy? Just ask us for help, the Blue-Death Assassins.

#2 fs_rockerion

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Posted 13 October 2007 - 20:20

Its an interesting concept.The only problem is that your guild is pretty weak.So you could only bully players that are guildless.Because 99% of active guilds would crush you like bugs if you would mess with their players.

Not to mention the fact that you could never be sure if that player really is guilty of something,or your customer is lying.

All in all,pretty risky line of work.You better focus on leveling

#3 fs_balk0th

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Posted 13 October 2007 - 23:07

Now we can't get more members if we don't have more slots we can't get more slots if we don't have more FSP we can't get more FSP if we don't have gold we can't get gold if we don't do jobs!

#4 fs_raglan

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Posted 14 October 2007 - 01:07

i have someone you can kick the crap out of - he stole from our guild store (edit) and none of our members can attack him cos they are either weaker or too many lvl's above him. we can't bounty cos he didn't attack anyone. pm me in game to conduct business and discuss prices

#5 fs_balk0th

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Posted 14 October 2007 - 22:41

this man will be attacked as soon as my appropriate lvl gets on. We will attack him for a bit and then to prove it you will recieve a message from him saying sorry.

#6 fs_sarge2155

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 19:33

Damn that is long talk for a level 23 player. I agree good concept, but you might have to grow up a bit. Come after one of my low level players and I promise it will be fireworks for you. As the last poster said concentrate on leveling first. Besides a guild worth anything would not need your services as they would want to do it themselves.

#7 fs_thrender

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Posted 17 October 2007 - 02:06

I say bravo for being creative and coming up with a guild that isn't just another run-of-the-mill...never mind the moaning from people telling you to level...they are drones...

#8 fs_balk0th

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Posted 17 October 2007 - 02:22

Yes. I have found people, no matter how powerful they are, cannot attack other characters that aren't 5 lvls near them :) Thats where us, as low lvls, come in. :) We have nearly the best equptment for our lvls, so we can basically take down anyone from 1-23. We can even go a little higher as we have many friends with great buffs. 8) And Thrender is right, I don't want an ordinary guild, I want to be unique. (go thrender!)

#9 fs_rockerion

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Posted 17 October 2007 - 13:08

I say bravo for being creative and coming up with a guild that isn't just another run-of-the-mill...never mind the moaning from people telling you to level...they are drones...

First,I didn't moan.Second,you don't know anything about me,so it is very ignorant of you to call me names.
Second,I did say that it was an interesting concept,but because his guild is very small in size,his service is pretty limited.I wonder if he would dare to attack anybody from top 100 guild.I would just love to see him and his guild mates to repeatedly attack somebody from top 100 guild.Balkoths guild would be destroyed completely in a very short time.Thats why I called it a risky line of work.Not to mention that spending stamina on PvP slows down the growth of your character and your entire guild.

#10 fs_thrender

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 03:31

This myth that attacking somebody from a Top100 guild is going to get you "destroyed" is ludicris...you say that I know nothing about you, but this is not true...I know that you will come to somebody else's thread to try to push them to play the game how you see fit...I know that you will try to perpetuate this notion that a larger or higher level guild makes you somehow untouchable...I am from a small guild and have attacked numerous members of top guilds with little to no reprecussions...In fact, I have had several top guilds declare "war" on my guild only to turn tail and run as soon as they realized that I wasn't going to stand in awe of the fact that their guild has existed longer than mine.

I would strongly disagree that his services are limited...In fact I would argue that the level of his members is his strength...why would I hire an assassin to attack somebody in my level range?? Doesn't make sense...but when a low-level recruit runs off with some equipment that wasn't worth tagging you bet your botttom that I'm going to look these guys up to take some justice out...

Fact of the matter is, you think that because you are a higher level than him you the right to criticize him in his thread....and don't give me the crap about trying to help...If you were interested in helping him you could have PM'ed him in-game instead of trying to contradict his strategy in the forum.

#11 fs_rockerion

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 05:13

This myth that attacking somebody from a Top100 guild is going to get you "destroyed" is ludicris...you say that I know nothing about you, but this is not true...I know that you will come to somebody else's thread to try to push them to play the game how you see fit...I know that you will try to perpetuate this notion that a larger or higher level guild makes you somehow untouchable...I am from a small guild and have attacked numerous members of top guilds with little to no reprecussions...In fact, I have had several top guilds declare "war" on my guild only to turn tail and run as soon as they realized that I wasn't going to stand in awe of the fact that their guild has existed longer than mine.

I would strongly disagree that his services are limited...In fact I would argue that the level of his members is his strength...why would I hire an assassin to attack somebody in my level range?? Doesn't make sense...but when a low-level recruit runs off with some equipment that wasn't worth tagging you bet your botttom that I'm going to look these guys up to take some justice out...

Fact of the matter is, you think that because you are a higher level than him you the right to criticize him in his thread....and don't give me the crap about trying to help...If you were interested in helping him you could have PM'ed him in-game instead of trying to contradict his strategy in the forum.

What you wrote is crap.I never said anything about helping.In fact,if you can read,you will see that there isn't a single word in my post that would even be close to the word "help".

When I said that his services are limited,I meant that he can cover players from lv 1-28 only.If my guild decide to be a mercenary,we could cover players from lv2-lv219 with some levels being exception.So our service would be a far larger one because we could cover thousands of players,while his guild could cover a lot less.And I have every right to come to someone else's thread and say my opinion.Just like you do.Just because you agree with him,doesn't give you any more right to post here than it does to me.My higher level does not have to do anything with my urge to post here.If you think otherwise,you are ignorant.

And I do't think that anybody in this game is untouchable.I just think that you have a bigger chance of not being harrased if you are in a bigger guild.Thats all.

And I don't know with what kind of top guilds were you in war with,but my guild for instance would deal with you very fast if you were constantly attacking my members.And,Balkoth's guild would get the same treatment.So,you see my point?

#12 fs_thrender

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 14:24

Using your logic, every guild in the game is limited to what levels they can attack...therefore nobody should ever try to come up with a creative way to market their guild...you currently have one member that has would be able to attack me....not useful to somebody out to get me at all as we have three members that would be able to "destroy" him back....

You have every right to post here...You just look less and less intelligent each time you do...I was trying to help you out there...Whole point was to keep getting his thread bumped as I think it's a great idea...you have helped greatly in this....thanks, moron

#13 fs_balk0th

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 15:58

I have been watching you guys talk for a long time, and it seems to me Thrender is one of the wisest FS players I've ever met. He seems encouraging, creative, and open to new ideas. I know I'm not very high or experienced, but I can tell a wise player when I see one, Rockerion, you are not. You are like many other high lvls, you think you know everything more about the game then other lvls lower then you. You think you can just have your guild "destroy" anyone who opposes you. You can know one thing, I'm not scared of you. I'd just bounty any guy you sent after me, and besides that, I've met alot of of high players that would be glad to help me, I even conveniently have a best friend who is about 4 lvls ahead of me, perfect to protect me from lvls who are a bit higher and think their all that just cause they can kill me. That's just my thoughts.

#14 spidey101



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Posted 18 October 2007 - 16:26

Using your logic, every guild in the game is limited to what levels they can attack...therefore nobody should ever try to come up with a creative way to market their guild...you currently have one member that has would be able to attack me....not useful to somebody out to get me at all as we have three members that would be able to "destroy" him back....

You have every right to post here...You just look less and less intelligent each time you do...I was trying to help you out there...Whole point was to keep getting his thread bumped as I think it's a great idea...you have helped greatly in this....thanks, moron

The problem with your logic is this: Top guilds have allies and war pacts, if you go to war with one then you go to war with ALL. Take TWP (the wicked players) for instance, if you start a war with them you have them, Ewoks, For Fracks Sake, Relentless, Army of the Empire, PTT of TW, People of Lordly Calibur, Knights of Renown, Initium, The white dragon, Dark Animality, and the Pagan Wolves to deal with as well. A small guild would get destroied easily by those guilds IF they decided to really go to war with you and if you think otherwise then you are the moron.

#15 spidey101



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Posted 18 October 2007 - 16:33

I have been watching you guys talk for a long time, and it seems to me Thrender is one of the wisest FS players I've ever met. He seems encouraging, creative, and open to new ideas. I know I'm not very high or experienced, but I can tell a wise player when I see one, Rockerion, you are not. You are like many other high lvls, you think you know everything more about the game then other lvls lower then you. You think you can just have your guild "destroy" anyone who opposes you. You can know one thing, I'm not scared of you. I'd just bounty any guy you sent after me, and besides that, I've met alot of of high players that would be glad to help me, I even conveniently have a best friend who is about 4 lvls ahead of me, perfect to protect me from lvls who are a bit higher and think their all that just cause they can kill me. That's just my thoughts.

As for you, I like that you are trying to do something creative HOWEVER as Rockerion said it would be somewhat limited. It would be a great service for alot of guilds I think though casue not everyone has high levels. Dont rag on people for having a difference of opinion, argue your point dont insult people. Insulting people will make you enemies where as arguing your point probably wont. Good Luck to you.

#16 fs_thrender

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 16:36

Perfect, I've been waiting for somebody to make the "my dad can beat up your dad" arguement...Explain this to me: If I'm not afraid to stand up to one guild that has 10x as many members as mine, what would ever make you think I'd be afraid to stand up to ten guilds with 100x the members...I'm not afraid of you or any allies you might have...the fact that you would have to try to get your "boys" after me just reinforces the fact that your guild can't handle me....if you could "destroy" me by yourselves why would you need to call in your "allies"....fact of the matter is that you are weak...

#17 fs_rockerion

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 16:43

Using your logic, every guild in the game is limited to what levels they can attack...therefore nobody should ever try to come up with a creative way to market their guild...you currently have one member that has would be able to attack me....not useful to somebody out to get me at all as we have three members that would be able to "destroy" him back....

You have every right to post here...You just look less and less intelligent each time you do...I was trying to help you out there...Whole point was to keep getting his thread bumped as I think it's a great idea...you have helped greatly in this....thanks, moron

I have nothing against his idea to try and make his guild a mercenary one.That is why I don't mind bumping his thread.I just think that he would be able to provide a better service if his guild would grow up and get some more members.If he and his mates continue to spend stamina on mercenary attacks,their growth will stagnate,and they will remain on the bottom of FS forever.
If you can't understand what is my point,then maybe you are the one that is not inteligent.And as for your lame point that only one player from my guild can hit you,that made me laugh.Thats what are allies for lol.And your three members would end up on bounty board and get pawned for each attack.I wonder if you would turn to Balkoth for help in hat case.

P.S.Try to referr from insulting me.If you can't make a good argument without insulting me,then I feel sorry for you.You can use words like "moron" when you adress your friends.

#18 spidey101



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Posted 18 October 2007 - 16:46

Perfect, I've been waiting for somebody to make the "my dad can beat up your dad" arguement...Explain this to me: If I'm not afraid to stand up to one guild that has 10x as many members as mine, what would ever make you think I'd be afraid to stand up to ten guilds with 100x the members...I'm not afraid of you or any allies you might have...the fact that you would have to try to get your "boys" after me just reinforces the fact that your guild can't handle me....if you could "destroy" me by yourselves why would you need to call in your "allies"....fact of the matter is that you are weak...

Its a game about allies pal, dont be mad cause you have none.

#19 fs_thrender

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 16:47

I don't see him as the bottom of FS...I see you as the bottom...you can see everybodies game experience only in the terms of levels...If you were a level 10 you would see him as somebody that has quite a bit of experience...just as somebody that's level 250 would see you as somebody with very little experience...fact of the matter is that if he doesn't feel it necessary to try to gain levels as quickly as possible (many members don't) than your posts are invalid, moron.

As for spidey101...from what I've seen from many of your posts you have a great many enemies, so get off your soapbox....what a hipocrite

#20 fs_thrender

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 16:49

I have allies, I'm just not afraid to fight my own fights...just because you go running and hide behind your mother's skirt when there's trouble don't assume other people don't have friends.

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